Good Days

Mex stared at Artic once more and still annoyed by the way she speaks. “Maybe such language might be normal for you on your planet, but this is outside of your world. Dial it back unless you want that face of yours punched.” Mex said. “Nothing ticks me off when someone takes a jab of someone’s family.” 

Mex paused for a moment, then resume speaking. “Damara is right, if you go off on your own, this might marked as a failure. We don’t have a lot of time, but let’s try to get along with the basics? I’m sure everyone wants to pass this test without worries." Mex rubbed his head for a bit. "Any who, you do not have to worry about me referring you as King or whatever." Mex's stomach growled. "Is the food ready? I'm starving..."
Ross sends "Lightwave wants fish and surprise him."
Fi starts to make some fish as well as starting to finish up the meats.
Ross says nice and firmly "I was not going treat you any differently form the start Lightwave." Ross says "I have a little bit of fame but I your stander atypical Gorn." Ross moves his tail as a way to more show it off.
Wrath places the Mix's order in front of Mix and heads back to Fi.
"I guess. But when you use it, it sounds kinda lame..." Damara muttered. "We can worry about street slang later. How are we gonna do this? I don't have a clue what any of us can really do out there..." she asked.
"Me neither." Neatnik said to Damara. "I think when we get there we should scout around on the first day then we can decide on what to do."
"I apologize if I come out far too harsh... I might need practice in being 'cool.'" Artic sighed before listening intently to the others. She tried being a little more quiet this time, trying to learn from what the others have said to her.

"Perhaps we should check our supplies and make sure we are ready for combat? I do not think it would be wise to go unprepared. Gathering information of our destination might be a productive idea." Artic shrugged and turned to her gauntlet, pushing a few buttons before looking back at the group. "I have registered your names on my Gauntlet. I might as well keep my friends close at hand, yes?"
Mex nodded his head as Ross provided him the dish. “Thanks!” Mex observed the food. The delicacy of the dish caught his eye. The gleam of the meat was noticeable. Each time he pressed it, steam would come out. Mex began to drool of how delicious it looked. “Man, I can eat 20 of these as a snack!”

“Maybe we can ask the A.I? The chief guy did mention using it if we have any questions for things like this.” Mex suggested as stuffed his face with the food. "We should also know each other abilities and whatnot."
"This ship's got enough for a cook to make anything, so there's gotta be plenty of stuff we could nab right off the ship. Like those kits doctors use and stuff." Damara spoke as she walked around to look about the ship. "I agree with Mex. It'd make the first couple hours on field easier if we get that kind of thing out of the way." She hoped she got his name right-- it was too short for even her to get wrong.

"I would rather not talk about my written test score... they definitely didn't let me through cause I was smart. Uh... lessee. I use my chi for hands-on kinds of attacks that stop you in your tracks. I'm pretty speedy too." Damara explained. "I look scrawny, but I can pack a quick punch."
Fi finished the fish that Lightwave ordered. Wrath takes the fish and deliverers the order to Lightwave.
Ross says "your welcome Mex." Ross says ."

Ross says as a matter of fact "I am a drone warfare master."
Ross thinks "Are there any rebellions that could prove helpful in our task? The what are the defenses of were our mark(s)? As well as what do our mark(s) look like and name(s)? would be good places to start but I will ask after we get to know each other a bit more."
"The universal language refer to our ancestors as ants. We aren't too different from them." Neatnik spoke. "We Kienians can climb walls. Guards like me are venomous. We can paralyze others with our bites. We can make acid that eat through weak materials or cause irritation on the skin. We can also lift things much heavier than our weight."
Lightwave started to eat his fish, talking after swallowing.

"I use a sword with my ki to strengthen it, and use ki in my shield to counter the force of blows. Well, that and i can heal anyone who gets hurt and-" he teleported across the room casually, "this. Computer, bring up information on the government we are going to topple."
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