Good Days

Ross says "we could show the kindness Good Days is known for." Giving a smile.
[Sorry for the late response! I was very sick for the past couple of days.]

“Good Days is a well-known organization, I'm sure they will recognize our clothes." Mex said in response to Damara. "Though would arriving on the planet attract suspicion?"  

"Rest assure." Th A.I interjected. "Before arrival, I will disguise the ship with cloaking to enter the planet undetected." undetected." 

"Ah... I see. Thanks for the information! How long until our arrival?” Mex asked.

“The location is about three hours away.” The A.I answered.

“Three hours huh?” Mex turned to the rest of the group. “Hmm, I suppose we can talk about where we come from a little bit. Why did you guys join the Good Days organization?”
"Ehh, it's complicated on my end..." Damara said. "I didn't exactly apply because I wanted to. Back home, they wanted me to straighten out or whatever, so they made me take all those tests. All 'cause I like not having a boring life! Oh well. Better than being bored out of my mind with some kind of lame rehab program. May as well put my "deviant behavior" to good use."
"I joined to...gain money." Artic said almost softly. She almost seemed a little hesitant. "I use the money for deeds that result in keeping those close to me protected. I am rather ashamed to say that they are in this mess because of me..."

Artic frowned slightly but shook her head, trying her best to not show emotion. 

"But my reason remains the same. I request money to support my personal needs."
Ross says "Former mercenary that got on the wrong side of the Good Days. They gave me a simple choice Join up or Jail." Ross thinks "Good Days is lucky I a pro. or I would told the full truth."

Ross says "I think I rather get money and eat like a king than be in Jail. I think both Mex and Lightwave can confirm that Fi is a good cook." 
Wrath brings in some snacks for every one to eat as they wish. Ross starts eating some the snacks.
Neatnik didn't think Artic's reason was bad. If she needed the money to help her family (if that was what she meant) then that was fine. But it does seem unfitting for a Good Days's member.

 "We are all protecting your closed ones, in a sense." He said, sitting down. "I joined in honor of my friend who died for his own belief..Maybe to protect the Queen too. I cannot return to the hive but I can still protect it from the outside. It is our duty as royal guards."
Mex took some of the snacks and began to stuff his face. “I joined to fight strong guys.” Mex chewed loudly. “Well, and to make sure no one gets their planet(s) destroyed.” Mex paused for a moment after speaking the last sentence. He focused his attention to the others. “Looks like all of us have different reasons being here. Funny how a group so different end up in a team. Wonder how that’s going to factor into this teamwork stuff?”

Mex continued shoving food in his mouth as if he never ate a day in his life, despite eating a few moments ago. “Though, that’s rather interesting that you.” He points at Artic. “Have something to actually care for, haha.”
"Do not test my reason to join. I'm only in it for the money because of what it can buy for me." Artic scoffed, obviously wanting to keep something a secret. "I could care less about the well being of my people."

Artic turned away from the group and sat down on a chair, watching the stars from her spot. She remained quiet for the most part and seemed indifferent to the others' reason for joining.

"I suppose this...friendship you all speak of will earn bigger rewards."
Ross says between bites "The only way to find out is on the field Mex." Ross says friendly "to make it known you all are free to have some the snacks." Ross goes back to snacking.
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