Good Days

"I mostly rely on my gauntlets to aid me in battle. I am fairly well trained in hand-to-hand combat and can fancy wielding a proper weapon." Artic said. "I never wanted to be the assassin I am now but I am afraid I was not worthy of being anything else."

Artic sat down on a nearby chair and fluffed the fur on her tail. Her light blue markings glowed slightly at how happy she way petting her tail.
Neatnik caught Mex’s attention on his ability to climb walls and stunt foes with paralysis. “That can definitely be useful in battle when dealing with an enemy, Neatnik! Stop enemies in their tracks.” Mex thought for a moment about Artic and Ross’ abilities. “Seems to be more technological-dependent to amplified Chi for powerful attacks? Those drones can be useful for stakeouts... and those gauntlets…” Mex whispered to himself.

Mex finished his meal and began to speak. “I’m a hand-to-hand specialist. Most of my attacks are based around close-combats style. So I get close and personal with anyone. Do not worry, I have Chi-based attacks that can be shot from long distances if needed.” Mex said. “My race, Ningens, are built to fight all the time. So my people have the tendency to get heated in battle!” He paused for a moment after thinking about the state of his planet. He turned to Damara, hearing her skills. Without warning, he pat Damara on the back. “Though, it is quite surprising that your race is even capable of fighting! I thought they often sought for peaceful measures!” 

Lightwave teleporting across the room to the computer caught the most attention from Mex. “Whoa! Teleportation! I never seen that in person before!” Mex praised.

The orb of the A.I shine for a brief moment, revealing a holographic text, including pictures of the Planet. “Granted”. The A.I spoke to Lightwave. “The Government of Planet Linda, established recently, enslaved the population to mine the materials under the crust of the planet. No details of the purpose are available at the time.” A.I explained. “It seems that the government is in operation of a group of people, around hundred persons, including the leader.”
Lightwave turned to Neatnik.

"Those abilities sound extradorinarly useful now that I think about it. Escpially if any giant robots show up." He turned back to the computer and slammed his fists together. "ALright! Only one hundred strong and recently established means they cannot be possibly good for this planet. Means we don't have to be selective in our targeting process."
Damara wobbled from the sudden pat on the back. She could tell the difference between her and Mex's build was clear as night and day. 

"W-well," she cleared her throat. "They hardly ever interact with any outside species. I'm the only one alive using chi to fight people, thanks to going outside of our turf. So I'm not built to be out there on the front. Maybe behind?" She laughed nervously. 

"A hundred? Sounds like just one big turf war. We can take 'em. Never fought a robot before though... hopefully they're fleshy and have weak armor."
Ross asks "any rebellions that we need to be aware of? Were are these 100 held up?"
Artic listened intently to what everyone had to say and she remained quiet for the most part. She didn't wish to step on any toes and she wanted to gather and learn information about the others. The mission made her a little nervous but she thought about the bigger picture and that was her children. She let out a small sigh and seemed a little drifted in her thoughts.
Neatnik also decided to stay quiet and let the others do the asking. Since they already asked what he needes to know. "One hundred?" He commented. "Either that planet is too small or these fellas are tough..."
“No known rebellion have occurred as of late.” The A.I stated. “Yet, there are several groups of inhabitants that are camp in this one location, outside of the Government’s jurisdiction. But, because of that, they were in need of resources. If possible, it is recommended to check out that area. The Government seems to be located at the Mine Field.” The A.I made another holographic screen of the map which shown the location of the campsite. 

“Ha! Can’t wait to see you in action then!” Mex praised. “Hundred guys, huh? Sounds like they might be tough fellas as Neatnik suggested.” Who is the leader of the government? Is he strong?”

“The Leader is name Nep. But, there is no analysis of its strength is available. The hundreds seems to be be bodyguards Nep hired. That is all the information I can provide.” The A.I answered.

“Nep…” Mex chuckled. “Well, if he need to hired body guards, I guess he isn’t all that strong…” Mex had a disappointed face. He seems eager to fight strong opponents. “Might be a good idea to check out with the people to get more details.”
"Hopefully they won't attack us thinking we're part of the government. Maybe they'll know about the more dangerous mining areas too. I'm not setting foot on a mine field full of explosive." Damara chimed in.
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