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  • I think we need to find a way me to get a new (or an old one) charterer in.
    Nah, no worries. I understood you perfectly lol

    Bet. I'll give you a heads up when your character will show up when the tournament starts. This will be a good indication of showing your characters' abilities. What's their name?
    meta knight
    Their name is Victor.

    thanks in advance.
    FYI, I made some slight changes of how the tournament is going to go. I'll update around tomorrow evening after I get off from work. That way, everyone is aware of the order of matches. 😎
    Hello there Shine. I'm doing fine these days. Hows everything on your part?
    Good to hear! Anything excited happen as of late?

    I'm doing just fine! I'm still trying to get use to working (I'm disabled and have social anxiety), but hey, at least it helps me pay the bills the little eaiser, haha. And gives me enough funds to upgrade the website. :cool:
    Been working and catching up on drawings I didn't finish.
    Plus the new upgrade is gives the site a different flare. That's totally cool.
    Definitely has been! I'll pop in periodically. Life has been hectic to say the least lol Hope you're doing well!
    Man, ain't that truth.

    I'm doing just fine! Ran into some extra cash, so I ended up upgrading the heck out of this place, haha. Gives me good practice on the sense of web-design and the sort! Xenforo is pretty amazing software.

    How are you these days? Anything significant happened?
    Hi Shine,

    It's a little early to give a judgment but so far things are looking good.
    • Like
    Reactions: ShineCero
    Thanks, man!

    Can you see the forum (or in this case, nodes) on the home page? There were several users reporting that they couldn't see it.
    meta knight
    You're welcome.

    I can see the forms now.
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