Good Days

"Ain't nothin' wrong with earning money to keep people you want safe. Guess it's weird for your species to do that." Damara remarked before yawning loudly. "It's whatever though. As long as nobody tries to do anything against me, I'll be just fine working with ya. Too bad we're stuck wearing the same dorky suits. This ain't my style at all!" Damara tugged at the suit with a grimace. "The color clashes with my everything."
Lightwave nodded at Damara.

"Unfortunately if I become King of the Solarians I'll be pressed into an equally strange uniform, instead of the crystal armor of my previous occupation as a wandering Solarian Knight."
“It was supposed to be a compliment…”  Mex clarified. Damara’s comment on the uniforms made him chuckled a bit. The uniforms were blue with small white patterns on the front and back. Two letters, G and D, were placed together on the right side on the front of the uniform. Obviously, they stand for Good Days. “I thought the uniforms looked cool in my opinion…” Mex is easily impressed. “I wonder if the uniform have any special qualities on them?”

“The uniforms are built with highly specialized materials.” The A.I answered. “They are designed to help you in various ways in a mission. It would be wise to take special care of the them.”
"I see..." Artic looked at her uniform. "I hope that these uniforms will make very good use in combat. Maybe worth a lot once the mission is over..."
Ross says "As long as it dos what the instructions clamed what it can do I think I can live with it." Ross did read the instructions and might shown that he may not only pass the written but aced it.

Ross says "Trust me Artic selling off our uniforms should not be needed."
Neatnik looked down at the uniform they had designed to fit him. It was a challenge for the people in the organization to come up with something that can go with his body structure. "We usually don't put anything on, save for armors on battles. But the flexibility of this uniform is nice."
“The uniforms should be useful in combat!” Mex responded to Artic. “Besides. The whole “selling them” is pretty pointless. It’s like what Damara said, who in the universe would buy an item from the organization? They have to be crazy to take such a risk.” 

Holographic screens appeared throughout the ship. Each of the screen shows a scenery of what it’s like outside of the ship, if looking out of the window wasn’t enough. Countless stars, planets and other celestial bodies float in the depths of space. 

The A.I began to speak once again as the screens appeared. “We are moments away from our destination. Please take a seat as I start the preparations to land.” 

Planet Linda is orbiting two stars—a neutron star and a main sequence star. This cause some concerns for Mex.

“Whoa, are we in a binary solar system?” Mex asked as he took a seat. “I hope it won’t be too hot or too cold…” 

“Quite. This is the Red Binary Solar System. This is about 4 light hours from the White Solar System of where The Good Days Headquarters is located.” The A.I responded. “This planet have distance away from the star, so the temperature might fall on the cooler side.  Regardless, the uniform is designed to adjust to any planet’s conditions.”
Neatnik didn't comment, though he was a bit concerned about the temperature. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard for him to handle. He might become immorbilized in extreme cold.
"I am quite used to the cold. It is a natural climate of my planet to hold temperatures below -237 degrees." Artic said while sitting down as the AI told them to. "However... heat may not be a strong point for me. I detest the heat greatly."
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