The Snowy Mountains

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Vox says "We can find out simply asking the orb. After all it did speak as we faced it and i should be able to control it so it dos not try any thing cute." Vox finishes up his meal.

Vox thinks "and now i know not to be as nice as i am normally to magical idioms." Vox says "If we try that be prepared to face it just in case it needs another beat down."
"That's enough from you, now!" Asuza hissed a retort, red in the face at Nicori's boisterous claim. "I have no interest in any children, and that won't change just because One-Eye is-" She shut her mouth before she let something potentially embarrassing slip. "Just don't say such ridiculous things.."

"At any rate, none of us are equipped to handle it a second time if it chooses to engage us right now. For now we should keep an eye on it and just follow One-Eye. We have to go back to Empire State, right? Surely we can find out about Lemons from those hero people Nicori talked about in Hero City City. That way we can narrow our search down and spend less time wandering about." She suggests.
"Yeah, Hero City City has a ton of super heroes! I wanna grow up to be some awesome super hero that way I won't have to see Lix try to kill Mama all those times." Nicori cheered. "I wanna be as strong as Mama but using my own special powers...whatever they may be! She thinks I'm a bit trouble maker but I'm just trying to figure out my powers. I want my hero name to be something super cool! Sharp Mouth sounds cool!"

Nicori giggled to himself before snuggling himself closer to Asuza, despite her little backlash earlier. He seemed to already have a fond liking with her.

"I promise that when I'm super strong, I'll keep 'Suza safe."
"Following One-Eye seems to be the best course of action." Iceik said. "Last thing we want is for that thing to go haywire on us." 

"Hmm, okay. Well, we're travel some more to recovered our strength. Hopefully, we don't run into any issues going to Empire State." Bob said. "Where does this range ends?"

"The closet city is Futuropolis." Liza said. "I heard that it really, really advanced... I wouldn't be surprised if that orb that attacked us was created there." 

One-Eye stood up. It looks like he was ready to get a move on.

"Looks like One-Eye wants to move." Iceik said. "Good, we can leave already. Last thing we need is to encounter them... I can't face them like this..."
"Let's get going then!" Nicori whined. "I hate being stuck in the dumb cold mountains... They chill my horns!"

Nicori rubbed a horn against Asuza's body in his attempt to warm it up.
"Them? What do you mean by 'them'?" Asuza looked at Iceik and narrowed her eyes in an interrogative fashion as she stood up to leave the cave. She allowed Nicori to warm himself up out of pity for the child, but she kept her glare set on Iceik.
Vox says "At the end of the day it is up to the group to chose what we do with it and wend." Seeming to be in no rush to do what he suggested.
Vox says "So i should have my hands pack camp then."
"Erm, it's nothing! Nothing that concerns that much to you folks  anyways!" Iceik sweated a bit, slurring his words. "Shit, did I accidentally let that slip..."

"Well, now that you said it, you might as well explained what you mean." Liza said. 

Bob looked around. "Looks like it's our best interests to leave." Bob said, as he picked up stuff so Vox can have less work.

One-Eye was already outside, waiting for the others.


Lyrik, Byll, Lightning Rider, Robotto and Giga Impact arrived in Snowy Mountains

"Fuck, it's cold." Lightning Rider said.

"Well, you should've brought a jacket. We WERE going to Snowy mountains. What the hell did you expect? To be sunny?"

"Shit, I thought that was just a fancy name!" Lightning Rider said. 

"Can you two shut it? We have to focus..." Giga Impact said.
The hands finish packing up camp thanks to bob's help.  Vox says "thanks for the help Bob." The hands finish making it look like no one even set up camp in the first place. Vox thinks "That should help us to evade who ever were evading."
"Yes. Let's get moving before nightfall. I'd hate to be here at night." Asuza said, taking Nicori out the cave entrance with her. "At least we managed to eat a bit before we went back on the road."
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