The Snowy Mountains

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Asuza hesitated as she was more tired than hungry, but after what just happened, there was no way she would replenish any energy she lost from the fight just by sleeping alone. "Fine... you too, Nicori. I helped make some leftovers you should be able to eat." She took a small amount so that there would be a proper amount left.

"I see. Looks like you'll get plenty of chances to practice your magic. I have a couple magnets for trouble with me." For a minute, she wondered where that weird robot man One-Eye and Iceik had fought for Nicori came from. Those things certainly weren't common in Paradice. Nicori mentioned his mother being the leader of that Sisterhood... was that thing trying to kidnap him for ransom? That's the only thing that would make sense... Asuza's grip on her container of food tensed at the thought. I guess I can't afford to let my guard down anywhere else we go. One-Eye has some bad blood with those creeps and Nicori might get snatched again if I don't keep an eye on him.
"I love your food 'Suza, it's super delicious." Nicori bragged. He kept himself close to Asuza and smiled when she finally showed him the leftovers. "You cook so much better than Lix... He tends to leave the food raw sometimes. I bet you can totally teach everyone how to cook, 'Suza!"

Nicori looked over to One-Eye and wondered why he couldn't talk.

"Hey Mr. One-Eye..." Nicori scratched his head shyly. "Why don'cha say anything? You're super strong and powerful. Why can't ya' speak?"
"Remember when that Robot thing we encounter, scanned us?" Bob said. "It mention something about our whereabouts, but could not determined One-Eye's whereabouts." Bob continued shoving his face with food that Vox made.

"So, it's possible that One-Eye is not from this world?" Bob suggested. "Or those guys that One-Eye had beef with, the Lemons, had something do with it..." 

One-Eye did not want to eat at the moment. He seems more focused on how long they are planning to rest.
"Maybe Mr. One-Eye is from an undiscovered island!" Nicori said while looking over at One-Eye. He kept his place by Asuza and took a hold of the leftovers she brought. He began to eat and think of ways of explain One-Eye's situation.

"Or maybe One-Eye is secretly an alien from outer space! Maybe he doesn't talk because he doesn't understand English. He could be one of those super powerful aliens from the planet Krypton! I bet he can fly and shoot lazers and create food by snapping his fingers! That's totally it! Oh! Oh! Maybe One-Eye is a super Hero from Hero Hero City!"
"I'm fairly certain One-Eye understands human language," Asuza said, sweating a little. "That orb thing definitely looked man-made. Maybe whoever made it only gave it what they knew and it just doesn't know about every location on Booga? For all I know, One-Eye could be from one of those remote places nobody knows about. That marking on his tongue isn't anything I've seen before."

She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "It's not like he could tell us anything besides a yes or a no. At least, not for the time being. Have you always traveled by yourself, One-Eye? Maybe if we find someone you know, we could get them to help you out with those Lemon people too?"
Vox thinks "So they are starting to get on the same page as i am wend it comes to Nicori." Vox says "Wend we make it to a city we need to look in to getting One-eye a pen and some paper. I assume he can write in common so we can read his responses."
"What Vox said. I'm sure he'd able to speak the language, considering that he understands what we say, anyways." Iceik said. "Though, I highly doubt he's an alien... maybe somewhere in Booga though. That robot is sure is funky." 

One-Eye shook his head in a form of a no to the first part of the question. On the second question, One-Eye rubbed his chin and nodded yes. 

"Is he saying that there's someone he knows in where we are going?" Iceik said.

"Maybe there's someone who can explained that weird tattoo on his tounge as well." Liza thought.

"Well." Bob munched down some more food down. "It's something to looked into."
"That dumb robot thingy was stupid!" Nicori grumbled. "It made blizzards and I don't like the cold... I think the robot came from space! ...It was stupid."

Nicori ate his food like a grumpy child. He listened to the others talk and decided he should stay out of the grown-up talk. He made sure to eat every last piece of food Asuza left for him.

"Maybe Mr. One-Eye should be with 'Suza!" Nicori said proudly. "Mr. One-Eye and 'Suza would totally be super cool as a mom and dad. They would have super angry kids."
The hands of shadow start to make shore the camp is secure. Vox thinks "I wonder how they will deal with watch?"
"Hey! Don't joke around!" Iceik said. "Besides, we don't want that guy to get angry! Or Asuza either! So keep your piper, shut!"  Iceik whispered. 

"Hmm, I don't think it came from space." Bob thought. "It seems to be made from the same properties that comes you see in Empire State." 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Liza asked.

"Well, anytime I see machine lifeforms, all the same materials in their structure."  Bob rubbed his chin. He turns to Vox. "What do you think, Vox?"
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