The Snowy Mountains

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Nicori seemed to be confused at to why Asuza was trying to cover herself but once the fire was made he instantly made a wide smile, showing how big his mouth truly is. He kept himself close to the fire, warming up his little antennas and tossing in a leaf or two to continue the burning. Once he was nice and warm, he scooted over to Asuza and actually behaved himself for once. It seemed that the cold just made him whine a lot. 

"'Suza cooks really good. Even Iceik was licking his plate when he finished his food. Even Mr. One-Eye wasn't as grumpy."
"Finally, some warmth.." Liza said. "Though, I do have a question, for you all." 

Iceik's stomach began to make noises. "Hey Vox, hurry up with the good!"

Bob sat down as well, organizing his bag to make sure things are in order. "Alright, that should do it.." Bob said. "Maybe we won't buy a buyer, but that will never stop a salesman from trying!"
Vox the hands start cooking and a hand hands some beef jerky to Iceik to help hold Iceik over. Vox says nicely to Iceik "This should hold you over till the food finished getting heated up."

Vox says nicely to Liza "Speak your mind Liza."

Vox says to Bob "That was not a challenge to your ability Bob, more i rather not risk selling to just some random person."
"Go on ahead. We are sitting in a cave after all." Asuza said as she sat down on the ground with her arms casually resting on her legs as she sat indian style. She pat the monster child on the head absentmindedly.
Nicori sat next to Asuza to keep himself warm. He smiled at her when she petted his head and seemed to really like it. His tiny antennae twitched at Asuza's touch but he pressed himself against her body.

"I can't wait to tell Mama about you, 'Suza."
"Thanks..." Iceik began to eat the beef jerky. 

"No worries!" Bob said. "I'm sure it won't be that bad." 

"Well, why are you guys traveling? I mean, before we all tag along to see Hero City and find whatever this guy is looking for." Liza asked.
"Your mother, huh... it's not every day I hear that someone's mother lets them run around on their own so often." Asuza laughed softly under her breath. "It must be nice to grow up with a mother like that. Sounds nothing like mine." She muttered. She didn't seem to care if anyone heard whether she spoke ill of her mother or not. But her tone softened.

Once Liza asked her question, the witch shifted her attention towards her. "I wasn't going for a road trip, that's for sure. To spare you the details, I planned originally to get back to where I live in the Paradice region from way down in the Empire state. Next thing I know, I end up with these guys one after another. A lot has happened in the last couple of days for me," Asuza explained. "But now that I have this munchkin to take care of and a favor to return with One-Eye, it's not like I'm in a rush to get back anymore. The only one who'd be worried about my whereabouts has the letter I wrote to go off of."
Vox says "your welcome Iceik."

Vox says as a matter of fact "If it was an orb of storms without a will i would be indifferent but it's the will thing that worry me."

The hands finish setting up camp for the night.
"Interesting.." Liza turned to Bob and Vox. "What about you two?"

"Well, I'm a salesman. So I traveled across the region to sell plenty of goods and valuable items to anyone who's interested in trading." Bob explained. "Nothing much to it! Haha."
Vox says as the hands start handing out the meal "Because i can." Vox asks "what about you Liza?"
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