The Snowy Mountains

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Asuza blushed and simply rubbed the back of her neck nervously in response to the one-eyed man's gesture of appreciation. "R-right. I can make the fire so that we can dry off quickly enough. Especially Nicori and One-Eye. Neither of you can afford to catch a cold out here." At any rate, she was happy to be able to pay back the favor to him because he saved her hide more than once. Asuza wondered how heavy that sword was for him to wield it with just one hand. It looked like a giant slab of iron, but he picks it up with as much ease as holding a parasol.

"You can have that thing, I definitely don't want it in my sight. I'd sooner torch it."
"Of course!" Bob responded to Vox. "You better behave or we have to smash you to pieces!" The orb didn't resist and entered the bag. 

Iceik nodded and led the group to a cave. "We can used this until we get on our good foot. That battle pretty much worn everyone out.." Iceik stated.

"To think that we been reduced to sleeping in caves..." Liza doesn't seem thrilled about the idea. "Well, can't be beggars..."
Vox says as he follows Iceik "I can trust you can make a fire for we can cook things and keep warm as we rest Asuza."
After being petted by Mr. One-Eye, Nicori smiled and kept at Asuza's side, as usual. He loved her warm body and tried her best to keep himself and his antennae warm. He didn't want to catch a cold like Asuza said so he tried his best to keep away from the snow and any wind.

"Can we just get out of the snow already..?" Nicori whined. "I don't like the cold..."
"You can count on me. I'll use the last of my energy for the day to do it." Asuza replied, staring into the depths of the cave and stepped forward cautiously into it. She held her hand out as it glowed the familiar color of a flame to light up most of the cavern for navigation. "We shouldn't have trouble finding a dryer area to set up the camp fire."
Liza sat down as the group entered the cave. "Man, what a way to start the day fighting off some weird monsters." 

One-Eye sat down in the corner. He appears to be thinking something.

"At least we got some new item!" Bob said. "With Asuza here, camp fire should be a blaze." 

"Yeah..." Iceik started to sweat for some reason. He went out of the cave, look back and forth, then returned to the group. "Alright, they're not around. Guess this isn't the time yet."
"You better make a huge fire 'Suza, I'm freezing my horns off." Nicori complained. "Besides, we can cuddle up with Mr. One-Eye and Iceik. They look to be super warm anyways."

Nicori kept himself pinned to Asuza and even tried to lift her dress to hide better from the snow. He saw nothing from with it, even in front of the others.
"No way, brat. I don't cuddle." Iceik said as he sat down. He took a deep breathe before turning to everyone. "I'm starved. Got any meat?"
"H-hey!" Asuza pulled down her petticoats that were under the skirt of her dress to keep Nicori from full out exposing her to everyone watching. "Just hang on for a minute and I'll start!" She said with red cheeks from the surprise. 

Before anything else, she knelt down to the cave floor and started to scrape up any kind of flammable thing she found into a pile-- leaves, twigs that flew in from the blizzard, and any rocks she found to help maintain it through the next several hours. Not too long, and she managed to start a decent sized fire limited in size by the circle of rocks she arranged. "There. That should keep it going for the night. We packed leftover food we made last night after most of you went to sleep."
Vox says as hands of shadow start doing other tasks to set up a camp "We did but i don't think it's some thing we can sell off, even if we wanted to."
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