The Snowy Mountains

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

The Snowy Mountains is located in-between Empire State and Paradice Region—it is considered the official borders between the two continents No matter the time of year or weather, the snow constantly falls—even in the event where the snow melted, it will always reformed instantly. Thus, travelers between these lands are warned to become aware of their surroundings when traveling through this dangerous the area. It was rumored that a mysterious creature deep within the mountains is the source of the ever-lasting snow.

There are tons of signs placed all over Snowy Mountains—most written by former travelers—about the dangerous this area contains. All of them can be summarized with one sentence.

“Please travel in groups. There are powerful monsters—nothing like Demons or Deimos. Please, find someone with flight or teleportation instead!”
A shining bright object in the sky beams across the clouds and slammed onto several mountains due to an attack that Vent dished out back in Port Graham. The core, left from Machine, was blinking intensively as it tried to recovered from the damage it took. [Damages .. substantial.. must recovered] the core thought. It sends out a huge wave of "energy" across the mountain range, to examine the area it had entered. [Nothing important aside from life hiding in the shadows.. there is one.. but it's too dangerous to encounter at the moment with the state I'm in. Must hide] the core continued. [I'll use the snow as a way to recovered my damage state for the time being..] The core's light began to dim away, eventually became a cold state. However, information was still processing within the core on itself.

Further away, due to the damage caused by the core, a figure's hand dig out of the rocks and snow. In an instant, it flew up into the sky with the snow following the direction it could upwards. Then, the figure stopped and observed the area around itself, to understand where he was at. "This.. place.." the figure said, grabbing onto it's head. "It seems.. that I'd somehow survived.. where is this place..?"

"Ah! You're finally awake!" a voice was heard.

The figure turns his head back and forth. "Who. who is that?"

"Ah, don't bother looking around. I'm speaking directly to you telepathically."  The voice said. 

"Huh..?" The figure was confused. "Get out of my head..!" The figure grabbed onto it's head. "You think mind games will work!? I'll de-"

"Calm down. I'm not interested of controlling you. If I was, I would have done so with a snap of my fingers. Heck, I wouldn't need the opportunity to wait for you to escape your ice prison. I'm here to give you an offer."

"An.. Offer?"  The figure responded. 

"Yes. Straight across form here you're levitating, there's a little diner called Port Graham. My request for you is to cause as much destruction as you can and-destroy the Heroes that are currently there at the moment. If you can do that, I'll grant you the knowledge of what happen to your state and-lead to those that defeated you- Son Goku or was it.. Kakaorot?" 

"K-kakaorot!?" The figure's eyes narrowed. 

"Yes. Let's just say, I have a way to get you to him. What happens from there is none of my concern." The voice said. "Do we have a deal, no?"

The figure nodded. "Deal.." 

"Fantastic..! Now, head straight towards the Port Graham.. once you accomplished that... I shall grant you access to that Saiyan you utterly despise..!"

The figure nodded. He turns to the direction he had to go and flew straight there.

"Now with him dealing with the Heroes and possibly others.. all I need is to get the Magic Societies ..!" The voice burst out chuckling. 
Atama, Solaris, Memora, Lily, and Columbus were all in the mountains. While Atama and Solaris were in the air, firing off energy blasts at each other and clashing swords, Lily and Columbus sat on boxes with burning beverages in thick clothing sipping, and Memora danced around in the snow.

"Why are we out here?" Columbus asked.

"So those two knuckle heads can train." Lily answered.
From afar of the group fighting within the mountains, there was a man, with wore out coat, traveling through the snow. Despite the furious cold weather, he doesn't seem slight of faze. From there, he seems to be heading towards the group around the fire, unconcern of the chaotic fighting within the air.
The man grew closer. He noticed the fire that the group was surrounding in. He stood still for the moment, didn't seem to speak up-or anything. Just waiting for someone to take noticed. The facial expression he had was nothing sort of a man who isn't impressed with anything, really.
The man didn't responded or it seems that he couldn't. He pointed his finger towards something, as if he was signal if they had any form of food for him to consumed.
Columbus grabbed some sort of bag of food and handed it to Lily, who tied it to a crossbow bolt and shot it over to his side, a few feet away from him.
The man grabbed the bag, digging into it to grab any food he got his hands on, and place it within his mouth. As he began to chew, he let out a breath, seeming to be refreshed after eating. After that, he'd seen the two clashing into the air, and in a split second, he'd leap towards them.
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