The Snowy Mountains

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"S-Sheesh... if I had known the mountains w-were this cold, I would've got a bigger jacket.." Lyrik shivered. "Y-You sure this kid is stuck somewhere here?"

"Positive." Byll replied. "Our leader would never be wrong. Now listen here Lyrik... We gotta bring that kid safely to the Boss, okay?"


Nicori went outside with Asuza and kept close to stay warm. He looked up at Asuza and smiled.

"Hey 'Suza, do you think I can become some super awesome hero? I promise I'll protect you from any bad guys." Nicori laughed, punching the air. "Soon I'll be even stronger than Mama without even having to use magic!"
"It's nothing alright! Like Asuza said, let's keep moving!" Iceik went on ahead. 

"When you act like that, now I'm even more curious." Liza said, but decided to not pursue it anymore. "Vox sure knows how to cook." 

"No problem." Bob head out as well. "So which direction is towards this Futuropolis again?" 

"Keep going North." Liza said as she pointed towards the sky. "The location of the Sun, indicates that we're on the right path." 


"Exactly. So don't need to worry about the small details." Giga Impact said. "Robotto, any sighting or confirmation of life forms?"

"Plenty. Will be pretty hard to encounter them if we just aimlessly wandered around." Robotto responded.
"I suppose you can, if you work at it enough," Asuza said. "But you have to face a lot of responsibility. For now, enjoy your childhood while it lasts. It's something you shouldn't take for granted when you have it." Even though her words were strict, she smiled a bit still. "It's funny. You remind me of my younger sister. Always lively with the wonder only a child would be gifted with... nothing like I was at her age."
Vox thinks "Liza is more observant that I first thought."  Vox walks with the group.
"When I'm super strong and powerful I can give you everything you want 'Suza." Nicori nodded his cocky head. "I didn't know you had a baby sister, 'Suza. Where is your sister now anyways? I bet she's worried about you, 'Suza... I'll help you find her! Maybe Mama can help you."


Lyrik continued to shiver and his snot seemed to be frozen on his face.

"L-Let's just get this kid to safety, okay?! I don't like the cold so much..."

Byll listened to Robotto and grew a bit annoyed.

"Then quit yapping and tell us where to go, that kid can be freeze to death any minute now."
"I don't know. The last time I saw her was six years ago," Asuza replied. "I haven't made contact with my family at all these past years. Frankly, it's for the best I don't show my face to them again. She was too young to understand, so maybe she doesn't hate my guts for leaving."
"You have a sister?" Iceik said. "Someone actually tolerates you?" 

One-Eye raised a brow the moment Asuza uttered the word "sister" and hate. It left an unpleasant feeling of nostalgia.  


"Quit your complaining." Robotto stated. "Unless you want to start aimlessly confront every creature in sight, I suggest you give me a god damn second." Robotto's eyes brighten as data ran down. "He's close. Continued this path."
"You could say that," Asuza deadpanned. "It isn't like you can pick your family anyway. Surely, if she had a choice, she wouldn't have picked me to be her older sister if she knew what I had been doing all this time."

"All I can hope is that she hasn't changed for the worse, at any rate. Maybe we'll cross paths one day and I would be none the wiser." Her tone was flat. She didn't want to tread more on the subject now that it was only bringing her negative emotions. "It's rather quiet out here... I wonder if the orb scared all the monsters nearby into hiding?"
"Alright already!" Byll hissed. "Hang on and be ready for anything, Lyrik."

Byll put the car in full speed through the snow, heading directly to the group that held Nicori.


"Totally! You might have totally scared it off, 'Suza. Your fire was too hot to handle!" Nicori giggled. "Everyone did some super cool fighting trick that I can totally learn from." Nicori punched the air and tried to copy the fighters in how they moved.

"I wanna grow up to be cool like Mr. One-Eye but super smart like 'Suza. I wanna be like all of you guys!" Nicori chuckled nervously before took a gentle hold of Asuza's hand like any normal child would. He smiled before pointing off in the direction of Hero City City. "C'mon, I wanna see some super cool heroes! You know... you can join the Hero association, 'Suza. You'd totally fit right in! You can be called... Fire Lady!"
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