The Snowy Mountains

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"Ah..." Iceik felt a sense of guilt for bringing up the question to her. "Yikes, I didn't want to make her feel bad." He thought. Soon after Vox's comment on being ready for anything, Iceik's ears spiked up. "Spoke too son, Vox. There is on to something coming in our direction. I hear noises that only come from an vehicle. And it is coming in fast."

"What?" Liza raised a brow. "What the heck it's doing all the way out here? Isn't the snow too dense for this kind of driving?" 

"Empire State is the most advanced place in the planet. So it's not surprising if they create cars that can handle this kind of thing." Bob pointed out. "Best to prepared as Vox suggested." Bob said. 


"There." Robotto pointed out to them. "Just a couple more feet..."

Giga Impact clenched his fist, but made sure that it's hidden away from Lyrik's eyesight. "You best to be prepared for this, boy." 

Lightning Rider smirked. "Finally some action. Maybe this time, they won't run away on me?"
"S-Shouldn't we slow down a bit?" Lyrik said as he listened to the group. "We don't wanna run over the kid!"

"Trust me, I'm not planning to run over the kid..." Byll said as he sped up even more. He forced the car over a snowy hill and he aimed the vehicle directly to try and run over One-Eye because he was the most powerful. "I'm trying to get rid of the biggest threat here!"


Nicori's little antennae twitched and he stared in the direction of the car heading directly to One-Eye. He tilted his head and seemed both amazed and confused at how the day was turning out. He kept close to Asuza however.

"Is that the car Ruffy was talking about?"
Vox summons a Earth elemental to stand between the car and One-Eye.

Vox says "Liza an EMP shooed short out the car if my elemental can't and that goes for you moving out the car's path One-Eye." Vox thinks "The elemental I called forth should be more than able to do it but better safe than sorry and don't want seem to powerful."

It seems that the Earth elemental seems ready to stop the car.
One-Eye narrowed his right eye when he seen the car rushing towards him. Before he could move, Vox had created a wall of earth in front of him. This was a chance to jumped away to gain some distance of whatever it was that tried to run him over.

Liza noticed the wall and nodded to Vox's suggestion. "I don't know what the heck is going on, but..." Liza summoned her wand and released a small lightning strike towards the vehicle. It was small enough to damaged the car, without hurting anyone else, to confirmed what it going on.

Iceik sweated a bit. "Nicori, get back. Looks like we got trouble..."


"What the hell are you thinking!?" Robotto said. "Are you nuts!? The guy is crazy!" He jumped out of the car and rolled over the snow. 

"Looks like it's not stopping anytime soon. They seems to be aware of our presence." Giga Impact said. "We bail before getting crushed by this wall?"
Quickly being made aware of a possibility of imminent danger, Asuza quickly moved to grab Nicori and move back in order to distance them from the approaching vehicle as much as possible. "Wait a second... I recognize one of the voices! Nicori, don't let go of me." If it was who she thought it was, she wasn't going to hold herself back. "Stay on guard."
The Earth elemental stops the vehicle with ease.

Vox moves back a little bit as well and says "some one should be ready to defend Nicori."
"Hey, I remember that stupid Robot dude!" Nicori twitched. "He's the one who tried to take me away in a stinky old bag! Ruffy helped me out that day!"

Nicori kept well behind Asuza and had a hard grip on her dress as she ordered to not let go. He grumbled to himself but he didn't like the experience that Robotto gave him. He only remembered how badly hurt Iceik got. Now that he brought friends, he assumed the worst.

"Be careful 'Suza... these guys really hurt Ruffy." Nicori whispered. "I don't want you getting badly hurt because of me.."


Byll jumped off the car and landed on the snow. His chemical gases surrounded him and began to melt the snow a little. The two holes in his palms released a poisonous gas which didn't affect his team. He gazed at the people before him and fired a large cloud of deadly green gas. 

Lyrik jumped off the car and landed gracefully on his feet. He noticed Nicori behind the group of savage kidnappers. He smiled to himself and put on his wireless headphones before blasting the music in his ears. As the mysterious Citris Man promised him, Lyrik's movements were much faster than his fight with Broly.

Whoa! I really am a lot stronger! This guy sure works miracles! Lyrik thought to himself. But I gotta get that kid to safety first! These guys will pay for kidnapping this weird kid!
Iceik noticed the cloud of poisonous gas coming towards Asuza and the rest of the group. In quick reaction, Iceik inhale, to the point that his belly became bloated, and exhaled a great deal. The force of the breath blew away the cloud to another direction. As he tried to regained his strength after exhausting himself, he noticed Robotto. "You... you're that robot thing that attacked Nicori!"

One-Eye's eyes narrowed and became to smirk. He also recognized the robot he fought earlier. The blood-lust surged as One-Eye gripped onto his sword more tighter than usual. 

Giga Impact jumped out of the vehicle and placed his hands over to Lyrik and the others. "Don't move. Let me do the talking." He noticed that Iceik blow them away. He lifted his right hand towards the group. "Hand over the kid. We don't want to do this the hard way." He raised a brow when Nicori, Iceik and possibly the witch recognized him. He turns to Robotto. "Why didn't you tell me that they actually saw you?" He was thinking in his head.

Robotto shrugged it off. "Roll with it." 

"Uh, who the heck are you and why are you're attacking us?" Liza said.

"We're heroes..." Giga Impact said. "We're to received this kid and returned him to his caretakers." 

"Heroes? What is your hero name then?" Liza demanded.

"Giga Impact." Giga Impact stated.

"Never heard of you." Liza respond. "Anytime a new hero appears, they usually announced it on their official website right away." 

"......" Giga Impact shut up by the quick respond.
"I know. But I just need you to trust us all, Nicori. We won't let them lay a finger on you." Asuza's mindset shifted now. She recognized Robotto among them now, so her objective was to torch them all into submission. The witch clenched her fist and it heated up quickly. "Agreed. One of you goons, I caught trying to kidnap this child. I don't think a Hero would try and do something like that so discreetly." 

Looks like One-Eye didn't damage him enough. I don't think he'll allow them to escape this time. And neither will I. On the bright side, the robot one probably never caught sight of me when I saw him run off. So he doesn't know my attack patterns well enough. But he saw One-Eye's and has company now. Asuza thought, the cogs turning over in her head. 

"You'd think they would send some less threatening-looking Heroes to rescue a small child. A lot of trouble to come all the way from the Empire State for a child." Based on what Nicori had told her, his mother would have sent some capable people with no need to contact an Organization a whole region away. "Either way, you lot seem adamant on taking him. Which we won't be allowing."
Lyrik and Byll stopped their attack and listened to Giga. Lyrik listened to both sides and wondered what Nicori and Iceik meant by kidnapping Nicori a while ago. He looked over at Robotto and Giga, wondering if they might have been too harsh on the kid. Then again, he wondered if they really were heroes. As of now, he completely believed them but the others seem to make a valid point. When Liza knocked Giga down, he stepped in.

"Trust us, we won't hurt the kid." Lyrik said calmly. "I'm a hero known as Lyrik and I am registered in Empire State. These guys told me that this child was held captive and I only want to return him to his family."


"Lyrik..?" Nicori said softly. "I've heard of that hero... He's a fresh new Hero who went on a mission with two others. He and his friends were badly beaten up by some big green guy." He looked up at Asuza. "Hey 'Suza, I think this Lyrik guy might be telling the truth. Before I ran away from Lix, I heard something about a hero that suddenly went missing. I think this might be him."
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