Berserk blinked, leaning over to peek at the tunnels. "Sucks for people who can't fly. You couldn't pay me to go down a tunnel that creepy." She watched the bird try to wake Avalon up for a bit before glancing back over at the deep fissures and feeling completely unnerved by its vastness. She didn't like staring into it. "Allure City was empty and quiet just like this. But it wasn't abandoned at all. At least, I stopped thinking it was when me and Avalon saw all those crystals down in the basement. Those creepy things must like hiding in dark places like that." She paused before dismay set in her features, rubbing at her face nervously. "But uh, haha, what're the chances we find a bloody scene like that again in a place this huge? ... say, uh, there wasn't any... explosive event that happened in Reality Metropolis recently right?" She asked Lucifer while poking her fingers together nervously. "Besides mine, heh. It sure would be bad if those little gremlins got ahold of a ton of coins all at once! Ha-ha-ha. Yeah..."
Bernkastel, pushed away from the range of Gogeta's attack by Spina, hadn't moved from the spot where her back met a large pile of rubble and caused dusty debris to crumble onto her head. Her eyes had momentarily widened from the sudden shove before looking over to see that Gogeta was already dealt with by Zenta; from the split-second she was dazed the fusion was halfway through tearing down Bage's defenses. She did not watch Zenta very long, looking away with a distant but troubled gaze.
Glancing down at her scraped knees and palms, Bern listened in on the others' words, slowly digging her fingers into the dirt before she made herself stand up. Her eyes were empty but her upper lip visibly stiffened, and she did not speak until she made sure Gogeta didn't spontaneously get up and go for another round.
"While I respect the strength you command, Bage... I'm afraid that's going to be utterly and hopelessly useless," Bernkastel deadpanned as she ruffled the dust out of her hair, meeting Bage's irritated look with a cold gaze of her own. "I could see why you'd want to arrest him, considering who your superior is... but Gogeta doesn't so much as flinch at Goku's threats of arrest, even laughed right in his face. What makes you think he'll yield to a subordinate?" Her tone increasingly stiffened in contrast to her neutral expression.
"I really hate people who just don't learn... Gogeta's made it clear by now he can and will interfere with our objectives for his own purposes. He has no sense of fear or concern for his own life when throwing himself head-on, a brute in the truest sense." Bern smiled humorlessly as she stared at the three who spoke their piece, falling quickly into a grimace with an edge to her tone. "Knowing that, do you seriously believe at this point he'll care about all these threats? That it will somehow deter him from trying to get around whatever measures you take?" Awaiting their answers, she stared at the pipe in Spina's torso, studying it silently while deep in her thoughts about why it wasn't just ripped out.
Bernkastel, pushed away from the range of Gogeta's attack by Spina, hadn't moved from the spot where her back met a large pile of rubble and caused dusty debris to crumble onto her head. Her eyes had momentarily widened from the sudden shove before looking over to see that Gogeta was already dealt with by Zenta; from the split-second she was dazed the fusion was halfway through tearing down Bage's defenses. She did not watch Zenta very long, looking away with a distant but troubled gaze.
Glancing down at her scraped knees and palms, Bern listened in on the others' words, slowly digging her fingers into the dirt before she made herself stand up. Her eyes were empty but her upper lip visibly stiffened, and she did not speak until she made sure Gogeta didn't spontaneously get up and go for another round.
"While I respect the strength you command, Bage... I'm afraid that's going to be utterly and hopelessly useless," Bernkastel deadpanned as she ruffled the dust out of her hair, meeting Bage's irritated look with a cold gaze of her own. "I could see why you'd want to arrest him, considering who your superior is... but Gogeta doesn't so much as flinch at Goku's threats of arrest, even laughed right in his face. What makes you think he'll yield to a subordinate?" Her tone increasingly stiffened in contrast to her neutral expression.
"I really hate people who just don't learn... Gogeta's made it clear by now he can and will interfere with our objectives for his own purposes. He has no sense of fear or concern for his own life when throwing himself head-on, a brute in the truest sense." Bern smiled humorlessly as she stared at the three who spoke their piece, falling quickly into a grimace with an edge to her tone. "Knowing that, do you seriously believe at this point he'll care about all these threats? That it will somehow deter him from trying to get around whatever measures you take?" Awaiting their answers, she stared at the pipe in Spina's torso, studying it silently while deep in her thoughts about why it wasn't just ripped out.