The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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The revertant fell in to the pit. It got back up and its scary how quickly it got ready too fight once more.

Cross was too far way to be effected by any thing.
Bage's eyes widened slightly as Gogeta freed himself from the hold and knocked the detective with his now mobile arm. The saiyan cursed himself for letting his guard down for a moment, glaring back at Gogeta as he insulted him.

"Like hell I will! I wont let you harm Spina anymore on my watch. I could care less about your stupid rivalry, but right now, You're all working for me. Or at least from the looks of it now, Spina is." Bage retorted aggressively. "I thought you were teammates! What did Spina do to you to make you this bent on killing him right now!?"​

His attention however soon turned to the ground, seeing Spina and Bernkastel's puma fall from he and Gogeta due to the shifting of tectonic plates. He clenched his fists tightly, worried about the older wounded saiyan but tried to keep an eye on the fusion as well. It was to his relief, Spina had reappeared after another moment, leaving the detective in a better position to protect him.
Berserk watched the explosions eventually subside, though unlike Lucifer, she kept an eye out for any signs Avalon escaped or pulled another trick with his water clone again. However since she didn't see any indication of said move, she simply crossed both her hands' fingers as an anxious onlooker. "J-just give 'im a minute, he'll definitely pop up any second-- uwaah!" Berserk turned behind herself to see Lucifer already jumped down from the avian to the ground. "Don't go down there by yourself! Wait!" Berserk called after him, hesitating in wanting to go down there because she saw Roya wasn't too far away, and still evidently alive. But if she's still not a coin yet, that could mean...

"Avalon! Hey, you big nerd! Where are you?!" She shouted, but began to fret that there was no reply before suddenly yelping at the sensation of a rather hard object fall and hit her on the head before it landed on her lap. "Yow! What was that? Huh? Hey, it looks one of those rolly-paper things he keeps around..." Looking up towards the sky to see where the strange scroll had come from, Berserk felt relieved that the other bird was holding Avalon in its beak-- though rather worse for wear. "Phew... well, I guess if the hag could survive that then so could- OW!" The second object that flew at her head was much harder and felt like a brick. A red bump was left on the side of her forehead while she uttered some curse words before peering down at the other thing in her lap. 

"Ugh... what the heck was all that about?" The bird's sudden swoop to pick up Lucifer happened very quickly as soon as what sounded like earthquakes began to occur. "Huh-- look, this is one of those bottles Mr. Bage was looking for! Hey lady, where'd you get this thing?! Mighty sketchy of you to have this!" Berserk shouted over at Roya. "If you don't spit it out, I'll find somethin else to blow you up with!"


The amalgamation of familiars had been taken completely off guard by the earthquakes, doing its best to stay close to Spina but the very strange scene that had just played out before it made the giant cat bristle with alarm. It tried to swing blindly with its front paw, but couldn't see due to the brightness. It was so disoriented from the sudden happening that once it and Spina returned to safety above-ground, it collapsed into smaller, individual cats that huddled around him and loudly started yowling for their master.


Since Bernkastel had been running alone on the streets, she gasped in surprise when the violent tremors started up and caused her to trip. "Eek! What the hell was that?! Are we under attack?!" The witch scrambled back up and tried to fly, but her low energy made her flail around in the air and caused her to bump into falling debris or random objects in the way. "Owwww--" Gripping onto her head, Bern became overstimulated from the disordered waves of information coming from her cats. "Stop yelling! Quit it, go one at a time! I can't even hear myself think!" She shouted in agitation. "I gotta find those guys... before any more weird stuff happens..." Bern decided to follow the echoing noises of the cats despite it causing her head to throb.
Detective Spawn landed on the ground, realizing that in the underground tunnels. “Quit your yelling.” He overheard Zenta shouted. “I’m perfectly fine.” He looked around, causing everything to light up by using the green glow around his body to see through the darkness. He looked at the ground and noticeable feet patterns were scattered about. “Did the people used this to get to another city when they were evacuating in masses?” He thought to himself. “I think I found a breakthrough of my investigation then on the missing persons.” 

Upon walking a little further, the Detective stopped when many souls were everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of them were scattered about. In Spawn’s case, he’s able to track down anyone that died by following the residues trails of souls that it leaves behind, to indicate their last known location. Yet, in this case, they were completely stationary and remained in place of the unground tunnels and no other trials is known. “It stopped here and after that, gone.” Detective Spawn thought about what Bernkastel and Roya said regarding a “horde”. “Were they attacked here? Did all of them died at once?”

Getting a headache due to the bottle that struck his head, Lucifer nearly tumbled over when the ground split apart between Roya and himself. He was swept away by the avian before he fell and hurled towards the air. “Huh…? Underground tunnels? Oh yes… there were that for a bit, but…”

As ice shards were being flung everywhere, it crashed against Roya’s body, riddling it with holes. Roya was starting to lose conscious as her body sustained too much damage from the explosion, but when the ground split in two, separating herself from the rest, the life in her eyes sparkle just a little bit. Trying her best to form a smile as flakes of skin peeled off from the action, Roya slightly lifted her head upon Berserk’s rounds of questioning.

“Hehehe… I just so happen to find it… I thought it was a special bottle that I used for my advantage…” Roya explained. “But I could not even open it, no matter how hard I tried… so it was just junk. It made my belt look stylish though…” Roya started to limp forward, trying her best to stay awake. “I overstep and didn’t plans thing accordingly… I’ll just have to try again in the future…” Roya bared her teeth, practically all of them were missing. “Spina had a nice crew… I thought you lot were just a stupid bunch. Not bright in the head, but some of you are…” Roya tried to laugh, but even a slight chuckle causes her to have a coughing fit.

She tumbled forward, falling into the tunnels below. “Disappear…” The light of her horn flare, encasing her entire body in strange light, which broke down her body into particles as she slowly disappears into nothingness.


“Arghh…!” Spina said as he tumbled over on the ground near Bage and Gogeta after being taken for quite a ride down the underground tunnels. Shaking his head, he tried to examine what he just saw down there. “Uh…” Spina tried to move, but the strange cracks that appeared started to expand from the injury on his torso and didn’t want to make it worse. “There’s something down there. I couldn’t sense life energy, but it was different.” Spina said. “Almost suffocating actually. Dark Energy?” He said, remembering the times against Doctor Doom, Panich and Hart, who use or were around dark energy in one way or the another.

Realizing that this could pose as a problem, Spina actively seek Roya’s energy, but couldn’t sense her anymore. Did the others actually defeated her and smashed her horn? That was Spina’s thoughts on the matter. “I’ll be damn…”
The reverent gets ready to fight the horde.

Cross thinks "The reverent can handle what is happing over there. Some thing tells me I may be needed up hear."
Gogeta kept his confident smirk, unwavering as he shifted a bit on the ground that split apart. He stood on the slab of rock and dirt that splintered away, glancing briefly over his shoulder. His arms remained at his sides, hearing Bage's retort and narrowing his eyes a bit.

"I work for no one. And you wouldn't get it: it doesn't matter to you. But to a warrior, it matters greatly!"

Hearing Spina and the magical familiars land a few feet away, Gogeta turned his eyes to the sides of his eyebrows. The smirk raised in dark grin, barring his white teeth in hearing the cats shrieking in a manner that clearly indicated they needed help to him. Realizing the opening, Gogeta suddenly shot out his left hand, igniting a ball of pure pink energy that blasted forward towards Bage. The route of the attack seemed imminent to directly impact the detective, but at the last millisecond, the blast shot down to his feet and destroyed the platform of rock Bage stood on in an attempt to momentarily distract him.

Gogeta blasted up in the air, his attention turned fully towards Spina and the familiars. Throwing his arms up as if preparing to dunk a basketball, he formed a massive sphere of pink energy in his palms with a thunderous bellow of his dual voice.

"Stardust Fall!"

His arms flew forward and down, the sphere splintering off into multiple bullets of energy raining down towards Spina and the magical cats. The overwhelming energy shot down like rain towards them, threatening to encompass everything in the shower of destructive energy.
When the earthquake finally began to settle down, nearly the entire city was reformed or destroyed. The loud rumble, the pipes bursting, the steam erupting from the ground all stopped as everything began to calm down. Zenta, in the meanwhile, finally got the feeling back in his legs. He was still not in any condition to fight yet, but at least he can move. Taking a sharp breath, he forced himself onto his feet and wobbled slightly to regain his balance.

"An earthquake? I thought this realm did not have such disasters... What is going on?" The beast muttered to himself as he carefully hopped onto the top of a building, perking his ears straight up. He was able to sense Spawn below but felt as if the Detective can handle himself. It's not like he could get him out anyway. "Perhaps he is better off on his own... I should not interfere with his work."

Zenta turned away from Spawn and instantly turned to Spina and Gogeta's whereabouts. The thought of Gogeta rushing in and making the battle more difficult for both him and Spina made him slump his shoulders. Knowing Bage would be handling the Fusion by this point, he decided to make his way over to their location. With all the energy he could muster, he forced his sore muscles and aching bones to hop across the buildings, closing the gap between him and the Saiyans.

When Roya finally disappeared, the bird turned its head towards where Bage, Gogeta, and Spina were located. It flew at a gentle pace, something to at least ease up the tension despite the carnage within the city. Even at the altitude, they were in, the city landscape was almost completely changed by the earthquake. Between the cracks and fissures were electrical burns, too strong to be from underground cables. The air all around the city felt...uncomfortable, almost similar to the sensation in the forest. As the hawk flew, manage to swoop in closer to the Saiyans but seemed to halt upon sensing the danger. It flapped its wings frantically and backed away to a safer distance, away from Gogeta's massive attack.
"Warrior or not, whatever it is can wait!" Bage glared at Gogeta, seeing the grin on his face worried the detective. But suddenly before he could properly react, the fusion was already on the move. The energy blast shot to blind Bage from the current situation. The Saiyan took the split second to shut his eyes and gauge the distance from him to Spina. He could sense the new oncoming attack from Gogeta and shot himself toward Spina and the familiars, firmly standing over them and using his energy to form a barrier around all of them to deflect the oncoming blasts. 

The blasts that would clash with the barrier would be absorbed into it like droplets to water. Bage pulled his hands from the barrier for a second before slamming his palms against it one after another, again and again, reflecting the same bullets of energy back at the fusion at an alarming speed and power in hopes to stop him in his tracks.
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