The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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“My, I have to object to that, Berserk. That is an insult to Grandmas—I’ve seen plenty that move more graciously than this barbarian.” Lucifer added on.

Veins bulging across her forehead, Roya was entirely focused on chasing Berserk and Lucifer as she readied her gigantic club. “You think I can’t get you, you brats!? I’ll shove your ribbons down your throats!” Pulling her left arm back, her club parted the clouds around, sparks of energy crackling around it. However, her eyes twitched when she tried to hurl it towards the bird the two were on, causing her to miss her target. Bloodshot eyes, she growled at them. “Stay still…!” She kept chase, following them whatever they were leading her.

“That was a close one.” Lucifer said. “I actually felt the wind gently breezing through my hair. Keep swinging, you might actually give us the chills.” As he hurls more insults, he felt someone’s energy dropping. Zenta… no… Spina. He can feel that he was near Gogeta, since the latter still has his energy still flourishing. Using some limited telepathy, he sent a message to Bernkastel. “Your little toy is acting up again. If Roya caught wind of their energy spiraling, she’ll most likely go after them.”


“What the hell are you babbling about?” Spawn said, picking up the beast, putting Zenta’s arm over his shoulders. “You’ve already done enough trouble as is—this is the chance to recover now.” Hearing some familiar voices from the distance, Spawn look up and saw Bage. “Detective Bage? Thank god, someone competent came here. Hey! Detective Bage!”


Spina narrowed his eyes as he tried to move, but the wounds worsen if he made any attempts. He stared at Gogeta, the latter urging him to get up. Furrowing his eyebrows, Spina grinned his teeth after coughing out blood. Yet, behind Gogeta, he seen a large club at the distance and a strange bird soaring in the air. “Tsk… don’t have time for this…” Despite his condition, Spina tried to move as the pipe lounged deeper in his body even further. “Get… out… of … my… way.”
Cross thinks "I should do this more often wend dealing with things in this cycle."  Cross starts to read a news paper.

The revenant starts to set someone else for a killing blow.
Gogeta stifled a small, dark chuckle in reply, deftly reaching out with his right hand. He gripped on the pipe in a gentle, uncharacteristic manner of not shattering it upon touching it. Yet in an instant, he gently shook the rod from side to side in a circular fashion, specifically to agitate and damage Spina more from the metal being lodged in the older Saiyan.

After a brief moment of shaking the metal pipe, Gogeta pulled his arm back, straightening himself up. His sash flowed gently in the breeze, the fire burning all around them glistening off of his fur while he spoke with a dark tone behind his dual voice.

"No..this'll listen. You say you'll never see me worthy...that's fine. I don't care about any of that: I'll still beat you one way or the other. Whether you want this fight or not, but-"

His smirk rose a bit, the pupils narrowing down at Spina.

"-I know deep down, you want this. You're not some leader or hero like they want you to're a fighter. You want the same thing I want...and when you're healed up, I'll give it to you."

Gogeta slowly raised his right arm, his outstretched hand pointing down at Spina. A bright pink ball of energy rapidly formed at the end, whirring to life and kicking up rubble in its wake as Gogeta's dual voice rung out over the loud whirr of energy.

"But if you meant what you said about never wanting to fight me, then I'll stop wasting my time and end you right here! Please, charge me now if you prefer! It's your call!"
Bage nodded to Bernkastel at her suggestion and gave the bird the order to land. It flapped it's wings a bit more earnestly before gracefully touching down to drop off the detective and witch. "Alright then. We'll see you two on the battlefield!" Bage dismissed both Brachi and Bara with a wave goodbye as he jumped down from the bird. His head turned when he noticed the fellow detective calling to him and his expression lit up at seeing him okay.

"Detective Spawn! Glad to see you held your own!" Bage stated, "You and Zenta don't have to worry about this fight anymore, just leave it to us. We've got a plan to take Roya out of commission for good."

He looked over in the direction he remembered seeing Spina and Gogeta from the sky. But then turned back to Detective Spawn again, this time his expression much more serious. 

"Where are Spina and Gogeta? What happened to them?"
"Oh, when you put it that way... okay-- then I guess HAG is a better term!" Berserk laughed a jeer as she steered the bird past Roya's club. "Whew, what a feelin!" Her excitement began to build as she was relieved to see the familiar buildings soon come into view. She noticed there was some ice glittering off the sun's rays, knowing it must have been Avalon's work. Making the avian fly higher into the sky, Berserk next needed to keep Roya's sights on them up in the sky to lead her into the slippery ice as she dug into her pocket for the detonator. "Aww what's wrong, gettin' mad?! Gonna cry?"
"What're you... wait, what?" Bern growled under her breath. "At a time like this, he decides to get in the way? There's nothing worse than dealing with two different nuisances at once." But she couldn't be in two places at once, and Zenta looked to be in such poor conditions he wasn't going to even move.

And then here I am, barely enough strength in me to be running around... I definitely can't put up a fight if Gogeta's still able to keep spiking his own energy. As soon as Bernkastel landed on the ground, only a few moments passed before one of her felines trotted towards her from a hiding spot.

The Witch crouched down to speak to it with narrowed eyes. "What's the situation here?" She paused to listen intently to the cat's assorted meows, her eyes narrowing more and more as a scowl formed on her features. Standing up straight, Bern's intense glare rested on the distance. "... I see." She gestured in the direction of where she could sense the energy flare. "He's over there, right? Go deal with him so I don't waste time scraping scum off my shoe."

Bern's stern order had the feline take off into the alleyways, several pairs of eyes glinting to follow it. She turned back to the detectives as her expression was still showing clear agitation.

"Based on what Lucifer and my cat told me, Spina and Gogeta got knocked back into a different area entirely. Seems like Spina's wounded, but I'll ensure they deal with Gogeta's buffoonery and retrieve Spina before it becomes fatal." Bernkastel turned to Spawn before offering to help Zenta walk with her own arms. "Is it true? The shockwave being Zenta's doing rather than the gadfly? Quite a relief considering the shape you left Roya in. We drew up a plan that will finish her off not long from now... the kids are taking care of the first part." Bern's voice got quieter as she assessed the toll Zenta's efforts had placed on his body. "... You're so stubborn... trying to fight after all that. I ought to give Goku a piece of my mind after I deal with those two lugheads," she grumbled. "Let's get you somewhere safe to rest."

Almost on cue at Gogeta's last line to incite Spina into fighting despite his grave injury, the pockets and dark corners among the rubble piles immediately lit up with several pairs of glittering emerald eyes. A chorus of growls rang out before the small felines lunged out from their hiding and culminated into a large shadowy mass around Spina's body on the ground. Illuminated  by the light of Gogeta's energy ball, the mass of cats morphed together into a defined outline of a larger wild creature. 

From the ground, Spina could only see its jet black fur and large front paws as the panther-like creature loomed over Gogeta with a loud threatening growl rumbling in its chest, hot air escaping its nostrils. No doubt sent by Bernkastel, the creature pulled back its muzzle to snap its sharp teeth at him with a warning snarl.
"Thank you Bern, but just keep them at bay. I'm going to deal with it. I've got a few words for him." Bage's stern expression twisted into a scowl, hidden from the others as he turned away from them. "Just make sure Zenta stays safe for now."

Without another word, Bage was off, running toward the area to conserve his already low energy. There was defintely something wrong with Gogeta and the detective intended to get to the bottom of it.
"A-Ah! Lady Bernkastel!" Zenta gasped. Upon the Witch trying to help him, he tried to politely decline but his condition only got worse. With much hesitation, he leaned on Bern for support. "Oh my, this is rather embarrassing for me... I overexerted myself. I tried to end Roya quickly before Gogeta got in the way again. I overestimated my condition as well as underestimate Roya..." Zenta limped with Bernkastel to a safe location, leaning over a flat piece of rubble and using his tails as cushions.

"This setback of mine is only temporary, so once the numbness subsides, I should be able to walk with ease. I...I apologize for making you worry, my Lady. Rest assured that I will be fine in a few minutes...hopefully." Zenta then picked up a rock and chucked it over to the crater, his ears twitching at every time the rock bounced off the ground until finally stopping at the bottom. "My, my... It came out smaller than I expected. Detective Goku will have my head for sure..."

Still... this will only make matters worse for the Breakers. Ugh, what have I done?

Zenta shook his head clean of the negative thoughts before turning to Bernkastel, giving her a confident smile as he pets the Witch on top of her head.

"I am sure you have more important things to do than tend to this old beast," Zenta chuckled. "You should help the youngsters, Roya is not to be taken lightly. Yet... I see most of her energy stemming from her forehead," The beast tapped Bernkastel's forehead. "I cannot see any devices or extremities she may have, but I assume it is a horn of some sort. It might be the source of her power, so I recommend attacking it. Do not worry about me, I will be walking at a moment's notice and I have Spawn here to aid me."

As Roya got closer to the spot, Avalon stepped out from behind a building and stood in her way.

"Alright, your path ends here, horned beast!" The ninja shouted as he glanced up to see the bird flying overhead with Lucifer and Berserk. "Sheesh, you look horrible, Zenta really messed you up! Guess you can't handle blind people, huh? What a great counter! We don't even have to waste our time on you! We can just send Zenta and you're completely useless!"

As Avalon taunted Roya, he continued to look up at the bird and slid on the ice to lure Roya into the spot. Once he was in the center of where all four blasts would be, the ice turned to water and left a giant puddle in the center. He panted as his legs wobbled from the strain. He had to stand dangerously close to Roya in order to stop her and he only had one chance.

F-Focus Avalon... You can do this... He thought to himself as his vision became hazy. No! I can't get dizzy at a time like this! Focus Avalon, or else Berserk and Lucifer are goners!
“Don’t know.” Detective Spawn said when Bage asked them about Gogeta and Spina. “They were fighting with one another during the ordeal with that Roya person. Afterwards, this thing did a move nearly erupted this area we are standing on. So, you were correct on saying this is the result of his actions.” He turned to the creature, seeing that Bage called him Zenta. “Are all the Breakers complete and utter buffoons?”
Before he can receive an answer, Bage already blasted off. “And he’s off…” Detective Spawn said. “What a pain in the ass today…” Rubbing his head clearly agitated since he was bouncing around for three days trying to extract as much information, he could out of the Dream Eater. Even with Spina coming in, it was someone who knew about her and took take the advantage. Yet, more and more people got in the way and became an overall mess.

Hearing Zenta explained the situation to Bernkastel, the Detective rejected it. “Don’t go making decisions for me, beast. That scent you are giving already makes me sick to my stomach.” Spawn said, making vague statements about Zenta. It seems that when Spawn hold up Zenta, it changed his demeanor towards the beast. “Just stick there and don’t move a damn muscle.” Detective Spawn walked past the two. “Roya mentioned something about a horde. You two ought to know something about that, right?”


“Shut up!!!” Roya shouted as she bone-rushed through the city as she kept her sight at Berserk and Lucifer. She ran through the city and nearly slip on the ice. “Huh?!"

Hearing Avalon calling out for her, Roya stared with anger in her eyes. “You want a piece of me, you costume-freak!? Once I’m done with you, I’m going to turn that bastard into a new fur coat!” She swung her club to focus on her new target, but her wounds were considerably worse and once again, she missed. The weight of the club was against her as she kept slipping on the ice, and unable to keep her balance. 
“Roya isn’t that bright, isn’t she?” Lucifer observed. “She’s mindlessly following things that angered her.”
Roya, mindlessly following Avalon, was panting hard as she gives chase to the ninja. She noticed that she was not slipping anymore, and each step had a splash effect. “The hell is this?” She said looking an Avalon. “What, you’re going to splash me with water….?” She began to let out a solid minute of laughter as she was closing the gap between herself and Avalon. Her horn began to shine brightly as veins around her forehead became noticeably present. “I wasn’t planning on using this aside from a last resort… but ya’ll made me do it.” Series of light gathered on Roya’s horn, generating high amount of energy. “I’ll wipe you out from this world!” She shouted, just mere inches away from Avalon.


Spina gripped onto the ground hard when Gogeta started twirling the pipe lounged onto his torso around. He tried his best to not scream to give the fusion any sort of attention nor pleasure of seeing him at his weakness. Yet the moment Gogeta pulled out the hard pipe out of him, Spina let out a loud grunt, slamming his head against the ground to maintain the pain that was left pulsing on his torso. He was sweating across the board, his muscles twitched and panting heavily from sheer exhaustion. Blood spilling out as cracks erupted around his body that showcase a stuff white light. When a person is close to “death”, and not destroyed in one blow, their body will show cracks to indicate that they are on the verge of turning into a Vortex Coin by giving off a soft white glow.

Seeing the ball of pink energy forming next to his face as Gogeta dumped his thoughts on the manner.

“You’re a fighter. I know you want this.”

Spina furrowed his eyebrows; his eyes narrowed, and the last bit of energy he had, started to rise drastically in response to the question. Just as he would about to act ad succumbed to his own rage, darkness that formed into a large feline appeared before them, but not the whole thing compared to Gogeta, causing him to snap out of it in confusion. “…. Bernkastel?” He uttered.
Bage swiftly ran through the debris at a alarming speed. Hopefully enough to make it before anything dire happened. He leaped and pushed off of torn down buildings before finally coming into the clearing where Gogeta stood over Spina, his wound being much worse than the detective anticipated.

"SPINA!" He called out, wasting no time using a bit of his energy to quickly appear in front of Gogeta and apprehend him with a joint lock to tear the energy blast away from the already wounded leader of the Breakers. Any sudden move and it could possibly break the fusion's arm. Bage's energy radiated off of him in agitation at having to once again stop Gogeta from doing something reckless.​

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"
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