Berserk winced in surprise at the sudden gust of air, reactively keeping her arms at Lucifer's sides and holding onto Avalon's shirt so the small angel wouldn't get blown away. At Avalon's questions, the punk stared back with a shocked look of her own. "Uh..." For several moments her gaze darted off in several corners as she seemed to make a slew of mental calculations. "I marked four buildings spaced out in the shopping district to plug with C4 setups. They're pretty much frags with long fuses so one easily could take out the building they were in, but I didn't plan to make 'em all go off at once!" Berserk explained. "All at... once..."
Bernkastel let out a small yelp at being practically shoved by the force of the wind, grabbing onto Bage's shoulders with a grunt of dismay. "It looks pretty visible from here! Something massive was going on down there!"
"Er, well, I-- it's supposed to be pretty stable so it shouldn't have went off on its own from something like a little rumble and tumble.... I don't think it's meant to have a blast radius that large-- grr, no no no! I was supposed to set it off, this can't be right at all!" Berserk fumed to herself before taking a deep breath; she was evidently looking forward to detonating it herself and seeing the aftermath. All that hard work might have just gone up in flames. "W-We'll check anyway once we get there. Just lemme think of a plan B in case..."
"It better not have been that idiot Gogeta having found them and messed about..." Bern grumbled under her breath before she suddenly pointed at the odd object that appeared towering the clouds in the far distance. "Look there, what's that?!"
"... Whoa! It's just like that sword lady's attack!" Berserk exclaimed. "Things might get really hairy once we land! Shoot, and we were almost goners then being at full power. And that grandpa still insists we stay away? How's he gonna win against that by himself..." she began to sweat at the pressure of the growing need to start brewing up an alternate strategy-- but she couldn't think straight!
Bernkastel let out a small yelp at being practically shoved by the force of the wind, grabbing onto Bage's shoulders with a grunt of dismay. "It looks pretty visible from here! Something massive was going on down there!"
"Er, well, I-- it's supposed to be pretty stable so it shouldn't have went off on its own from something like a little rumble and tumble.... I don't think it's meant to have a blast radius that large-- grr, no no no! I was supposed to set it off, this can't be right at all!" Berserk fumed to herself before taking a deep breath; she was evidently looking forward to detonating it herself and seeing the aftermath. All that hard work might have just gone up in flames. "W-We'll check anyway once we get there. Just lemme think of a plan B in case..."
"It better not have been that idiot Gogeta having found them and messed about..." Bern grumbled under her breath before she suddenly pointed at the odd object that appeared towering the clouds in the far distance. "Look there, what's that?!"
"... Whoa! It's just like that sword lady's attack!" Berserk exclaimed. "Things might get really hairy once we land! Shoot, and we were almost goners then being at full power. And that grandpa still insists we stay away? How's he gonna win against that by himself..." she began to sweat at the pressure of the growing need to start brewing up an alternate strategy-- but she couldn't think straight!