The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Jize and Bara helped in patching Spina up, doing their part in trying to heal him.

"You know, if the Zenkai would be active here, Spina would become much stronger than he was before when he recovers from this." Brachi said as she went to treat her own injuries.
Cross says as he finishes cooking and starts to bring out the food "It shooed little demon do keep in mind we did show our willingness to fight Roya and sever ties to Gogeta once it was apparent he was going to be contrary to the path the group wishes too walk."
"Ehehe... Now that you mention it, Lilith will probably be mad at me if she sees that bump on Lucifer's head." Avalon said in a worried tone. "Little rascal... he probably did that on purpose to get me in trouble..." He then turned to Detective Bage. "Hey, Bage! We should open that bottle now and see what kind of new information we get. Bet we'll finally get a motive from that Red Diamond King and why he wants to kill the Breakers. With your skills, we should be one step closer to finding out what's going on. Besides, it can give us something to think about while we pass out..."

Once the group went inside the portal, Zenta was the last to enter. As Bernkastel instructed, the Beast placed the unconscious Spina on the sofa, careful not to add any further damage to the Saiyan. He watched silently as the cracks on his energy signature worsen. He seemed confused and picked up his hand to gently trace his fingers over his skin, feeling the cracks along his arm. While he couldn't physically see, he could imagine how Spina looked like based on the cracks he felt on his skin.

"...Please do your best to help him, Lady Bernkastel. I am worried his condition could get worse based on how I see his energy signature. I will let you focus your attention on Spina, he needs you more than ever right now." Zenta smiled towards the Witch and gently placed a hand on top of her head. "You may feel pressured but I am confident you will bring a miracle to help your friend. Spina has great faith in your magical abilities, as do I. After all, miracles are your forte, yes? Do not doubt yourself, my Lady."

A soft chuckle escaped Zenta's lips as he offered some encouraging words to the Witch before bowing his head to her. After everything they've been through, she probably needed it. He finally left Bernkastel alone with Spina, allowing her to get to work while he pressed his back against a wall and slid down from exhaustion with an audible sigh. He plopped on the floor and lowered his ears, watching as his tails went limp. The amount of effort he put to protect the Breakers was catching up to him, yet, it seemed that he had to do more than just rebuild the city. Even before his fight with Roya, he had small cuts that he cleverly hid under his fur as well as bruises that indicated a fight. It was evident that he was protecting the Breakers from more than just Goku.

At least I now have a moment to relax... I can clear my head from these...thoughts.

As Zenta slumped on the ground, trying to hold his head up, Avalon watched him silently, thinking back to what Bage and Bernkastel said about him.

I had no idea he was blind... Bernkastel said he's able to sense energy to a precise degree. I have my doubts... He moved with such accuracy and grace, it's almost like he's able to see! He's even able to tell how and when people are moving. He's gotta have a trick up his sleeve or something... I've met blind martial artists that don't move as he does. So how does he do it? Why am I so pent up on this..? It's not like I know him. Then again... we're from the same universe. I should also probably ask him about Seilong... maybe he knows something.

"Hey Lucifer, you should tell Lilith what happened to you before she gets the wrong idea. That bump on your head is the result of your troublemaking ways y'know! Both you and Berserk got a taste of karma for misbehaving. Hope that bump teaches you not to be bad anymore, young man." Avalon peered over to Lucifer, trying to hold back his laugh from seeing the bump on his head. "With a bump like that, you don't look as charming anymore, bwahaha!"
Bage looked a bit surprised at Avalon for being so eager to open the bottle after fighting such a difficult battle. But then his look changed to a smile at his determination. It reminded him a bit of Goku and Vegeta. Always ready for a new challenge despite surviving doomsday.

“Alright, everyone, settle down and get comfortable. We can fill in Spina once his body heals. You all fought well, and even though Roya escaped, hopefully, this defeat will make her think twice about wreaking havoc. Be proud of yourselves.” He nodded to the group before taking the bottle from his coat and presenting it to them. “Each new challenge that you're presented is not only a way to redeem yourselves in the eyes of the public, but it is an opportunity to better yourselves for the sake of the Reality Vortex. We have no time for feuds and hatred among each other. Gogeta had to learn the hard way. Just remember that because if you all saw what I did in that dream, things will only get worse from here on out. And if any of us lose our grip for a second, it could mean the end of us for good. So prepare yourselves for the information that is about to come out of this bottle.”

After letting what he said linger with the group for a moment, Bage raised his hand and unlocked the cap on the bottle.
"... Yeah." Bernkastel remained silent for the most part, waiting for Zenta to take leave before raising her hands and starting to heal Spina. She should have felt something reassuring, but her sour look indicated something was troubling her. As far as she was concerned, she didn't care all that much about the sake of the Vortex; if anything she was only going all-in just to get Detective Goku off their backs. Stopping her healing after she started to feel her fingertips numb, Bern figured that would be enough to keep Spina alive.

Despite Bage's small speech to keep up morale among the group, Bernkastel sat watching Spina and propped her head with her elbows on her knees. What a troublesome hand I've been dealt... getting out of this tangled mess would be the real miracle.

"You're lucky I'm not the one holding that bottle..." Berserk briefly glared daggers at Avalon before sitting in a chair with her arms folded behind her head as she propped her feet up on the coffee table. "Sucks we're down by one person... I never got to ask Mr. Gogeta to show me how to do the Hero Punisher," she grumbled. "Oh well. Can't do anything without getting through this mess first..." Berserk didn't want any of these things coming after her sisters.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes towards Avalon, clearly not so amused his jokes it seems. “Are you looking down on me, or you consider yourself like a comedian? Do not get too comfortable around me, boy. Just as the one called Cuki and Gogeta, you might be the next person to be ousted from the group. Considering you had your hand of failures because of your choices, that led to Cuki being expelled from the group in the first place. Oh, and that little obsession with the new girl will grant you no favors, only annoyance that equally bound to your false sense of justice.” His blue eyes dulled a bit, and his tone was harsh. After a brief silence, Lucifer broke out with a smile and started to chuckle a bit. “See? I can be funny too.” He said, indicating that he was merely joking around with the ninja just to mess with him. “This bump, however, is quite unfortunate, but Lilith will take care of it. I already alerted her to return, so she’ll be coming soon. Unlike me, she’s not the one who takes jokes very well, so I leave you to do the explaining.”

Turning his focus towards Spina, it seems that the combined effort between all of them cause the cracks spread around his body to recede. It was not completely healed, since the injury was still there, but it should be enough to avoid him being taken out in a single blow now. “These cracks do remind me of that of Cuki, who has similar cracks on her body. She’s basically walking on death row if that’s the case.”

His thoughts were interrupted when Bage announced his sentiments on the group, praising them for their efforts somewhat before opening the bottle. “Yes, I do wish to know more about this king.” The angel said. “If we can find out their location, we can make this process much easier.”


In Spina’s mind, the old Saiyan looked around and see all sorts of distortion around. “Ah… this again.” He said, seemingly put under the aftereffects from Roya’s attacks. He looked at his torso, the injury still present, but not as noticeable as before. “Guess the Breakers are healing my body, so I didn’t drop dead yet.” He looks up, seeing all the memories playing around him, like what happen during the illusion episode. Raising an eyebrow, there were small segments that he was familiar with—but other memories playing around—he does not recognize. In fact, they were not his memories at all. 

“What this…” 

“Ah, Spina, glad that you still manage to avoid dying.” A stranger said. “I was really started to regret picking you, but you still managed to hang on a little bit longer. Much more durable than Hart…” The same monstrous being appeared before him once more. "You're almost there..." He let out a signature smile.
Avalon's smile quickly turned to a frown upon listening to Lucifer. Normally he wouldn't care about his tantrums, even when he got mad, but upon mentioning how his actions lead to Cuki leaving, his overprotectiveness of Berserk, and his failures, his head lowered as he gazed at the floor. He seemed defeated and something about what Lucifer said crushed him. When the angel mentioned that he was joking, his smile did not return.

He's right... I'm nothing but a failure. And Cuki, poor girl... I didn't know she was in such a mess. I bet the others hate me for making her leave... With the Xy'phers running around, I can only hope she's okay... He then turned to Berserk and felt his shoulders slump. I try so hard to keep an eye on Berserk but I only get in her way and annoy her. Am I just trying to replace Fayimi with Berserk..? No way! Berserk's a great friend... but am I holding her back? I just can't let everyone down again... I... I can't let Berserk down... She has dreams of finding her sisters. But what can I do to help her..? I... I'm not good enough to help her...

Before he could finish his thoughts, his attention shifted to Bage opening the bottle. 

Zenta offered a gentle smile to Brachi and nodded his head.

"I appreciate your help, Brachi, but instead of patching my wounds, I kindly request you brush the fur on my tails. As you can see, it is quite... unsightly." The beast lifted his tails showing uneven and frizzy fur. "Grooming helps with my nerves. Cuki used to brush my fur all the time."

His ears perked upon hearing Cuki's name come from Lucifer's mouth. When the small Angel mentioned that Cuki also had cracks on her body, he froze in his spot. He never saw her energy cracked but never knew that her skin was also riddled with cracks. And if it is similar to Spina's condition, he feared the worst for his student. His entire body grew stiff until the corner of his mouth began to lift slightly, baring his teeth for a split moment. Luckily, he controlled himself before he let out an outburst. He simply turned away from Lucifer, gave his tails to Brachi, and tried to focus on what the bottle had to say.

The Red King has been messing around with some oddly colored crystals... They are entirely black but it seems anyone who touches them goes mad, even the Xy'phers! However, thanks to the King's psychic powers, he is able to compress the crystals into Xy'phers without touching them. These new Xy'phers are unlike the others... they have no mind or will of their own and immediately attack anything they see. They are wild and not even the King can control their ferocious nature. For the first time, the King was shocked! Those who attack the King are quickly executed but upon being killed they explode violently. Despite the danger, the King continues to pick at a very tiny cluster, creating more of these Xy'phers. One night he called one of his higher-ups, the Electricity user, to his chambers. I have yet to see him again... A few days later, the King suddenly demands that his army find him people with unique powers. Shortly after making this discovery, I was spotted...

I have been taken prisoner along with several other folks from other cities and towns. The Xy'pher King is ruthless and demands we all fight each other to the death. Apparently, he's grown bored and seeks entertainment with us as his jesters and our blood as his wine. He seems to pick those that have a unique ability or power. According to him, it enhances the battle if people are using their unique abilities. The King mentioned that the winner will be by his side but I have no idea what this means. These Xy'phers are violent and have turned the castle into a hive. I must warn the people of this danger before more victims fall prey to the Xy'phers. I have to plan my escape, but, for now, I must survive his game. I must know what 'being by his side' means. If can I win and get closer with the King, I can learn more information, or better yet, convince him of changing his ways...

I must write again to tell you that I witnessed the battle Royale of the first group of prisoners! There was only one winner and it was a woman who had the ability to control gravity. The King took a keen interest in the woman, examining her with his psychic powers, almost like he was... trying to find flaws. Then... it happened! He called for one of those Black Crystals and ordered the girl to touch it. 'It is your prize. Take it.' He said. When she did, she immediately grew insane! Her gravity was stronger than ever! Her power completely enhanced! She almost turned the room to rubble! Yet, the King promptly killed her. Once she was turned to a Coin, the King forced her coin inside that Black Crystal, giving it life! The black crystal was now... a Xy'pher. It was not as wild compared to the others and obeyed the King diligently. What made it less wild than before? Was it the Coin..? 

The King said. "Those who have deemed themselves worthy in my presence will be known as the Elites... This particular Xy'pher, and her brother, however, will be known as an Elite-Berserker due to their unstable nature."

There is no changing the King. I cannot curb its vicious tendencies... In a fit of fear, I use my portal powers to escape with the prisoners. I cannot go far because I am not very experienced, but at least we are away from the Hive. However, as I escorted the last prisoner, the King rises from his throne and said something that will be forever engraved into my mind...

"Yes, good thinking! Another game for the King! I think it will be very fun! Very fun indeed..."

I am afraid of what these things can do... I am very afraid...

"He fused the Coins with... Black Crystals?!" Avalon said, completely shocked. "But how come there aren't more of those Black Crystal Berserker things running around?"

"Perhaps the King uses too many resources in making these new Xy'phers. It sounds like he needs people with unique abilities, something not everyone has." Zenta added, ignoring his earlier thoughts. "But it is something to worry about. These Black Crystals are known to corrupt anyone who touches them, who's to say the King is not exploiting that? The question is how."
Cross says "I would say the Black Crystals have already corrupted the king but I think the king is using an workaround to use let him make there power useful."
"Well regardless of the reason, this makes our situation a lot harder. It was bad enough just making those normal Xy'phers. But now he's making ones that are unstable and can grow stronger with the crystal being their non-stop supply?" Bage began to ponder the information presented, almost as if he was having a silent conversation with himself. "But... You bring up something there Zenta. If he's only using them on ones he feel's is worthy of them, then there could be a chance to find and cut his supply." 

Bage then turned to Cross as he made a suggestion at the process of the King's usage of the crystals and continued. "Well we heard for ourselves. He has psychic powers to keep himself from being touched by the crystal. That... And he had the woman touch the black crystal before turning her into a coin. Which means they have to be infected by the crystal before becoming a Xy'pher. Otherwise, they would explode from the madness."
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