The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"A threat...? You must forget how this works. These are no longer mere threats anymore! Gogeta clearly shows no regard for people so since he's absolutely bent on destruction, He's going to be..!" Bage was nearly on a tangent now, he faced Bernkastel and Spina with near fury in his eyes before stopping abruptly at the sight of Detective Goku. He remained silent during the whole of the Senior detective's question to the Breakers about taking Gogeta away. "Thank you, sir." He nodded to Goku, thankful that he wouldn't have to take the trouble making fusion all the way to the agency himself. He noticed Spawn giving him a look of concern, probably for having to work with this rowdy group, which was understandable. The junior detective simply shrugged and gave an awkward smile in return.

Then at Avalon's calling to the group, Bage noticed them bringing the bright colored bottle. His mood brightened as Berserk and Lucifer finally joined them. "Nice work on securing another bottle, you guys! I think it would be a good idea to head home for the day. Sorry, Bern and I were no-shows to the final blow. We were a bit preoccupied with Gogeta. But we'll be ready next time Roya pops up again."

He gave a reassuring smile to them and hoping to take the bottle tenderly from Berserk. "We all deserve a good rest from all the work we put in today."
Berserk quirked a brow at Avalon as she let him take back his scroll. "Hey now, I just picked it up 'cuz you dropped it! Unless you want my knuckles to kiss yer face, you can forget that idea." Handing Bage the mysterious bottle next, she gave a grin and a half-shrug. "No worries, me and Avalon handled her just fine-- blew her right outta the water! Next time I'll show what I'm made of once that weird effect wears off. But you--" She jabbed a finger towards Avalon. "None of that reckless stuff next time! You're just lucky to even be able to hear being at the center of all those explosions! I didn't hear anyone other than Lucifer since we were high up so I bet you bonked your head. But we did too."

Bernkastel looked down towards her cat as it tugged on her sock to get her attention. "... My familiars fell with Spina somewhere dark, but they couldn't make out anything specific in it other than 'something' watching them. There was a hostile creature that spoke but they had been blinded and don't remember what it looked like. Whatever it was frightened them terribly." Bernkastel pushed herself up off the ground, brushing her knees off at Zenta's behest, taking one last look at Gogeta before crossing her arms with a scowl. "Let's not delay in getting home then-- maybe we'll have some damn peace and quiet for once," Bern muttered gruffly. "And that includes you, Zenta; you can hardly stand by yourself right now," she scolded, sounding bristled at having to see him keep pushing himself despite the shape he was in.
Detective Goku turned to Bage and pat him on the back. “Good job out there. That’s the major accomplishment. I knew you were the right person for this task. Keep this up, and you’ll be promoted to my position in no time. With Gogeta gone, they should be much easier, so I don’t need to get involved too much to hinder your investigations. Give me a call for any updates on the bottles since we need to take this one back to the agency. We’ll discuss whatever you guys saw underground later on today…” 

Lucifer, lowering his hands from the bruise on his forehead, turned to Zenta, who towering over him. Unfazed by the sudden change of tone towards him, the small angel narrowed his eyes while maintaining his signature devilish smile.

“Are you try to intimidate me, Zenta?” Lucifer said, raising his hand in the air before clenching his palm. A portal that leads them directly to the Breakers’ Apartment appeared before them. He did not take his sight off from the beast man.

“Your sudden boldness won’t go unnoticed, Zenta.” Lucifer said, his tone shifted from a darker one compared to his more “childish demeanor” fronts he has been putting as of late. “Do tread carefully with your words around me, Zenta. It’ll be good for you.” Seeing that everyone is ready to go home, Lucifer entered first. “Hmm, I think I’m forgetting someone…” As he entered the portal towards the apartments.

Detective Spawn narrowed his eyes, seeing Zenta becoming all aggressive. “Tsk…”

“Something wrong?” Detective Goku said, taking notice of Spawn’s disgust towards Zenta.

“Nothing in particular.” Detective Spawn said. “I just dislike the scent and the sight I’m seeing in front of me right now. That only I can see.” He walked toward Bage. “I pity you for being part of this ragtag group but looks like you’re doing alright. Give me a holler if you need anything.” Suddenly, he pulled Bage closer to him for a whisper. “Listen, watch carefully for several people in your group. Especially the beast man, the witch and that child. I can’t go into details now but keep an eye out for them.”

Walking away, Spawn gave Detective Goku a heads up. “Alright, let’s go. I’ll tell you what I found at the undergrounds. It definitely gives me a lead on my investigations.”

Detective Goku nodded. “Alright. See you tomorrow, Breakers. Get some rest, and make sure Spina isn’t a coin.” Hoisting Gogeta over his shoulders, Goku and Spawn disappeared from the area.
Cross thinks "Good things are heading in a good direction with the breakers. It seems they will be the center of the next storm as well."

Cross teleports to the apartment and starts to cook.
So that voice was definitely in my head... But then again, Berserk has a point. I probably bonked my head too hard... Still, I can't help but think I'll hear that voice again soon.

"Aw shucks, I knew you were worried about me, Berserk! You must've been like 'Oh, I hope that super awesome and very handsome ninja Avalon is safe! He's such a hero~!'" Avalon tried to mimic Berserk's voice. "But you're right, no more crazy stunts like that for a while. I'll let my clones handle that. Sheesh, talk about a crazy week, huh? I think we're extra lucky if Detective Goku gave us some pity. ...Tho' I'm not sure that's entirely a good thing. Regardless, a bit of lenience isn't bad every once in a while. Speaking of bad..."

Avalon crossed his arms over his chest as his tone became more preachy towards Berserk, almost like a disappointed brother.

"I think me and you need to have a talk about your illicit behavior, Berserk. Blowing up stuff and making graffiti is bad y'know! ...Well, your bad habits got us out of a pickle. You even managed to mess up Roya from the sounds of it. I guess I can let it pass just this once... But I'm lecturing you next time for sure!"

Zenta remained silent with Lucifer's threat, his own gaze locked on the child. Once Lucifer disappeared through the portal, his tense body eased up and he was able to return to the more gentle side he was used to. With a proper scolding from Bernkastel, the beast seemed to be in agreement with the Witch. As usual, he stood by the side of the portal as he held Spina over his shoulder, allowing the others to enter before him as he counted for each Breaker passing through the portal. He could not fight against Bernkastel's word. He knew he was tired. But it was not the exhaustion that worried him the most.

"Very well, Lady Bernkastel, I will try to get some rest. However, I will remain diligent of noises, I'm afraid my ears capture every sound, ohoho! In the meanwhile, we should let Bage handle the bottle we acquired." Zenta smiled at Bernkastel and Bage. He then lowered his head to a humble bow before addressing an arm to the portal. "Please, after you, my Lady."

"Yeah, let's just head home already... I think we all deserve some well earned rest. Three days of total mayhem isn't good on the body... At least we managed to snag a bottle in the process." Avalon said, cringing slightly in the pain he was in. He turned to his paper hawk, opened his scroll, and whistled. The avian flew towards Avalon before turning into a cloud of smoke, reappearing as a sketch on the man's scroll. "We should be able to use my Summons later on since it requires less energy if I reuse an older sketch. I shouldn't get hasty though... C'mon Berserk, we shouldn't stick around here any longer."

Avalon made his way to the portal before looking up at Zenta and remembering that he was blind. He still couldn't believe it and wanted to find out on his own. I just gotta find out. I know Bernkastel said he can sense energy but it's almost like he's able to see it. Like, if he had eyes! How does he do it? No way a blind guy can do the stuff he can. ...Right? He's gotta have a trick up his sleeve. Shaking his head, the ninja traveled through the portal, waiting for Berserk and the others as he slumped on a chair.
Bage smiled at both of the new Breaker members as the bickered. He gave Berserk a near scolding look with Avalon as he spoke. "Well, I think this talk, while very much needed, can wait until after we've had some rest. We deserve it after such a success."

The junior detective then turned to Goku as he called to him. "Thanks, Sir. Im flattered!" He gave a bit of a sheepish look at the praise he received before responding again in a much more structured manner. "You can count on me. I'll give you the details as soon as I'm done examining it's contents."

With the cogs already turning in his mind, Bage couldn't help but wonder what this next bottle could possibly reveal about the Red king this time. If that dream was anything even close to real, they would be in big trouble if they couldn't figure this out soon. Bage lost his train of thought for a moment when Spawn made his way over. 

"I'll hold you to that! But don't be so harsh on them. They've got potential when they actually start working togeth-" The saiyan's sentence was cut short when Detective Spawn pulled him in to relay his warning about Bernkastel, Zenta and Lucifer. The angel he could understand, but Bernkastel and Zenta. Beside the outburst from the beast, they seemed very under control... And calculating. "R-Right." He nodded to the other before he was released. He hesitated before walking through the portal to give Goku and Spawn a subtle concerned look, taking Spawn's words and replaying them in his mind.
"Aw what? You guys are still hung up about that? It wasn't like anyone's names were written on those buildings-- that side of town's a total dump anyway, so I just gave 'em a splash of color to put a smile on my face." Berserk crossed her arms gave the two scolding her an incredulous scoff before waving her wrist. "Live a little, it's no fun to play everything by the books! It came in handy, so it all worked out in the end. Consider my work a demolition job free of charge; you can always put something cooler! Sigh, everyone's a critic..."

Floating in towards the portal with a haughty look on her face, Berserk stopped before deciding to rub Avalon a bit herself. "You should worry more about what Lilith's gonna say when she sees the big bump on Lucifer's head!" She teased before sticking her tongue out at him childishly and ducking into the portal, cackling. "Better hope she doesn't decide to check if you're a water clone or not, Ninja Nerd!" ​

Bernkastel nodded in silent acknowledgement of Zenta before reaching down to pick up the cat at her feet, her expression softening only when she stroked its fur as she walked. The other cats trailed off until they were flat and moved within the shadows cast by the sun. "We'll toss him onto the couch. It looks like I can't delay if we want those cracks gone."
Arriving at the apartments, Lucifer grabbed a chair near the entrance of the kitchen and took his seat. “What an eventful day. I wonder if doing these activities can somehow salvage whatever reputation this group has and turned it around.” He thought to himself as he turned to each member that enter the portal—primarily, the core members. He does not considered Avalon, Berserk, Bage, Zenta and Jize as part of the Breakers—far from it. Instead, they were merely additions that, in his view, as additions that simply here for their own purposes.

Seeing Spina in such state where death is imminent if not treated properly, and then Gogeta was removed from the group due to his continuous interferences, Lucifer wondered if his sights was a bit naïve on joining the group in the first place. They seem to have stray far from their original purpose of this group, and the missions the Detectives are putting them through are not to his liking. “Hmph, if I wish to see the fruitions come forward, I must continue my decision and see it to the end…” He vaguely said in a mumble. “Besides, the Xy’phers is still on my mind since they were indeed after the Breakers.” He taps his forehead, still having a stinging sensation upon touch. “Oh, Lilith… I should give her a notice that we’ve returned home.”

“You ought to heal him before he croaks.” Lucifer warned Bernkastel. “You don’t need to heal him completely, but enough to significantly lowered his risks of being turned into a coin from one shot.” He spoke on Spina’s condition. “Detective, now that you have yet another bottle in your possessions. I think we should learn about its content, since the Xy’phers were deliberately targeting the Breakers. Perhaps we’ll find out where they’re located?”
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