The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-Tock! TICK-TOCK!!" Panich's soft voice began growing louder and louder as the grip on Bage's neck tightened significantly. The Saiyan's shut eyes opened up to see not only Panich but Vegeta, Goku, Zibarica, and all of the Z-fighters squeezing his throat[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] all at once[/font]! And from below, shadowed figures of Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale along with Champa and Vados began pulling at Bage's limbs, dragging him down under the liquid-like ground whispering more doubts and false securities to him. The combined strength, he thought, would surely tear his throat open and rip his limbs off, but he could no longer struggle against any of them. His vision had faded away and he couldn't hear anything anymore. 

Am I dying?  Bage thought to himself in the silence. 

But then, suddenly, all of that had disappeared. The detective's eyes shot open and were thrown into a coughing fit as he was finally able to breathe. He sat up from the ground and saw that the others around him, feeling somewhat relieved to see them. The relief, however, was short-lived when he saw the millions of Xy'phers bowing and chanting for the Diamond... or rather, the Red King. His eyes widened in horror as he and the others were dragged forward toward the razor-sharp teeth, The detective Braced himself for the impact, "NOO!" But there was no use, his vision began to fade once again as he was chewed up by the Red King. 

Bage was jolted awake as well, gasping lightly and trying to regain his thoughts. He remained in a sitting position and desperately trying to process what had just happened to him until Spina arrived to wake the others. He looked around as well, noticing that the mess from before had been cleaned and then some. 

"Detective Goku! I'm sorry, Sir." Bage shot to his feet only to stumble, finally feel the fatigue from the illusion. "We ran into... another Xy'pher issue."
The kick did little to stir the sleeping Gogeta, the fusion rousing up from his slumber a few moments after the ordeal had finished. He panted heavily, a dazed expression across his face in coming to terms with the reality of the situation. Gripping the side of his head, Gogeta grimaced to himself as Black's voice rung out with a relaxed tone within his mind.

"Welcome back. I did my best to restore your energy...but whatever happened to you drained more than I can undo. We'll need to wait a couple of days and-"


Black's voice immediately went quiet, a clear indication he had been caught off guard while Gogeta's eyes sharpened into a glare trained on the singular target from his nightmare. The vision of Cuki's transformed state blurred within his mind, flowing like water down the stream at the sight of the older Saiyan speaking to Detective Goku.

"I have work to do. You will give me the power you promised, and you will do it now. The only thing that has drained your lack of progress. Get it done."

The dual voice within Gogeta's mind that spoke the command had been strong and fierce; venomous in delivery of the threat. Yet despite the intense response, Vegetto Black offered no reply as Gogeta's mind went entirely silent on the matter. The fusion broke out into a small, satisfied smirk in his glare never once wavering off Spina.

Vegetto Black glared strongly at the floor, his own voice curt and frustrated.

"This is getting out of hand. He's exhausted, but it's taking even more energy to restrain him. How can he be harder to break when he can barely stand, and what is the point of mind control if I don't control him?!"

The robed woman spoke with a curt, flat tone in reply.

"He is a wild dog, you already knew that. You can't keep it caged forever, so swallow that ego of yours and do what he said. Whatever happened to them made them weak; if he were to unleash your strength on all of them now, not even their combined powers could bring the dog down."

Vegetto Black grunted in annoyance, turning his eyes up.

"That simple? It seems too easy; you really think the Witch and the Lich can't bring him down, even when they're tired?"

The woman scoffed lightly.

"No, not if they are caught off guard the same as you were. The X'yphers will wear them down from the other side and Gogeta will destroy their footing out from under them. Without any chance of survival, he will have to make his move."

Vegetto Black sighed heavily, his eyes narrowing. He stood silent, speculating to himself for a moment in the strong resonation of the word 'he' that came from the woman; shifting slightly in discomfort of the sheer emotion of hatred that broke through the emotionless tone she held for almost all of her dialogue.

"I already told you, none of my scouts have seen Whis in weeks. Where ever he is, he's vanished off the face of the universe; he won't come to their aid."

The robed woman stood silent for a moment, her tone finally raising in pitch in clear frustration.

"That's not who I'm talking about."
Avalon mumbled slightly under his breath before his eyes shot open thanks to Spina's kick. He quickly sat up and gasped loudly, touching his face and the rest of his body, making sure he was still in one piece. He was pale and seemed entirely shaken up by the events he saw in the illusions. For the first time in many years, he saw his sister but not how he remembered her. The way she spoke to him sent shivers up his spine and he couldn't shake it off. Then the sight of the odd Shadow King and the Breakers being entirely overwhelmed did not escape his mind. He was caught in a trance of what he witnessed.

Was that... a glimpse of the future? What was that..?

He pulled his knees to his chest, trying to cope with the memories that lingered in his mind. He turned to see Berserk laying next to him and gently shook her, trying to wake her from the illusion. "Hey, Berserk, wake up." His voice did not sound as happy-go-lucky as it usually did. "It's just a dream, wake up Berserk."

The Breakers would feel incredibly tired and sore from the illusion caused by Roya. Their bodies felt as if they were fighting for days and had no rest despite being asleep. Every muscle ached and demanded rest, their minds eroded by the lack of sleep. They were still able to fight but the more they did, the more strain their bodies would have. Avalon groaned at his aching muscles and felt weaker than usual. While he still was able to fight, the stress of it could cause him more pain.

What a horrible sensation...

Overhead was Zenta, carrying large boulders and other debris throughout Allure City. He spent the course of three days fixing the entire mess of the city, including the fallen building they originally came here for, the damage of the Xy'phers they fought, and the mess the Xy'phers created prior to their arrival. He worked on it all by himself, and it was evident that even the intensive workload gradually built upon the Beast. Upon hearing Detective Goku's voice, he turned to the man to see Spina and the others stirring up from their slumber. Without hesitation, he dropped the tons of rubble and debris on the floor before rushing towards the Breakers. Upon closer inspection, the Beast was dirty from the dirt and dust he worked up fixing the city singlehandedly. His fur was sticking out and was messy compared to how he usually groomed himself. He had no room to meditate and even his mind suffered a bit from the punishment. He was also very twitchy, his senses working on overdrive even for things not meant as threats. Every little noise he heard forced him to jolt his head in that direction or tense his body. Yet, his expression was one of pure bliss, despite not being able to see most of his face.

"Breakers!" Zenta gasped. "You're back! Are you all well?"

"Eh... could've been better," Avalon sighed, rubbing his sore neck. "What happened? Weren't we fighting Roya? Did we lose?"

"I'm... not quite sure myself," answered Zenta. "You lot rushed towards Roya but some sort of energy pulsed from her body, particularly from her forehead. Next thing I saw was all of you falling to the ground in an instant. I assumed that odd energy had something to do with it. I decided to give Roya chase but when I managed to corner her she informed me that if I harm her she will end up turning you all to Coins. I... I did not want to risk your lives so I had to let her go. It was around that point when I met up with Detective Goku." He gestured to the Detective. "In order to not have you in further trouble or arrested, I followed his original orders on cleaning the mess we were sent here to do. In addition, I also had to fix any other damages, large and small, to the city all by myself. It was... quite taxing, to say the least."

"What? But the city looks practically brand new! You did this... by yourself..?" Avalon said as he looked around the area. Nearly every scrap of debris or metal was gone and buildings meticulously fixed by hand. It was obvious that it was the work of hard labor. "How long were we asleep?"

"I counted three days."

"Three days?!"

"Yes, I have worked diligently nonstop to help protect your names and prevent you from getting arrested. As long as the city was being cleaned, as ordered, Detective Goku promised to not lay a finger on you."

"What about Roya?"

"Last I heard was that she was heading to Metropolis. Something about... feeding?" Zenta frowned at the thought. "Detective Goku said he would handle it." The Beast then gently made his way to Bernkastel and carefully sat her up, being ever so delicate with her fragile body as he pressed her against his furry chest. Ironically, or in a cruel twist of fate, Zenta matched Cuki's appearance when she took care of the drunken Breakers, also lacking three days of sleep. "My Lady, are you okay?"

Three days..? Damn, we only gave the enemy more time to build his army. And now we have this Roya chick to stall us around. If she's able to catch us in her weird magic trick, who's to say she won't do it again to stall us even longer? On top of that, there's no doubt Zenta had to fight off a few Xy'phers to protect our bodies. He may be good at hiding his intentions but even I can tell he's overexerting himself, but how much more can he take? Eventually, even he will reach his limit, it's only a matter of time... Avalon bit his lip as he stared blankly at Gogeta. On top of that, we have this guy holding us back every step we take. He's a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any second and we're caught in the middle. I don't like it... How can things get worse than this?
Berserk groaned intermittently, letting out a loud wheezy gasp of air as soon as Avalon stsrted to shake her out of slumber. Jolting upward into sitting up she looked around erratically before cringing at the sudden movement. "Owwww--- shit..." A second glance around and Berserk realized the nightmarish imagery really was just a dream. But it felt too real.

Bernkastel had laid on her side with one eye open from being awake, but she didn't move or try to get up; despite sleeping for three days it was anything but restful. Instead she listened intently to what was going on around her. Even though it was quiet Bern was breathing with great effort to maintain it steady, with cold sweat causing her hair to stick to her face. Her expression was unreadable as she stared dead ahead.

Berserk looked on in confusion between Detective Goku and Zenta, almost in disbelief at what happened. "What the hell?! Three days! But she was just there!" Running her hands through her messy hair in exhausted frustration, Berserk let out a groan. "I didn't even see that coming... bet she was waiting for us to finish with those Xy'pher creeps so she could catch us off guard!" Berserk glared over in Spina's direction. "What gives Gramps! You should've just iced her when you had the chance, instead of freezing up when she got in close."

While the others talked among each other, Bern tried propping herself up with her arms but found it immensely difficult. Zenta coming in close to help her sit up caused her to stare up at him and look him over. Taking in everything that happened while they were out soured her mood even more, if it was possible. For several moments of silence after Zenta asked about her well-being, Bern glanced away from him, sickened by looking at her own reflection in his visor as she dug her nails into the dirt. Her expression was stone-cold but her voice came out curt and bitter with frustration. "No."
Lilith woke up and look at her trying still trying to reach for something, but it was all but an illusion. Lowering her head briefly, she looked around to find Lucifer. “Lucifer?” She asked until she finally spotted him. He was standing still, as opposed to the others, but motionless. When she approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, Lucifer turned with a warm smile.

“Oh, we’re out of the illusion?” Lucifer said. “And just when I thought it was going to get interesting.” 

“You were affected?” Lilith asked.

“Yes. That moment her horn lit up; we were already cast under it. Nothing we can do at that point, so I decided, hey, let us enjoy the ride.” Lucifer said. Lilith was silent at Lucifer’s willingly about being caught in such ability, and wonders what he saw as opposed to her, and the others. Judging on how mostly everyone else look, it seems to be taxing on their bodies. “Hmm? Something wrong? Did you see something interesting in your illusions?” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed and bare his teeth in a wide grin.

“No.” Lilith responded in a monotone.

“Don’t worry, Detective. The one who called himself Zenta informed of what happened.” Detective Goku said. “You lot [Breakers] should be thanking him for finishing off the job for you. Alas, I did get information regarding the status of this place. I need to make a detailed report.” 

Spina narrowed his eyes at the revelation that three days had passed in real time. After Berserk scolded him about his inability to stop Roya in time, the old Saiyan turned towards her. “If you didn’t just rush in and stay the fuck back as I told you, I would’ve dealt with her efficiently. And thanks to this kid, she’s practically feeding off dreams of her victims.” The anger was literally showcase from Spina, from the dramatic dream he had earlier, and now the being caught under an illusion, his mental stability was clearly slipping away. Things were great until she shown up. Once again, a wrench to test his patience comes under question. Not giving the others the chance to reply, he turned his attention to the Detective. “You said you took care of her, but you’re here.”

“I’ve sent Detective Spawn to check it out and go after this Roya person Zenta described, as I kept a close eye on you, soundly sleeping on the job. I was planning on going there right now since I haven’t heard from him for a few hours.” Detective Goku said, attempting to say more, but a beeping sound cause his attention to shift. “Excuse me.” He said, picking up a phone. “Detective Goku speaking.”

Realizing that it been three days, and considering how Roya operates, Spina opposed of that decision. “No, I’m going to take care of this. You guys just stay here!” He turns to Gogeta. “Especially you. Don’t you fucking move.” Without waiting for a reply, and despite him being utterly drained due to the illusion episode, he blasted off from the ground and headed towards Reality Metropolis.

Lucifer and Lilith approached the main group. “Ah, three days? That’s quite an impressive illusion.” The small angel looked up, seeing Spina blasting away to give chase to Roya. “He’ll be in trouble if he fights in that condition.” He rubbed his chin. “Gogeta. You’ve been taking quite a beating, huh. Not physically, but verbally. You’re going to let another person talk you down like some hopeless child? No wonder he does not take you seriously to actively rebuff your threats. I wonder if you were the one that beat down Roya, he’ll have to take you seriously.” Lucifer chuckled.
Cross says "He(Goku) have no grounds to speak of respect and common decently but despite that fact he have a fair point." These is a since that some things are going to be omitted if Cross dos any reports. 

Cross turns and says to Zenta "Thanks you and Sorry if my wend I was out any harm came apron you Zenta wend dealing with my body(Cross is assuming that some his contingencies may have triggered doing harm to Zenta)." Even out cold Cross' dos indicate that he may be more than he portrays him self too be.
Avalon grunted at how Spina spoke to Berserk but, in a way, he felt responsible for not listening to Spina in the first place. His mind was racing as he was still stuck on the images of his younger sister. When he glanced at Berserk, he saw the same ambition his sister usually held and he couldn't help but rub his eyes. All he remembered was his sister talking down on him and sending him to his doom. While he may have a friendship with Berserk, he felt as if he was too intrusive in her life, especially since she had sisters of her own.

I can't lose Berserk too...

Avalon shook his head as he slapped his cheeks to rid his mind of the illusions.

"Hey, we can't just leave Boss to fight off that enemy by himself. He's in no condition to fight!" Avalon said as he rose to his feet and dusted himself off but cringed at the pain his muscles posed. "Then again... neither are we. Ugh, but we can't stand here and do nothing. He'll get killed if he goes out on his own! We have to follow him!" Avalon then turned to Gogeta and seemed to nod in agreement with Spina. "I'm not gonna lie to you, should stay here buddy. No offense, but you seem to have a nasty habit of ruining everything you touch. The last thing we need is more trouble and you're a magnet for that stuff. Not only that, you got some weird obsession with Spina and constantly get in his way, making things worse."

Avalon sighed, not exactly happy about putting someone down.

"Look man, I'm just sick and tired of cleaning up after your crap. I joined to help you guys fix your name and personally apologize to Cuki, not be dragged down by some musclehead. ...Do us all a favor and stay here. When you're out of the way, we tend to finish things a lot more smoothly."

Avalon shook his head at the words he had to say. He wasn't a fan of talking down on people but his truthful nature refuses to lie to the Saiyan either. He turned to Berserk and shifted his gaze to the floor, almost ashamed at the character he had to display. Regardless, he fumbled around with his scroll before opening it on the ground. Digging in his scarf, he pulled out a brush and began to draw some lines on his scroll. With careful strokes of his brush, he draws a simple bird. Special hand signs appeared before he gently touched the scroll and a large puff of smoke came out. The bird he drew earlier came to life, although still 'sketch-like' in nature.

"Alright, still have enough energy to create a Summon," Avalon hopped on the giant hawk-like bird before tapping on the back feathers for Berserk. "Hop on Berserk. This Summon should take us directly to Metropolis where Spina should be. At least it'll save you some energy from flying."

Zenta nodded to Cross and bowed his head respectfully. "No harm was done, really..." Yet, his tone was slightly different.

The beast then turned back to the Lady in his arms and her response. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he gently propped Bernkastel up on her feet, being careful as to not bring any harm to her. Her tone of voice caused him to lower his ears in a sad state followed by a frown. He could not imagine the troubling emotions Bern must be going through but he bowed his head to her nonetheless to show his respects. As Lucifer taunted Gogeta, he dug his fingers through his hair, a truly rare sign of his growing frustration.

"Lucifer, you know of his tendencies, do not entice him. In his condition, and as much as he wants to deny it, he cannot fight Roya without Spina's help. Now that the Breakers are safe, I am more willing to help fight her." Zenta turned to Gogeta, trying his best to reason with the Fusion. "You should remain here with Detective Goku for the same reasons Avalon stated but I will not stop you should you go. You are a capable fighter but you have a very destructive path behind you. I was nice to you before, but after learning a few things about how your actions tie to the fate of the Breakers, I will not as merciful to you. You may choose your own path, Gogeta, but know this; if you pick the wrong one you will see me at the end of it, and depending on your answer you will either perish or prosper."

Zenta then turned to the other Breakers, his tone a little stronger than usual.

"Now then, will you Breakers stay here, or will you help out Spina? I suggest you all rest but I doubt my words will go far. Either way, I made a vow to myself to stop Roya once you all come to your senses. Now I must fulfill that vow. As for you..." Zenta turned to Detective Goku, his tails flicking wildly like some sort of agitated animal, something never seen from him. He wasn't mad at Goku in particular but rather the stress of being overworked the way he was. "I did your deed, now you must keep your end of the bargain. I cleaned the city for you, so you are to refrain from arresting Lady Bernkastel, as promised. I have no time to talk for I must stop Roya from destroying the city..."

Zenta slumped his shoulders, no doubt tired from his hard labor but ended up rolling his arms back and forth to stretch himself out. Zenta walked past everyone without as much as even giving them a glance. His hands were clenched into fists and his posture was a tad more aggressive. Even his tone was low and intimidating. However, as soon as he walked past Goku, he instantly vanished.
Gogeta's glare sharpened heavily once Spina had turned to face him, watching on in silence as the older Saiyan blasted off. His eyes gleamed brightly with an intense silver, and despite the heavy drain on his strength, he only watched Spina's energy trail high in the sky while Avalon scolded him. Gogeta stood still in what seemed like a trance, until his head turned back from the sky towards Zenta once he had spoke. His intense glare had not changed, and at the very end of Zenta's ultimatum, Gogeta only let out a small half scoff in reply.

The fusion inhaled deeply through his nose while the others stood by and Zenta disappeared. A heavy pressure radiated outward from his body shortly after; scorching winds erupting outwards in every direction in gentle, calm breezes. Yet despite the uproar and destructive forces from before, the energy radiating around Gogeta spiraled upward around his body in a near silent expulsion of silver fire. An ominous pink hue resonated from the new unmistakable aura that flowed around his body; the spiked bundles on his head ragged slightly like his appearance should be after just waking up.

Yet the bundles themselves only held a pinkish silver hue, still black in color. His pupils had finally shifted to the gleam of the form he held in the nightmare, his fists clenching together repeatedly. The dark lines under his eyes showed his tired state, yet despite the clear fatigue, Gogeta seemed to look over his fists with a pleased expression.

"Oh don't worry...I feel the same way. When I stop listening to your pathetic whining...when you're out of my way, I finish things smoothly. Just like this power...and just like I'll finish this Roya."

Gogeta paused for a brief moment, glancing down before slowly turning towards Bernkastel. The silver eyed glare locked firmly on the smaller witch, his eyes meeting hers with a cocky smirk.

"Your lies won't hold me back any longer. For the first time since I've been here...I now feel...f̙͇̼͚̹r̤̺̘e̥̲̪̻͔ͅe҉̯. Free to explore my power...and free to choose my own path. So you failures can stay here and talk to K͖̘̕a͈̬̟̣̺͎̹k̫͡ͅa̺͖̹̥͚̖ͅro̶̦̦t҉."

The strange inflexion and ominous tone behind Gogeta's dual voice rung out when he spoke the detective's Saiyan name, the fusion turning around and briefly glaring back at Goku.

"-b̥̫̺̠̘̰̰u̥t t̘̹̯̣̱̣h͠i̖̹̘͙̼s͕̬ ̙̯͙̣͓ͅi̟͘s̘̦͉ ̹m̩͟y̩̣̥͈̰̤ ̗̦w͎o̤̟͈͓̳̭̹r̛͓͉ͅld҉ n̜̟͓̜͈o̟̯͍̠̖w̻͔͉.̨̙̯ͅ"҉̱̬̰͎̞͙̠

Without another word, Gogeta suddenly shot up into the sky in a silver beam of energy, chasing after Spina at blinding speed.
Brachi, Bara and Jize watched Gogeta and others take off.

"Three days? But it felt like only a few hours at best..." Brachi said.

Jize then turned to Detective Goku.

"You have anything else for us, sir?" She politely asked.
Cross thinks "I can tell some thing happened but for now its not best to press it."

Cross says flatly and with a strange mix of a command as well a suggestion "Goku you can start repenting for your War Crime by making shore innocent don't die. Some tells me the battles we face for a bit are not going to be very well confined." Cross vanished as well in order to help Spina and Zenta before Goku gave a response.
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