The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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From the sky came a scorching silver fire from above and behind Roya, the bottom of Gogeta’s right foot slamming down into the back of her neck. The force as propulsion of the fusion down sent the two to ground in a thunderous and destructive crash, kicking up cement as Gogeta practically rode Roya like a surfboard through the ground.

Soon sliding to a halt, Gogeta reapplied pressure through his right leg down onto Roya to finish out his vicious attack. He panted heavily, chest rising and falling under his vest in deep winded breaths, but the look of the fusion sharpened in clearly pushing himself to avoid showing any signs of fatigue. The silver eyes glared down at Roya with the all too familiar intensity of the form, but his smirk broke from the usual stern seriousness of Ultra Instinct.

“Ha...ha...I thought...I told you already! No one kills Spina while I’m around; destiny has reserved that pleasure for me!”
"Whatever you call it, is the reason Roya even went to the Metropolis in the first place, if you haven't noticed." Bage's scowl remained firm on his face as the archangel tried to intimidate him. "But... The others know you better than I do, So if they think you'll be helpful then I'll leave it up to Bernkastel." Bage turned to Bara and Jize, finally noticing Cross missing. "Wait where did-..." He sighed heavily, That was one less person they had for their plan... So it was looking like Lucifer would be joining them anyway. 

The detective turned to Bernkastel at the mention of distracting Roya. "Alright we split up and swarm her after Avalon and Berserk lure her in, but then what? we're all exhausted from that illusion she casted on us, so even if we can get close and manage to hit her, it's unlikely it will do much damage due to our fatigue. And I doubt Spina or Gogeta will be able to wear her down, but with Zenta and Spawn there, chances are better than zero."
Allure City

“The sense of frustration is noticeable in your voice, Detective. Don’t beat yourself up, Detective Goku did place his trust on ensuring that this ragtag group is able to pull itself together and do one thing right.” Lucifer added on. “Besides, rushing in blindly will do us no favors. We need a clear plan to ensure that everyone falls in their own roles.” He turned to Brachi and Bara discussing among themselves. “Do you wish to add onto the conversation, or you’re going stand there and circle jerk among yourselves with whatever you want to do?” Lucifer said. “We’re not even at Reality Metropolis yet, and you already wasting what little energy you have.”

Lucifer squatted since he was tired of standing around. “I’m not entirely opposed swarming in, but you ask the burning question, detective. We swarm on her in our fatigue state. Now what?” The angel turned to Bernkastel, waiting for her answer to the question. “And if it backfires, it’ll all be naught.” 

Reality Metropolis

Spina stopped in his track the moment he saw Gogeta appeared and pummeled Roya towards the ground. The absolute worst person had appeared in this battle. “You damn fool! Get away from he—”

A roar of laughter was heard across the terrain. She pulled herself up, going against the weight from Gogeta’s boot firmly pressing on the back of her neck. When she has enough space between herself and the ground, she spat out large chunks of rocks out of her mouth. “You guys like shoving people through the dirt or something?” She joked lightheartedly.

Upon hearing Gogeta’s declaration on killing Spina as destiny, she could not bare to hold back her laughter even more. “Such a bold claim, Gogeta. But with that power you have now…” Roya turned her head slightly, so their eyes meet. “Hit me harder.” She pulled her body up to push Gogeta back hard, allowing her to quickly stand up to face the fusion. She threw quick kidney shots against Gogeta’s left side using her left. Her club returned to her right hand, as she delivered multiple blows with it against the fusion. Several strikes against his chest, with many against his head before uppercutting him towards the air.

“Come at me!” She grabbed one of the bottles on her belt and popped off the bottle cap. Chucking the bottle until her cheeks became full, she blew out blue smokes around her. As electrical sparks surge around, a barrage of high bullet-shaped energy blasted outward from the smokes, striking everything around her.

Detective Spawn’s body tensed up upon seeing the barrage. “If it is not one thing, it’s the other.” He dodged all the energy bullets at his direction until he entered the blue smoke.

“I can’t let this go on.” Spina felt that his movements was become too sluggish from the injury, but he continues and rushed to the scene, jumping in as well. 

Roya looked around to see if anyone would come near her. She looked up, seeing Spawn appearing out of the blue smokes and launching one of his chains with green energy towards her. Blocking multiple chains with her club, she let out a powerful scream that push Spawn back. 

Spina rushed in after nearly avoiding Spawn as he attempts to transformed into his Super Saiyan 4 state. Yet, his energy was constantly slipping as he was going in and out of the transformation. Unable to sustain the form, he opted to stay in his regular Super Saiyan state as he got close to her and exchanged blows. 

“What was that?” Roya didn’t seem to recognize the fourth stage—only the one with the golden hair. Her curiosity blooming and outpacing the old Saiyan, Roya delivered mighty blows against his stomach and torso. Spina grabbed onto his stomach as he was nearly on the verge of puking as he fell on his knees. “What kind of form is that?” Roya raised her club and expanded its size before repeatedly bashing his head until he hit the floor. “Come on, don’t get tired yet, old man.” She stood in position over him, eagerly waiting for someone else to jump in.
Cross thinks as the strange fire starts to suppress any power Roya gets form people sleeping and in fact the fire starts to spared torts her "I wonder how she dos wend starved and burnt."


Victims of Roya nightmares start too see the source of there nightmares' burn away and being replaced with a burning skeletal that has the same bearing as Cross would normally cooking some thing that the person would think of as confer food. The Cross says "this will help you recover some what before you wake up."
"Even if it's slim, a nonzero probability is enough to bring about the desired outcome. It's far too late for the others to withdraw now." Bernkastel said, pausing with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. "A viable strategy can be to let them wear her down over time, but we can't guarantee that doing so won't potentially kill them in the process. We'll need to compensate for not being at full power..." Bern paced back and forth as she pondered what they should employ as soon as they'd cross into the fray.

Berserk furrowed her brows and tried to think of something useful, feeling rather stumped with what Bage said. "Man, we're in a pickle. But I don't get it... Mr. Zenta said he had to let her go cause otherwise she'd kill us. How'd he fall for a bluff like that?" She asked incredulously. "I mean, even if I wasn't supposed to, you guys saw how we thew her for a loop. She had to use that funny spell just to run away!"

Bernkastel paused her pacing, made to ponder on what Zenta had told Avalon earlier. "It might not have been entirely a bluff. Other than that club, she was wearing a belt that probably has items to use in a pinch." Her eyes narrowed as an uneasy smirk formed on her face. "I see... it's no fun to crush an opponent if you can't watch them struggle first. So to save the interesting ones for dessert, she weakens their mind to weaken their body. Dangerous indeed, since she was able to sense our life force from far away. That too hinders our ability to gain an advantage..." She rubbed her chin in an irritated manner before lighting up, gears turning in her head.

"Well, Avalon made this second big bird, so if she decides to chase after us we can get away." Berserk chimed in, glancing at him worriedly. "But let's not do any more. Otherwise you won't be able to fight..."

"Then since Avalon has given us the birds, I'll make use of my familiars for ground support." Bernkastel stated to the group. "They wander the city as they please, but they aren't as ordinary as they might look. Once they mobilize they can exert their own life force; we can lure her into a dead end with them or I can order them to hit her hard where needed for those who are better at close combat." Since they weren't part of Bernkastel herself, she could use them independently.

"If she mistakes their energy for one of us, we could use it to send her on a bit of a goose chase and wear her out a little," Berserk's eyes widened with excitement. "Ooh! The old district where I planned to lure out Ultraman was where I planted a bunch of explosives in some abandoned buildings. I tagged them with red spray paint, so they should still be there. If me and Avalon act as the bait for Roya to come chasin' us, we could have the monster kitty lure her inside one. Luce is great at making people mad, so he could definitely taunt her into chasing us too. Once she's in, I press my detonator and-- kaboom! Coin'd!"

Bernkastel stared directly at Berserk and then toward Bage before going back to Berserk, who started to stumble her words realizing she just admitted to nearly committing a felony.

"... Erm... hypothetically speaking, let's say I hypothetically planted some explosives under the totally hypothetical guise of luring in Ultraman to--"

"Berserk, your idea is enough." Bernkastel deadpanned. "Even if it's a bit destructive, desperate times call for desparate measures. Depending on how much the others fare against her the blast should weaken her significantly, if not provide the finishing blow." She gazed at the group expectantly to see their opinion on the potential plan. "My cats will do well in providing physical power. As for me, I'm interested in the horn on her head... but to get that close, she must be disarmed of that club."
"Maybe she's only able to sense us if she's focused? So maybe while she's fighting Spina she can't sense us coming until we're nearby? Stalling out Roya sounds like a good idea to me, either way. Spina sure seemed adamant about not wanting to fight her but I can't sit here and let him fight on his own. Then again... Gogeta and Cross flew off so maybe Spina can work with them?" Avalon listened intently to Bage and Bernkastel, nodding in agreement with both their ideas. "You guys are super observant! I didn't even realize Roya had other stuff on her belt. I kinda bit off more than I can chew, huh? I mean, I nearly rushed me and Berserk into danger so blindly... That's not good." The ninja frowned, his hands clenching into fists. "Not good at all..."

"Still, with my birds, we can distract Roya from the sky while Bernkastel assembles her cats on the ground. I haven't been in the city long but I'm pretty familiar with it! Berserk and I can lead Roya to the area where she illegally placed her bombs and corner her. By that point, I'm sure Spina and the others would have at least given her a good punch or two. They aren't pushovers after all!"

As Bernkastel and Berserk added more to the plan, Avalon turned his head to the city in which the fight was going on. He thought about how Zenta was the only one not affected by Roya's illusions and if there was something he did that saved him. His mind drew up a blank, not knowing what, if anything, Zenta did. Everything the Beast told them both confused and upset him. He cupped his chin and lowered his ears, silently thinking about how he was spared from the attack.

How did he escape the illusion? He was there when we all got hit, so I'm pretty sure Roya didn't miss him. Did he fall for her bluff or did he actually let her go..? And if he did let her go, then why? Why is he so mysterious? Gosh, I wish I can tell what he's thinking but I can't see much of his face thanks to that visor of this... Avalon's eyes widen and his ears perked up before speaking out loud.

"Hey, that's it! The visor!" Avalon said openly. "I was told that in order for illusions to work on a person, they need to see the source. Maybe that visor of his shielded him from the illusions! His eyes were safe from the energy coming from Roya's horn. That might be the trick to countering Roya, come to think of it. I bet if we don't look at her horn we don't fall prey to her tricks," Although he sounded confident in his addition, he immediately found a fatal flaw. "But... it's really hard to fight when you can't see... I know Zenta is strong and all but I think even he needs his eyes to fight."

Zenta gripped on to the club to avoid further damage as Roya slammed him deep into the dirt. His muscles tensed as he eventually stopped himself from falling deeper by holding the Club in place. However, once Gogeta came into the scene and attacked Roya, he took the chance to kick the club away from him and move out from the dirt. He disappeared in a flash and gracefully landed on his feet not too far from the scene. He watched Gogeta and Roya fight.

Now Gogeta has arrived... Zenta bit his lip uncomfortably, that fact that he drew blood showed his rising agitation. He will only hinder this fight more than it needs to be. If I am to stop Roya, I must play my cards carefully and effectively...

Zenta clapped his hands together as his white aura surged around his hands and arms. The ground under his feet cracked as she slowly parted his hands to expose what looked like a tube of energy between his hands. His right hand gripped onto the cylinder-like energy and began to pull it out of his left. With a mighty yank, he held what appeared a staff made entirely of swirling blue and white energy. The energy began to solidify and the finer details of the staff were now visible. The two ends of the staff have either a dense concentration of blue or white energy, each glowing vibrantly. As Zenta spun the rod to block and deflect the projectiles from Roya's attack, the ends of the rod left a constant trail of energy, giving the illusion of wisps. It was stunning as it was graceful.

Zenta did not waste time and immediately rushed towards Roya as she was delivering massive blows to Spina's head. The Beast appeared between Roya and Spina and launched his foot upwards so his heel connected with Roya's chin, forcing her up into the air. With one swift motion of his staff, it slammed against Roya's wrist to force her to release her club. Zenta then circled the staff to fling the club away. As Roya was still in the air, the beast jumped above her so that he was facing her back. It looked as if he tapped her back a few times with the staff but the wisps showed an entirely different story.

The wisps were wildly scattered about, particularly on Roya's back. The way the wisps touched Roya's back almost made it look like a still image of the staff the exact moment it hit her. It was an onslaught of barrage attacks from Zenta's energy staff all over Roya's back, they were just so quick it was barely visible without the wisps. The shockwaves of each hit can be felt by Spina who was nearby and the ground next to him would have holes from how hard the impacts were against Roya yet precise enough to avoid Spina entirely. Finally, Zenta placed the tip of the rod against Roya's back.

"Extend!" On command, the staff rapidly extended and shot Roya directly to Gogeta at high speeds. If I can distract Gogeta from Spina by forcing his hand, we can properly handle Roya...
The detective's eyebrow raised in disbelief for a moment when Berserk mentioned the explosives she had planted but seeing how it would work in their favor, he chuckled slightly. "As much as I'm opposed to any more damage of any kind... This will have to be an exception since we don't have much of a choice."

He then turned to Avalon, seeing the man's hope in Spina and Gogeta. But he still couldn't wrap his mind around that power of Roya's. How would they be able to eat a being who could put them to sleep at the drop of a hat? As Avalon continued his thought, Bage's expression lit up at the mention of Zenta and his visor. The detail bringing back a conversation he had with the beast when they first met. "Oh, on the contrary, Avalon. Zenta is blind! So even without the visor, she couldn't force him to look. You've got it! Roya can't use her sleep spell if we can't see her!" Bage's mind began racing eagerly as this new weakness came to mind. It would certainly make it easier for them not to get caught, but at least for Avalon, it seems some may not fair well from fighting with their eyes closed. 

"You all leave her club to me. I'll try and find you an opening quickly Bernkastel. But remember the goal is to get her to those explosives. Don't stall her, just let her chase." Bage removed his detective coat and neatly folded it. He handed it to Jize, in hopes that she would keep it safe for him before turning to the group. "Now, it seems like we have a pretty solid plan, but if anyone has anything to add before we get going, speak now."
Gogeta's eyebrows raised in a shocked look while Roya pushed herself up to her feet. He quickly threw up his arms, using his knees as well to block most of the incoming hits aimed at his side and back near his kidneys. Yet the jabs to his face disoriented him, being unable to raise his arms in time to block the strikes to his face. His head whipped from side to side, rocking along with her strikes before she vaulted him high in the sky from the uppercut.

He grunted, dazed from the intensity of the combo and the strain currently on his fatigued body. As the blue smoke appeared, Gogeta quickly blasted down to avoid the incoming blasts, landing across the way on the ground. He panted heavily, the silver fire disappearing entirely around his body in dropping back to his normal state with his back turned to the others fighting Roya. The shock of what happened hit him immediately, his black pupils glancing down to his trembling hands and instantly narrowing into a frustrated growl.

"No..not yet!"

Black and purple lightning suddenly exploded outwards from Gogeta's body, the fusion's eyes widening and his pupils disappearing as he dropped into a heavy, pained screech. Writhing on the ground in agony, Gogeta grimaced and toiled in his body's absolute crash under the sheer weight of the fatigue and rush into Ultra Instinct; Vegetto Black's voice ringing out in his head.

"Stop!! Your body can't handle the power of the gods yet! You need to rest now!"

Gogeta screamed out in pain, seemingly under the intensity of the damage and unable to reply. Yet midway into his shaking, his eyes suddenly opened with a primal, furious rage as he brought his right fist crashing down onto the ground.

"N̼̬̟̟O!̘͚͈͇͘ ̛̺̥̟̫̼̣̹I̹͍̭ ̤͙̩͚̜ͅW̫̝̖̦̣̺̕O̴̝̙͓̠̯N̫͚̻̯'̞̰̬Ț̪̭̼̟͇ͅ ̦̖͉͙̬͚͠LO͜SĘ̠͔̫̝!̢̝̼"

Golden energy soon swirled upwards around Gogeta's trembling body, coating him in a bright gleam as he slowly pushed himself off the ground. His heavy panting rung out while he stood, and despite the normal flash of the Super Saiyan forms, the energy stayed relatively close to his body while he rose to his feet. Bright crimson fur slowly grew along his exposed skin on his arms and chest, the gold tint rapidly morphing into a silver fire shortly after. The pinkish hue resonated strongly in the all too familiar silver aura Gogeta held moments ago; the only change had been the presence of fur along his body. However instead of the normal crimson or blue color Gogeta adorned in his elevated transformations to the fourth state, his hair remained in the same spiked bundles but in its normal black hue. His pupils held the same silverish pink; a combination of his building power his body could not handle moments ago and the Super Saiyan 4 state.

His pupils shot to the edge, seeing Roya flying towards him from Zenta's strike in his peripheral vision and his back to the approaching Roya. He shot his arm up and back, his elbow slamming square into Roya's face. Holding his arm in place to deepen the impact for a second, Gogeta rapidly swung his leg around in a roundhouse kick to send Roya flying back towards the other Breakers.
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