The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Berserk looked visibly aggravated at the way Spina berated back at her. "...Tch. Whatever." She didn't have much of a comeback given the way he talked to her.

Bernkastel stood up with Zenta's help, keeping a weak grip on his fur with a few of her fingers. As he spoke sternly to Gogeta, she looked at him and the area one last time before her gaze drifted. Despite the words not being aimed at her directly, her tense and cold expression softened slightly and she lessened her hold on Zenta to where he could move away without resistance. Once he did, she folded her arms behind her back.

Watching Zenta from behind, the image of the sleepless and exhausted Cuki flashed by in her mind. The way they carried themselves even while running on fumes, made something tug at her inside. Pushing yourself to fight even after going through so much trouble. These two... are people I don't think I'll ever understand. She was angry at being put in the same situation and rendered completely helpless. That was vexing enough, but to learn Zenta was made to comply with Goku's order while someone like Roya was on the loose... she understood Spina's sense of boiling rage at least a little in that regard.

Roused out of her deep thoughts, Bern stared back at Gogeta silently, not making any visibly emotional response this time. It was pointless trying to reason with him anymore, so she didn't. In her weakened state, to try and fight him would be an even bigger waste of time. For now it was better in the short term to let him do what he wanted if it meant Roya would be dealt with. They'd cross the next bridge when they'd get to it.

Berserk stood by and watched Avalon work with his scroll, looking on in curiosity as she weighed her options with what to do. "We've already been out for 3 days, so to stand back and do more of nothing would really eat me up inside. And I'm not about to leave things on that note after that trick she pulled, so I may as well come with." Hoisting herself onto the summoned avian behind Avalon, she equipped her sword to her back. "... and Thanks. I'll save up my strength for the big fight." In a shy manner, Berserk hugged onto Avalon to secure herself for when they'd fly. I just hope that thing I saw in the dream won't show up...

Bernkastel's expression finally morphed into a sour look as she turned toward Detective Goku once Gogeta left. She clearly didn't take kindly to the way Goku made it out like they were committing a slothful act instead of cooperating. And considering how Zenta seemed to have been put through the ringer, she was further aggravated. She wasn't surprised at all, since she knew Goku had been itching to arrest them given any opportunity-- but one thing she couldn't understand was why Zenta even agreed to complying in the first place.

As Bern waited for Goku to finish his phone call, she silently fumed and glanced over at the others remaining, her gaze resting on Detective Bage the longest before crossing her arms to deliberate her next move. That woman... If she wasn't able to take us on, why say that? Zenta isn't the type to fall for a bluff. More importantly... why was Zenta the only one unaffected? What's going on? One thing Bern was sure of was that she was fully intent on evening out the score.
“Did you see that look on Gogeta’s face?” Lucifer snickered a bit. “Now that is a man that finally decided on the path he will take.” He’d nudged Lilith a little bit. 

“…Yes.” Lilith responded.

“Right. I see. Alright, I’ll go there immediately.” Detective Goku said, ignoring the comments sent towards them by Gogeta, Zenta and Cross due to being focused on the phone call. Hanging up, he turns to the rest of the Breakers that was still here. “No. It seems that everyone is in order. You did manage to take care of those creatures, so I would not call this a total failure. Good job.”

“Is that praise, I hear?” Lucifer question with a smug smile on his face.

“Hardly.” Detective Goku quickly retorted. “But I have no jobs for you lot right now, especially since you have to go after your teammates.” In response to Jize. “Go and assist Detective Spawn on stopping that person.” Pocketing his phone, he turns to Detective Bage once more. “I’ll take my leave to do take care of something in another city and return to Metropolis once I’m finished. Make sure everything goes smoothly, Detective and keep me updated on any news.”

“Oh? You aren’t move by the threats those two did?” Lucifer asked.

“No. Unlike you halfwits, we already secured the safety of most the population once we were made aware of Roya. You can thank Detective Spawn on your way there.” Detective Goku turned around. “Good luck.” He disappeared.

“At least we’re getting some kind of good standing here.” Lucifer said. “More like this, and we’ll able to be done with these missions.  Now…” He turns to Avalon, lugging onto Berserk on getting over there. “Oh? Aren’t you going to offer the rest of us to get there as well, or you’re so fixated on that one person—that you just met—and leave the rest to walk over there, hmm?”

Reality Metropolis

Spina arrived at Metropolis, levitating above the city as he frantically looked around. “Shit. Where is she?” Clearly agitated that he let her go and ended up getting stuck in her trap, he shouted at the top of his lungs. “ROYA! I HAVE RETURNED! GET OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!” He shouted as his voices ring across the city, causing the faraway crows to fly away.

Suddenly a chain covered in green energy was flung at his direction, causing the old Saiyan to jump out of the way. “Huh?!” Despite dodging, the chain came back and wrapped around the Saiyan, pulling him down towards the ground. “What the hell—” His mouth was instantly covered by another person.

“Are you trying to make yourself a target? That’s the fastest way of getting yourself killed if that what you’re trying to do.” Detective Spawn said, removing his hand from his mouth. “Who the hell are you?”

“Let me go.” Spina demanded. He looks at Spawn’s outfit, as opposed to Goku and Bage, his jacket was entirely red. “You must be the Detective Kakarotto sent after Roya.”

“Hmph. And you must Spina, part of the Breakers. Tsk, I told him I can handle things on my own. Just need a bit more time since this chick seems to like playing games with her opponents.” Spawn released the chains. “Guess he doesn’t want to take any more risks if I’m taking too long.”

Nearly fell after standing up due to his decreasing staminia, Spina look around. “I bet you’re playing chase. She likes to force her opponent to move around while she tracks you down. I’d assume she already attacked people?”

“Yeah, that’s the gist of what we’re doing right now.” Spawn said. “Several. By the time I got here, 5 people was already down. Suddenly her hair went from black to bright blue.” Spawn said. “I assumed that how she gets her strength? She was flinging buildings like they were nothing.”

“She consumed dreams, the source of her strength and the only thing she needs to eat.” Spina said. “And rest?”

“They’re already secured. Now, any weakness I should know about this motherfu—”

The building they were next too was kick in the air suddenly, with Roya smiling. “Found you.” She said, turning her sight at Spina. “Ahhh, Spina, you’re finally awake. Did you have a nice time?”

Spina’s eyes narrowed as he furrowed his eyebrows. Tightening his muscles, his energy flourished around him as he readied himself for battle. “I did until I saw your face.”

“Hey, that’s not a nice thing to say. I went out of my way to make sure your dreams were running at full maximum.” Roya said, tapping her belly. “And I have room for deserts. Where is your crew? I didn’t make a buffet, only for it to be wasted.” She licks her lips.

“Forget them. This is between me and you.” 

“Oh? Once again, you are letting yourself get the glory of battle. Can’t let the others get the thrill of an adrenaline, right?” Roya said. “Just like you were before when I first met you. Haven’t change on bit.”

“Shut up!” Spina’s aura exploded outward as he blasted towards Roya, the latter doing the same in kind. Clashing in a barrage of multiple blows, kicking up debris around them and flinging them to multiple directions. Yet as the barrage continue, Spina was losing in terms of speed, his movements become sloppy, and he was breathing heavily way faster.

“Hey! What’s wrong! You’re tired already, old man!?” Roya delivered a powerful punch against Spina’s stomach before kicking him back to a building. “Don’t tell me that age is finally catching up to you!” She raised her club, which expanded in size greatly and slamming against the building where Spina crashed. As the building smashed, Spina grabbed it to prevent being crushed by the club. “Come on… show me that savage that Saiyans are known for!”

Spawn rushes in and delivered a kick against her face, but nearly misses as Roya jumped out of the way. “Don’t get cocky, or I’ll shove that club down your throat.”

“Oh, then let’s get nasty.” Roya rushes towards Spawn with intent to smash him with her giant club.
Brachi sighed as she was for the moment at a loss about the best course of action right now. Should she help Spina? Get back at Roya for what she did? Or was there something else that needed attention first?
Bage's expression twisted uncomfortably as Detective Goku gave him his orders. "Of course, Sir."

Oh this group was an absolute pain. It was one thing after another. Spina taking off the way he did, then Gogeta doing the same. They were all exhausted, but they still wanted to do whatever they wanted! Teammates, yeah right! Bage sighed heavily and scratched his head in irritation before addressing the remaining Breakers.​

"Before we go anywhere, we'll need a plan. This woman can knock us out for days and steal our energy too. So to rush in blindly like we did before would be putting us at the disadvantage again." The detective came closer to the giant hawk, hoping to ask for a ride as well due to his fatigue. He then turned to Lucifer as he commented on the ride and narrowed his eyes. "I'm glad you mentioned that, Lucifer. Because I would like you and Lilith to stay here. You seem to love making things worse rather than be of any actual help, so the least you can do is help clean anything Zenta may have missed while we go get the others. Bara, Cross, You think you could stay back and help them as well?"​

Bage was hoping with at least two of them, Cross and Bara may be able to keep Lucifer from slipping away. He then turned to the other group as they thought on their answer. His tone was much more serious than before.​

"Brachi, Jize, you're with the rest of us. If you think you may need rest you can switch with Bara or Cross, but we'll need as many powerhouses as we can have. And Avalon I hope it's not too much to ask, but you think that summon could carry all of us there?"
Jize sighed.
"I'd rather stick with Lucifer and Cross if you don't mind. I've seen Brachi and Bara in action and they can form a much better team than I can. I'm afraid that with all the situation going on and with my usual task as a Supreme Kai, my own fighting skills have gotten rusty. I need to train to get back into shape properly honestly." She said.

Brachi on her turn sighed as well.
"I wish more of my friends were here with us; we would have the numerical advantage and the potential to overwhelm the enemy, perhaps cover even more ground with searching for whatever we're supposed to look for," She said, "This entire place is just one big mess and for once I want to find something to get out of it. I'm tired of it all."
"I'm in agreement. Getting into fights I might lose piss me off... but I get even more irritated when there's no proper strategy." Bernkastel paused to wipe her face before approaching Bage. "In fact, tagging along with these two won't bode well for us at all." She pointed at Berserk and Avalon, causing Berserk to shrink back a little in discomfort.

"I heard what Spina said; since you dealt put the first blows that woman knows what you're capable of. What the rest of us should do is go separately-- if Brachi can't use transmission, I have the strength to muster a portal at least." Bernkastel felt terrible physically, but in the moment she didn't care how her body lagged behind as long as her magic could hold up. "It's better we lure her in and divide her attention."

"W-wait a sec... are you saying we should go in like some kinda bait?!" Berserk asked.

"Not 'we'. You specifically. She'll be expecting you now that you showed your hand," Bern replied matter of factly. There was no malice behind it, she simply sounded incredibly blunt. "And she won't let you get that close a second time. That's where the rest of us come in while she's distracted by the others. If she's a formidable opponent for Spina then she might be every bit as impulsive. If I'm correct, I fully intend on exploiting that."

The way Bernkastel worded her suggested strategy made Berserk look on in dismay. She felt a bit regretful about going in now... but it was too late for her to back out. "...I'm no chicken. I'll do it." Despite the assurance of her words, her grip on Avalon tightened. "Luce helped us out against that Swordswoman though just when we were about to get cornered. What if that Roya lady has a crazy trick up her sleeve like super-slowed time or super-mega-speed?"

In response to that, Bern glanced between Lucifer and Bage, resting expectantly on the Detective with her brows slightly raised. "Although I don't quite fully agree with his... nature... Lucifer is in no small part in how we defeated the Coin Hunter. And I don't doubt he assisted the others in their fight with a Xy'pher since I almost got touched by that strange creature [Marshadow]. If he can still pull off that sort of wild card ability to change the tides of the fight, we might be better off letting him come with. The choice is yours, however."
Avalon listened patiently to Bage and Bernkastel, slightly annoyed that he had to expend more of his own energy to help the stronger ones of the group. Regardless of whether he liked it or not, he still had to help the group one way or another.

"Well, unless you don't mind riding in the claws of my summon, I'll just make another one for you guys. Just gimmie a sec." Avalon shifted slightly but felt the grip of Berserk tighten. He did not want to make her uncomfortable so he reopened his scroll on the bird's head. With quick brush strokes, he drew another avian, an eagle this time. Tossing the scroll in the air followed by quick hand signs, a similar 'sketch-like' bird came out from the poof of smoke and landed gently on the ground before Bage. "There, this one should be big enough for all of you..."

Avalon leaned forward and pressed his face against the paper feathers of the hawk he and Berserk her on. He was trying to catch his breath but not look like a loser in front of Berserk. It was obvious that the strain of Roya's illusions, the lack of sleep, and the extended use of his energy was taking a toll on him. Yet, he still continued on, for the sake of the Breakers.

Not gonna lie, that one took a bit more out of me than the first one... But I can't let them down. I gotta help them out of this mess now that I'm in it too...

Avalon lifted his head and took a deep breath before rubbing his face clean of any sour expressions he may have.

"Right, well, being called bait isn't something I'd like to hear but Bernkastel makes a good point," Avalon said as he placed scratched his chin. "Roya does know a thing or two about me and you, Berserk, so we shouldn't go in high and mighty juuuuuust yet. I'm not a big fan of Lucifer's approach on things but the kid's no pushover. Maybe he can help me and Berserk out." Avalon glanced back at Berserk and scooted back slightly so she pressed against his back. "I got enough room for a child, so Lucifer can tag along with me if he wants, sorry you can't tag along, Lily. I promise to keep the kid safe as long as he behaves himself on the bird. No plucking feathers!"

At least like this, his troublesome ways are checked out somewhat. Keeping an eye on him is better than leaving him alone...

As Roya swung her club towards Spawn, it was kicked to the side by Zenta who immediately rushed into the scene. He panted slightly but stood in between Roya and Spawn. He set his sights entirely on Roya but he spoke out to Spawn.

"Go and check on Spina, I will stall her," He said in a low voice. "I suspect others will be arriving soon, please aide them."

Zenta lowered his body into a stance and frowned at Roya. His hands clapped in front of him as energy began to circle around his feet, cutting through the ground like butter. The energy coated his body and he glowed in a holy white aura. With his gaze trained directly to Roya, he spoke to her.

"Now that I know your trick does not fickle with the lives of the Breakers, I will not let you go so easily this time, Roya." Zenta's tails flicked wildly, clearly anxious. "You will fight me, and this time, I will not be holding back."

In an instant, Zenta shifted his foot ever slightly before vanishing and appearing before Roya and sending his foot upwards in an elegant kick to her chin, sending her flying upwards in the air. Without giving Roya a moment to react, the Beast jumped up and gripped Roya's leg and threw her towards the ground, generating a shockwave behind the throw.
(Cross had vanished to aid Spind and Zenta.)
Almost as on que a lot of bone needles came after Roya. These Bone needles seem to be covered in a fire that seems odd some how. Cross was far out side of Roya's range.

Cross sends to Bage "I well aware in fact I far out side her range. I can teleport back if needed o don't worry about lucifer." Bage all a sudden got an instinctive knowledge of were Lucifer location
Lucifer’s shoulders bounce up and down when Bage demanded that he should stay put for now. “My, you don’t trust me, Detective? Are you casting doubt because I speak truths? And here I thought honesty was the best policy.” The devilish smile was once again present, but it was hard to see if it was truly malice behind it or his usual antics of kicking the hornet’s nest. He leaned over to Bage, his eyes narrowed and a dark aura slightly flowing around him as he made a big grin, baring his teeth. “But if you think my presence will be a problem, I’ll offer no objections to your decision.” 

“Likewise.” Lilith added on. “We’ll be on standby if things become much bigger than it already is.” She pulled out a napkin to wipe the sweat off her arms. She was still feeling a bit fatigue from the illusion episode. “If you want others to watch us, then so be it.”

Reality Metropolis

Roya jumped back after her club was kick away from Zenta, appearing between Spawn and herself. She tried to contain her laughter as she placed her arms on her side. “You actually felt for that? I thought you stopped because you got tired or something when I ran. I guess the crew isn’t that bright, just like the old man, huh?”

She lowered her brows slightly seeing Zenta positioning himself in a fighting pose. “Strange, he was the only one who didn’t get caught in my technique. Was he in range when I performed the attack? No, that wouldn’t matter…” Roya thought to herself. Shaking her head, she smirked at the excitement of Zenta claiming he would hold nothing back. “Oh? Really? I am pretty excited to see what Spina’s crew is made of now I’m at full strength.”

Just as she finished her sentence, Roya’s eyes widened when Zenta vanished and suddenly being flung in the air. Not giving the time to recover, she was toss towards the ground by the beast, slamming into the floorboard hard. Pulling her head out of the ground, Roya shook the excess dirt off her hair and spat blood at the ground. “You’re pretty fast for a giant hairball.” She extended her arm out and instantly, her club returned to her. “Show me more.” However, feeling the flames, Roya jumped in the air to dodge both attacks from both Cross and Spawn by jumping high in the air. “More reinforcements, huh? Looks like they’re coming after all.” She swung her expanded club towards the direction at Zenta, slamming the base of it against the right side of his body to push him deep in the ground. “Come at me!”

“Damn, she’d dodge it.” Spawn said, confused at the flaming bone needles. “The hell is that? Another person had come to the fray, and this furball came out of nowhere. Are they part of the Breakers too? Tsk, this is going make this battle completely unfocused.” Spawn said. “Though, if it keeps that bastard distracted, we can take her down efficiently.”

Spina blasted a hole from the base of the building, jumping onto the ground as he held onto his stomach. Taking a glance, it was a serious bruise on his torso as Spina grunted in pain. “Ignore that.” He looked up seeing Zenta and the bone needles. “The hell!? I thought I told you to stay put, damnit!” Spina shouted as he rushed into the battle.
Jize did come along to watch, while Brachi and Bara themselves were on standby to do their part in the battle.

"We should give her an 'illusion' of our own. See how she likes being beaten by her own game!" Bara then suggested.

"Huh, that's not a bad idea at all." Brachi said, smirking as she deployed the Tri-form technique to create two clones in secret, while Bara used parts of her own goo to create about two to three miniture versions of herself, as if taking a page out of Buu's ability to manipulate his body in any way possible.
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