Berserk looked visibly aggravated at the way Spina berated back at her. "...Tch. Whatever." She didn't have much of a comeback given the way he talked to her.
Bernkastel stood up with Zenta's help, keeping a weak grip on his fur with a few of her fingers. As he spoke sternly to Gogeta, she looked at him and the area one last time before her gaze drifted. Despite the words not being aimed at her directly, her tense and cold expression softened slightly and she lessened her hold on Zenta to where he could move away without resistance. Once he did, she folded her arms behind her back.
Watching Zenta from behind, the image of the sleepless and exhausted Cuki flashed by in her mind. The way they carried themselves even while running on fumes, made something tug at her inside. Pushing yourself to fight even after going through so much trouble. These two... are people I don't think I'll ever understand. She was angry at being put in the same situation and rendered completely helpless. That was vexing enough, but to learn Zenta was made to comply with Goku's order while someone like Roya was on the loose... she understood Spina's sense of boiling rage at least a little in that regard.
Roused out of her deep thoughts, Bern stared back at Gogeta silently, not making any visibly emotional response this time. It was pointless trying to reason with him anymore, so she didn't. In her weakened state, to try and fight him would be an even bigger waste of time. For now it was better in the short term to let him do what he wanted if it meant Roya would be dealt with. They'd cross the next bridge when they'd get to it.
Berserk stood by and watched Avalon work with his scroll, looking on in curiosity as she weighed her options with what to do. "We've already been out for 3 days, so to stand back and do more of nothing would really eat me up inside. And I'm not about to leave things on that note after that trick she pulled, so I may as well come with." Hoisting herself onto the summoned avian behind Avalon, she equipped her sword to her back. "... and Thanks. I'll save up my strength for the big fight." In a shy manner, Berserk hugged onto Avalon to secure herself for when they'd fly. I just hope that thing I saw in the dream won't show up...
Bernkastel's expression finally morphed into a sour look as she turned toward Detective Goku once Gogeta left. She clearly didn't take kindly to the way Goku made it out like they were committing a slothful act instead of cooperating. And considering how Zenta seemed to have been put through the ringer, she was further aggravated. She wasn't surprised at all, since she knew Goku had been itching to arrest them given any opportunity-- but one thing she couldn't understand was why Zenta even agreed to complying in the first place.
As Bern waited for Goku to finish his phone call, she silently fumed and glanced over at the others remaining, her gaze resting on Detective Bage the longest before crossing her arms to deliberate her next move. That woman... If she wasn't able to take us on, why say that? Zenta isn't the type to fall for a bluff. More importantly... why was Zenta the only one unaffected? What's going on? One thing Bern was sure of was that she was fully intent on evening out the score.
Bernkastel stood up with Zenta's help, keeping a weak grip on his fur with a few of her fingers. As he spoke sternly to Gogeta, she looked at him and the area one last time before her gaze drifted. Despite the words not being aimed at her directly, her tense and cold expression softened slightly and she lessened her hold on Zenta to where he could move away without resistance. Once he did, she folded her arms behind her back.
Watching Zenta from behind, the image of the sleepless and exhausted Cuki flashed by in her mind. The way they carried themselves even while running on fumes, made something tug at her inside. Pushing yourself to fight even after going through so much trouble. These two... are people I don't think I'll ever understand. She was angry at being put in the same situation and rendered completely helpless. That was vexing enough, but to learn Zenta was made to comply with Goku's order while someone like Roya was on the loose... she understood Spina's sense of boiling rage at least a little in that regard.
Roused out of her deep thoughts, Bern stared back at Gogeta silently, not making any visibly emotional response this time. It was pointless trying to reason with him anymore, so she didn't. In her weakened state, to try and fight him would be an even bigger waste of time. For now it was better in the short term to let him do what he wanted if it meant Roya would be dealt with. They'd cross the next bridge when they'd get to it.
Berserk stood by and watched Avalon work with his scroll, looking on in curiosity as she weighed her options with what to do. "We've already been out for 3 days, so to stand back and do more of nothing would really eat me up inside. And I'm not about to leave things on that note after that trick she pulled, so I may as well come with." Hoisting herself onto the summoned avian behind Avalon, she equipped her sword to her back. "... and Thanks. I'll save up my strength for the big fight." In a shy manner, Berserk hugged onto Avalon to secure herself for when they'd fly. I just hope that thing I saw in the dream won't show up...
Bernkastel's expression finally morphed into a sour look as she turned toward Detective Goku once Gogeta left. She clearly didn't take kindly to the way Goku made it out like they were committing a slothful act instead of cooperating. And considering how Zenta seemed to have been put through the ringer, she was further aggravated. She wasn't surprised at all, since she knew Goku had been itching to arrest them given any opportunity-- but one thing she couldn't understand was why Zenta even agreed to complying in the first place.
As Bern waited for Goku to finish his phone call, she silently fumed and glanced over at the others remaining, her gaze resting on Detective Bage the longest before crossing her arms to deliberate her next move. That woman... If she wasn't able to take us on, why say that? Zenta isn't the type to fall for a bluff. More importantly... why was Zenta the only one unaffected? What's going on? One thing Bern was sure of was that she was fully intent on evening out the score.