The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cuki frowned upon listening to Gogeta belittle himself in front of her, but there was a small moment where her eyes shined ominously.

"I disagree," Cuki laughed. "you are closer than ever to achieving that goal, Geegee. You have all these chains holding you down and you don't even see them."

The young Saiyan tapped her foot on the floor and a wave of images appeared on the floor before coming out from the ground to contain the two in a box. The walls of the box turned to the same Reality Metropolis Gogeta destroyed. However, it looked like the entire city was on fire with hundreds of bodies across the floor. Both Cuki and Gogeta floated above the city where the few people running for their lives did not notice them. In the same area where Gogeta and Bern fought Ultraman, an image of Cuki appeared battered and wounded. All around her were the bodies of the Breakers, each struggling to move and get up. The only Breaker not present was Gogeta. In the hand of the second Cuki was the infamous staff of Whis.

The Cuki in the vision floated in the air and pointed the staff at the Breakers, her hair flickering between silver and black as a powerful white aura started to radiate from her.

"You all kept me chained like a dog! You feared what I could become! You fed me this 'friendship' narrative to control my power! Well, guess what I learned..?" Cuki made a wicked smile before lifting the Angel's staff above her like a prize before bringing it down over her knee, shattering the staff in half. "When you get rid of those pointless bonds and stupid friendships, you rise above that of even the Gods!"

In a sudden flash of light, Cuki's hair instantly ignited to the familiar silver hue of Ultra Instinct, yet, the power felt seemed to be above that. The silver aura had a mix of dark pink, burning like literal flames above the young Saiyan. The burn of her aura towered high into the sky, causing it to go dark. The vision itself started to get blurry with Cuki's body disappearing followed by tuffs of smoke where the Breakers once were. The last image was of Bernkastel pleading with the newly powered-up Cuki. Although Bern was clearly talking, her words were muffled and difficult to understand compared to Cuki.

"I was so naive... but I saw through it. You were only the strongest Breaker because you controlled those you feared... but now I see how weak you really are..." Cuki lifted the pointed end of Whis's broken staff, taking aim at Bernkastel. "The only reason you care about me is that I'm the strongest Breaker now, Bernkastel!"

With a powerful throw, the sharp end of the staff rushed to Bernkastel and flew right through her chest which resulted in the Witch falling over and disappearing into a puff of smoke. From there, the vision was blinded out by Cuki's Silver-pink aura blinding Gogeta back into the dark abyss he was stuck in.

"I managed to get this power because I freed myself from the others. Do you understand, Geegee? You are being held back by these ludicrous bonds you consider friendship... These bonds are the chains that suppress your true potential. Tell me, why do you cling to Bernkastel?" Cuki chuckled darkly. "You saw how she treated me. That Witch tossed me to the side just like she did with Vegetto. He was nothing more than a trophy for her to flaunt and laugh at, and now, she does the same to you... She's showing you that she owns you and your power..!"

Cuki circled Gogeta's body, eyeing his every move, every muscle twitch. The silver aura acted like a gentle trail of smoke behind her as she walked. All around Gogeta, black chains started to appear and hold him in place above the ground. He looked as if he was tangled in a web of chains. One chain, in particular, was tugged by an illusion of Bernkastel and Spina, both laughing at the Fusion's situation. As they continued to mock and laugh at Gogeta, he would feel his energy being sipped away and slither down the chain to strengthen Bernkastel and Spina. The black chains tighten around the Fusion, nearly suffocating the man as he felt himself getting weaker. Cuki watched curiously but continued to feed him her narrative.

"Are you going to sit there and allow this Witch to control you? What's worse is that she shares you like a cheap toy to Spina! Spina is one of the few Breakers that can put you down on your knees. He holds you back because his precious Bernkastel tells him to. Why do you think Spina and Bernkastel have been bonding closer with one another? Why do you think they don't want you to fight?" Cuki's voice rose as she threw her arms back. "They're both scheming to control you and take your power away, all of them are! You let them do so because you still have a sentimental attachment to them! You have not erased them from your mind--your soul! You don't need friends. You don't need a family. You need power... With power, you can obtain anything you want!"

As Cuki spoke, the chains continued to tighten around Gogeta and drain his energy. The more energy that was drained, the older Gogeta started to become. His muscles started to shrink, his skin sag, his hair turned white. Cuki moved behind Gogeta to show him a view of all the Breakers grabbing the chain, taking his power and energy for themselves, and leaving him to suffer.

"If you want fight me, listen to him and escape these chains," Cuki gently tapped a finger on Gogeta's forehead, where the 'V' would be. "He will guide you to the power you desire, maybe even give you a taste of something better..." The Saiyan laughed before floating above the Fusion, watching the scene take place. She wanted to see if he could break those chains, and in turn, break the bond he has with the Breakers.

"Will you listen to the voice of wisdom or perish to the Breakers? Can you break these chains? Are you a true warrior? Show me your strength!"


"I think she deserves a taste of what I had to go through..." A familiar voice rang out from the darkness, answering Lambdadelta's question. Emerging from the shadows, Cuki appeared with a blank expression. Her green eyes were dull and lifeless and her usual cheerful and happy persona was not present in the girl. She glanced at Bernkastel before frowning.

"Being all alone, with no one by your side, not even your memories to comfort you... You will never understand that pain, Kettles. You had the wonderful--and beautiful--Lambdadelta by your side. You kept the memories you cherished of her deep in your heart, never to be forgotten. Even when Lambda wasn't by your side, the memories of her smile gave you the same comfort as if she was right beside you. I never had that luxury and I never will..."

Cuki held out her hand to Bern, almost as if asking the Witch to attempt to grab it. On the hand was the same bite mark she inflicted on her in her feline form, bleeding as if freshly bitten. The bite mark began to crystalize slowly, something similar to what she saw with the Xy'phers.

"I was forced to watch everyone get a second chance except for me. Three years of watching you do nothing to fix the name of the Breakers. Three years of watching you drown yourself in alcohol at the loss of your precious Lambda despite having people who genuinely cared about you. Three years of listening to your excuses." The crystals started to rise up from Cuki's feet, trailing upwards to engulf the female. Her face puckered up, holding back the tears.

"You are a wicked and vile Witch, and despite all that, I cared about you when most people wouldn't. All I ever wanted was friends and you called me selfish for it. You told me to leave you alone, and even when I apologize to you, you still think I'm playing tricks on you. You never comforted me once, even when my Master perished. He was all I had left..."

Finally, the crystals nearly took over Cuki's entire body while she showed no effort to fight it off. The only thing visible was her emotionless face as the crystals inched all over.

"Maybe... you're right. I should disappear. I don't deserve any friends, even in death... I came here all alone and now... I leave this realm alone..."

As Cuki finished her sentence, above her was a mysterious figure completely hidden within the shadows. A faint outline of a flowing cape and various head trinkets were able to be identified from the shadows. This figure was entirely unknown to Bernkastel, something she has never seen before. It towered above the Witch and the young Saiyan, like a giant glaring down the two women. Its eyes shined from within the shadows as two white dots, unmoving and unblinking. The pressure around Bernkastel tightened around every part of her body. It was as if an invisible force was crushing the Witch both inside and out. It controlled her every move as well and forced the Witch down on her knees where she watched a fully crystalized Cuki rise in the air.

I will seek out every Breaker... a voice chimed out to Bernkastel, one she was unfamiliar with. It had the tone of authority and malice. It came from the mysterious shadow figure. I will not rest... You cannot escape... Accept your fate...

"I just want a friend..." Cuki's voice echoed.

I will be your friend... I will be your best friend. Your only friend. I will come to you. I will find you. I will find you before the Blue Devil does. I will protect you. I will accept you... A hand shrouded in shadows came out and gripped the crystalized Cuki. It began to apply pressure as the crystal was heard cracking under its weight. The hand completely crushed the crystal Cuki was trapped in before dropping a smaller crystal on the ground. A crystalized Cuki Coin. I will own you...

The crystalized Coin started to animate itself and morph into a Xy'pher identical to Cuki. It had the same unblinking eyes, marble-like skin, and body morphing crystals. Just like all the other Xy'phers Bernkastel encountered, the Cuki-Xy'pher completely obeyed the whim of the mysterious voice overhead. The Xy'pher turned to face Bernkastel and held out the same hand that was bitten before it started to morph into a sword. She walked slowly to Bern, each step echoing in the darkness until she finally stood before the Witch and lifted the blade-like arm into the air. With Bern still on her knees, there was little she can do to move, let alone run away.

You belong to me.

"This is your fault... you turned me into a monster..!" Cuki shouted before rushing the blade down.
Gogeta blinked in confusion, standing still and uneasily watching on as the horrific scenes played out. He remained quiet mostly throughout, the raging storm of emotions he felt resonating strongly from the display of Cuki's destruction of the Breakers. The broken staff strongly eclipsed his mind, watching the splinter of wood and crystal falling away while Cuki spoke, yet Gogeta offered no immediate reply to Cuki's question on his friendship with Bernkastel.

He gasped, the chains binding across his body once more. He collapsed down as his body deteriorated, grimacing heavily while Cuki's words of power strongly rung out within his head. He panted heavily, cringing at the sound of his dual voice splitting into the all too familiar tones of the ones that created it, the light hearted voice speaking first.

Trust is not weakness! They are friends...friends help us grow and make us strong!

Gogeta ducked his head down, the second voice aggressively scoffing in frustrated annoyance.

Kakarot's naivety ruins your mind. They have tried to kill you; this fool's pure heart clouds your judgement. Kill free of them!

The second voice and Cuki's words mixed together, his head throbbing from all of the influences of each person; each Breaker alike speaking their minds. Brachi and Bara's warning to curb his aggression, Cross' insults in response to Gogeta's threats, Panich and Spina's hard truths of his dogmatic nature, Bernkastel's promise of friendship, and finally Whis' denial to train him.

You are not ready because you cannot think for yourself.

Gogeta twitched violently, the lone sentence ringing out within his head for a few moments. His body began to deteroriate, ashes dripping off his arms while the two individual voices that made up his own continued to rage and argue incoherently in his mind. His vision blurred; the very image of the two familiar Saiyans standing in front of him like ghosts while they shouted and argued with each other. Shutting his eyes tightly, Gogeta whimpered only slightly while his meager body shook under the chains before speaking in a hoarse, almost whisper.

" not Goku...or...Veget...a!"

His nostrils flared, a heavy steam expelling out from his nose with a strong and scorching breath. The two voices died down slowly in his mind, the roar of their arguing seemingly reduced. His eyes opened rapidly into a strong glare, a silver gleam shining brightly in his pupils while energy spilled off the sides. The two ghosts of the Saiyans had now stopped their arguing, both with empty faces turned to look back at the man struggling to stand and the man that spoke with both of their voices as one in a strong, threatening tone.

"I am Gogeta!"

Gogeta twitched heavily with a grunt, the weak and meager body lifting up as he pulled his right leg up, pushing himself off his knees. The black chains jingled heavily while the frail form of Gogeta rose to a standing position, and with a sudden roar, Gogeta threw down his arms as a blinding flash of white light exploded outwards from his body in every direction. The black chains contrasted the light dramatically, and each link snapped outwards and melted like steel in molten lava under the intense glaring light that radiated from around the fusion.

Once the light had died down, a similar fire burned brightly around the fully transformed Gogeta. His body had returned to normal, yet in its wake, the same pinkish flame around Cuki now strongly burned as Gogeta's aura. His hair had ignited into the same pinkish silver hue, an all too familiar evil burning brightly in his confident stance. His silver eyes remained forward, his focus entirely forward and off Cuki as he clenched his fists tightly together with a strong smirk.

"I will ascend!! This universe will marvel to see the ultimate Saiyan potential once again realized!! And I will be-"

His sinister smirk rose, his chin lifting in a confident boast.


Gogeta lowered his arms to his sides, his gaze still forward in avoiding Cuki floating above him.

"And then...S̪p͏̟̮̫̥͇ị͞n̛̦̯̣̻͔̜à..."

The venmous tone strongly rung out in Gogeta's voice at the name mentioned, his body visibly trembling in the fire for a brief moment under the sheer hatred that shook him to his core.

"...then I will see you bow at my feet."
Throughout Cuki's speech, Bern could only respond by shaking her head with muffled objections, before ultimately hanging her head and looking down at her feet at being told what she was reduced to during those three years. She didn't fight that at all, causing Lambda to laugh a mocking jeer in her ears. When the mysterious figure appeared above them, Bernkastel tried to call out to Cuki and warn her about what was happening to her-- muffled cries that fell on nobody's ears as she was forced to watch Cuki's body be taken over as a Xy'pher. Soon she felt the pressure of an invisible force weigh down on her body, Bern falling to the ground unable to lift her head with the creepy Lambdadelta staring down at her with a smile.

I can't move... someone... anyone... Bern shuddered under the immense pressure placed upon her body and wrenched her eyes shut. Nothing was more gutwrenching than being reduced to complete helplessness. Please help me!

"Very well," A woman's voice rang out, though it seemed mostly confined to within Bern's own mind. Someone was speaking to her serenely, if aloof at the evident tension. Just before Cuki's bladed arm came down on Bernkastel's head, the space around her seemingly froze in suspended time. Bern herself was unable to move still, peeking an eye open to look for the source of the voice. Opening her eyes wide, Bern looked on in shock seeing someone walk out from the darkness and over her body-- herself?

This Bernkastel had her formerly long and flowing hair, an eerily serene expression on her face that didn't match the coldly detached look in her eyes. Holding up her scythe, the second Bern turned to face Lambda, frozen in a maniacal laughing fit. "Seems like you're so caught up in these useless tangled threads of attachment that it's become a complete hindrance. Let's go back to the basics." 

"Starting with this one. The dead don't just up and wander-- so we can get rid of this ugly distraction." With a swipe of her arm, Lambdadelta with her unnatural face was sliced in two by the black scythe. Her form collapsed into smoke before a white chess piece fell to the ground with a loud clatter. Bern only looked on with her mouth agape, stunned into silence at the confusing scene playing out with 'herself'.

When the 2nd Bernkastel approached the frozen Xy'pher Cuki, Bern collected herself enough to speak out. "W-wait! You can't!"

"Oh? Why shouldn't I? This thing may wear her face, but it's just another mindless pawn driven to kill you." The copy sneered. "Cuki wasn't your friend anyway. None of them are, at least, they stop the pretense of being your friend when they realize it's become too inconvenient."


"What's your big idea now that she's like this? You're not going to talk her back to normal are you? Bwahaha! It would be so pathetic, I'd have a good laugh."

Bern hung her head and stared down into her lap, clutching the chess piece as she fell silent to her doppelganger's mocking jeers.

"This should be enough to get it through; it's completely meaningless to try and be like them. Trying to pretend you understand people as if their complexity will give you something deep and profound… ridiculous." Swinging her scythe again, the frozen Xy'pher-Cuki was struck, shattering into pieces until only her crystallized coin lay atop the pile of glittery dust. "You play 'buddy buddy' like they want, and it gets you nowhere. All you have to show for it is clouded judgement and more messes than before. Why feel like anything that happened to her was your fault? It was her choice to leave the Breakers, so it's not your responsibilities if she's a weakling like Lucifer says."

"I was just trying to do the 'good' thing." Bern's grip tightened, refusing to meet her copy's eyes. "I thought it would... change her mind about me. Just a little."

"Guess it was too late. Not that it would have mattered-- I don't think anyone is going to put up with someone as burdensome as you for long. What about that lovable oaf of yours, Gogeta? He said he'd be your best buddy... and look at him now." The doppelganger scowled coldly. "What an idiot you were to believe him. All it took was a warm hug and some nice words, and you got attached to that flimsy promise knowing he's not a person who can stick to it. You're supposed to be the feared Witch of Miracles, not some soft-hearted weakling."

Bern hugged her knees and hid her face away. "... He won't even call me by name anymore. When he looks at me and talks to me, I feel so… awful. It hurts in the heart."

"Obviously, he betrayed you. He practically laughed in glee at the way he felled you with just one punch. Remember?! I bet everyone saw and had to bite back a laugh because of how pathetically weak it made you look." The second Bernkastel practically hissed, making the first hide her face even deeper. "I might forgive him one day... if he apologized a thousand times while I rip his fingernails off with rusted nails. It's only fair."

"You shouldn't think of them that way. It's not nice to want to hurt your friends, sir." A bright-eyed child with blue hair similar to the witches stepped into the light; although she was similar to Bern in height, she wore a summer dress with sandals. Unlike the two women, she lacked a cat's tail altogether. "Everyone has bad parts about them, but the good things outweigh it."

"Oh, is that so?" The doppelganger spoke to the child in a condescendingly sweet manner. "How's that working for you? Spare me the sermon, we'd be here all eternity if I were to recount every instance where your precious friends ended up killing you because you played nice with a bunch of murderous loons. I can't think of a single instance where your 'kindness' and 'understanding' helped preserve your life past the duration of a time loop."

The child ignored her rudeness and walked over to where Bern sat, smiling at her before rubbing her head as a consoling gesture. "They did unkind things in many failed worlds, but when I reached the truth of that game… I came to realize that in a world without sins to haunt them, they wouldn't hurt people they loved."

"It doesn't work that way in this world. Everyone is on the same page, so there's no 'timeline' to rate best to worst. What you should do is quit pretending to be human and go back to taking pride in being cruel. Nothing will hurt you unless you let it go first." The doppelganger jabbed a finger towards the unmoving Bern. "And once Gogeta kills Spina, he'll go after you next since you're the strongest Breaker. If he develops an anti-magic resistance like Ultraman's by then, you're finished."

The child gazed back at the 2nd Bern's animosity with a look of disappointment, patting the first's one last time. "Do your best and believe. It's only over when you give up... so, if you want to spare your friend from this fate... do your best and believe in her too. That's the only power I can give you, weak as I am, sir..." Following the doppelganger's scoff, the child walked away into the darkness until she faded.

"Oh my… This is quite unexpected." A horned silhouette of a woman with long hair appeared towering high above, as if she were peering inside a box. Sticking a pink gloved hand into the darkness down below, she shooed away the mess around them, including the distant looming figure. The dust settled into the vast darkness as the hand drew back and the woman comfortably propped her head up with one arm. Her purple eyes gazed down on Bernkastel from the dimly lit place she was at. "It's been centuries since I've observed such a conflicting set of thoughts. These words and feelings are something only human nature could manifest… I want to observe more of this new development. Will more strife bring more of it out I wonder?"

"...Why? Why do I have to fight people I know?" Bernkastel hunched her shoulders as her voice cracked. "That person over there... you're not me either! Stop talking to me while wearing my face and voice!"

"I AM you. The only part of you that accepts the truth; everyone hates you for what happened during the Doom Trials and you being around is a burden on them. Nothing you do will erase it, so why bother being something you're not?" The doppelganger walked in circles around Bern before finally standing behind her. "Once it's no longer convenient to have your power work for them, they'll dispose of you once they find a way. It's better you get rid of distractions now so you can survive a world that's out to kill you every waking moment."

"Is it loneliness you feel?" Asked the horned woman in a motherly voice. "There, there… I will always be your friend. If everyone only sees you as a monster, then go back to what worked best." Under the pair of eyes appeared a sinister smile on her face, baring fangs as the woman let out a cackle. With both palms outstretched, she reached out for Bernkastel's huddled form on the ground below. "Don't you prefer the company of monsters, my dear child?"

Return to you…? For all eternity?

"Go on... live an unsightly existence and cling to your pathetic life."
The 2nd Bern stated coldly.

"If you're lonely, all you have to do is return to my side…"

"Return to her and you'll never get revenge for what she did to you. Your hate isn't strong enough... You're not strong enough. Just contemplating it is proof."

"Return to your mother," the woman's hands inched close on Bern before she finally lifted her head with a furious expression on her features.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Bernkastel screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the doppelganger behind to disintegrate into nothing. "I'm going to live on my own!"

"Oh? A rebellious phase?" Suddenly gripping the sides of the box, the woman moved so the only thing Bern could see was her devious smile. Long threadlike strands of her obsidian hair cascaded down around the witch, ensnaring her arms in a tangle as she tried to thrash her way out.

"I'd rather die than go back to serving you! Nngh-- lemme go! Before I rip your scalp right off your head!"

"Is that so? Then…" The Great Witch's smile only widened, her eyes turning from a serene purple to a demon's hue of red with pupils darker than black. More sections of her hair moved like serpents. "You've reached your final resting place. Wander this abyssal hell forever!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Bernkastel's vision of her terrifying expression of sadistic glee was completely drowned out by the vortex of hair coming down around her and tangling her to the point of not moving. More hair came piling down, like some macabre version of Rapunzel as it all exerted heavy weight Bern's tiny frame. Just before her legs were about to collapse trying to stand, she felt the floor give out beneath her feet, sending Bern tumbling down the void as her screams of terror were swallowed up.

"If you're strong then take us both on at once." Brute suggested. The proposition caused Berserk to hesitate for an answer, frowning and furrowing her eyebrows in dismay at being challenged to what she knew would be a violent fight. Judging from the intimidating look in Brute's eyes it was definitely serious-- not some spar or a quick bout of fistfighting from anger. Berserk wasn't looking for a death match.

"We're already bullyin' her enough as it is, Brute. I think she's embarrassed enough that we're ragging on her like this so let's just go home and plan our next move over some pizza." Brat yawned before turning on her heels and beginning to walk. "Berserk just got too big for her britches, thassall. No need to kill her over it."

"Hmm, yeah. Guess it'd be unfair to make you. Just try not to lag behind on the way back!" Brute took off to the air with Brat, leaving Berserk on the ground alone. She decided to walk for a bit and kick over some trash cans, wondering where the others had gone-- maybe she blacked out everything that happened until this moment? But why? Weird...

Berserk, lost in her thoughts, continued to think about the odd circumstances before glancing up at the sound of her sisters' cries for help. Dashing forward, Berserk called out for them to see where they'd gone; following their voices, she stopped in her tracks at what she met with.

A giant mechanical robot towered over the Powerpunk as she saw her sisters trapped inside some sort of cage that was built into the robot's torso. Brute was trying to break through the bars but each time she tried bending them, both girls were electrocuted by some sort of plasma energy flowing around it.

"Don't worry girls! I'll get you guys out in a minute!" Berserk reached for her back and gasped when she realized her sword was gone. Did she lose it somewhere on the way here? Gritting her teeth, she charged for the robot's head before it swung its fist into her body; Berserk caught it in time but barely was pushing back with enough force.

"There you are, Berserk... my most favorite of the miscreant Powerpunk Girls. Not to sound like I pick favorites-- I hate you all equally." The voice sounded digitized but familiar to Berserk, who caught on when she noticed the head of the robot was designed to resemble a gorilla.

"Jomo Momo?!" 

"Berserk, you better think of somethin' quick!" Brute shouted angrily. "If you weren't so slow, we would've taken out his dumb defender robot!"

"Your reign of terror shall come to an end at the hands of ME, Jomo Momo! For years, you evil little girls have foiled my every plan to save cities from your iron fists. But here in the Reality Vortex, crime fighters from all over have lent me vital information to develop my greatest creation!"

"So what? A big hunk of metal? Please, this ain't new at all!" Berserk hugged the mecha fist and swiftly yanked it off, sending wires and sparks flying.

"Allow me to finish speaking you rude child!" Jomo ordered. "But since you are so impatient, I will demonstrate to you hands-on!" The eyes of the mech head glowed a bright green before firing them straight at Berserk, who was slowed down by the weight of the mecha fist she held onto-- it sent her flying into the ground, but she felt no actual pain from the lasers themselves. 

"Ha! What was that? A tickle ray? ...huh? Why can't I move?" Berserk winced in pain. The impact made with concrete itself hurt vastly worse. In fact, she never felt that bad before. Just trying to move her limbs brought about terrible pain... did she break her bones?

"Same thing I used to batter your sisters into submission-- my Nullification beam worked splendidly as the ultimate trump card! I'll be praised for my painstaking research once you banshees are locked up! The agency will have no use in enacting flimsy repentance processes for anyone that dares to disrupt peace. It's game over, Powerpunks."

It was the last thing Berserk heard before the amount of pain flowing throjgh her nerves was too much to handle, causing her vision to start a blackout. Right before it went fully black, she opened her mouth to scream silently when Jomo Momo's mech reached down to capture her as her sisters lay battered and beaten in the cage.

She was weak after all.
Lilith stood in the middle of the abyss. No matter where she looks, there was no end of the sea of darkness. The Breakers was out of sight and Lucifer was no longer by her side, but a single man stood afar that caught the full attention of her eyes.

The man, his appearance was hidden by the strange darkness, raise his hand out towards Lilith. “Your tested faith, does it please the fiend? Your eyes covered, is the world unseen? You cast doubt on yourself, your mind bleeds. But you know that love can never let you free.”

Lilith stood in silence, slowly raise her hand to reach his hand. Tears flown down her cheeks in realization of the man that had come before her. At that moment, the predicament she was in no longer became a concern. He had her full attention, as the dark veil slightly disappear to showcase her eyes. Her bright green eyes as her tears kept flowing.

“As you lost the first to the fruits and Eve. You lost another as the Hero chose her to be. Left with nothing, but the devil seeds. Filling your head with the venomous tongue, you strike them dead with a loaded gun, you fell from the heavens with no way to run, you shout hallelujah.” The man lowered his hand as his body slowly disappear. Lilith rushes at him hopes of catching up to him. “As a broken song, the sins weight down, your faith is weak, but the hope is found, seeking for love to get pull from the devil’s ground.”

The man paused as Lilith was mere inches away. “But can a beast return such love? And your hope will fall as your broken faith?” Finishing his song, he vanished completely as Lilith collapsed on the floor. She left no cry, but a silence sadness that flooded the sea of darkness.
A man in armor walks up with a woman behind him but she dressed like a noble woman and not like a knight.

Armored man(an another version of Cross) says "So you abomination of my self were you so weaken by the spot light that a spell like this weaken you? I know you can see those Kids(the breakers) need an you/us."  A man that is quite doll-like with a 1:1 Doll of the same woman says "I know your distain knight (armored) for the lich version but the truth is that corpse is doing every thing he can." Armored says "how can you say that you dimmable puppet(Doll-like)?" An old man dressed like a mage with a older noble woman with him says "Young man version (Armored) that because the puppet knows better than most other version of us how that fool(Lich(or the version the Breakers know)) thinks." 

Surrounding Cross (the lich) were other version of him self having identical discussion.  Cross(The lich) says as he recalls what he was actually doing "I so hope those fools did not make my own blinking a pointless action." The woman that was nodding with what he did say simple shrugged.
For Bara, she did receive a moment of reprieve when Brachi did come to rescue her from the space station... the resulting time spent with her and her friends allowed Bara to gradually to recover her strength and through watching the others she began to grow as a competent fighter, however, during one covert operation against the Arcrosian named Siber, things went wrong... resulting in not only the deaths of Brachi, but also from most of her new friends, which greatly upset her... and just when she thought she got them all back, she was suddenly whisked away to a different realm, one unknown to her... she was happy to see Brachi and Gervene too, being unfamiliar with the others she saw even though she did try to associate with them, until the whole debacle with Dr. Doom happened in which she herself died, only to come back as a coin and left in stasis for a few years, which felt to her like she was in that space station all over again, unable to do anything except being held close by Brachi, whom tried to keep herself together despite the loss of their universe and Gervene, but at several times within the span of those three years had nearly breached her despair event horizon... with her being practically the only link she held left that had kept her from completely breaking down.
"Yes..." Cuki smiled at Gogeta's words. "You are closer to obtaining your power, your legendary moment." Cuki remained floating above Gogeta. "Spina is not immortal and even he cannot last forever. Don't have him bow... have him grovel at your feet. Take his life, Gogeta... Do it... Do it and I will fight you..."

Cuki's voice would begin to fade away, slowly but surely, leaving Gogeta alone in the darkness. A strong grip suddenly clasped on to Gogeta's shoulder and pulled him around. It was Cuki but her body was coated in a dark purple aura and her presence was no longer the same familiar girl he knew. Her hair was replaced with deep purple flames that seem to burn anything it touched. Her skin was paler than before and her eyes matched the color and vigor of the flames atop her head. The dark aura felt like poison to the Fusion as he breathed it in. It was pure malevolence and malice.

"You will rise above the Gods, Gogeta! You will be beyond legendary!" Cuki gripped Gogeta's gi tightly, her nails digging into his chest as she held on. Her touch burned his flesh and her dark aura began to seep into his eyes, changing his sclera to purple. The Fusion felt a hard push and fell deep into the unknown darkness, Cuki's fiery hair was the only thing that Gogeta would see in the distance growing farther and farther away until eventually, the fire was blown out like a candle in the wind.

Show me your true power, Gogeta...

The Breakers' visions would all suddenly disappear and they would see the other Breakers. Avalon was on his knees, eyes wide with shock and mouth agape. Almost immediately as his vision disappeared, he let out a loud gasp and placed his arms in front of him to support his body. His body gagged and heaved at the horrible things he witnessed with his illusions until he slowly turned to see Berserk and the other Breakers laying on the floor. Was he finally free of these visions?

"H-Hey! Berserk..! Are you ok--"

Before Avalon could finish his sentence, he, along with all the other Breakers, was pulled upwards by an invisible force. They watched as Cuki's apartment, the last piece of her memory, was entirely devoured by hundreds and thousands of Xy'phers, more than they have ever seen before. Reality Metropolis was set ablaze and as the invisible force carried the group through the streets, more and more Xy'phers were seen. Petrovic and Holmes, the two boys, and millions of other Xy'phers surrounded the city. Each Xy'pher chanted in unison as they marched throughout the city.

Red King... Red King... Red King..!

As the Breakers continued to watch, they saw illusions of themselves, everyone except for Zenta. They were confronting an unknown enemy. It certainly looked like a Xy'pher, however, unlike the others who looked closer to their original forms, this one Xy'pher, in particular, looked entirely like a diamond or a crystal. It was a solid black color and it commanded the lesser Xy'phers to charge at the worn down Breakers. Each Breaker fought diligently but the numbers they faced were too much for them and they were entirely overwhelmed. The solid black Xy'pher shot his arms forward and purple lightning darted out of his hands towards the pile overwhelming the Breakers. Multiple times, over and over again, was lightning shot out from the hands of the new man until, finally, a large blast came from the sky to finish off the Breakers. The army cheered and roared in delight as they held up the Coins of the various Breakers.

"Is this a vision of the future?!" Avalon shouted. "W-We die..?! We can't!"

Overhead, completely overshadowing the city, was a large silhouette of a crowned figure and two smaller Xy'phers next to him. Although the Breakers were not able to make out their features, the Xy'phers below all bowed to their King. The King easily loomed over the city, being a literal giant above even the tallest buildings, watching the Xy'phers run towards him with the Coins of the Breakers. Yet, the King's pit-like eyes shifted to stare at the floating Breakers caught in the mysterious force. While the Xy'phers talked and praised one another, the Giant King paid little attention to them.

Breakers... in due time, we will meet each other. The King spoke. My people watch your every move, know your every plan... You cannot run. You cannot escape. Accept your fate. When you realize what you have done, it will be too late. It will all return to nothing...

The shadow giant's robe fluttered in the wind as the Breakers lifted higher into the air to see a wave of fire and destruction behind the Giant King. The army behind him was so massive that it literally blocked the horizon, having no end in sight. It was beyond billions--trillions at this point. Giving it a number would be foolish. As the Breakers looked on, the world around them, even the Vortex Moon, would begin to crumble, literally being eaten away by the Xy'phers.

My rule is absolute. My rule is the law.

The Breakers would suddenly rush forward, getting closer and closer to the shadow King as his mouth opened.

My rule is eternal..!

In a slow and torturous method, the Breakers would be chomped down by the razor sharp mouth of the King, ripped entirely in half, feeling every bit of pain that came with it. They could not die, they could not escape the force holding them. All they could do was witness their own deaths and feel the burning agony that refused to settle down.
Spina narrowed his eyes that he was no longer being engulfed by a horde of enemies he fought throughout his lifetime. Blinking once, he seen the other Breakers on the ground and Avalon shouting at Berserk. Before he can let out a word out, the influx of Xy’pher appear before them, seeing themselves fighting against them. A vision? A deliberate illusion? Can Roya possess this ability? 

As the Red King vanished his taunt, the old Saiyan was unable to move out of the way, being ripped apart by the jaws of the giant. Spina grunted in pain, closing his eyes as he was continue being chomped down repeatedly.




Suddenly, Spina opened his eyes once more, and the pain inflicted upon them ceased. Feeling the cold breeze, pushed himself up from the ground. Looking around, the sea of darkness and the army of Xy’phers was gone. Instead, they are once again back at Allure City. He looked over to the other Breakers, still unconscious now as the old Saiyan tried to maintain his breathing. “We’re back.” The illusion cast by Roya had seemingly ended. From the looks of it, it clearly took a long duration since it was now nighttime.

Spina tried to stand on his feet, but his movements was extremely sluggish. His stamina was drained as he fell back to the ground on his knees. “Shit… my body.” He faced the city and notice that it was cleaned up quite nicely since the last time they saw it. “Huh…? How long we were out?” He went over to the others, seeing the Breakers laying on the grounds. “Hey, wake up.” Spina shouted at them, before kicking them on their right side to make them wake faster. He only managed to kick some of them--Avalon, Brachi, and Gogeta. The latter, he purposely kick him a lot harder before hearing a voice behind him.

“Oh, you’re finally awake.” Detective Goku said, walking towards them. “I was beginning to think most [excluding Bage] of you blokes was going to stay asleep forever.”

Spina turned around, his eyes widened. "Kakarotto? The hell happened?"
Cross says "I gest some one beat me too the punch this time." The doll like version says "Lich you can be a dick." Cross says "really puppeteer I have to deal with you lot, a group of kids, things that shooed not have effected me effected me, and a war criminal that odds are only got more self righteous he did us a minor favor. I have every right to be a "Dick" as you put it." A wizened mage says "That what it means to be in the spot light Elder." Cross says before vanishing "I aware of that young one it dos not change the fact its aggerating to not have some protections that I should have."


Cross says as a matter of fact "that was tedious." There was a since that Cross his experience was more tedious.
Brachi grunted as she was jolted awake from the kick.

"Is that nightmare finally over?! Thank the gods above, I thought it would never end!" She said, moments before she was being glomped by Majin Bara, whom was clearly shaken up by all this, finding comfort in the arms of her bestie.

"What a mess..." Jize said, "It appears our troubles have likely just begun."

"So we have another petty ruler ahead, eh? This Red King or whatever..." Brachi said. 

"Petty?" Jize asked with a frown.

"Look, I've had my share of encountering all these dime-a-dozen dictators before, you know." Brachi retorted as she got up.
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