"W-wait, we just barely made it out...!" Bernkastel jumped back on Spina's command, eyes widening in alarm at the sudden change in the club's size. As she skidded back by Bage, her eyes darted around as she began to sweat. Could she be as dangerous as the Xy'phers we just fought? No, that can't be it, I can sense her energy fine...
Given how Roya was built, with armor to boot, Bernkastel had her own reservations about jumping into the fray with the others. Especially since she hadn't yet recovered to use her magic normally again. "And if we run, she'll just give chase. Unlike this place, the Metropolis still has at least some people living there. If she's that fixated on fighting Spina..." Bern scowled, gaze shifting over to Bage. "There's no guarantee she won't leave a body count on her way to us. Not even you would be spared from Detective Goku's wrath if that happens, right Bage? If that happens, all bets are off the table for us." As much as she didn't want to admit it, it seemed like their only choice was to fend off Roya here in Allure City. But there's no way I can get in close... she'll clobber me for sure. For now, I have to focus on finding an opening. Maintaining her stern expression, she watched Gogeta's movements closely.
"And watch her kick your ass, old man? No way-- I'm not chickening out that easily!" Berserk shouted, looking miffed at being amounted to little more than a cosplayer. "Whatever's got her pickin' a bone with you doesn't matter; I don't intend on losing to anyone weaker than Brute!" Eyes lighting up, Berserk fired her heat vision in Roya's direction after Gogeta attacked her. Armor's such a pain-- but once it's off, this fight's as good as over!
Given how Roya was built, with armor to boot, Bernkastel had her own reservations about jumping into the fray with the others. Especially since she hadn't yet recovered to use her magic normally again. "And if we run, she'll just give chase. Unlike this place, the Metropolis still has at least some people living there. If she's that fixated on fighting Spina..." Bern scowled, gaze shifting over to Bage. "There's no guarantee she won't leave a body count on her way to us. Not even you would be spared from Detective Goku's wrath if that happens, right Bage? If that happens, all bets are off the table for us." As much as she didn't want to admit it, it seemed like their only choice was to fend off Roya here in Allure City. But there's no way I can get in close... she'll clobber me for sure. For now, I have to focus on finding an opening. Maintaining her stern expression, she watched Gogeta's movements closely.
"And watch her kick your ass, old man? No way-- I'm not chickening out that easily!" Berserk shouted, looking miffed at being amounted to little more than a cosplayer. "Whatever's got her pickin' a bone with you doesn't matter; I don't intend on losing to anyone weaker than Brute!" Eyes lighting up, Berserk fired her heat vision in Roya's direction after Gogeta attacked her. Armor's such a pain-- but once it's off, this fight's as good as over!