The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"W-wait, we just barely made it out...!" Bernkastel jumped back on Spina's command, eyes widening in alarm at the sudden change in the club's size. As she skidded back by Bage, her eyes darted around as she began to sweat. Could she be as dangerous as the Xy'phers we just fought? No, that can't be it, I can sense her energy fine...

Given how Roya was built, with armor to boot, Bernkastel had her own reservations about jumping into the fray with the others. Especially since she hadn't yet recovered to use her magic normally again. "And if we run, she'll just give chase. Unlike this place, the Metropolis still has at least some people living there. If she's that fixated on fighting Spina..." Bern scowled, gaze shifting over to Bage. "There's no guarantee she won't leave a body count on her way to us. Not even you would be spared from Detective Goku's wrath if that happens, right Bage? If that happens, all bets are off the table for us." As much as she didn't want to admit it, it seemed like their only choice was to fend off Roya here in Allure City. But there's no way I can get in close... she'll clobber me for sure. For now, I have to focus on finding an opening. Maintaining her stern expression, she watched Gogeta's movements closely.

"And watch her kick your ass, old man? No way-- I'm not chickening out that easily!" Berserk shouted, looking miffed at being amounted to little more than a cosplayer. "Whatever's got her pickin' a bone with you doesn't matter; I don't intend on losing to anyone weaker than Brute!" Eyes lighting up, Berserk fired her heat vision in Roya's direction after Gogeta attacked her. Armor's such a pain-- but once it's off, this fight's as good as over!
“Still as strong as ever, Spina!” Roya praised the old Saiyan for stopping her club midair. However, she felt her club slowly slipping away from her hands due to Avalon and Cross pulling it away with their water and shadow chains, respectively.

Seeing an opening created by Avalon and Cross, Spina landed on the ground and clenched his fist as hard as he could. “Damnit, I told you guys to run away. You don’t know her capabilities she possessed. Only I can handle her!” Spina shouted as he set his eyes on Roya, only to see Gogeta and Berserk jumped into the battle against her. His eyes widened, shouting at the two. “You damn fools! Don’t get near her!”

As Roya placed a stronger gripe on her club, she took a swift kick to the face by Gogeta, resulting a powerful shockwave from the impact alone. Rattling the glasses from the still standing buildings, she was sent back flying and tumbled against the ground multiple times as Berserk’s heat vision struck her. The force was enough to send her towards a building behind her. Resulting a spider-web cracks across the building from the impact, Roya pulled herself out of the building, as her club returned to normal size, with flames searing off her armor. Spatting bits of blood towards the ground, Roya was seemingly impressed with the power that both Gogeta and Berserk had displayed to her. “I like your new crew, Spina. With such impressive display of strength, I just can’t wait to sink my teeth in.” Licking her lips once more, Roya crouched down as her horn started to change colors. On her waist, once again, there was a bottle that strikingly similar to the one Bage was looking for.

Spina dashed forward in front of Gogeta and Berserk. “Don’t even think about it. I am your opponent. Leave the rest out of it.” As his aura exploded around him, with determined eyes and a raised fist.

“No can do! You know how this works, once my mind is made up, I’ll get what I want, whatever it takes.” Roya taunted. “But fortunately for you, I know the gap between our power is clearly too wide right now. In this state, I cannot hope to provide a good match unless I’m at full strength, and I certainly won’t get it from you since you will get in my way.” Roya grinned. “Reality Metropolis, right? That’s enough people to get my fill to get you guys. And I do have enough strength to get you to stay put.” She jumped high in the sky as her horn lit up brightly. “Sleep.” Roya said as a single energy wave pulse out of her horn.

Despite uttering an attack, nothing happened, promptly Spina to respond in kind. “You ain’t going nowhere! Rising Blast!” Spina shouted, firing a massive energy wave out of his palm with no qualms of holding back, disregarding the potential nature of Xy’pher trying to collect her as a Vortex Coin. The blast engulfed Roya, resulting an explosion that send a booming shockwave across the city. Yet, there was no body nor coin that came out as the explosion clears. “Shit… she’d vanished.” Lowering his arm, Spina had a grim expression on his face. “I have to go after her.”

“Why? She doesn’t seem that strong as you play it out to be. Especially if she was planning on running away after some pressure from the others.” Lilith said in a monotone.

“No.” Spina said. “She’s not the type to go down that easily. Whatever she did, it was an effort to escape to get the people's dreams in Metropolis, her source of strength.” He turned to the rest of the group that chose to stay. “You should’ve run. Now that she knows the capabilities of you guys, now she’ll definitely go after you once she’s replenished enough.” He turns to Gogeta—for the first time to actually speak to him face-to-face. “You god damn fool. Do you always have to make things so fucking complicated?! You worthless motherfucker.” Spina glare at the fusion, pointing his finger at him. “Declaring yourself that you’ll kill me—that’s the kind of person she fucking likes when she feeds on, and the last thing I want is for her to go after some vessel because one of you are too damn stupid to take a hint.” Spina said. “I’ll never consider you a worthy opponent. I rather fight dirt underneath my boots than a shit-stain like you. Get fucked.”

Lucifer remained silent, quietly observing his surroundings as if he were looking for something. “Hm, I see. So that’s how it is.” A vague statement that wasn’t directed to anyone.

The old Saiyan turned to the others, becoming less harsh to them as opposed to Gogeta. “I’m going off to find her. Alone. You guys stay here, I don’t want her to get you guy either. Whatever happens, happen.” Spina attempted to leave as he took one step, cracks forming underneath his boots.
Brachi sighed.

"It's been one of those days... if only my other friends were around too; we could have this entire place cleaned up in far less time, and hopefully deal with much less stress than now... then again, has ANYTHING been so simple over the past few years?" She said.

Jize snorted.

"At least you heeded to Spina's advice, so you're still an unknown to whoever this Roya character is. She may have likely seen you, but has no idea of what you're capable of." The Supreme Kai said.

Majin Bara got a bit sad.

"I just hope Spina will be okay..." She said.

"I'm sure he will be," Jize said, "he knows Roya more than you do after all, so I am certain he will find a way to best his opponent one way or the other. If not, we could have another problem on our hands, which we obviously can't use right now, given the state of affairs of what we're dealing with at this time."

"Point taken." Brachi said.
Cross says as a matter of fact "You have really not worked with mages a lot have you Spina? Add that to the hole singularly thing go on with me. Do you think form one cantrip know every thing about me out?" There is a since that Cross token a calculated risk too aid Spina.
As Spina walked away, Gogeta stood with his eyes down towards the ground. A strong, heavy scowl had formed on his face and despite the intense, insults laid down from Spina, he stood without an immediate reaction. Pride and anger demanded Gogeta act in the face of such brevity and insult, yet he stood in place due to the glowing V on his forehead. Whatever fashioned restrictions placed on the fusion from the source seemed to be holding momentarily; his body occasionally twitching a bit in sheer frustration.

The silver gleam in his pupils shined brilliantly alongside the V in tandem, and in the midst of his standing, Gogeta slowly raised up the back of his right hand that was balled into a fist. A small bit of blood had trailed down the side of his mouth from the fight with Marshadow, and on typical instinct, he had simply moved to remove the blood. Yet once he was done wiping the side of his face, Gogeta lowered his fist down to his line of vision, his eyes staring at the dried blood in being forced to recognize the damage inflicted especially after the harsh reality laid down on him by Spina.

His fingers gripped together tightly, the fist trembling in front of him as he grunted.

That weakling

The silver gleam in Gogeta's pupils instantly vanished; and raising his fist higher, Gogeta grit his teeth together as his widened eyes bulged to the brim while he shook violently in his loud, heavy grunting. Small little rocks cascaded upwards into the air, the ground shaking lightly, and a surge of golden energy suddenly spiraling upwards around Gogeta's body.


Without care for the others surrounding him, Gogeta threw down his arms in a furious roar and unleashed a sudden blast of violent energy in every direction. The ground quaked and shattered under the sheer force of the violent explosion; anyone caught in the immediate vicinity being thrown back suddenly. As the smoke and debris cleared, the golden aura could be seen rapidly swirling outwards around Gogeta almost like a tornado. The fusion himself had not powered up too dramatically: he stood transformed only as a Super Saiyan in holding his clenched fists together while his entire body trembled violently in his rage induced stupor.


He panted heavily, his chest rising and falling as his turquoise pupils stared out at no particular target in his seething rage.

All of these bastards...I'll show them all! I WILL prove I am the strongest warrior in the universe!! 
"Hey man, I ain't leaving you behind Boss, that's just not right! Besides, we got her shaking in her boots if she's running away like a coward. How tough can she be if she can't even take us right after we just got done with a fight?" Avalon said to Spina, crossing his arms. "You don't have to do everything alone, y'know. We're a team, even if you do have a mean temper. We stick out for one another, right?"

As Avalon tried to lighten the mood for Spina, he overheard him call out Gogeta, telling the fusion all sorts of profane things. He was not particularly fond of the Fusion due to the man mocking him a while back,  but he would never drag him down as Spina did. The way Spina felt towards the other Saiyan made him shiver and only imagined what things were like before he arrived. However, despite his feelings, he refused to help out Gogeta, feeling he would only add to his anger and become a victim later on. 

Sheesh, Boss. Don't you think you're adding to the fuel here? That guy is like a stick of dynamite with an invisible fuse... You never know when he's gonna blow. He said to himself before glancing at Gogeta. Then again, he practically got us all in this mess to begin with, so he had it coming. No sympathy from me, that's for sure.

Avalon sighed until his body immediately tensed up upon seeing Gogeta's violent explosion, his arm rushing to cover his face from the energy. Once again, his thoughts about Gogeta were right and he frowned because of it. He wanted to give the man a chance but the Fusion made it hard for him to do so. Taken aback by the fusion's golden hue, he braced himself for whatever was to come. See? A stick of dynamite with an invisible fuse... Damnit, with him throwing a tantrum every second of the day, he'll just add on to the pile we already have to deal with!

With a quick glance to Berserk behind him, he grew slightly nervous at what he was about to do. He bit his lip and waited for the Fusion to catch his breath before slowly approaching him. The ninja knew not to get too close but with how short Gogeta's fuse was, he had no idea what the Saiyan could do. Finally, he spoke to Gogeta, his voice soft as to not stir anything but firm to show he wanted to at least cheer him up.

"Hey man, I know Spina is bossy but don't let him get to you. We got your back, y'know. Just... quit blowing stuff up." Avalon whispered. "You're a tough guy, so don't worry about the small things."
"What?! But we almost had her! You should've just spared her the small talk and gotten it over with if she was just gonna hightail it out." Berserk gave Spina an annoyed glare for scolding her on top of ruining her fun. She just crossed her arms and let out a disgruntled noise. "Tch... fine."

Bernkastel watched Spina curse at Gogeta for his brashness with no restraint, no clear expression on her face readable other than a placid frown. Their bickering made her turn her gaze to the side like she didn't want to even bother with it, eyebrows furrowed. The witch only lifted a hand to swat away debris Gogeta's sudden volatile outburst caused, sliding back but standing still.

Berserk flinched and flailed, tripping over her own feet before regaining her stance. "Hey, cool it! We're supposed to be on the same side, y'know! What's the big idea!"

As Berserk fumed to herself, Bernkastel's relatively aloof expression grew visibly agitated and her grimace deepened. Trying to maintain separation from the tantrum Gogeta was throwing looked to be nearly impossible for her; Bern's brows furrowed and she let out an irritated grunt to herself watching Avalon try to talk Gogeta down. After tapping her foot restlessly, Bernkastel's face scrunched up before ultimately ironing itself back out into a placid gaze.

"If Spina feels enough reason that woman is a threat, then let him go. We'll only be a hindrance." Bernkastel folded her arms behind her back and turned to where Gogeta and Avalon stood.

"Gogeta's not going to be deterred when blinded by rage. It may seem small to you, but allow him to fixate on it and that pebble becomes a rock that causes large ripples in water." Despite her evident look of anger several moments ago, her serious voice lacked any emotion as she spoke. "Heed my warning and stand down, Gogeta. If you prevent Spina from taking down Roya before she reaches the Metropolis then we'll have another set of problems on top of the Xy'phers. Goku barely trusts us enough to help Bage with the King; he wouldn't spare us a passing thought if we let her wreak havoc. That pebble is a rock in your grasp, and throwing it will have great consequences for us all. Should you refuse to look at the big picture here, I'll have to force your hand, to my distaste." 

Standing behind Gogeta, Bernkastel spoke curtly with an unchanged stare as her aura began to emanate. "But if you can't walk... then you can't leave."
Bage frowned throughout Spina's speech to the others. All The detective could do was devise their next move while Spina went after her. "This is not good at all... That woman is headed straight for the city and has another one of the bottles. I don't know how she got a hold of it but if she's as dangerous as Spina claims, it'll be hard to get it from her. It is frustrating having to stand and wait like this. I should warn the agency about Roya, should she defeat Spina and make it to the city."

In the middle of his thought however, Bage slid back away from Gogeta after his outburst, covering his eyes from any debris. The tension between this group was certainly the cherry on top of this stressful situation. 

"If you could keep him... Calm, I would greatly appreciate it., Bernkastel." The detective seemed distracted with the task of grabbing his communicator to contact Detective Goku, but not before turning to Lucifer with a stern scowl. "But before anything else... Why did you tell her where we lived? You could clearly see she wasn't a friend. You acted very recklessly and potentially put millions of lives in danger."
The intense explosion Gogeta let out had initially stopped Spina for a moment. As dust clouds and debris flung around, the shattered left no lasting impression on the older Saiyan. Spina had made his declaration and stance clear—he had no interest in someone he considered worthless to fight. Not even a passing glance, Spina continue forward to go after Roya. “I don’t have time for this when she’s out and about. Most of you are skilled, some I don’t have much knowledge of—but right now, only I can handle this alone.” Not backing down on letting one join him, Spina blast from the ground towards the air. The cracks that formed underneath his boots suddenly expanded across the ground the Breakers were standing on.

Lucifer pulled out a small handkerchief out of his pockets, wiping the small specks of dirt on his face. He was not forcibly move back too much from Gogeta’s explosive anger, aside from dirtying his immaculate suit. The sense of pure and raw rage, and the continuous build up frustration was edging on boiling point, put a smile on the child angel. It was equally delightful of how others respond to such anger, and simply wants more of that, more added fuel to the already forest fire, unable to be extinguished no longer. When Bage confronted him on why he told Roya that there were people in Reality Metropolis, Lucifer had a smile that was quite malicious in nature, despite the innocence it displays towards the detective. “Quite simple, really. I want—” Lucifer attempted to answer his question, but suddenly, a rush of darkness came out of his mouth towards the sky, distorting reality around them.

“Lucifer!?” Lilith was taken aback of what just transpired in front of her. Until the cracked ground shattered once again until there was nothing left for her nor anyone to stand on. They promptly fell, swallowed up by the strange abyss the awaits them.

Spina noticed that reality around them was distorting, causing him to turn back around and assumed that Gogeta had let loose. “You worthless maggot. You don’t know when to quit—” The only thing he saw was a giant hand that eclipse him in terms of size before being caught in its palm and dragged down into the abyss along with the others.


Moments later, Spina realized that he was grounded. He looked at his hands, seemingly his hands phasing in and out as if it were trying to maintain stability. The move that Roya did created an illusion that distort reality, catching all the Breakers, but it is seemingly unbalanced. He searched for the Breakers, calling out their names, but words fail to come out of his mouth, and none can hear his shouting. “What is this…” Spina thought. “Shit, that damn Roya. She did something…! I need to get out—” Spina dashed for to find some escape, only to ran into something. Falling to the ground, he looked up seeing a liquid figure, Kai, standing before him.

Eyes widening, Spina didn’t move from his spot. “Kai…?” 

Instantly, pillars erupted from the ground all around Spina—each had a warrior embedded into it, warriors that he had fought throughout his time in his old universe, as Kai did not move from her past.  As all the remains appeared, Kai uttered. “You’re barely hanging on.”
Gogeta slightly perked his head at Avalon's comment, the strong glare his immediate reaction. However, he paused; the stern expression slightly receding as the fusion thought to himself upon an unknown trigger in Avalon's words.

We've got your back.

He blinked once, his head filling with images of a familiar face reaching out with an extended hand, covered in a white glove. The dual voice was identical to Gogeta's, yet held a similar soft yet firm tone behind it like Avalon's in the same words being repeated.

I've got your back. That's what family's for.

Gogeta stared down at the floor for a moment, his own stare still mostly blank yet firm. He didn't reply immediately to Avalon's statement, but his head and eyes lifted up a bit at the sound of Bernkastel's voice. His eyes sharpened once more, turning around to face towards the small witch with his arms at his side. He immediately scoffed in reply, his arms trembling.

"Of course you wouldn't want me chasing after your dog. Your favorite plaything gets all the glory again, while I get humiliated. I don't give a damn about your big picture, witch: a true warrior won't let this stand. And if you get in my way, I'll-"

His head turned a bit, the immense screech of the darkness exploding forth from Lucifer's mouth cutting him off. He blinked in confusion, glancing around and his eyes fixating on seeing Spina high in the sky. The world around him distorted; each Breaker vanishing from his sight until he was alone with the other Saiyan floating high in the sky.

Gogeta instinctively tensed, his narrowed eyes staring up with a concerned expression borderlining on fear of the unknown. He gasped, watching on as the figure above radically shot down towards the ground, slamming into the surface below and unleashing debris in every direction in a thunderous shockwave. Gogeta braced himself against the intense display that dwarfed the level of his outburst only minutes ago, and once the wind died down, Gogeta quickly lowered his arms to see what was across the way.

His eyes widened at the sight of an immense silver and red fire billowing up around Spina's body, trembling a bit in seeing the other Saiyan fully transformed in his primal state. The older Saiyan's stare struck with pure hatred and disdain; uncompromising in practically glaring Gogeta down.

Gogeta clenched his fists suddenly, snapping back to his senses. He broke out into a confident smirk, pointing his thumb to himself.

"Ha..this time, I'll beat you! I got Ultra Instinct now!"

He let out a small grunt, squatting down a bit. Yet despite his effort, nothing happened. Gogeta blinked in confusion, glaring down at his arms in struggling to make even a small display of energy happen while across the way, Spina slowly walked towards the fusion.

"What the hell? He promised me power?!"

Gogeta gasped, a strange black energy binding around his body as he was forcibly sent down to his knees. He grimaced in pain, his eyes widening in seeing Bernkastel slowly stroll out from behind him. Her right arm was slightly extended; the same energy binding Gogeta radiating around her hand and forearm as she stood off to the side with an emotionless stare on the fusion.

"You've always been a fool. All anyone has to do to control you is promise you power you don't deserve. It would've been too easy to let you kill Ultraman and Hart that day; we had to get the entire world to turn on you. So once we finish you off, everyone will think the Breakers are heroes...and no one will ever think of calling me the Blue Devil again."

Gogeta snarled, wiggling a bit in the bindings but failing to break any sort of hold on him.

"I knew it! You're just using me; just like everyone else."

Bernkastel nodded.

"Of course. Why would I be friends with you...when there's a real warrior over there that's stronger than you...faster than you...and has earned his strength? You keep wanting everyone else to help you; Whis told you no...I told you no...and now Black has given up on you. You are nothing; your strength is made up of two powers that you can never say are your own."

Gogeta's glare widened to the brim, grimacing and shouting furiously to no avail as now Spina loomed over him. He glared back up at the older Saiyan, unable to do anything but watch as the latter cocked his only arm back while Bernkastel spoke in a cold, dark tone.

"Goodbye, Gogeta. No one will remember you."

Gogeta roared heavily, his eyes tightly shutting as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

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