The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Brachi sighed of relief as she saw that Zacian was soon defeated and turned into a crystallized coin, at which she powered down back to base form and wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead.

"Whew, that was tough." She said.

"We won?" Bara asked, blinking at this.

"That we did, but it definitely wasn't easy... never felt this much pressure again after the battles against the Metar..." Brachi replied.

"Still having nightmares about them?" Jize asked with a frown.

"Occasionally, but even then those are only a few and far between... still left quite an impact on me, you know..." Brachi retorted.
As the clones prepared for their next attack, Bage distanced himself as much as he could from them while bracing himself for a massive attack. However, he seemed a bit puzzled but relieved when there was no follow-through. The junior detective came back once the clones disappeared and landed near Bernkastel. "Well... Not unharmed but alright." Bage sighed thankfully, before shaking his head at the witch's apology. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. It'll be hell to clean up later... but seeing as we had to defend ourselves, I can see if I can have Goku give you all a bit of a break."

He smiled despite the scrapes and bleeding, "But from the looks of it, if we were all ambushed when we split... Then this must have been a planned attack" 

Bage tried to recall what that little Xyper's were saying about them before they attacked. They said they had to get "rid" of them and didn't hesitate to triy killing them. He wasn't sure if he was ready to believe that the Diamond king had conjured up a plan like this to have them turned into some crystal monsters... but from the look of it, it was becoming increasingly likely that this was playing out that way.
“You all seems to be very talent in your fighting abilities. I thought all of you were incompetent when it comes to battle, but you all pull in your weight.” Lilith strangely praised. “I don’t sense any distress on your injuries that needs to be immediately take notice. Shall we meet with your leader and the Detective?”


Spina crossed his arms. “Hmph. I’m impressed by your fighting skill. You are truly are a Saiyan. Hope he wasn’t giving you too much trouble during the battle. He’s been a pain for a while.” He seems curious about Bage’s strength, in fact, he was more interested in the battle power of everyone else. Yet, as soon he turned his sight on Gogeta, Spina’s eyes was nothing but contempt and looking down on the fusion, infused with rage, repeatedly seeing images of the dream he had last night. Returning his sight back to Bage. “I don’t know how it’ll be hell. Nothing’s on fire, but it will be a tedious job to clean it all up. Let’s hope your boss will be understanding and give us a break.” 

He turned to the direction where the others, recalling a flash from their battle. “A planned attack… I remember that small one saying that they’re looking for us specifically. We didn’t get a chance to get some answer out of her before we got drag into a fight. At least we know it isn’t some random attack. I wonder if the forest one was testing the waters. Because the gap of strength between those two incidents was gigantic.”


“Perhaps I need to speak with Cross since he’d predicted that they might be zombies of some kind. Might provide some insight on this.” Lucifer chuckled to himself as he made his way to Spina and Bernkastel, but still far away from everyone.

A young woman with black hair, with a body mass build like a warrior cried out in an annoyed tone as she dragged her giant club on the ground. She has light blue skin with purple eyes, and her armor was black and white. She has a black horn sticking out of her forehead. “5 towns… and it's all the same. Not a single soul left. Why is it so difficult to find a city with actual people living in it?!” She shouted before stopping as she saw Lucifer standing there. “Whoa! I found someone!”

“Hmm?” Lucifer raised a brow. “Is she another Xy’pher? No… I can sense her life energy. Perhaps a resident of this town?” He mumbled to himself but decided to address the lady. “Are you lost, miss?”
"Oh my, you flatter me, Ms. Berserk," Zenta chuckled before bowing politely to the young girl. "But I am glad you appreciate the little help I can offer." He then turned to Brachi and her friends, bowing to them as well. "And thank you for helping an old man such as I, Ms. Brachi. You have my sincerest gratitude. I am in your debt."

Avalon let out a long breath before falling on his butt, still in shock about the fight and everything that happened. His body was still hot from the adrenaline but it seemed that he was slowly calming down. He stared at the sky and closed his eyes for a brief moment, gathering his thoughts, before pushing himself back up to his feet and making his way to Berserk's side. He ruffled the Powerpunk's hair and laughed.

"You were hot stuff out there, Berserk! You gonna let a bit of boring cleaning up put you down?"

"It seems that the others suffered their own fights as well," Zenta said out loud. "These Xy'phers were stronger than the ones in the forest, no doubt. Zacian mentioned that she had ordered from the King, presumably the Diamond King, to kill us."

"Why would he want to kill us? We haven't done anything to him."

"Perhaps we are a threat to his regime."

"Sounds like a wimp if you ask me. That's probably why he's searching for coins, he's scared."

"Maybe so. Still, this is something not to be taken lightly. If these Xy'phers were ordered to kill us, there will no doubt be more. We must be wary." Zenta perked his head in the direction of the others. "More importantly, we should see that the other Breakers are doing well."

"Yeah, you're right," Avalon nodded before turning his head to face Lucifer after Berserk's comment only to see a newcomer approach the child. He tilted his head having never seen the person before. "Looks like that baby grew up quick. And, uhh, who's that girl? Never seen her before..."
"No problem," Brachi said with a smile, "glad we could be of assistance."

Bara and Jize nodded as well, happy that this battle could be resolved as well, yet Jize was still puzzled by these Xy'phers and their animosity for the 'Breakers'.
Cross says "This is some thing if I on the mark is some thing the Dimond king would did regardless of our involvement. I should state this but the fight in the Forest did not factor us in as a factor. I would remind you of the surprising low power level of most people that came."
"This wouldn't be the first time we've been hunted down to be taken as coins." Bernkastel's gaze sharpened into a glare, remembering Hart and her gauntlet. "The one we fought seemed to anticipate what we could do for damage before meeting us, so there's no doubt their King already gathered plenty of intel on us. This wave wasn't successful either but the next one he sends might be. Worst of all, we didn't find any new bottles..."

Any further thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a loud woman's shouting, causing the witch to look over her shoulder where Lucifer was standing by. "Tch, what now?" Bern muttered with a tone that was less than welcoming about the stranger approaching them just after their battling ended.

"Cause fixing stuff IS boring! We should just bury all the trash in these craters and save us all that work..." Berserk began to complain before looking where Avalon was. "Huh? Who's that? I thought this place was empty! If she lived here, she might get pissed with us for wrecking the place more."
Bage's smile twisted awkwardly at Spina's praise for his fighting ability. "A true Saiyan, huh? Well, I try to avoid a fight if I can help it. Though, I'm glad to see you looking on the bright side of this!" The detective noticed the hostility in Spina's glare as he stared at Gogeta. Just what was causing so much tension between these two, he wondered. His thought drifted away from the increasing suspicion of Gogeta and Spina once the conversation changed to the attacks.

"He wasn't much trouble at all, actually. It's like you both said, they were looking for the Breakers specifically. So the Diamond King must be becoming increasingly threatened by your group and has even taken it a step further by learning about you and attacking. After all, having you all turned into coins and fighting on his side would greatly increase his army... and if that's the case, then maybe it would be better to-"

Bage head turned suddenly in the direction of the yell. The detective remained silent to observe this new person to determine if they were a friend or another foe.
“Hmph. If the Diamond King is actually after us, he’d better sent in interesting challenge. This is just training right now. Well, for you, anyways. Keep that up and you’ll be an interesting sparring partner.” Spina said with confidence in his voice, eyeing that it can be good practice for Bernkastel to ironed out her physical strength. “Right?” Spina noticed Bernkastel and Detective Bage looking elsewhere at the direction where they left Lucifer. His eyes slowly set on Lucifer and the newcomer. “Don’t tell me there’s another Xy’pher we missed—” 

Upon immediately seeing on the new stranger that came before them, his eyes locked on the way she carry herself when she followed Lucifer to the group. The club she carried, just by appearance alone can leave one’s impression of the many battles it had been. It was clearly battered, yet, seemingly still usable despite the condition. Her armor resemblance that of a warrior race and the way she was built clearly showcase her strength. This buxom, yet muscular woman caught the attention of Spina, causing him to be taken aback at the loss of words, sweating immediately afterwards.

Lucifer approached Bernkastel’s group first since they were the closest to him. “Apparently, she comes from a place far away from here, and claims this is the first time she actually met someone in a city.” He explained. “She claims she’s hungry, but she rejected all foods I offered.” 

“I was about to lose hope too since I arrived, the city was practically empty when I first arrived. But as soon I heard some howls and explosions, I rushed over here as fast as I could. For a second there, I thought everyone perished since I got quiet… but thankfully, there is life here, so I can finally get to eat.” The woman said, looking at Bernkastel, Gogeta and Bage very slowly. “What are you guys doing in a place like this?” She first asked a curious question, but when she turned her head and saw Spina directly, she quickly dropped it. Raising her eyebrows in shock. “Oh? Spina? Is that you? Do you remember me?”

Spina clenched his fist tightly as veins appeared around his right arm and neck, furrowing his eyebrows when the woman acknowledge him. “Roya.” 

“Heh… All this time, I thought you died since you flat out disappear for a while. Then all the suddenly, I got wrapped here when I saw a blinding flash engulfed me and the everything else. So this is where you been, I knew it will take more will kill you.” Roya smiles. “You guys his new crew?”
After slowly regaining his composure post fight, Gogeta lowered his arms to his sides and exhaled deeply. The silver gleam in his pupils dulled once more; like a dormant energy receding inwards. His eyes shifted a bit, staring down at Bernkastel. A scowl instantly formed at the question she posed, Gogeta turning his head to the side with a scoff. His eyes remained to the side, promptly ignoring the conversation and strategizing in wake of the Diamond King's forces attacking the Breakers. His attention only budged at the approach of the newcomer with Lucifer, a minor curiosity drawing him in. Yet upon Spina's specific reaction to her, one that almost seemed to resonate as a mixture of anger and fear, Gogeta's eyes turned onto Roya with a small scowl and crossed arms folded in front of his chest.

The question from Roya prompted an immediate, curt response from the fusion. Gogeta's dual voice dripped with frustration and anger, among other telling signs of his wounded pride in his curt response.

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