Bernkastel raised an arm in a feeble attempt to brave the energy attacks Jirachi was raining down on them. She seemed unsure about the proposition but Spina's explanation made it sound simple, at least in theory. "Is it that easy? Well, I guess I could try and focus on clearing my mind first--" As soon as she replied with that approach, Spina already had picked her up before spinning around. "W-wuh-wait! I need to thiiiiink!" Before she knew it, there simply WAS no time to think; her stomach sank right before Spina threw Bern straight into the air for Jirachi and already the wind was howling in her ears.
Unlike her usual manner of approach, the battle was changing tides faster than she can process it. There was no such thing as to plan a perfectly assembled strategy, in a fight like this one Bern was inadvertently forced to act on her feet. With the speed at which she was headed for Jirachi, Bern felt like a deer in headlights-- the pressure being put on her was not unlike what she experienced fighting Ultraman.
The one opponent she couldn't have taken on by herself due to his immense fighting strength. Mach-speed punches that burned her skin... The seismic toss of a skyscraper right before her eyes... the taste of acid and blood in her mouth. Because she lost to Ultraman before Gogeta finished the fight, Bern had been humiliated and made to feel small. It ate her up, the memory alone bubbling up hot anger in her blood. She squeezed her eyes shut. No! Now's not the time to be scared! I won't be weak... I'm not weak! Bern repeated to herself, sucking in a deep breath and tucking in her arms.
Channeling her volatile emotions into one objective of focus, Bernkastel could feel her magic energy coiling at her center of gravity into a palpable mass within her small frame. Focusing on coiling it even further, Bernkastel's aura flashed several times as her energy spiked. With each flash, the air around her grew heavier. Bern commanded the mass of energy to flow into her arms and finally her hands. Green sparks flared out as her arms glowed more than any other part of her body.
"Kids like who can't behave are nuisances that need to be disciplined. So that means--" Bern flew through the air with a straightened form, her arms coated in volatile green energy that audibly crackled. "Playtime's over for you!" Closing in on Jirachi's barrier with a shout, she thrust both fists forward and into the force field.
Berserk shielded her face from the sudden gust of sharp winds with her arms, wincing in pain at the feeling of her skin being briefly exposed to air before slicing right open. Her ribbon was lost to the sky-- letting out a frustrated grunt, she looked around to see how the others fared. Narrowing her eyes to peek through the gap of her two arms, Berserk saw that she, Bara, and Avalon were apparently the only ones left standing on the field-- the others were pinned under rubble from Zacian's rampaging. Despite all the blows exchanged, Zacian seemingly never moved from her first spot-- and was still standing despite having been lit aflame. It really grated on the Powerpunk's nerves how stubborn the Xy'pher was, wanting to knock the knight down several notches.
The strange explosive orbs that struck down randomly on the field from above caught her eye next; they seemed random but a lot of them were within Zacian's immediate vicinity. "...The sky!" Inspired, Berserk flew up even higher in the sky parallel to the fallen building. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall...." Holding her sword out in front of herself, she flared up her aura until it began to look volatile and her weapon glowed red. Pushing off from the building, Berserk launched herself down towards the earth like a red comet.
Within seconds, the impact of her feet occurred in tandem with the sword slamming deep into the ground; red sparks surrounded her before a shockwave burst out into a web of hairline cracks under Berserk's feet, cubed hunks of earth flying up as the cracks opened from vibrating. Berserk's energy traced a jagged line from the sword like a lightning bolt as it headed for where Zacian stood, with a fissure line trailing behind that widened as more explosions littered the area.
"Have a nice trip! Wahahahaha!"
Unlike her usual manner of approach, the battle was changing tides faster than she can process it. There was no such thing as to plan a perfectly assembled strategy, in a fight like this one Bern was inadvertently forced to act on her feet. With the speed at which she was headed for Jirachi, Bern felt like a deer in headlights-- the pressure being put on her was not unlike what she experienced fighting Ultraman.
The one opponent she couldn't have taken on by herself due to his immense fighting strength. Mach-speed punches that burned her skin... The seismic toss of a skyscraper right before her eyes... the taste of acid and blood in her mouth. Because she lost to Ultraman before Gogeta finished the fight, Bern had been humiliated and made to feel small. It ate her up, the memory alone bubbling up hot anger in her blood. She squeezed her eyes shut. No! Now's not the time to be scared! I won't be weak... I'm not weak! Bern repeated to herself, sucking in a deep breath and tucking in her arms.
Channeling her volatile emotions into one objective of focus, Bernkastel could feel her magic energy coiling at her center of gravity into a palpable mass within her small frame. Focusing on coiling it even further, Bernkastel's aura flashed several times as her energy spiked. With each flash, the air around her grew heavier. Bern commanded the mass of energy to flow into her arms and finally her hands. Green sparks flared out as her arms glowed more than any other part of her body.
"Kids like who can't behave are nuisances that need to be disciplined. So that means--" Bern flew through the air with a straightened form, her arms coated in volatile green energy that audibly crackled. "Playtime's over for you!" Closing in on Jirachi's barrier with a shout, she thrust both fists forward and into the force field.
Berserk shielded her face from the sudden gust of sharp winds with her arms, wincing in pain at the feeling of her skin being briefly exposed to air before slicing right open. Her ribbon was lost to the sky-- letting out a frustrated grunt, she looked around to see how the others fared. Narrowing her eyes to peek through the gap of her two arms, Berserk saw that she, Bara, and Avalon were apparently the only ones left standing on the field-- the others were pinned under rubble from Zacian's rampaging. Despite all the blows exchanged, Zacian seemingly never moved from her first spot-- and was still standing despite having been lit aflame. It really grated on the Powerpunk's nerves how stubborn the Xy'pher was, wanting to knock the knight down several notches.
The strange explosive orbs that struck down randomly on the field from above caught her eye next; they seemed random but a lot of them were within Zacian's immediate vicinity. "...The sky!" Inspired, Berserk flew up even higher in the sky parallel to the fallen building. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall...." Holding her sword out in front of herself, she flared up her aura until it began to look volatile and her weapon glowed red. Pushing off from the building, Berserk launched herself down towards the earth like a red comet.
Within seconds, the impact of her feet occurred in tandem with the sword slamming deep into the ground; red sparks surrounded her before a shockwave burst out into a web of hairline cracks under Berserk's feet, cubed hunks of earth flying up as the cracks opened from vibrating. Berserk's energy traced a jagged line from the sword like a lightning bolt as it headed for where Zacian stood, with a fissure line trailing behind that widened as more explosions littered the area.
"Have a nice trip! Wahahahaha!"