The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel raised an arm in a feeble attempt to brave the energy attacks Jirachi was raining down on them. She seemed unsure about the proposition but Spina's explanation made it sound simple, at least in theory. "Is it that easy? Well, I guess I could try and focus on clearing my mind first--" As soon as she replied with that approach, Spina already had picked her up before spinning around. "W-wuh-wait! I need to thiiiiink!" Before she knew it, there simply WAS no time to think; her stomach sank right before Spina threw Bern straight into the air for Jirachi and already the wind was howling in her ears.

Unlike her usual manner of approach, the battle was changing tides faster than she can process it. There was no such thing as to plan a perfectly assembled strategy, in a fight like this one Bern was inadvertently forced to act on her feet. With the speed at which she was headed for Jirachi, Bern felt like a deer in headlights-- the pressure being put on her was not unlike what she experienced fighting Ultraman.

The one opponent she couldn't have taken on by herself due to his immense fighting strength. Mach-speed punches that burned her skin... The seismic toss of a skyscraper right before her eyes... the taste of acid and blood in her mouth. Because she lost to Ultraman before Gogeta finished the fight, Bern had been humiliated and made to feel small. It ate her up, the memory alone bubbling up hot anger in her blood. She squeezed her eyes shut. No! Now's not the time to be scared! I won't be weak... I'm not weak! Bern repeated to herself, sucking in a deep breath and tucking in her arms.

Channeling her volatile emotions into one objective of focus, Bernkastel could feel her magic energy coiling at her center of gravity into a palpable mass within her small frame. Focusing on coiling it even further, Bernkastel's aura flashed several times as her energy spiked. With each flash, the air around her grew heavier. Bern commanded the mass of energy to flow into her arms and finally her hands. Green sparks flared out as her arms glowed more than any other part of her body.

"Kids like who can't behave are nuisances that need to be disciplined. So that means--" Bern flew through the air with a straightened form, her arms coated in volatile green energy that audibly crackled. "Playtime's over for you!" Closing in on Jirachi's barrier with a shout, she thrust both fists forward and into the force field.

Berserk shielded her face from the sudden gust of sharp winds with her arms, wincing in pain at the feeling of her skin being briefly exposed to air before slicing right open. Her ribbon was lost to the sky-- letting out a frustrated grunt, she looked around to see how the others fared. Narrowing her eyes to peek through the gap of her two arms, Berserk saw that she, Bara, and Avalon were apparently the only ones left standing on the field-- the others were pinned under rubble from Zacian's rampaging. Despite all the blows exchanged, Zacian seemingly never moved from her first spot-- and was still standing despite having been lit aflame. It really grated on the Powerpunk's nerves how stubborn the Xy'pher was, wanting to knock the knight down several notches.

The strange explosive orbs that struck down randomly on the field from above caught her eye next; they seemed random but a lot of them were within Zacian's immediate vicinity. "...The sky!" Inspired, Berserk flew up even higher in the sky parallel to the fallen building. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall...." Holding her sword out in front of herself, she flared up her aura until it began to look volatile and her weapon glowed red. Pushing off from the building, Berserk launched herself down towards the earth like a red comet.

Within seconds, the impact of her feet occurred in tandem with the sword slamming deep into the ground; red sparks surrounded her before a shockwave burst out into a web of hairline cracks under Berserk's feet, cubed hunks of earth flying up as the cracks opened from vibrating. Berserk's energy traced a jagged line from the sword like a lightning bolt as it headed for where Zacian stood, with a fissure line trailing behind that widened as more explosions littered the area.

"Have a nice trip! Wahahahaha!"
"Oh yeah?" The super Saiyan, this time, was prepared for this little shadow trick Marshadow was pulling, quickly throwing up his arm and deflecting the fist. Bage went for a counter strike but was just a hair too slow before the X'ypher went and grabbed his. As Bage was thrown into the air after being dragged, he quickly regained himself countering the Fake Gogeta's barrage of fists, launching forward with one last punch, only to be dodged and kicked in the direction the real fusion had been. 

The detective grunted as he slammed into the building and looked out as Marshadow prepared his Kamehameha. As he pried himself out of the debris, he braced himself for impact, but when it never came, he was a bit confused. "You're a fast learner, I'll give you that."
He landed upon a collection of rocks and metal and turned his attention to Gogeta, who wasn't too far from him. He seemed frustrated at first, but then he seemed to calm down. whatever was going through his mind at the time was beyond the detective, but at least it seemed a bit more under control now. His eyes widened slightly as Gogeta launched forward, leaving a strong gust of wind in his wake as he went on to relentlessly pummel the doppelganger. Bage covered his eyes a moment as the rubble went flying, taking a moment to ponder the Fusion while giving himself a momentary break before rushing back into the fray.
“Oh sh—” Jirachi shot her arms in front of her to try and strengthen her shields but Bernkastel's magical fists broke right through them like glass. Without any form of resistance or shields, she was struck in the face and chest, knocking her sensing as a powerful shockwave erupted from the impact—nearly crumbling the entire city in the process of how powerful the punches were. With her senses in a jumbled mess, Jirachi flung around several buildings before finally skidded on the floor. “I... I wasn’t told that she can do that..! She's cheating..!” Pieces of her body were chipping away from the punch as she struggles to stand or even levitate from the ground. One of the triangular headpieces she had, broke off and her body appeared to be overflowing with cracks.

“The sky?” Avalon raised his eyebrow in confusion at Berserk’s actions but seeing her movements made him realized what she intends to do. “Oh! I get it!” The ninja shouted, preparing himself for the right moment.

Zacian braced herself, tensing her body to endured Brachi’s punch that landed on her face. Merely pushing her back a few feet, the Xy’pher raised her sword high in the air and cut through Brachi’s energy wave in half. As the two halves of energy from Brachi’s Kamehameha flow around her, breathing heavily as the punch still damaged her a lot, Zacian became somewhat annoyed at their struggle. “Stop struggling! Our King needs yo--” A sudden barrage of black barriers befell around her, erupting into a series of explosions, resulting in her unable to see the Breakers. It subjected her to be bombarded by attacks from Cross and Bara.

In conjunction with Berserk’s vicious slam against the ground, Avalon extended both his arms forward before slamming against the ground. “Water Style! Liquid Tornado!”

As red sparks shattered the earth beneath Zacian, causing debris to fly upwards, Berserk's red lightning hurled straight toward the Xy’pher as the earth opened behind them. As the thick clouds still blocking her view, Zacian felt a huge voltage of energy ripping through her body until the ground shattered to pieces under her feet. “Argh!” Letting out a painful yell as she slammed her blade on the right side of the earth to keep herself from falling deeper until thin streams of water slipped through the cracks from the shattered earth and gravitate towards Zacian. The Xy'pher looked below her and was shot up into the sky by a torrent of water and swirled around to look like a whirlpool. With Berserk’s electrical energy attack still present, the Xy’pher was caught in a torrent of water, electricity, and rocks smashing against her body rapidly, resulting in a violent explosion as she fell into the crater below, still caught in the current of the waters; gigantic debris buried her afterward.

There was a moment of silence as Avalon breathe heavily. “Whelp, all that fancy armor makes you sink faster. She's so topheavy that her armor hindered her in the end! Now look at her, sinking faster than a rock!”

“Thank you, Brachi.” Zenta stood up, seeing the fusion protecting him from danger. “Fighting against an opponent with an odd energy signature is quite a task, but nevertheless, an exciting lesson." The beast turned his head to face Avalon. "Though, I would not celebrate just yet, Avalon...” 

Deep within the ground, Zacian’s eyes glow bright blue. Using her telepathic abilities, she contacted Marshadow and Jirachi. Stop playing around, we have orders. Take them out, no matter the cost. The shift in her voice was firm and with a high level of authority. She turned her head to her sword, reached for the hilt, and as soon as she grabbed it, a rapid blue light erupted from her body.

“Nonsense, Zenta,” Avalon boasted. “No way anyone could survive that! We all buried her into the ground!” Avalon walked towards the giant hole in the ground filled with rocks and water, pointing at it. "See?" A blue light shot up from the ground, causing the purple ninja to jumped back. “Huh?!”

Zacian raised from the ground, battered with wounds, and on the verge of cracking. “Playtime is over, Breakers...” The Xy’pher made a powerful howl that can be heard across the entire city, if not farther. Zacian held her sword up in the air as a light emitted from it that parted the clouds above them. Her sword became gigantic as it reaches the parted clouds.

Avalon smirked. “Looks like she's getting desperate! We can totally beat her now, Berserk! That means we’re winn...iiiiiiiiiiiiing..! Waiiiiit why am I…..sppeakin…. so… sloooooooooooow..?

“Behemoth Blade.” Zacian’s tone went dark as time and space around them became distorted, outright slowing time around the group of Breakers fighting her to an absolute crawl.

Having listened to Zacian’s message, Jirachi frowned. “You’re right… I don’t like this game anymore. Everyone else was so nice for letting me crush them, but you two PLAY ROUGH!” Jirachi instantly went towards the sky as her voice contorted and echoed into a deep demonic tone. “I’ll end this game.”

Jirachi's third eye on her abdomen shot open, suddenly, the Xy'pher's yellow color began to be absorbed into the eye. Every ounce of color the Xy'pher had was getting sucked into the third eye. The sky around Bern and Spina began to get dark as Jirachi's demonic giggles echoed to the two. The pupil in the eye began to swell and get red while the sclera turned black. Jirachi's body grew black and lifeless, like a husk but her insane smile remained. All around Jirachi, everything was being warped and absorbed into the eye while the eerie sensation of death surrounded the child.

"Kekekee! Aahahahaa!! Nyaahahaaaa!!!" Jirachi laughed. "Doom Desire!" Her voice echoed loudly. The gravity of the third eye began to wear down on the tiny Xy'pher, breaking apart its body and, essentially, absorbing herself within her third eye until a powerful, devastating beam of light rained towards Spina and Bernkastel, intending to engulf them.

“That anger of yours…” Marshadow braced for an assault and returned fire, clashing their attacks against one another in perfect harmony. Unknown to Gogeta and Bage, each punch Marshadow landed took a piece of their psyche and their mind. “This is great! Come on Gogeta! Are you telling me that you have all that power boiling inside of you and yet, can’t even best yourself?! Pathetic!” Marshadow’s eyes narrowed, learning some unique information from the punches. “No wonder Whis and Panich have abandoned you. You two aren’t worthy of their paths, let alone strength and talents.” Names that he has no meaning nor knowledge of, but something to inflict pain on the two.

As Zacian’s message ringed clear in his head and Marshadow smirked. “Heh, looks like I gotta end this quickly. What a shame. For worthless pawns like you two, death is a form of mercy. Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike!” He delivered a powerful uppercut against Gogeta’s jaw, followed by a kick to the abdomen to push him back towards the incoming Detective.

Landing on the ground, Marshadow launches three punches and four kicks to the air as green orbs formed in front of him, forming the kanji of a Z with an arrow above it. “Die…!” Marshadow shouted, sending the powerful blast towards the duo that slowly drains their life force as it gets closer.
Wend Cross was slowed down by the effects of Behemoth Blade the same effect effected Zacian. As the sword formed bits of shadow started too consume the Behemoth blade too weaken it.
As the smokes from the explosion clears, Spina was slightly bending downward due to the injuries caused by the aura sphere. “They’re definitely stronger, but even they are no match for Bernkastel… I can still feel those shockwaves erupting.” Seemingly proud at the moment since it showcase promise of Bernkastel as a potential fighter, his thoughts was interrupted when he heard the sounds from above. Looking up, seeing Jirachi no longer presence and replaced by a deadly beam trailing towards the Witch of Miracles. Having no time to react nor ponder, the old Saiyan crouched down and leaped toward the air behind Bernkastel.

The distance between them was rapidly decreasing, Spina figured there was no choice but to push back the beam. Unaware of what’s happening with the other battles, the old Saiyan shouted. “We gotta need to use that crazy magical strength of yours again! Extend your arms forward like this!” Spina extended his large, bruised right hand forward as a cluster of energy formed in the palm in his hands. “Power your energy until it feels like a ball is appearing within your palm. Once you’re ready, fire off with the attack, called Rising Blast! Or whatever name you want to call it, otherwise, it won’t work!” As the energy in Spina’s right hand exploded into a circular motion. “Try not to mess up, otherwise, we’re goners.” He paused for a moment. “No pressure.”


Lilith narrowed her eyes as her body became to slow down significantly. “Time has slowed down… I don’t have….” Her speech slowed, unable to finish her sentences due to the timeframe as the Xy’pher began readied her blade. 

A young child in a nice, white suit, walked through the battered ground caused by Avalon and Berserk. As his long hair shine like gold, and his eyes bright as the blue sky, Lucifer arrived at the battlefield. “Not even an hour, and you guys already got yourself in conflict, and they seems to be a bit different compared to the ones in the forest.” The child said, with no hint of arrogant nor insults.

Lilith turned around, although not right away, to warn Lucifer to stay away but her words were barely coming out.

“Time is slowing down around her, huh?” Lucifer said, keeping a notable distance away from the two. “Rest assure, your guardian is here to answer you prays in need.” Raising both his hands, he clapped a couple of times. “Release!” Multiple shock waves emitted from his hands across the rest of the Breakers and increasing time around them just significant so they can react more efficiently, but it did not completely cure them. “My powers isn’t fully returned, so this is the best I can do… so use it wisely…” Maintaining his notable distance to stay away from the battle, waiting to see what they will do. Seeing Cross made efforts to counter the blade, Lucifer smirked. "Show us your potential." 
Feeling the time around them slowing at first, only to be partially restored around them thanks to Lucifer's own technique, Brachi decided she had little choice but to go all out. With Cross preparing to counter the blade, Brachi contentrated, feeling that her Evolved form would be too risky to use at this time, but instead deciding to play on a trump card she had with her... powering up with the movement she had, the yellowish outline around Brachi's Super Saiyan Blue aura began to gradually turn orange to finally a deep crimson red, as Brachi felt she would need all the power and speed she could muster, before she emitted one word which Gogeta would likely recognize...


A sudden blazing red aura was placed over the calm flaming blue one, effectively giving Brachi two auras as she now had engaged Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, which was a simple power-up, not a separate transformation as all it did was simply boosting Brachi's power and speed in her regular Super Saiyan Blue form. With this in mind, she charged right at Zacian to keep her occupied so Cross could do his part, firing a Super Kamehameha at her once she had a vantage point to use for this purpose. 

Jize and Bara on the other hand could move with whatever movement speed they had regained, but Bara had the advantage of her Body Manipulation, utilizing that in her attempts to confuse the opponents while also trying to stay ahead of them in movement.
The heat spilling outward from Gogeta's body only radiated stronger from the insults, the glare of the man sharpening in his assault. Crinkling his forehead, Gogeta's focus remained so firmly locked on Marshadow throughout his taunting that in his relentless onslaught, he left himself completely open to the uppercut. The hateful, determined glare vanished as his head whipped up, his face cringing from the force of the blow, before blasting backwards from the kick to his abdomen as he tumbled across the ground.

Snarling, Gogeta rapidly shot up to his feet, twitching violently. The pressure and drain on his body forced the man down to one knee, the action alone setting him off in a furious roar. Yet despite the typical result of his tantrum of energy and power exploding outwards, strangely, the silver gleam in his eyes diminished and the firey aura receded towards him with a small gust of wind coming out in every direction. As Gogeta twitched, slowly dropping closer to the ground while the attack formed in front of Marshadow, the familiar voice within his mind rung out once again.

"Use it! Anger, pride, all of your emotions. Give it to the flame, and let that fire drive you to new heights!"

Gogeta twitched, panting heavily. Yet slowly, his head lifted up, a deep breath expelling outwards that flared his nostrils. The silver gleam in his eyes shined at the simple move; the power swelling outwards in a flame once more while the energy spilled off his eyes. The rise in heat and energy dramatically raised beyond the drain to his body from the attack now approaching. His hands shot forward in front of him, a monsterous ball of energy building up within a millisecond that stretched so far out and tall, it loomed over the finely crafted energy kanji closing in.


The silver fire of Gogeta's aura blasted backwards behind him as the massive sphere of silver energy cascaded forth, the ball stationary as it broke apart into a massive beam of silver energy. The strange surge of energy behind the attack was well beyond any level of power previously demonstrated by Gogeta; the attack having formed too rapidly for his normal capability and the power easily eclipsing the attack used against Ultraman. The energy beam barreled forth like a tsunami against incoming green kanji; massively outclassing the attack at least on size.
The Junior detective's eyes widened eyes widened a bit at the mention of Panich's name. Stopping in his tracks, he moved out of the way as Gogeta had been tossed at him for the third time. Marshadow would see a reaction from Bage, one of a controlled anger. And if he looked closer it may be able to see a bit of disgust at the creatures taunt.​
"Don't go saying things you know nothing about!" The saiyan retorted as his energy soared, preparing an attack of his own. He charged two balls of energy within each of his hands before shooting a barrage of ki blasts toward Marshadow before he noticed the rising power pouring from Gogeta. He turned to the other saiyan watching as the massive Kamehameha engulfed both his and Marshadow's attacks at once. "Woah!" ​
Bernkastel's eyes narrowed upon seeing Jirachi's complete change in demeanor, floating herself down to the ground as the area suddenly became dark. She looked around in an attempt to locate the source of where the Xy'pher was hiding but the echoes of the voice made it apparent that it was no longer corporeal. Clicking her tongue in annoyance at the grating laughter around them, her scowl was soon replaced with alarm at seeing a beam suddenly manifest from the sky. Seemingly out of nowhere it was headed straight for them, but the Witch knew Jirachi was making its last stand.

Hearing Spina land behind her, Bernkastel took a grounded stance as he gave the next order on what to do, her arms still glowing from the energy funneling into them. "Counter her beam with an even stronger one, huh? Well, it can't be helped... a shame, I was actually looking forward to crushing her. But wiping that arrogant smirk off her face was satisfying enough."

Mimicking Spina's positioning of his arm, Bern could feel a sense of intuition with it. "The beam part should be easy enough. It's no different than a magical spell on paper..." Focusing hard to steadily release the energy coiled within her arms, Bern could feel it accumulating in a tangible mass between her palms, wincing a bit at the unexpected burning sensation it gave off from the energy transforming its shape once more. Changing from a bright green to a purple, Bern forced more energy to build until a great ball formed. "Yes!"

Pulling her arms back as if to ready her attack with Spina, she realized the not-as-cool part was next. The name. "Uh... Violet... Midnight... Surge!" Thrusting them forward, Bernkastel pushed the large energy sphere in front of her petite body as a ring of magical runic text spun around it before unleashing a bright beam out towards the one Jirachi had made.


"Haven't had enough?" Berserk quipped sarcastically at having seen Zacian emerge from the deep crater. She let out a frustrated grunt at the fact the Xy'pher hadn't been felled yet, especially considering how much she put into that last attack. But they only needed a little bit more and Zacian would go down for good. But suddenly, she found herself and the others moving slower and slower. So much so, that just moving a limb felt like a Herculean task.

"Hey... what gives?...." Came her slowed response, a slow look of confusion and shock across her features. She could not even call to Avalon or the others-- her thoughts were moving hundreds of times faster than her body. Panic began to rise as Berserk realized the sheer size Zacian's sword had become. Once Lucifer intervened, she stumbled forward as though her legs became jelly. "Wha? Huh?" Things were still a bit slower than normal, but movement was much faster. A smile spread across her features. "Thanks, little dude!" Turning back with a hardened glare, she spoke. "That blade can't come down!"

Berserk knew trying to stop the blade or weaken it physically wasn't something she could do seeing as it cut effortlessly through most energy attacks. As long as Zacian held it, she couldn't fight back without letting go of the sword. Charging forward to aid Brachi, though still a bit slower than her usual high speed, the Powerpunk reached for the ribbon in her hair and pulled one end, undoing the bow until it was off entirely. Despite having been sliced on an end, it was still a long ribbon trailing behind in her hand. Berserk flung it forward as the distance closed, aiming it with a hope to wrap Zacian's legs up and trip her with a hard pull.
"Fools! You struggle in vain!" The third eye echoed. "Now perish!!!"

As Jirachi's Doom Desire beam flung out, it was countered by the combined attack of Bernkastel and Spina. At first, it looked like the beams were both equally matched in power but then, the combined blast started to push through Jirachi's spiral of doom. The third eye widens and tried to push forth more power but before it had the chance, it was entirely overwhelmed and pushed back by the massive attack.

"W-Wait! What's going on?!" Jirachi's voice echoed once again, this time much more panicked. "T-This can't be! I'm the wish maker! I'm the ultimate being! You cheated!!! NO FAAAAAAAAAIR!!!"

The Third eye could no longer handle the intense beam and was entirely consumed by both her own attack and the mixed attack of Spina and Bernkastel. An explosion erupted from the powerful beams and sent an earthshattering shockwave that flattens the buildings around Bern and Spina. Smoke and debris covered where the Third eye once was and once it disappeared, the eye floated in place but this time, with no pupil. It slowly began to fall down to earth until it touched the ground where it shattered like glass. In its place emerged a familiar crystalized Coin with Jirachi's name on the coin. The dark clouds overhead began to disperse and Spina and Bernkaskel would be free from the terror of Jirachi's mayhem.

Marshadow glared at the incoming Kamehameha that consumed his kanji sign and, as usual, copied Gogeta's stance to unleash a Kamehameha of his own. However, this version was not as strong as the massive attack Gogeta launched. Once their beams collided, Gogeta's intense attack easily overpowered Marshadow's mimicked Kamehameha. Pushing back Marshadow's attack, the Xy'pher's eyes widen in fear as he saw nothing but a wave of raw energy and sheer power completely overtakes him. His cries were drowned out by the massive explosion that happened once Gogeta's Big Bang Kahemahema consumed him. It seemed as if Gogeta has won.

Yet, a black blob of a shadow scurried on the floor and rushed towards Gogeta before popping off the ground and phasing right through Gogeta's body. The Fusion would feel his entire body get weaker and weaker as if his life force was being drained away slowly and painfully. Behind Gogeta was a severely injured Marshadow, his entire left side missing from the brutal attack. The Xy'pher gasped for air, his cloned version of Gogeta was slowly disappearing into specks of black energy. Even with Marshadow's counter-attack on Gogeta, his body did not regenerate fast enough to become whole again.

"Y-You lucky bastard... You're not as weak as I thought and you sure messed up this body," Marshadow growled under his breath before launching a punch directly at Gogeta's lower back, focusing on his kidney. The more pain Gogeta felt, the stronger and faster his life force would drain. And yet, despite it all, he was not enough to heal Marshadow. Tsk! Gotta ditch this body and fetch another one..!

Marshadow backed away from Gogeta and started to vibrate violently before his body began to split apart into multiple clones of Gogeta, each one utterly identical in power, albeit, weaker than the actual Gogeta. From there, each Gogeta clone would have fists covered in either electricity, fire, or ice before charging with the hope of overwhelming Gogeta and Bage. One clone launched out towards Bage and pinned him to the floor while the others punched his body violently with their elemental punches. Using his chance, the Xy'pher slipped away from the fight, his left side littered with cracks thanks to Gogeta's massive attack. He hid within the buildings, watching his clones

"Where can I find a new body..?" Marshadow glanced at the massive explosion from Jirachi's battle and noticed Spina and Bernkastel finishing off his fellow partner. "Bingo! Hehehehee..."

Marshadow slipped out from the cracks of the building and quickly rushed towards Spina and Bernkastel. His body sunk into the ground and as a shadowy blob, he took a dash to Bernkastel's shadow, aiming to become a shadow version of the Witch and her power. "Mine! Mine..! MINE!"

Zacian's wicked smile got bigger as she saw the Breakers freezing in place thanks to the ability of her Behemoth Blade but as she attempted to swing when they were most vulnerable, the blade refused to move. With a heavy tow and pull, the blade was locked in place. The Xy'pher's eyes were filled with fury as she spoke to her sword, screaming in a frenzy.

"Why do you not swing?! With this move, I will be able to cut the entire city in half!"

"The true Zacian protects civilians, I refuse to serve under your tyranny." The sword replied before slowly releasing the energy gathered and changing shape to resemble the smaller sword the group was fighting. "You will not unleash that attack here."

Thanks to Cross and Lucifer's magic, the blade would slowly begin to lose its power and time would return to normal for everyone. On top of that, the blade would violently shake in Zacian's hand, the Xy'pher having no control over the blade anymore. As she struggled to regain control, Brachi's Super Kamehameha slammed against her body. With her armor glowing brightly, she was just barely able to tank the move as her entire body was left in smoke and burn marks. As Zacian went to swing at Brachi, Avalon held on tightly to her massive arm, trying his best to pry the sword away from the Xy'pher.

"You slimy worm!" Zacian said as he gripped Avalon's head and ripped the ninja off of her arm before slicing him in half with her blade. The two half of Avalon melted into water and poured down on the Xy'pher's body and face. Within seconds, the water that splashed down on Zacian began to sizzle and burn through her armor and face. The beast let out a howl of pain as she desperately tried to clean away her face. "It burns!"

"Turning water into acid! Worked like a charm! That outta burn a hole in her armor!" Avalon said with a dorky smile.

"With her armor melting off, controlling her movements should be much easier," Zenta said as he rushed to Zacian to help out Brachi.

With swift movements, several shockwaves appeared behind Zacian's body, one of which caused the beast to release her sword. Zacian's arm limped and grew numb now that she was finally more exposed. Anger and rage filled her burning face, no doubt blind in one eye thanks to the acid from Avalon's nifty move. Her body began to glow as she attempted to tackle Zenta once again but felt her legs tangle in Berserk's ribbon, causing her attack to fail. Avalon was quick to swipe the fallen sword away from the Xy'pher, leaving Brachi and Zenta to beat down on the Xy'pher.


Zacian's yell was strong enough to send Zenta, Brachi, and everyone else flying back as she snapped through Berserk's ribbon and panted for a small breath of air. Zacian's body started to glow an eerie silver gleam as silver electricity surged around her body. The armor on her chest started to open up and expose what looked to be the core of her energy. Wicked laughter came from Zacian as a powerful surge of energy started to form. Like Jirachi's move, it drained her energy but the sheer power behind it seemed to distort the fabric of space around her.

"You think you can beat me..? You are nothing but ants for me to crush!!! Steel Beam!!!"
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