The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bage stumbled back a bit when the pokemon rose up from Gogeta's shadow. But the surprise lost its effect when the fusion addressed him, his eyes narrowing slightly in annoyance.

Bage looked down at the small creature and examined it for a moment. His face nearly shifted into a smile at how cute the little thing looked, but the detective masked it before speaking to the creature. "Hey there, and who might you be? Any reason you're following this guy around?"
Near the building, a wolf's howl was heard as it grew closer to the Breakers. The two Xy'phers hanging out with Gogeta and Bage quickly turned their heads up and stared at each other. The one in Bage's arms started to squirm around in a desperate attempt to escape but the struggle made his voice gradually get louder and louder.

"Marshadow... Are they really the scary Breakers..?!"

"Sounds like it if Big Sis is coming! Better get rid of them, Whismur! They're gonna take you to Giratina!"

Marshadow gasped as his partner began to glow slightly. He quickly ran to Gogeta's shadow and sank in it before disappearing. Whismur, on the other hand, continued to glow a bright white color as he gripped his head, the cracks on his head growing larger in his panic as light shot out of them.

Whismur's eyes shot open as he let out a scream so loud it created a powerful shockwave that not only shattered all the windows in all the nearby buildings and left a ring in the two Saiyan's ears but violently blasts Bage and Gogeta outside of the current building they were in by just using the power of its voice, identical to a shockwave. The attack was powerful enough to blast half of the building apart in a mess of debris and rubble. The entire building shook and the Breakers inside would begin to see pieces of it fall apart. Once the white energy faded from Whismur, the Xy'pher child fell back and vanished into a cloud of smoke, leaving only a crystalized Coin behind.

Jirachi stared around the hallway as if to see what Bernkastel meant about 'playing too rough.'

"I thought they were toys for me to play with," Jirachi then shifted her gaze to Spina to grant his wish. "Well, I don't remember much other than special orders given to me. Uhh, what were they again..?" The Xy'pher child tapped the side of her head as she struggled to remember. "Oh yeah! We need to find some group called The Breakers! Do you know where they ar--"

Jirachi's head shot up upon listening to the howls from outside getting closer. The rubble around Bern and Spina shook as the building started to fall apart around them thanks to Whismur's shout. Jirachi then faced the two with a look of surprise before clapping her hands.

"Big Sis is coming over!" The child held out her hand and slowly closed her palm. "I'm going to show her my new toys! I hope you don't break as easily as the others did!"

Behind Bern and Spina formed a giant steel fist made from the same metals that surrounded the two. It rushed forward and slammed against them, throwing them through the walls and outside.

Outside the building, another wolf's howl was heard as both the Jirachi and Marshadow Xy'pher landed in front of their opponents. Coming near the attacked Breakers was the sound of heels and a sword dragging on the ground. A female Xy'pher appeared and she looked much more experienced than the others Xy'phers they have met. Her presence looked like that of an elegant royal knight with a crystal wolf-like mask that covered her face. Everything about her was entirely crystalized except for a golden sword she carried that seemed out of place. Her presence alone intimidated both Marshadow and Jirachi.


"These are the Breakers we were ordered to find," She spoke with authority. "You two handle these four while I handle the ones inside."

"'Kay~!" Jirachi sang as she turned to Bern and Spina. "You two are Breakers and you didn't tell me? I don't like liars! Oh well, punishment time!" The child opened her arms and summoned orbs of light covered in a rainbow aura before shooting them at Bernkastel and Spina at blazing speeds that seem to follow them. "Dazzling Gleam!"

"Aww, man! Why do I get stuck with the boring old man and his boyfriend? Jirachi's opponents look tougher than these two!" Marshadow sulked as he crossed his arms, turning to Gogeta and Bage. "Whatever,  don't bore me, losers." Marshadow sunk into the floor to become a black blobby shadow on the floor before merging with Gogeta's shadow. Suddenly, Gogeta's shadow started to pull itself out of the ground. "Spectral Thief!"

Gogeta's shadow had the small Xy'pher in the center but his appearance was slightly different. The little wisps on his head and his fists were covered in green flames. Finally, he got into a fighting pose identical to Gogeta's before dashing out towards Bage and uppercutting him into the sky before turning to Gogeta and holding out his palm with a sphere of energy forming in the middle.

"Big Bang Attack!" He mimicked in his voice before firing off the concentrated ball of energy.

Avalon followed Berserk to the small cluster and tried to yank a piece of it off with no luck. He was still shaky about seeing so much blood and was trying his best to keep his composure around Zenta and Berserk. He was heard taking deep breaths and occasionally shake his head to ignore the visions he saw.

"Berserk has a point. If we yank these off, the whole building could fall down on us. Maybe we should ask Bernkastel? Her magic might be able to get the job done. What do you think Zenta?" Avalon stared at Zenta whose gaze was fixed on the dark hallway they came from. "Uhh, Zenta?"

The noise of heels and a dragging sword echoed through the damp hallway until the Knightly Warrior came to view. Avalon tensed upon seeing her, the stare alone made him feel small.

"W-Who are you?" The ninja asked.

"I am Zacian, a royal defender of a region far away. I am afraid to cut this conversation short," Xy'pher Zacian lifted her golden sword above her head. "The King has given me orders and I will obey them."

As Zacian swiftly shot her blade to the side, Zenta immediately grabbed both Avalon and Berserk from the attack. At first, it looked like the Xy'pher missed but the building was sliced in half right from where the two stood. The infrastructure began to collapse all around them as Zenta quickly escaped the building and released the two youngsters as he stood by Brachi and Cross. Zacian was quick to catch up with the beast and appear by the group holding her sword in front of her body like a knight would.

"You two, be on your guard. This Xy'pher is not like the ones we encounter in the forest..." Zenta said to Berserk and Avalon. 

"The Breakers will not escape..." Zacian said as she swung her sword to fire out sharp pink energy waves towards the group. Each wave would slice through the ground like butter and grow larger as they got closer to the group. "Psycho Cut!"
Brachi was surprised by the sudden attack, but she recovered from her stupor within seconds and went Super Saiyan 2 immediately, ready to retaliate while she, Bara and Jize avoided the energy waves.

"What's the big idea?!" Brachi asked, before she fired a regular Full Power Energy Wave of her own against her attacker, right as Jize deflected one attack using a trident.

"Clearly they must see me as collateral..." She mused as she prepared to fight back in earnest.
Cross says "that confirms this places importance to them." Zenta on touching Cross on some level was thankful Cross was on there side because despite being undead there is some thing divine about Cross.

Cross used consuming darkness spell to negated the Psycho Cut. Cross says "I aware you your position cerebrate Zacian."
“Wait… what—” Spina raised in confusion when Jirachi stated her goal, but her sentence was interrupted by the number of things: a sudden howl, followed by a powerful shriek that shook the foundation of the building around them. The sounds of glass smashing against the ground, and the debris falling around them from above. “What the hell?” 

As Jirachi announced that “big sister” had appeared, and unleashed her attack, Spina reacted quickly. He turned his back against the attack, seeing that he was unable to get out of there quickly without one taking damage. He placed his own body in the way of the attack he hugged Bernkastel by wrapping his right arm around her waist, as the steel fists slammed against the old Saiyan’s back as both of them flung out of the building.

As they hurled through the air, the swirl of light orbs coated with rainbow aura launched towards them. Spina grunted, still attempting to recover from the onslaught from earlier, turned his body around to avoid Bernkastel from getting bombarded, taking the brute force of the attacks. It forced the old Saiyan to tumble backward but managed to slam against the ground on his feet, still carrying Bernkastel with his right arm.

Spina panted heavily as he hack out bits of saliva. The sudden jump of power was significant when comparing to the one in the forests. He didn’t know what the heck they were, but they were clearly on the different level than a bunch of regular humans. “You alright, Bernkastel?” He asked her as he gently place her on her two feet on the ground, not showing her any signs of damage as his adrenaline shot up rapidly, like an older brother taking care of their younger sibling.

A rush of yellow winds twirls around the two as Spina’s hair shine like gold and his eyes became cyan. The golden aura submerged them, swirling around them as light cackles repeatedly all over. Transforming into a Super Saiyan, Spina smirked as the excitement of the battle. “They’re after us, so let’s put them down.”
After skidding to a halt on his feet from the blast that knocked him and Bage to the outside of the building, Gogeta straightened himself out and narrowed his eyes. He watched on at the development in silence, staring at the manifestation of his shadow and seeing the new apparition strike Bage. He broke out into a small smirk, rapidly dodging to the side with a scoff to narrowly escape the incoming Big Bang Attack, and blasted forward in a bright white aura towards his new doppelganger.

His fists rapidly swung forward; the staggering offense once again surging in an overwhelming bout of power being thrown forward in rapid punches aiming at Marshadow at the center.
Bernkastel coughed out dust particles and shook her head of any debris that had stuck to her hair after having gone through the wall from Jirachi's surprise attack. She had covered her ears with her hands out of pain from the unknown shriek that pierced her eardrums; so she had been surprised not to have taken damage from it. Looking up at Spina, she felt assurance that it did not fell him so easily just because it had not been expected.

Dusting herself off, she took a defensive stance once the air around them had shifted; it was a familiar sensation only a Saiyan transformation could cause. The surprise in her expression was replaced with a strong and serious look but Bernkastel still managed a smirk as she met Spina's gaze. "If the brat wants something fun, then we'll just have to give her a good game..." As the Dazzling Gleam attack came in close, Bernkastel pulled back her arms, hands glowing with a misty green energy before she balled them up into fists. With a sweeping gesture of her arms, hardened crystals of her signature magic whizzed into the air; fusing together, Bern formed a jagged barrier with which the two could be shielded from the attack. It gave them only a brief reprieve, but long enough for Bernkastel to observe it.

Seems to be some sort of magical attack, but it's different than the usual sort.

Breaking down the physical barrier, Bernkastel followed Jirachi's move with one of her own. "Alright, now I get a turn. Pick a card-- any card!" Thrusting her arms forward, a blizzard of playing cards flew out from Bern's sleeves and funneled in on Jirachi. This cards seemed made of hard light and could do cutting damage, but Bern mainly intended to give Spina an opening to attack the Xy'pher with a surprise of his own.


Berserk narrowed her eyes looking in all directions. She could hear the sounds of the others' voices but at the moment there wasn't a legion of Xy'phers-- just this one seemed most focused on taking on so many Breakers at once.

"So we're up against one of the big league, huh?" She asked, ducking herself with Avalon behind a rubbish pile while Brachi's group took the first move on Zacian. At first her expression was tense with a scowl before breaking out into an almost sinister chuckle. "Heheheh... Finally-- a real challenge for me to grind into the pavement!" Reaching towards her back, Berserk removed her weapon from its casing. Its wide metal body had a hook jutting out at the end but several more 'teeth' lined along the bladed side. Berserk seemed pumped up to step to an enemy like Zacian.

"The perfect one to test out my latest innovation. You stay here until you get somethin' goin out of that scroll Avalon. I'll help keep her occupied!" Dashing into the air, she flew up high as her body became encased in her red aura. "Eat this!" Berserk then swung her sword after charging it with a red electricity, unleashing a shockwave into the air that sent greater chunks of falling debris from the skyscraper down on the enemy to disorient her.
"Marshadow..?" Bage realized that after the little creatures communicated with one another, they were in trouble. As the detective prepared to reply to the fusion, He was caught off guard by the intense sound wave nearly bursting his eardrums. He clenched his ears for the duration as he was thrown back by the explosion. Bage rose to his feet, his hearing temporarily shot as he tried to examine his surroundings before taking an uppercut to the jaw with a mimicked Gogeta fist.

He quickly landed on his feet and charging to super saiyan, his head turning up at the ongoing clash between the fake Gogeta and saiyan.
Pumping with adrenaline throughout his body, Spina crouched to take on a running position and blasted off from where he stood in conjunction with Bernkastel’s attack. The feeling of a battle, and the fact that someone was after them, felt great to him. No warriors that seeking revenge, no one attempting to take advantage of them, and not old adversaries attempting to start a coup. Just an old fashion battle with enemies that interested them. As the cards funneled on Jirachi, Spina dashed behind the Xy’pher before making a complete stop. Increasing the power in his right fist, he launched himself upward towards Jirachi, thrusting his fist forward in attempt to attack her in the back.

Lilith walked slowly towards the building, witnessing several fights seemingly broke out quickly. “Barrier…” She uttered under her breath.
"N-No, wait! You'll get hurt Berse--" Avalon felt Zenta's hand press against his shoulder in his attempt to stop the Powerpunk Girl. "Hey! Let go!"

"She is taking steps to improve herself," Zenta said watching the other Breakers close in on Zacian. "Are you going to take that away from her?"

"No, but she's gonna get hurt and I can't let that happen! What if I'm not strong enough to help her?!"

"Miss Berserk is confident in your abilities," Zenta took a few steps forward, his hands lighting up with white energy. "You should be too, Avalon."

Before Avalon had a chance to reply, Zenta was gone. Avalon bit his lip at Zenta's words before glancing up at Berserk with a worried look. I shouldn't hold her back but... but what if I'm not strong enough and she gets seriously hurt? I could never forgive myself...

Zacian stared blankly at the oncoming energy wave fired by Brachi before lifting her blade in the air and split the beam in the center allowing both halves to rush by her side. Behind her, Zenta appeared and slammed his palm in the center of her back but it seems to do little to affect her other than a slight stumble forward. Zacian turned to Zenta and slammed her sword down in front of her in an attempt to slice him. Zenta slapped both hands together against the flat side of the blade to stop it from coming down on his head.

Once Berserk launched her shockwave attack to the Xy'pher, she slowly turned around to see the oncoming attack. Zenta took this moment to shift the weight of the blade down to one side and launch his palm upwards to Zacian's chin, forcing her to let go of her sword and tossing her in the air directly into Berserk's energy shockwave. On top of that, the Psycho Cut reflected by Jize also came back to Zacian and created a small explosion on impact. Getting visibly upset, Zacian growled under her breath, annoyed that she should be caught off guard like that.

"You are tougher than you look." Zacian held out both her hands and a small sphere appeared by her palms. "Moonblast."

The sphere grew larger and hovered above the Xy'pher until it began to shine a brilliant pink aura and fire hundreds of devastating pinkish-white beams towards the group aimlessly, each one rapidly approaching. Each beam effortlessly sliced the landscape around them, creating craters and pits all around the group. Yet, on Zacian's face was a smirk, one of pure excitement and joy, almost like she was enjoying the fight. "Fight me with all your might, Breakers."


As Bernkastel's crystals and the Dazzling Gleam collided, it caused a small explosion of dust and debris. Jirachi squinted to see if she could get a better look at the damage but was caught by surprise by Bern's magical cards. She crossed her arms in front of her then immediately shot them out to create a thin barrier before her.

"Light Screen!" Jirachi watched as the light damage from the cards simmered out upon hitting her magical barrier. "Haha! I can do a barrier too but mines prettier and shiny!"

However, as she boasted to Bernkastel, she was completely caught off guard by Spina's punch to her back. She broke through her own barrier, shattering it to pieces, as her tiny body slammed through a few buildings before finally coming to a stop. Moments later, the building erupted with hundreds of metallic spikes before crumbling down from the damage, exposing the Xy'pher child. The damage Spina did to her tiny body was impressive and it implicated that this Xy'pher was not particularly fond of physical contact/fighting. Jirachi had the look of a pouty child about to cry. She stared Bern and Spina before balling her tiny hands into fists.

"T-That hurt you big bully..." Jirachi whimpered slightly before her blank eyes started to glow bright yellow. "You're not supposed to hit me you stupid meanie-head!"

Jirachi rose into the air to try to keep a distance away from the two before pointing her finger at them. Lightning began to snap and crackle around her hand and slither up her arm until she fired a lightning bolt towards the two and continued to fire as long as she was in the sky aiming at them. She seemed to take particular interest in trying to harm Spina, mostly out of spite. The electricity shot violently from her fingertip, thunder heard shortly after. "Thunderbolt!"

Marshadow was staring down at his hand when he realized the power he found in this specific body. His senses fired up when Gogeta rapidly approached him and he immediately matched his fists almost identically with Gogeta's. The Fusion would feel each punch match his own strength, almost as if he was literally fighting himself. Although Marshadow took damage from Gogeta's attack, it seemed to be the same amount the Xy'pher inflicted on the Saiyan. Marshadow laughed before grabbing both of the Saiyan's fists and holding them in place, both having an equal push against each other.

"Man, your body is pretty cool, y'know?" Marshadow mimicked his voice perfectly now. "Maybe you aren't totally weak after all. Do you think you're strong enough to bring down your exact equal, old man? Someone who can match your strength one-to-one and get stronger the longer he stays as you? I even got my own tricks to add, like my Fire Punch!" Marshadow's hands started to get hotter and hotter until they suddenly erupted into flames as they held Gogeta in place. "I'm literally a better you!"

The Xy'pher reeled his flame engulfed fist back to slam Gogeta on his face, sending him flying towards a building. Marshadow comedically blew off the fire from his fists before kissing them. He then turned to Bage and bent his knees slightly before cupping both hands next to his side and forming a highly concentrated ball of energy. He did not recite the iconic name of the famous attack as it charged, instead, he said something else.

"Shadow Sneak!"

Marshadow would melt into the ground as a shadow and quickly rush up to Bage. He poked his upper body up from the ground behind Bage and fired the imitated Kamehameha towards him, blasting him off towards Gogeta's direction. However, halfway through the blast, he ended it prematurely because he separated his hands.

"Whoo! Now that's pretty cool! What else can your body do, loser? Might as well tell me because I'm going to replace you and your friend!"
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