The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Brachi wasn't deterred however as she looked towards Bara who gave a nod as the two got ready. Using the Afterimage to zip by and avoiding the pinkish-white Beams, Both Brachi and Bara moved around to prepare counter attacks on their own, using spheres to act as Bara went to her Potential unleashed form, and Brachi flashed into Super Saiyan 2 to increase her power and speed, the two beginning to close the gap to Zacian and appeared even below her, before both used a fierce attack to knock her upwards, intending to knock her into her own attack to get rid of the Moonblast sphere, with Jize appearing beside them to assist them, having avoided the beams in her own way.
Cross simple avoided any spear that would hit him. Cross says "In life one must test there limits some how Avalon.(There is some irony that a lich is saying this)" Blades made of shadow came toads Zacian that were identical too the blades of Psycho Cut.
Spina watched Jirachi crashed through several buildings, sweating at the sight. “Detective Bage is going to give me an earful after this is done. Tsk, have to her up in the air to avoid any more collateral damage.” The old Saiyan narrowed his eyes at the numerous metallic spikes that form outward from the building and outright causing it to collapsed. “Hmph, she’s a lot more troublesome then she lets on…” 

Sensing the energy spikes from the others, Spina concluded that they are too in the battle against other Xy’phers. Remembering what Jirachi said, they were looking for them, but for what purpose? This was one Spina’s mind as Jirachi scolded them for striking against her. Furthermore, it seems that these Xy’phers had some formal intelligence compared to the ones in the forest—they can speak and able to think for themselves.

“Tsk, questions for later. We just need one of them alive and forced the questions out of them. That’ll make up for some damages.” Finishing his thoughts, Spina’s body tensed as he charged forward as Jirachi flung lightning strikes towards him. Dodging each strike until he was struck by one, forcing the Saiyan back away from the Xy’pher. He crashed against the ground on his feet as his pupils’ phase in and out for a second as his hair became spiker from the shock. “Steel, light, and lightning… she’s some kind of magic user.” He extended his right arm forward as an energy ball formed on the palm of his hand. “Rising Sphere!” Multiple energy balls hurled towards the Xy’pher’s lightning attacks.

“Bernkastel, I never seen you fight physical before. I doubt you have much practice in that department.” Spina said. “Let’s try it out.” He raised his hand to the Witch, prompting her to grab on. “Magic is your field, but we can definitely overwhelm her with physical attacks.” The Saiyan said, coming up with a idea to have an advantage over their opponent.
The detective prepared a counter for the head on attack, but when the creature disappeared, he was confused. Bage turned around, taken by surprise as Marshadow appeared behind him. He turned and covered himself from the Kamehameha, being thrown back into the air.

He stopped himself once again, ready to bounce back and attack, but not before turning to Gogeta. "What the hell is this thing!? It can mimick your moves like that?"
Bernkastel took off with a start once Jirachi began her thunderbolts, evading the strikes by dashing forward in short bursts. She used a form of teleportation that made it look more like afterimages were being left that ended up getting struck in her place. 

"Play with fire and you're going to get burned, little missy. Don't complain just because you underestimated us!" Bern had to keep in mind that despite appearances and speech pattern, this Xy'pher has done worse to others for less provocation. She skidded to a halt upon seeing Spina get struck by the attack, running toward him and narrowly missing another strike of lightning.

"That was close..." Her concern faded seeing as Spina had gotten up fairly quickly to return an attack on Jirachi, though she looked a bit distressed on his idea. "Wait, me? Right now!? This isn't a sparring match, how can you be so sure that could even work?" Her tone was evident of hesitation about this rather foreign strategy of fighting. It also flustered her when the frailty of her physical prowess was brought up in such an inopportune manner.

"It's crazy to bet on that, I-I can't swing that hard on my own like you guys can... eek!" Bernkastel yelped and hopped onto one foot when a thunderbolt stuck close to the ground where she stood, reflexively grabbing onto Spina's arm. "Okay, alright, fine-- just tell me how to knock that bratty creature down a peg."


Berserk let out a delighted laugh at how their coordination turned out against Zacian. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about! You guys ain't too shabby when it comes down to it." Her devious grin quickly changed to one of cautious surprise seeing the Xy'pher stand up and conjure a Moonblast.

"Moonblast? But we're in broad daylight out-- WHOA!" Berserk cut herself off and darted to the side as a beam whizzed by her; since she was already in the air, there were a lot more beams to try and evade compared to the ones battling Zacian on the ground. Her crimson energy trail zigzagged here and there, indicative of moving in a frenzied escape. However, since the beams had no pattern to avoid, one inevitably hit and sent her flying backwards into a pit. "Ow... overkill much?" Berserk muttered before spitting out dirt and rolling over. "But I ain't down for the count yet!" 

Since she had been grounded, there was too much going on above to attempt another bold move like that on Zacian. At first she got up to charge another energy attack, but this time it seemed almost weaker than before-- it didn't seem as bright coming out of her hands. Must be due to the attack itself and not her energy depleting. 

"That's fine... I'll just have to get a little more creative until I can go for a more hands-on approach." Flying out from the pit, Berserk took in a deep breath until her cheeks puffed out. Once the others prepared their attack formation, she quickly exhaled several fireballs from her mouth. They were only fist-sized but aimed to either divide Zacian's attention or kick up obscuring dust clouds. In her mind, the cast-aside sword was a concern but too far out of reach without drawing alert.
As Zacian was smashed into the air by Brachi and Bara, she had a small look of anger as she was hurled towards her own Moonblast. As she crashed onto the sphere of her Moonblast, the attack was disrupted and the beams disappeared from sight. As she landed back on the floor, she scoffed as she parted her feet slightly and reeled her head back to let out a loud howl.

Zenta was quick to kick the sword in the air and grab it with grace before flipping away from Zacian and wield the sword before the mighty Xy'pher. He was careful to see the reaction of the Xy'pher when the beast held up her hand towards her sword. As Zenta braced for any oncoming attack, the sword in his hands violently shook before slowly tugging him back to the Xy'pher. Before he had a chance to let it go, it instantly flung him at rapid speeds towards Zacian whose armor began to vividly glow. A wicked smile formed on her face as she yelled out. "GIGA IMPACT!"

Using the momentum from the pull of her sword, Zacian slammed her shoulder directly on Zenta's chest in a tremendous tackle, the impact shook the ground they were standing, parted the clouds above them, and created a massive shockwave that flung rubble around the group. Zenta hacked in the pain, saliva flying out of his mouth as his body flung back and slammed onto Brachi with an incredible amount of force. The two crashed through a building, Zenta taking a gasp of air as he struggled to push himself off his feet, having underestimated the amount of power behind the Zy'pher.

Avalon gasped upon seeing Zenta and Brachi rush past them, but he began to see something odd about Zacian as he watched the battle carefully. The Xy'pher barely moved from her spot since the beginning of the battle and most of her hard-hitting moves were from her bracing against the others. Without giving it a second thought, Avalon zipped open his scroll and tossed it towards Zacian as she lifted her sword to attack Jize, Bara, and Berserk.

"Not so fast!" The scroll poofed into smoke and out appeared Avalon with both hands clasped in a sign. The ninja's cheeks puffed out before he spat out several large splotches of what appeared to be crude oil all over and around Zacian. The Xy'pher laughed mockingly at Avalon's attack and shifted her attack towards him. However, before she had a chance to do so, she was suddenly set ablaze by Berserk's tiny fireballs igniting the oil. Her confident smirk turned to a yell of horror as the Xy'pher swung her blade aimlessly to try and fight off the flames. In her panic, compresses air sharp enough to cut rock flung violently in every direction thanks to how fast she swung her sword.

"Air Slash!"

Each slice of air veered directly to Berserk, Bara, and Jize, leaving several cuts and gashes on their arms and legs. Berserk had the misfortune of having part of her ribbon sliced off in the mayhem and Bara lost her head tentacle in the chaos! The buildings around Jize collapsed on top of her. Brachi and Zenta would have more rubble pile upon them, the beast still stunned from the massive hit.

Jirachi laughed as she played with Bern and Spina, watching them scurry about and avoid her Thunderbolts until she saw them both together. Without holding back an ounce of mercy, her hands came together before both pointed at the two Breakers. A reddish-orange orb started to form on her palms before massively growing bigger and bigger, pulling and incinerating the tiny debris around her.

"Aura Sphere!"

The sphere launched out, split into two, and sought out Spina and Bernkastel no matter where they went. The attack itself seemed to home in on their energy but it seemed to take quite a toll on Jirachi. The young Xy'pher was seen gasped for air with the same thin barrier in front of her as before (Light Screen) to block any magical attacks. However, unlike before, the barrier protected her from behind as well, the attack from Spina still playing a heavy part on her tiny body. Her barrier had some cracks on it, however.

"'Course I can! I'm cool like that!" Marshadow said as he appeared in front of Bage and launched a fist directly to his face. He hit just as hard and just as fast as Gogeta. He tried to play with Bage and grabbed his hair before dragging his face across the floor as he ran. The Xy'pher laughed sadistically and tossed Bage in the air, throwing a flurry of punches against his torso and followed with a powerful roundhouse kick to his back, sending him flying to the same building that Gogeta was laying in. Just like before, he poised himself to match the stance needed to match the Kamehameha, gathering the required energy between his cupped hands. Adding his own twist to the mix, the ball started to bleed a black aura around it with blue sparks.

"Shadow Ball!"

As Marshadow launched his arms forward towards the two Saiyans and fired a Kamehameha that was in a double helix of mysterious dark energy and blue lightning, powering the move even further. It ripped and destroyed everything in its path effortlessly, growing closer and closer to the two until it suddenly vanished. Just like before, Marshadow has ended the technique prematurely by separating his hands to celebrate too early. When he placed his hands together again but not repeat the stance, the move failed. He growled under his breath as he desperately tried to repeat the move but not use the proper steps this time.

"Hey! What gives?!"
Any of the air slashes that were coming for Cross were consumed like the Psycho Cuts as more Shadow blades were lunched at Zacian.
Bara yelped as she lost one headtentacle, but managed to keep hold of it, feeling she could get it back by reattaching it to herself. Jize encased herself in a barrier to protect herself from the rubble as best as she could, looking for a way to escape her predicament by using her trident to create an energy pillar around herself, which broke apart any piece of rubble threatening to fall on top of her.

Brachi on her turn grunted as she and Zenta got covered under the rubble, with Brachi using a barrier to protect herself and Zenta in the process. Still Brachi was undeterred however as, despite the injuries she suffered now, she was still in fighting condition and transformed into her Super Saiyan Blue form to knock rubble away, sending several pieces of rubble in the direction of the Xy'pher, using it as a cover to clock her straight in the face with the Super God Fist, before following up her assault with the Burst Kamehameha.

Having reattached, NOT regenerated her headtentacle to herself, Bara was now getting angry enough that she too powered up, steam blowing from the holes on her arms, shoulders and head which hid her from sight, after which she powered a large magenta and black energy sphere known as the Vanishing Ball and hurled it in the direction of both Xy'pher and Zacian.
“Hmph. With that power swelling up in you, this is definitely the time to start!” Spina turned to Jirachi as she fired a powerful orb that split in two. Instinctively, Spina jumped back as he held onto Bernkastel’s hand tightly to dodge the spheres, but no matter the movement, the orbs kept coming after them. 

“Tsk, can’t shake them off...!” Spina came to a complete stop in his movements. “When you get close to Jirachi—pour all that magic energy you have and focus it on your fists, then punch that shitty brat! Try not to throw up though! I’ll back you up right after, so don’t worry about me!” He instructed Bernkastel—he was under belief that magic functions similar to that of Ki but draws from a different source. He spun his body around and launch Bernkastel towards the direction Jirachi with all his might, allowing the Witch the chance to build up her energy, while giving the momentum for the extra push to go through the Light Screen. He raise his arm, firing a small blue energy ball to follow after the second sphere, before immediately getting struck by one of the Aura Sphere, generating a gigantic explosion. The small blue energy ball slammed onto the second aura sphere, pushing it away from the witch, to the point that it went past Jirachi.


Throughout the duration of attacks being fling back and forth, multiple black barriers appeared overhead of the Breakers and Zacian. Without any specific aim, it hurled towards the ground, erupting multiple explosions across the terrain indiscriminately to force the Xy’pher to move from her spot. Lilith lowered her arms. “Megidola…” She uttered.
Gogeta's eyes narrowed in frustration in the arm lock, the glare strong as he grunted in annoyance towards Marshadow's taunting. His eyebrows briefly raised, momentarily retaining some recognition of what was happening before the flaming fist slammed into him; the fusion flipping backwards in the air and crashing into the ruined skyscraper. Gogeta grimaced, instantly pushing through the rubble in a fit of rage and rising to his feet. The damage externally was minimal at best, but his rage filled stare clearly indicated his wounded pride once again.

"Don't just blow up again...that's just wasting the power..."

The voice within Gogeta's mind did little to deter the man's next action, his arms throwing down a furious roar as rubble and debris blasted in every direction. The surging energy erupted upwards, Gogeta's fists balled up in standing in direct sunlight again. He twitched heavily, the veins bulging and his eyes straining in glaring down at the floor, stifling the furious anger of the perceived humiliation and unable to respond to the simple question Bage posed.

"Bring it back...control it...use it."

Gogeta slowly straightened himself out, his eyes tightly shutting. He still trembled violently, yet despite the emotional rage, he forced himself to breathe in deeply through his nostrils. The swirling energy of his aura diminished slightly in its erratic nature, a firey flare taking hold while Gogeta lowered his arms.

"Yes...good. Use it...let the pain fuel you and make you stronger!"

The silver shine of Gogeta's pupils gleamed a bit as he opened them slowly, an intense and focused scowl forming on his face. His eyebrows only slightly perked in seeing the incoming attack from Marshadow vanish into thin air, pausing for a bit. In recognizing the opening, Gogeta suddenly vaulted forward, his fists cocked back and dashing towards the shadow doppelganger. Without any hint of restraint, Gogeta launched back into another staggering offense, hurling his fists and legs forward in as aggressive of an assault as he could at the creature within the middle of the shadow doppelganger.
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