The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says as a copy of the Behemoth Blade that made the slowing effects worst on Zacian "Suicide still counts as a win for your foes." Cross simple evades the Steel beam.
With the Kaio-ken still active, Brachi too avoided the Steel Beam even as Time returned to normal, while she also made sure that Bara and Jize were out of the line of fire as the three women lined up together, with Brachi now powering and firing a Final Kamehameha at Zacian.

"You know what they say, Zacian, the bigger they are, THE HARDER THEY FALL!!!" Brachi shouted as she fired her attack, with Majin Bara floating beside her and firing a Majin Kamehameha alongside it, with Jize firing an energy wave of her own in tandem with the two.
"What you are is an ultimate third-rate mage-- we didn't even have to make a wish to beat you! Get good, you snotty baby." Bernkastel snatched up the Jirachi coin into her hand with a haughty tone, looking rather impressed with herself. However, she had to wipe her brow due to the physical exertion she forced her body to undergo just now before looking around to see everything was mostly normal again. "Phew, that was quite a warm-up. Oh my, I wasn't expecting to vaporize all these buildings along with her... Gogeta's bad habit might be rubbing off on me, good grief. Now there's more to fix."

Her arms were smoking and burned red from all the exertion she did converting her magical energy into different forms, the smell causing her to wrinkle her nose as she pat the last embers out on her dress. "This body just isn't used to doing things like this. Can't be helped..." Her ears perked again at the sound of the wolf howl, apparently having been so caught up in Jirachi's trap, the noises going on around them were practically deafened. "That noise again... it sounds much closer. The others probably got cornered if they haven't found us yet." As she turned to Spina with an outstretched hand to give him the crystal coin, Bern blinked curiously unaware of the sneak attack as it was out of her visual field. "Did you hear something?"


Berserk flew back several meters and had to impale her weapon into the ground to avoid getting blown away entirely by the blast attack. Looking enraged, she raised an arm above her head as red energy gathered into her palm. "Then if you won't give up, we're just gonna have to make you!" Although she could barely move, it swirled into a mass large enough for her to grasp with both hands, her body lighting up with an aura. "Berserker Barrage!" Pressing down on the energy sphere with a great force of both hands, the ball exploded outwards into streaming bolts made of her remaining energy supply to hone in on Zacian with the others' attacks.
“Lilith, you are advised to assist. Help the others kill this one.” Lucifer’s tone didn’t change much, it was still as elegant as ever. “I’ll check how things are with the Witch of Miracles and our dearest leader.” The small angel causally walked away from the destructive battle unfolding in front of him.

In turn, Lilith, the more aggressive between the two, turned to Zacian. As her energy boils within her, in conjunction with the rest of the Breakers’ attack, a black substance poured out of her mouth until it blasted onward towards the Xy’pher to overwhelm the steel beam.


“Tsk… what power…” Spina’s first reaction to Bernkastel’s energy attack. Barring oddness of the name, it was an incredible force she put in. With some training and good direction on her fighting prowess, Bernkastel can easily become a great warrior built for fighting. A potential adversary for Spina himself to challenge one day. “A battle of the ages” he thought in his head—no emotional attachment, just pure testament of strength and skill in raw fighting.

Catching the crystallized coin in his hand, Spina smirked when Bernkastel commented on the state of her arms. “This is the first time you actually used this, right? Well, you get use to it. I doubt your body will easily break like that. Keep practicing like that, then in no time, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Might want to work on the names though. It seems silly to call it Midnight Surge.”

He turned towards the state of the city. Although it was only the buildings near them, Spina dreaded on the thought that Detective Bage is clearly going to complain about it. “Going to have an earful from him of how destructive we are. Wonder if we clean up this mess too, he’ll let us off the hook before Detective Goku finds out.” When Bernkastel prompted him about the noise, Spina returned with confusion on his face. “No?”

Spina’s eyes drifted away from Bernkastel, seeing strange movement on the ground coming at high speeds. At first, he didn’t do any action, mainly because he didn’t know what it was, but when it clear it about to latch on Bernkastel’s shadow, it was too late for him to do react accordingly. Mere moments before Marshadow can take Bernkastel’s shadow, the Xy’pher was abruptly pulled from the ground and placed in a white and black barrier, revealing the creature before the two.

“Huh…?” Spina said, jumping in a defensive position. “What the hell is that?”

“A close call.” Lucifer arrived at the scene. “Just a little more, and we’ve had bigger issues to deal with. Don’t worry, I’ve already accepted your gratitude.” The angel child walked with swagger at he approached the barrier containing Marshadow. “You don’t have any life auras, do you? I suspect that Cross was correct on calling creatures like you zombies.” Lucifer turns to both Bernkastel and Spina. “Go assist the others. I’m sure there either in battle or about to be finished. Last thing you want is to clean up entire city because someone is losing their cool, right? I’ll handle things from here.”

“Is that Lucifer?” Spina said, but the other beings in battle slipped his mind actually. “Right, let’s see the others. I’m sure Bage has his hands full with the fool. Let’s get going.” The old Saiyan flew to the direction of Bage and Gogeta.

The devilish look on Lucifer’s face upon observing Marshadow in the barrier, bearing his perfect, white clean. “I wonder if I can extract information out of you through willingly or by force. Question is, are you willingly?”
Gogeta hacked in, toppling forward and crashing down onto one knee after Marshadow's punch. His eyes twitched and fluttered, the drain on his body diminishing his energy while he struggled to stay upright. He panted heavily, his mouth wide open and his chest rising and falling drastically while his face contorted.


His breath steadied slightly, deep exaggerated breaths rung out. The wind that bellowed forth from his mouth scorched the ground at his hands, searing waves of heat cascading around into little, tiny flames on the ground. His aura surged a bit, the flames rising once more as Gogeta slowly lifted his head.

This pain...will make me stronger!

The firey aura grew no larger, however; Gogeta's method of channeling his power to fight against the drain on his life force staunching the progression. Yet despite the gain, the man's energy grew no larger. A silver gleam radiated strongly in his eyes; the firm and intense glare unfocused. As the clones rushed to Bage, Gogeta used the pause to slowly regain control and recover from Marshadow's attack.
The junior detective was jerked backward onto the ground by the first clone, his head hitting the pavement as he was held down. He struggled against the first clone and tried to escape quickly, but his attempt was stopped as the second clone rushed and began pummeling him with the elemental fists. Bage coughed up blood after the first few punches to the stomach forced that and any air out of him.

Bage's head snapped back and forth from the vicious blows that moved from his lower body up to his face. In a last effort to escape the brutal beating, the super saiyan took the moment between punches to wrap his legs tightly around the attacking Gogeta shadow's arm and tried to lift it with his lower half to smash the two clones skulls together.
"Huh? What? What is a little kid like you gonna do?" Marshadow snapped back at Kid Lucifer, trying to break out of the barrier he was trapped in. "You think you're gonna get any information out of me? What are you, an interrogator? I ain't saying a word to a weakling like you, so release me so I can kill the Breakers!"

His expression quickly turned to panic now that he was captured and his power returning to normal.

"Wait! My clones!"

Zacian's Steel Beam collided with Brachi, Bara, and Jize's attacks, pushing them back slightly due to the sheer amount of power Zacian has left. Even with Cross's reverse magic on Zacian, time barely slowed her down much. Zenta frowned at how much strength Zacian had and knew that they could perish if the Xy'pher managed to push back hard enough. With millions of thoughts flying through his head, the Beast had to think of something quick.

Even on the verge of death, this Xy'pher is definitely no pushover. Ms. Brachi is doing her best to hold out the attack but she could only last so long... Berserk's lightning abilities are most useful in this situation but Zacian's armor is still too thick, even after Avalon melted part of it... We need to find a way to hit Zacian from the inside... Zenta's ears lifted as he quickly turned his head to Avalon holding the sword. That's it..!

"Avalon!" Zenta cried out. "Toss me the sword!"

"Uhh, okay?!" Avalon swung the massive sword in the air and flung it to Zenta.

The Beast gracefully caught the blade in his hands before pointing it at Zacian, carefully taking aim and jumping high into the air. His hands emitted a white aura before coating the entire blade with it and tossing it into the air. With a mighty kick to the sword's hilt, the sword flung through Brachi, Bara, and Jize's united attack, and thanks to Zenta's energy covering the blade, it enhanced the power of it, giving it an elegant white aura to it. The blade impaled Zacian through her armor. The Xy'pher gasped and looked down to see her own blade stuck in her chest but her smirk widen.

"Ha! My armor is too strong! You think this is enough to stop me?! Useless!"

"I believe it will." Zenta chuckled.

Before Zacian can retort, Berserk's electrical bolts instantly homed in on the sword impaled on her chest. Unable to stop this attack, Zacian took the damage. The sword acted like a lightning rod and shocked Zacian's vulnerable body under her armor. The water around Zacian from earlier did not make things better for her either. With her body and armor showing more and more cracks, the Steel Beam grew weaker. Zenta quickly rushed to Brachi's side and pulled his arms back before thrusting them forward in a similar style to her Kamehameha. He added energy of his own to further boost the United Kamehameha, pushing back the Steel Beam entirely and overtaking Zacian in one mighty wave of energy.

Completely overpowered, Zacian let out a final scream before her body exploded. The massive explosion toppled down buildings and leveled a small part of the city, creating a bigger mess than what they started off with. Avalon shielded his eyes from the smoke, dust, and debris flung all over the area before the shockwave sent him and the others flying off their feet. Only when the smoke disappeared was the familiar crystalized Coin of Zacian able to be seen. Next to the crystal was the blade which turned to had suddenly turned to an unable rusty sword that looked to be many centuries old.

"Is... is it finally over?" Avalon said while lifting some rubble off of him.

"It appears so," Zenta answered. "I no longer sense the energy of the Xy'pher."

As the two clones pummeled with Bage, the technique used against them forced the two to smash heads. In a whiny tone, both of them winced and pulled away from Bage. The anger between the two Shadow Gogeta clones grew more and more until they both paused and lowered their stance. The energy around them started to distort and it looked as if the Shadow Gogetas had 'powered up' with a black aura swirling around them. Blue lightning crackled beneath their feet and they pulled their hands back to imitate the Kamehameha once more. The energy they gathered in their palms started to crack the ground and it was obvious that they were imitating Gogeta's most recent attack, with, of course, their added power.

"That move you did seriously messed me up..." One shadow clone said.

"So what happens if we use it against you..?" the second one followed.

The orb of energy grew massively in their hands and the clones instantly disappeared from sight in a familiar 'fzzt'. The clones both individually Instant Transmission directly in front of Bage and Gogeta's faces and cackled maniacally. The two thrust their arms forward in a final attempt to destroy the two Saiyans using Gogeta's move at point-blank range.

But the beam never fired.

The two shadow clones were stuck in place with their palms just inches away from Gogeta and Bage. The two clones appeared frozen in time, completely motionless with their faces still showing their demonic expression. Only until a strong gust of wind blew the shadows away in a harmless black mist past Gogeta and Bage was the threat finally gone. With Marshadow captured, the clones were lifeless.
Lucifer frowned at Marshadow’s response on answering any questions related to the Xy’phers and the supposed Diamond King that rules over them. “Well, that’s quite unfortunate. Then, I have no use for you.” His eyes were soulless as he raised his left arm up, making a squeezing motion with his left hand. In reaction, the barrier shrunk rapidly to the point that it became the size of a marble, crushing Marshadow within. “Information from Detective Bage is our best avenue to find this king, then.” The sheer disgust on his face at what he had done. Lucifer is not the type to get involved in small-scale problems unless there’s something beneficial in the run. “If they’re after the Breakers…” He pondered on the thought for the moment.  


Lilith picked up the rusted blade next to the crystallized coin. “They are tougher than the ones in the forest. Are you alright?” She asked.
"Well, You're simply envious that mine sounds more elegant compared to a plain thing like 'Rising Blast'." Bernkastel deadpanned with a plain look on her face. She was just as surprised to see Lucifer on his own now and away from Lilith. His power must have been returning to him and allowing him to age... which meant Bern was going to be the shortest Breaker again sooner or later. Imagining Lucifer back to his original height made her eye twitch. "I dislike being indebted to people... best I don't make it a habit. Now if only these creatures would just fess up instead of insisting to die instead; that's how loyalty to a tyrant goes," She sighed, watching him crush Marshadow before flying after Spina.

To think that little one almost got me... I ought to be more careful about having things sneak up from behind.  The Witch thought before she could hear and feel the impact of the battle ending with Zacian, shielding her face from the explosion as they passed. She felt displeased watching more buildings give way to the fighting going on but considering what just happened Bern found it hard-pressed to argue it could have been preventable. I dread to know what might get sent to chase us down next. These ones were sly enough to catch us while we were split up.

Blinking away the brightness, Bern descended once her eyes locked onto Bage and Gogeta fighting what seemed to be... mimics? 

"Eh, those things disappeared already... it seems like things died down on all ends." Landing gently, the witch took the opportunity to scan their surroundings for any more surprises. "We got caught in an ambush of our own. Sorry about adding to the mess, Detective..." The witch mumbled apologetically before stepping closer to Bage and Gogeta. "Are you both unharmed at least?"


"I'm a little worse for wear but I'll just... take a break." Berserk waved her sword in the air like a signalling flag just to show she was alive. "Never fought a person that could do all that before. Sure put me through the wringer, I'll be lucky to even move tomorrow!" After the explosion, the Powerpunk's aura fizzled out now that she could have a cool-down moment. "If it weren't for that armored crone, we'd have less stuff to fix too. That's gonna be such a pain..." Berserk sat straight up with the help of her weapon. 

"But we did pretty great without Grandpa yappin at us, I owe ya one--" She said to the group. "Specially Mr. Zenta, we would've been toast if he didn't come with us to the basement. That lady would've turned me and Avalon into mincemeat otherwise. I didn't think Little Man (Lucifer) could even do that fancy timewarp stuff either!" She wasn't aware about Lucifer's actual age or form since she only met him in his current child form.
Cross thinks as he hovers there "I gest I cant do every thing I wish to do because of meta reason. As long I not too limited by the Spot light I will be fine. Regardless I should keep playing my role." Because it was too light out the shadows vanished to darker places.
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