The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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The entire city felt empty and there appeared to be no life forms nearby the building. The air was still and the area felt unusual but it was nothing that would impact the Breakers. Avalon was the first to take notice of the building and how messed up it was. He kicked a bit of the lighter rubble away and peered through one of the broken windows, hoping to spot someone. With no success, he crossed his arms and pondered to himself about where the missing people could be.

"Huh, I don't see anyone in the building or anyone trapped under any rubble. Maybe they were pulled out before we arrived?" Avalon said as he made his way to Berserk and locked his eyes on the vibrant city ahead of them. "But this big building is a nasty sight for a bright city like that. Before we go sightseeing, we should clean this up first..."

Zenta seemed to look around, trying to see if he sensed any lifeforms nearby, especially any Xy'phers. His ears shot upwards to see if he could hear any voices crying for help, but nothing was by this building. With careful footing, he skipped and hopped between the pieces of rubble like a nimble fox until turning towards the direction of the city. He gazed blankly at Allure City before letting his ears slump back to their usual position.

For a city, is it very quiet... Are they hiding from us?

"Do you hear anything out of the ordinary, Zenta?" Avalon called out to the beast as he struggled to lift a large piece of rubble.

"Nothing to report." Zenta replied.

"Well, at least we're alone, right? We don't have to worry about another ambush while we clean up." Avalon continued to struggle against the heavy rubble but continued to try to act as if he didn't need any help. "Y-Yeah, no worry at all!"
Cross says "Given yesterday i would not rule out an ambush as we clean up some one's mess." As Cross starts to pick up the mess.
Gogeta strode forward towards the ruined skyscraper, ignoring most of the chatter of the others. His silver eyes glanced around, glinting lightly in the sunlight as he studied the rubble. Without waiting for a reply from Bernkastel or letting the others properly surveil the situation, Gogeta walked casual into the major split of the skyscraper, lightly pushing with his right arm and smashing through some of the debris to enter. He lifted his left arm, forming a small sphere of golden energy in his palm to illuminate the way in silently walking through ruined debris within the building.
"I don't feel anything either," Bernkastel concurred. "But this is quite strange, it's awfully quiet to not even hear the sound of people in the distance. Not even traffic noise." She looked around but couldn't see even bystanders from afar; it's eerily silent. As if this city was more abandoned than Reality Metropolis.

"Better that we don't get any distractions--" Berserk noticed Avalon struggling to lift up a piece of the rubble, gesturing toward herself with a confident grin. "Hey, your form's all wrong; put your back into it more, like this!" She casually bent over and lifted a sizeable slab of metal above her head. "See?"

"I think I'll go inside and investigate too," Bern said after seeing Gogeta enter the building. She found it more productive from her end to check for any coins left behind. "Even if nobody is alive, the building's collapsed in a way that the coin gremlins could have a hard time getting under the heavier debris to snatch them." Her observations noted that they behaved like small bugs rather than actual creatures, and operated in clusters; but even a thousand ants couldn't lift concrete and steel beams.

"Are ya sure? It looks dark," Berserk asked.

Bernkastel nodded. "It's not so scary... once you've had one thrown at you, anyway. Thankfully this one is immobile and practically fused to the ground." She took a few steps forward towards the entryway of the skyscraper before stopping and looking over her shoulder at Spina. Although her face was blank, Bern seemed to be silently asking him if he'd allow it.
Brachi, Bara and Jize followed, with Jize having brought her trident to bear in case she had to help in moving things or perhaps investigate objects without to having physically touch them. 

"Better watch your step." Brachi said, with Bara releasing a few parts of her own goo to help in covering more ground to see what could be found there.
Hearing both Bernkastel and Zenta stating that they don’t sense a single life-force in the city, it cast doubt into his mind. “Nothing… huh.” Spina said as he looked back at the city once more, only to turned away due to the colors making him gag. “Yeah, well, I doubt everyone would’ve just went inside that building if they ask Detective Goku. Though, he didn’t say anything about a mass of people leaving at once…” 

Turning to the building once more, he spotted Bernkastel gazing at him as she headed towards the building. With no words exchange, the old Saiyan nodded his head, approving for her to go on ahead. “Might as well clean this mess up and give the stuff for Detective Goku. Easy job, even if it's tedious. Though… I don’t like it. Reminds me of that one during the invasion…” Spina paused to himself. “Anyways, I suggest everyone to be on their guard. Those Xy’zers or whatever they’re called might pop out and take those Vortex Coins… if they’re still there. Find if they’re people in that building, then clean up the rest. If I sense trouble, I'll be coming to you, so don't go try and get in there over your head. Detective Bage, I’ll be tagging with you as we head inside.” Spina headed towards the building, right behind Bernkastel. 

“I’ll remain outside as a lookout in case we have enemies coming over the horizon.” Lilith said. “I’ll alert you if I see anything.” She stood there, motionless, staring the beautiful city of vivid bright colors.
"Good idea, everyone pair up and stick togeth-"  Bage turned to the group and noticed that Gogeta had gone off on his own. He sighed a bit, "Well, you and I will follow Gogeta. Everyone be careful and We'll be counting on you Lilith."

Bage nodded to Spina and made his way toward the split that Gogeta entered.
"W-Whoa! That's awesome Berserk! Looks like lifting heavy stuff should be no problem for you! You're a natural!" Avalon flexed his arms to stare at his biceps. His muscles were toned but his strength was nothing compared to the Saiyans or the Powerpunk Girl. "I thought I was strong but I guess I was way off! I guess cleaning this mess up won't be as long as I thought. We should check inside the building, Berserk. If we're lucky, we'll spot some Coins or Gremlins to stomp on."

Zenta decided to stick close to Avalon and Berserk, giving the two a smile.

"I hope you two do not mind if I tag along with you. Seeing in the dark is my...specialty." The beast forced opened a metal door that leads to what would've been the basement of the building. It was very dark since it was buried deep within the ground. "You two might need to bring a light source."

"A light source eh?" Avalon pulled out his trusty scroll and it instantly vanished into a tuff a smoke. Once the smoke cleared out, a flashlight appeared. "Alright now we should have no problem. Lead the way Mr. Zenta."

While the building seemed normal on the outside, it was the inside that was riddled with many questions. Along many walls were scratches of both human and unknown creatures but they matched the marks on the trees in the forest. All the Breakers inside the building would occasionally hear little skitter noises and what sounded like running footsteps just barely out of their reach. Cold breezes would rush by the Breakers mysteriously and objects would shift ever so slightly as if purposely moved. It felt as if the building was haunted.

Spina, Bage, and Bern would see many small pillars of steel, some with blood. All across the walls were claw marks, most made out of desperation. The deeper they went, the sounds of a giggling female youngster would echo through the halls followed by skipping footsteps. The steel pillars were similar to the ones Cuki used during her fights, even the color was spot-on. On the floor by Spina's feet was a piece of cloth with a symbol on it. The symbol looked like a star of some kind with part of the name cut off.


Near the end of the hall peeked what looked to be a petite female completely hidden within the shadows, just dark enough to not see her entirely. On her head were two triangular on the side of her head that seem to resemble ears and a large one jutting from the top of her head. It was nearly impossible to see what it really looked like and the shadows made it hard to discern what the creature even was. It giggled again before skipping down the hall with what appeared to be something waving behind her, a tail or a cape, it was hard to tell.

Gogeta would see the same scratches but there appeared to be some holes in the walls that indicated something punched through. The holes were not big but if he were to peer through one, it created bigger holes in the walls behind it. Throughout the walk, he would sense someone watching him but dare not approach him. Every time the Saiyan would turn to see who it is, no one was there, yet, it felt as if the phantom-like force was copying his every move and breathing down his neck. Even the light from his hand did not deter this feeling, in fact, it only seems to strengthen it. It wasn't long until some footsteps were heard walking towards the direction of the Fusion and a lone Xy'pher child came into view. Nothing about it struck out as important and it looked like any normal Xy'pher fought back in the forest.

Yet, it did not attack him, only stared blankly at the floor before whispering silently to itself. It fiddled its fingers nervously, almost as if terrified of Gogeta's presence. Each word that it mumbled out was incoherent nonsense that no one would understand barely audible due to how faint the whispers were.

Zenta lead the way inside a dark hallway. He navigated effortlessly, moving a little ahead of Avalon and Berserk. Avalon kept close to Berserk's side, lighting the way for both to see but seemed confused as to how Zenta could see so well in the dark.

"I wonder if he's got special eyes that make him see in the dark. I don't know about you but he's kinda nimble for being in complete darkness." Avalon whispered to Berserk. "I think he's a cat. They can see in the dark and are pretty agile..."
Cross thinks as he sees the Xy'phers "so my hunch was on the mark and odd they should been given the order to go after us." 
Brachi and Bara blinked as they spotted the child Xy'pher, yet they didn't do anything that hinted at antagonizing it; having decided to only strike in self-defense if whatever was out there was attacking first, which would make their actions much more justified, especially with Jize as a witness.
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