The entire city felt empty and there appeared to be no life forms nearby the building. The air was still and the area felt unusual but it was nothing that would impact the Breakers. Avalon was the first to take notice of the building and how messed up it was. He kicked a bit of the lighter rubble away and peered through one of the broken windows, hoping to spot someone. With no success, he crossed his arms and pondered to himself about where the missing people could be.
"Huh, I don't see anyone in the building or anyone trapped under any rubble. Maybe they were pulled out before we arrived?" Avalon said as he made his way to Berserk and locked his eyes on the vibrant city ahead of them. "But this big building is a nasty sight for a bright city like that. Before we go sightseeing, we should clean this up first..."
Zenta seemed to look around, trying to see if he sensed any lifeforms nearby, especially any Xy'phers. His ears shot upwards to see if he could hear any voices crying for help, but nothing was by this building. With careful footing, he skipped and hopped between the pieces of rubble like a nimble fox until turning towards the direction of the city. He gazed blankly at Allure City before letting his ears slump back to their usual position.
For a city, is it very quiet... Are they hiding from us?
"Do you hear anything out of the ordinary, Zenta?" Avalon called out to the beast as he struggled to lift a large piece of rubble.
"Nothing to report." Zenta replied.
"Well, at least we're alone, right? We don't have to worry about another ambush while we clean up." Avalon continued to struggle against the heavy rubble but continued to try to act as if he didn't need any help. "Y-Yeah, no worry at all!"
"Huh, I don't see anyone in the building or anyone trapped under any rubble. Maybe they were pulled out before we arrived?" Avalon said as he made his way to Berserk and locked his eyes on the vibrant city ahead of them. "But this big building is a nasty sight for a bright city like that. Before we go sightseeing, we should clean this up first..."
Zenta seemed to look around, trying to see if he sensed any lifeforms nearby, especially any Xy'phers. His ears shot upwards to see if he could hear any voices crying for help, but nothing was by this building. With careful footing, he skipped and hopped between the pieces of rubble like a nimble fox until turning towards the direction of the city. He gazed blankly at Allure City before letting his ears slump back to their usual position.
For a city, is it very quiet... Are they hiding from us?
"Do you hear anything out of the ordinary, Zenta?" Avalon called out to the beast as he struggled to lift a large piece of rubble.
"Nothing to report." Zenta replied.
"Well, at least we're alone, right? We don't have to worry about another ambush while we clean up." Avalon continued to struggle against the heavy rubble but continued to try to act as if he didn't need any help. "Y-Yeah, no worry at all!"