The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Avalon stared at Gogeta more with a face of confusion and cringe before glancing at Goku then Berserk and shrugging his shoulders as if asking Berserk if she knew what was going on. Gogeta's reason for trying to make him mad or mock him clearly flew over his head.

"Yeeeeah... anyways," Avalon shook his head and ignored Gogeta's useless ramble before placing an arm around Berserk's shoulders and pulling her towards Goku with his usual happy grin. "Well, sounds like we got a full day ahead of us. Reports of some missing people are never any good so we'll be sure to keep an extra eye out for some Coins and not let them get taken by those Coin Gremlins!"

As Zenta listened to Goku, he nodded in agreement and decided it would be best to leave the Kitty behind. He lifted the kitten from his shoulder and placed it on the ground, scratching its head.

"You should stay here, Kitty, it is too dangerous for you to come. Run along now, we will return soon." Zenta said as he gave it a light tap atop its head. His attention then shifted to Goku. "I see, so it is more than just cleaning up. Interesting that one of the items in question could be a bottle. Well, that should not be too hard to find, yes?"
Berserk gave Avalon half a shrug of her own, not sure what explanation to really give, though she clearly did not seem to like when Gogeta tried to mock him. Of course, she preferred being the main one to bully Avalon anyway. Berserk's eyes lit up in a giddy manner at the mention of a new city. 

"Allure City... I haven't been there before. Wonder what kinda stuff we'll see, even a small town like that might have somethin' interesting. Hopefully we won't have to deal with those little buggers again, but they seem to practically sniff em out before anyone even notices a coin is on the ground. If we see 'em, can we just squish 'em? They're just trouble for us," She asked.

The Kitty looked up at Zenta with a purring sound before giving him a meow in response, looking over towards his master and narrowing its eyes towards Gogeta. The cat sat for a few moments in silence before trotting off into the shadows of a nearby piece of furniture. Bernkastel glanced over at Spina and back to Gogeta, excusing herself to leave the fusion and walk across the room. Once she turned away from Gogeta, her feigned smile quickly was replaced with a dull frown as she made her way to Spina.

"What were you staring at me so intently for? It's unsettling to be watched like that..." Bernkastel asked him away from the group. Her voice quieted down as she seemed to find it hard to look Spina directly in the eyes for longer than a few seconds. "... You're not going to scold me about yesterday, are you? What is it?"

The only ones that knew exactly that Detective Vegeta perished had to have something to do with the Doom Trials, but who could have told him if it wasn't any of us...?

Bernkastel looked anxious, rubbing her arm uncomfortably and wracking her brain to figure out the answer to a very eerie inquiry. It looked like she wanted to say something, but was holding it back until after Spina talked.
Spina stared down the Witch of Miracles; from afar, it was like a giant staring down a child. Two individuals with different mindsets, personalities, and lifestyles. Contrast to Bernkastel barely able to look at him in the eyes, Spina remained constant in his stare at her. In his perspective, all voices disappeared, and it was just between the both of them. Mighty beings with incredible powers but bound by things that keep them in check. 

As Bernkastel wondered herself in her own thoughts of the current situation, Spina’s eyes widened as images of his dream, flashes those images before his eyes. Cuki replaced Bernkastel for a few seconds, seeing the wound on her face done by him, the powerful slap. Then, she was replaced by Kai, having several injuries from an unknown point of his past, yet, returned to him with looks of disappointment. Then finally, seeing the Witch of Miracles, riddled with wounds from his dream—done by that man that continued to be a constant issue for the team. These feelings—he hasn’t felt something since the battle against Doctor Doom.

Once Bernkastel asked her question, Spina snapped out of the trance he was in. He raised his right hand, as he analyzed the wound present on her nose. He noticed that it wasn’t fully heal, or at least, not from his perspective. The old Saiyan gently placed his hand on Bernkastel’s right cheek as he stared directly at her. In contrast to his harsh nature, he was genuinely seeing if there were any wounds on her face. Unexpectedly, Spina lead forward. His face was growing closer by the second.

Until suddenly, Spina's forehead was touching Bernkastel's. He stood there for a moment, letting silence take over. “I’ll won’t allow you to get hurt again.” The old Saiyan broke the silence as he closed his eyes. “Your pain is my pain. I shall let none strike you. As I lead to battle, my life will grant you victory over our enemies.” A strange, battle cry. Lasting over several seconds, Spina stood up once more, digging into his pocket to find a bandage. He placed the bandage over the bridge of her nose gently, remembering the times that Cuki attended his injuries years ago. “You can heal, and its probably just decoration, but…” Spina stared down at the ground before returning to Bernkastel’s face. “Try to not get punch again… Alright?” Spina attempt to say something else, but this was the best he can muster. “That’s all.” Spina turned around and walked towards the Detectives. “We’re ready.”
Cross says "I don't know if I have in this cycle but being locked in meetings or doing research for a good part of 3 years dos not help."
Gogeta's expression remained unchanged even despite Avalon's lack of response to his demeanor. He sat haughtily on the coach, evidently proud of himself until his eyes caught sight of Bernkastel and Spina. The confident smirk instantly vanish and in an instant, the rage that boiled true of his classic demeanor took hold in his stare. He visibly shook at the sight of Spina kissing Bernkastel's forehead, eyebrows twitching violently.

"Relax. You've done well...but the power will not come if you let your anger consume you again. You must control your emotions in the face of such shock, or else I cannot improve your body."

The familiar voice that rung true in his head silenced itself, and Gogeta inhaled deeply through his nostrils. A deep breath expulsed outward from his mouth, and once Gogeta's eyes snapped back open, a bright glimmer of silver resonated off the dull metal color of his eyes. The energy spilled off the side of his face as he stood up, striding towards the Detectives and waiting for them to transport the group to the mission area.
"... Glad to see a more positive attitude from you, Spina." Bage smiled awkwardly at the exchange between the saiyan and the witch. It seemed out of character for Spina after the junior detective had only seen him so frustrated and focused. But at least he was doing better than Gogeta. "Alright! Come on then, you all! We've got no time to waste!" 

He waited until everyone had come closer before nodding to Detective Goku to take them to their destination "Whenever you're ready, sir!"
Bernkastel initially tensed up at Spina's unexpected raising of his hand, but was surprised to watch him cup her cheek with it. The small witch blinked several times, stunned into silence from the gesture. For as long as three years, he wore a continuously sour expression that lately had become harsher as did his general demeanor in addressing his teammates. In fact, Bernkastel couldn't recall the last time he referred to her by something other than her formal alias.

His hand felt rough but it also was warm on her cold skin. To be touched by other people was still new to Bern in the sense that it had become unfamiliar with the years. In fact, she had been struck in the face more times than something like this. Unsure what to say next, or even unable to muster much, her eyes darted around like she forgot how to speak.

"Uh... um..." When she realized Spina's face was drawing closer toward hers, Bernkastel practically froze. Her tail stuck out inna straight line as she craned her neck back in a bid to make distance. But her neck can only move back so much; the Witch let out a little 'eep' noise once they had touched foreheads. Bern couldn't muster a response given that she had no anticipation Spina would say such words to her-- it was a declaration but from where did it come from? Spina was a painfully blunt person, he wouldn't say things like this if he did not mean them.

Trying to regain her composure, Bernkastel shut her eyes briefly. Even though she was still trying to register his words, the gesture alone gave her a flashback to old days-- simple things like this were what she and Lambdadelta used to do. Bernkastel never really understood why Lambda would specifically do them, but they always evoked a fuzzy feeling. With Spina, she wasn't sure what exactly she felt; however, it sounded a lot like a promise. 

Promise... Bern's tension relaxed, remembering the hug Gogeta had given her in association with that word. Just as quickly, she stuffed that memory back into her mind, lest it invoke the memory of yesterday.

After Spina broke the contact to place a bandage on Bernkastel's nose, she looked up at him with the gaze of a doe-eyed child. "U-uh, yes... Of course," she said after breaking out of her trance. Immediately she looked down at the floor-- avoiding anyone's gaze-- and trotted over towards Detective Goku. "L-let's go then." Still looking stunned, Bern absentmindedly ran a finger over the bandaid on her nose.

"Whoa... didn't think Grandpa had it in him," Berserk whispered to Avalon, a hand shielding her eyes from the sight since it made her feel intrusive to watch the two. Nonetheless, she seemed eager to get going.
“Looks like you lot are ready. Don’t disappoint me.” Detective Goku raise his hand slightly above his torso. White particles formed around his fingertips as aura flare around them. “Kai Kai.” Instantly mass teleportation everyone—except himself to Allure City. As all the Breakers vanished, Detective Goku lowered his arm. “Right. More businesses I need to attend.” 

The detective walked outside of the apartment complex to leave but noticed a single Vortex Crow that was landed on the broken traffic stop light. Both of them were staring at each other as if both of them attempted to communicate with one another. The Vortex Crow turned his head to another direction, the direction of where the Breakers were cast to the city instantaneous before flying away.

“Something is going to happen, huh…”

Allure City, a city that was considered a place of beauty, love, evolved friendships, and the sort. As opposed to other cities that use simple colors for their structure, the colors of the city is a combination of pink, red and blue. The Breakers appeared near the edge of the city, being placed near the skyscraper that Gogeta tossed days ago. Yet, it seems that there are no sighting of anyone in the city... strangely, it seems to void of a population.

Spina squinted his eyes at the abundance of such colors. It was not pleasant to his eyes, and had to turned to another direction, eyeing the lone-grey building. Shattered windows, and the skyscraper was nearly split apart due to the impact as it landed. Debris seemingly flung outwards but didn’t cause significant damage on the nearby buildings. “Hmm… this is strange. I don’t sense any people here… nor do I sense anyone in the building.” The old Saiyan said, recalling the Detective mentioning that people attempt to do in there and tried to clean up. “Bet large objects crushed them as they tried to clean up this mess.” He seen the complete and utter scale of how big it was. “Damn... what a mess. Bernkastel, can you sense any life energy around here?”
Cross says "Good to see your taking your first steps spina of actually becoming a leader of a group like the breakers."


Cross thinks looking around and not sensing any living creature "this seems closer to a necropolis despite the colors."
"We should watch our step while working in here," Brachi said, "wouldn't want to have the same thing happen to us now, would it?"

"Will it help if I turn some rubble into something less dangerous?" Bara asked, wondering if her Transfiguration Beam could help.

"It's a thoughtful suggestion, Bara," Brachi said, patting the Majin's head for that, "but let's not risk damaging the remaining structural integrity of the rubble here; it could crush us in the end too, even though you are most likely the one who can survive that."
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