The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"No need to worry about me, I prefer sleeping on the floor," Zenta replied. "Sleep well, my Lady, knowing that I will always be by your side."

He continued to play with the kitty until it fell asleep. From there, he pondered in his thoughts about the conversation he had with Bernkastel before lowering his head and drifting off into a deep meditation.

As the morning rose, the crows were crying out and squawking at the windows of the Breakers. They clawed and pecked at the windows and generally made the morning very noisy. Avalon groaned slightly as he picked his head off the pillow with his saliva on it. His arm lifted to clean his face off as he let out a loud yawn. Stumbling his way to the kitchen he opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.

Man, these Breakers got it tough with Detective Goku breathing down their necks. Let's just hope that Gogeta wakes up in a good mood today or else Spina and Bernkastel are really gonna get mad... The last thing they need is another tantrum. Lilith also said that those binds should be off in the morning and now suddenly I'm feeling very nervous...
“Indeed. It would be very problematic if this King is out and about, turning people into spawns for a potential war.” Lucifer said still maintain such belief. “I was originally wanted to stay behind in this little charade, since this is beyond my scope of things. But this… this change everything.” Lucifer nodded. “We’ll be having a lot more conversations with one another as we processed this information. I shall be your assistance if you need it, but for now, I should rest my eyes. Lilith, let’s go.”

Lilith nodded and bow slightly to Detective Bage, before heading upstairs to their rooms. Before approaching the door, they overheard the conversation between Zenta and Bernkastel, residing in Cuki’s room—Lilith being more curious of what is transpiring, considering that Gogeta is not with the two. She was concerned about the state of affairs that was unfolding between the three of them.

“It best to leave it alone, Lilith. You know things would get complicated if you tried to put yourself in the middle of their issues.” Lucifer said. “Let them make decisions, and the consequences will follow suit.”

“Is that truly wise, Lucifer? If this path continues, it’ll become extremely difficult to operate in any circumstances.”

“It’s fine.” Lucifer smiles as his eyes narrowed. “Let’s focus on our objective… finding out the fruits of this Xy’pher King’s motivation. That is the true testaments that threatens free will.” As both of entered their rooms for the night.


As the morning came, Spina exited out of his room and walked downstairs. “Man, that was a good, nice sleep. Felt like it was the first time in weeks since I slept that good.” The old Saiyan stretched out his arms until he reaches the end of the stairs and turned his head slightly to the right. “Alright, let’s get ready before Detective—” He turned around.

His eyes widened, seeing Bernkastel lying face down on the floor. As his body immediately tensed, Spina rushed towards the Witch to check the status on her. Turning her body over, her face and upper torso had multiple wounds that caved within her—the blows indicted rapid punches.

Spina began to sweat, looking around as he shouted. “Hey! Come down here! Everyone!” He stood up as his right hand balled into a fist. “Come out you damn coward; you want a piece of me!?”

Sounds of footsteps came behind him, causing Spina to turn around in an offensive position. “Think you can sneak up behind m—” His eyes narrowed seeing Gogeta walking towards him; his arms drenched in blood, and his face revealing a sinister smile as malicious aura flourishing around him.

“I kill them all… so now, it just you and me…”

“…All…?!” Spina attempted to sense the energy signatures for everyone, but none picked up. His eyes locked onto Gogeta, as anger began to boil within him.

“You fail to use your power… you fail to save them because you continue to hold onto that merciful route, and now look what happened. Everyone is dead… ONCE again you fail to save them.” Gogeta shouted.

“…Shut up.” Spina lowered his head, attempting to maintain his composure.

“You failed them just as you failed to save your friends from Doom.” Gogeta said, but immediately the fusion’s face caved in as his body flung back towards the wall. The fusion tried to open his eyes, only to see the Spina’s punch.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!” Spina shouted, powering to his SSJ4 Primal state as he repeatedly bashed on Gogeta. After several seconds, he withdrew his fist back slightly as Gogeta slowly slid down to the ground. Spina’s aura became blackened as his tone became dark. “Anything else before your death?”

Gogeta smiled. “Was the fight enjoyable? Now you are free.”

Spina stood motionless, until his right hand reached over to Gogeta. Moments after, Spina had ripped the fusion apart with his bare hands, holding his decapitated head before tossing it to the side. The old Saiyan raise his own to look at the black ceiling as his eyes narrowed, covered in the blood of the enemy he just killed. He took several breaths before breaking out into a laughter. “This… this is—”


The old Saiyan’s eyes narrowed upon hearing his name softly. Lowering his head, Spina turned around and, seeing all the Breakers surrounded him in a circle—including Bernkastel, whom in perfect condition. “W-what?”

“So that’s your true nature. What a savage beast.” Bernkastel said.

“A Saiyan who cares nothing but lives for battle. This is your intention?” Brachi added.

“You’re wrong. This bastard had it coming. I am simply taking care of an issue. Now he’s no longer will be a bane of our existence…!”

“A murderer… he’s no different than them.” Cross said.

“So you have no Mercy?”

Spina’s body tensed up hearing that word, especially from a familiar voice. Turning around, the old Saiyan seen Cuki standing there with disappointment on her face. “A warrior’s spirit is defined by skill, not murder nor death. You… don’t have any mercy.” 

All the Breakers raised their right hands and pointed at Spina shouting “no mercy” repeatedly. 

Spina grabbed his head as the repeated statements continued. “Stop...!” He pleaded, but they continued shouting that word over and over again. “I… SAID STOP!” An eruption of powers exploded around him as his body rapidly morphed, turning the Saiyan into a giant as the black aura blocked his appearance. The shockwave of power was sudden but effective—it killed every single Breakers instantly as they laid dead on the floor. 

Breathing heavily, as the shoulders slowly bounce up and down, Spina looked up straight ahead as the apartment complex laid in ruins. In front of him, lies a single individual, Kai. The beast’s eyes widened as he opened his mouth to shutter a word in. “K-kai…?” The beast attempted to walked towards, stepping onto the dead bodies of his fallen comrade, Kai as Vortex Crows appeared around her. “Kai… please… help.”

As the numbers of crows grew tremendously, the Beast was nearly close to her. Yet, Kai turned her back on the Saiyan. “The line has been crossed.” Her body rapidly changed, shooting upward in the sky to transformed into a gigantic beast. In the vivid colors similar to that of the bottle, it felt as if the universe was being born, as multiple eyes opened up at once around its head looking at different directions, while the main eye look down at the Saiyan. Spina stared into the eyes of the beast, the eyes of the universe, unable to utter any words. As the Vortex Crows circle around them, the strange celestial beast smile, bearing its sharp teeth. “Beast.” Opening its mouth rapidly, it went to devoured Spina.

Spina woke up in a cold sweat as his breathing was inconsistent. Attempting to catch his breath, he looked at his right hand as his vision, initially blurred from waking up, started to clear. He looked around, realizing that he was still in his room. The last thing he remember was walking to the garden and messed around what’s left with the flowers and other vegetation. Then going to his room, just before hearing Bernkastel and Zenta conversing in Cuki’s room.

Extending his right arm forward, he’d balled his hand into a fist, tightened it as hard as it can until the point that blood came out in bits from piercing his own skin. With his might, Spina delivered a powerful blow against his own stomach to see if this was real—and wasn’t a dream. His eyes narrowed, and ended up on the verge of vomiting, puking out fluids, mainly leftover foods from the destroyed garden.
“…That was a dream.” Spina said, cringing in pain after delivering a self-blow to his stomach. “That was a dream.” The old Saiyan turned to the edge of the bed as he held his head down, staring at the floor. “What the hell was all that about…?” Spina thought to himself, recalling bits and pieces of the dream. He couldn’t remember it entirely as the more time passes; bits of the dreams are forgotten.

As Spina was caught in the moment of reflection on the dream he had, Lilith held out a glass of water to the Saiyan. “Oh.” The Saiyan saw; after that dream, he wanted something to cool him down, and he was extremely thirsty to boot. Without a second thought, he chunk down a full glass of water down his throat in seconds as waters droplets slid down on the side of his mouth. “I needed that…” Spina paused for a moment, looking up to see Lilith once again in his room. “You’re going to keep coming in here, huh?”

Lilith stared at the Saiyan, unable to see her eyes due to the veil covering her face. “The path is slowly breaking apart. You are getting signals that actions make be taken. Continue to delay will cause further harm. Not for the team, but yourself.” Lilith placed her hand on-top of Spina’s, rubbing gently. “Yes, the path is on its way for destruction.”
Spina raised a brow, confused by her wording. Yet, at the same time, he knew what she meant. At least, his body felt like it knew what she meant. As Spina tried to ask for more questions, Lilith seemingly exited the room, leaving Spina there to sit alone in his room once more. The old Saiyan remained silent as the darkness in his room swallow him whole—until the sun barely began to rise, shining light through his window as morning finally came.

His eyes became dull as he shattered the glass with his bare hand. After that dream, and Lilith’s vague warning, Spina uttered a single word. “Right.” 


As Lilith came out of the room, she’d spotted Detective Goku standing there in the middle of the main area, patiently waiting for the others to wake up. “You’re here early.” She noticed that the sun had barely rise.

“I did say I’ll be here tomorrow. Wake everyone up. You lot have a big day today.” Detective Goku said.

Lilith knocked on several doors for each Breakers, barring Spina, to give them a head ups, before returning to Lucifer’s room. Suddenly, the black energy surrounding Gogeta had been lifted, disappearing into nothingness.
Cross says as he puts down a newspaper(Not form RNN) "The crows have did that already war criminal. You owe them the small kindness of letting them wakeup a bit before we start." Cross like normal is annoyed with Goku.
Brachi was in the kitchen, making some breakfast for at least herself, Bara and Jize, but also prepping things for the others if they wanted to have some, while eager to know about what their next assignment was.
The door leading into the shared room Bernkastel and Gogeta held in the apartment slowly opened a few moments after the knock, and Gogeta entered into the open living room shortly afterwords. The fusion's hair had returned to its normal color yet despite the spiky bundles all pointed upward, they held a small frazzle to their shape. A slight firey unruliness to them than normal, but not quite the extent of full on bed hair.

The mark of the "V" adorning his head had been completely solidified once more, the cracks on display from yesterday gone and repaired. A stern, serious stare remained on Gogeta's face, breathing in deeply through his nose. A small breath expelled outwards from his mouth, and as the man slowly opened his eyes, a confident smirk formed in his lips raising. The enlarged veins along his muscles remained, yet despite it all, his appearance had returned mostly to normal aside from the change in color of his pupils. A dull grey adorned the eye instead of his normal color; the texture seemingly different in that the color itself glinted slightly under the light like metal being illuminated. Had it not been for the fluidity of his eyes, the color could easily be mistaken as steel.

His eyes glanced around, momentarily staring at Cross before shifting his sight across the way towards Brachi's group having already assembled for breakfast. His smirk only remained in place, his attention shifting to Detective Goku before finally speaking.

"It's always so strange to see you as a...punctual detective. Good morning...Kakarot."
Stirring a bit in response to the sound of knocking, Bernkastel let out a low groan before sitting up in Cuki's bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her cat lazily shifted over in its spot with Zenta, evidently not concerned with anything.

"Already...? But it's still dark-- oh." She realized the room was only dark because of the lack of windows. Remembering the cleanup detail Goku was going to assign them today, and the fact she had to deal with Gogeta's behavior in addition, Bern sighed audibly before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I'll need a strong coffee to get through today..."


Berserk groaned into her pillows before popping her head out of the covers, hair sticking up even more than how she normally wore it. "What the heck... but it's barely morning... ugh, what a damn pain."

Complaining to herself, Berserk dressed up for the day and strapped her sword to her back. It was only supposed to be a debris clearing job today but after the surprise ambush at the forest, the Powerpunk wasn't willing to be caught barehanded. It was also useful to help break up big debris into smaller ones; she hoped with their abilities combined, it would make for a fast job despite being all-around rather boring. 

"Do we really hafta be up this early for this? The junk piles won't be going anywhere if we sleep a couple more hours."
“My kindness is not putting you locking you lot up and throwing away the key. Be quiet and wait for the rest of your team comes. You have a busy day.” Detective Goku deadpanned, before slowly turning his head to Gogeta. His appearance was slightly different but retained that same aura of malice on his face. 

“I too find it strange for you to act so vindictive at points, to near reckless behaviors. I supposed compared to our original selves, anything can happen in this world.” Detective Goku said. “But yes, good morning.” 


Hearing the Detective speaking outside, Spina stood up from his bed. Looking at his right hand, it was still shaking as bits of pieces of the dream still lingers in his mind. “The detective is here… and that man.” Balling his hand into a fist, Spina exited his room and passed by Cuki’s room as he headed downstairs to the main area with the others.
Cross says just as dead pan Goku "I can say the same to you after your war crime and other lesser offences." The scary thing is Cross was correct in this statement If not for Cross not charging Goku for the war crime and/or the lesser offences(restively speaking) he would be facing far worst than some people boycotting/protesting Goku's agency. Cross goes back to reading his news paper as the others got up.

Cross thinks "That cheat can learn a thing or two form the thing giving Gogeta the V." 
Bage stood next to Detective Goku having woken up bright and early. "Now now Berserk, the early bird catches the worm, as they say! The earlier we get there and clean up, the quicker the job gets done!"

He watched as each others begrudgingly step in one by one, then tilted his head at Cross as he spoke. He turned to detective Goku whispering to him. "Why does Cross keep calling you a war criminal...?"
The smirk remained strong on Gogeta's face, and at the break of Detective Goku's response, the man simply lifted his shoulders up in a minor shrug and a relaxed, confident expression.

"Indeed...yet even with your change, I would still imagine the great Kakarot wouldn't submit so easily. To use a word like vindictive...means you don't know. Every rage has motivation, every motivation has a source. It takes a mere effort to uncover it; one that I would assume would be child's play for such a noble and great detective as yourself."

He paused for a brief moment, the strange demeanor across his face unchanged.

"But alas, I'd like to believe it's not because you lack the capability...but more that you just don't care! You should be careful with that sense of importance, Detective: how many messes have you let permeate on this world simply because you didn't take the time to care? Perhaps the city would still exist and your boss would be in good health had you acted properly."

Gogeta chuckled, lightly vaulting himself over the nearby sofa and landing gently on the cushion. He relaxed back onto the sofa, the silver eyes narrowing a bit in slightly nodding to Bage.

"You wouldn't want your new colleague there to end up like Vegeta because you failed to act again, would you?"
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