The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"I couldn't have said it better myself, Zenta! We're not just gonna rush the King. Even if it is nearby. We still have no ideas what it's trying to accomplish by creating its army and while it is a big one, we wouldn't want to endanger the city anymore by just rushing in guns blazing." Bage nodded in agreement to the wise beast. Then his attention was pulled away when Lucifer called to him, smiling at the sudden interest the small angel had in the investigation. "Oh! Well, of course, what would you like to know?"
Bara was once again moving to study the bottle itself as well, trying to probe it with her headtentacle.

"What are you doing?" Brachi asked.

"Just trying to memorize the shape of the bottle, so I may recognize them in case we happen to come across more of them." Bara said.

Brachi nodded, feeling it was Bara's way of trying to help by locating more of these bottles and hopefully retrieving them before anyone else would get their hands on them.
Berserk turned red and stuck her tongue out at Zenta, evidently flustered from being teased about how she got along with Avalon.

"Don't get any funny ideas, Fluffy! I can't share a room with a boy-- grown-ups take that stuff too casually!" She jumped off the couch and grumbled about it to herself as she paced around the kitchen for something to eat before bed. "... It'd be easier to sleep if my sisters were around 'cause we lived together until a few months ago. That Goku guy barging in this morning rattled me up, but you guys shook it off..." Despite her tough girl exterior, Berserk seemed a bit shaken not having a sense of security that the other Breakers had. Younger than Cuki, she had nobody familiar to feel secure.

Bernkastel just stared up at Lilith silently, trying to understand the vagueness of her words. All she could really do was just nod. "There's only 'that' option left if I can't bring him in line..." She bit her cheek to quell that concern for the morning when she'd rested.

Quietly, she followed Zenta along into where she'd sleep for the night after watching him put Gogeta in their room alone. Initially, she was rather surprised that Cuki's room was absent in color compared to the meticulous paint job recently done to the rest of the place. Then again, the witch didn't really know what she'd expected to find. What perplexed her more was that Cuki described the opposite visuals to her teacher; but then she pondered about it some more. As far as the Breakers knew, Cuki had no memory of her world before ending up in the Reality Vortex. Blank walls may have been where Cuki painted a mental picture of what her home might have been like many nights; Zenta was blind, so he probably couldn't help much. Or maybe she pictured something tangible that was still not within reach.

Bern, now morose at these ponderings, looked at the photos taped to the wall that no doubt were picked because they were joyful movements-- which felt like some distant memory now. As emotionally stunted as Bern was, even she could tell how Cuki sought to keep everyone happy regardless of how it would turn out for her-- a small assortment of photographs were the only thing here that could be called treasure. Nothing else.

For some reason, that made Bern's chest tighten up.

"I can see why she liked photographs. These ones all have smiles in them. So she liked to preserve things that look... happy." Bernkastel fell silent as she stared at the floor, slowly sitting on the bed to hug her knees close. "But if she had all the treasures she could want in this room, she wouldn't choose to leave on her own, would she."

She paused for several moments. "Three years, Zenta... 3 long years with Byakko wearing Cuki's face and none of us knew a thing. It's still difficult to grapple with; we can't say we know who was who in confidence all that time. We didn't know..." Bern's voice was apologetic and morose, her hands tightening their grip on her arms the more she spoke. Merely being in this room forced Bernkastel to confront what Cuki said in anger about them; and in turn, face Gogeta's betrayal of Bern's efforts. "You said what I felt in my chest was heartache. The things we said and did to Cuki that day when we learned the truth-- we hurt her in the chest too, didn't we?" She worded it to Zenta in a childish manner, but she seemed to start understanding the implications of emotional pain. "We made her feel heartache while we only became angry. Didn't we?"
As Bernkastel spoke about the troubles with the incident that happened, he listened very carefully to how she addressed certain things. His hands fiddled around with the cat, gently pressing its paw pads so its claws popped out and retracted. He pressed his face against its tummy, blowing childlike kisses and nibbling its fur as he would for a child. Oddly enough, there appears to be some experience from how he handled the little kitty. There was a small pause between Bern's question and his answer.

"Cuki suffered immensely while having to deal with the issues presented to her. Her mind was not capable of overcoming the obstacles and she crashed down into jealousy, despair, and anger. Yes, you and the others did make her 'chest hurt' over the span of three years, and my death certainly things worse. She was forced to watch everyone move on and befriend each other, desperate for someone to notice anything different from her. When no one noticed her for three years, Cuki felt abandoned despite being surrounded by everyone she loved," He lowered his head to face the kitty and smiled as he played with it. "That does not mean Cuki is innocent either. I warned her many times that emotions like rage and sorrow must be kept under control. Because of her lack of reasoning, she created a far bigger mess, ultimately, making everything far worse."

Zenta then lifted his head to glance at Bernkastel, smile still intact.

"Cuki told me that she wanted to be your friend because she had a feeling that you were just as lonely as her. She felt sorry for you. I suspect that is why she was jealous when you and Gogeta grew very close with one another. You were no longer alone and happy with someone else. But at the same time, Cuki must realize that everyone, even you, my Lady, walk different paths. She has not realized it yet and thus refused to accept or understand your bond with Gogeta. My student is still quite naive but I believe her heart is in the right place. I also believe the same applies to you, Lady Bernkastel... I sense many uncertainties and insecurities beneath your 'mature' exterior, almost like... a child. You are a very complex individual, my Lady, and I believe destiny crossed our paths for a reason. A witch capable of granting any miracle found a beast punished from ever receiving them."

He pulled his tails to rest on top of his lap as he lay the kitty down on one tail and used his other tail to pull it out of reach just before the kitty swatted at it. To think someone as big and powerful as he would be handling something like a cat with the utmost of care. Incredibly tender to small creatures and life in general, it was hard to spot any sort of malice or hatred in any of the actions he displayed.

"I know you are wondering why I am so affectionate towards your cat... Your kitty reminds me of my youngest pup, still running on all fours." He leaned back against the wall and seemed to lower his voice slightly. "...My partner gave birth to three healthy pups. Two daughters and a son. Unfortunately, tragedy struck and they were all killed by a bloodthirsty monster that was destroying the land." He cleared his throat and paused. "I was not there when the attack happened, sadly. Even if I was, I would have perished as well. Still, to this day, I can still remember the color of their fur, how they nipped my ears every time they played, and even the way they howled when I brought back dinner. In a way, Cuki was the same too..."

Zenta chuckled to himself before shaking his head.

"My, my, I believe I am rambling at this point! Never mind me, my Lady, I speak only of a time long ago. Speaking of time, you should head to bed, it is getting rather late."

"Aww, don't you worry Berserk, I think you'll get used to it," Avalon said as he fluffed the sofa cushions. "Just think of me as the guard dog to this place. While you guys sleep in your rooms, I'll be here to bark off any intruders! It's the least I can do after the mess I caused... After all, I'm a ninja, stealth's my specialty! Only an amateur ninja sleeps with both eyes closed, and trust me, I'm no amateur. Buuuut, if you're still scared I can always make a clone to keep you comfy at night!"
“I have traveled this world for about 3 years, learning, studying the concept of this new world.” Lucifer started with a bit of history of his journey prior meeting the Breakers. “The Vortex Coins, there wasn’t much information on them, at least, publicly—but I managed to discover such method on how it works, and the purpose of these coins. Yet, not once did I ever run into something regarding a crystallized Vortex Coins. Even the Coin Hunter, if you haven’t been made aware by your superior, was common in certain cities due to ambushing several prominent individuals.” 

Lucifer recalled the leader of the Xy’phers turning into a crystallized coin, in possession of Detective Bage. "If this Diamond King is raking up numbers in his platoon, it seems that they’re ready for war. But what kind of war? Against the Breakers? Against neighboring cities? Or perhaps, the one that sits on the throne and watch over this world?”

The idea that a king is emerging in this world baffled him. Gods and Kings—he automatically thought that they are extending their rule over their domain. A disgusting thought that limits the will of individuals,  Lucifer turned to the detective. “Detective Bage, you have been tackling this case for a while, I assumed, in other cities. Have you noticed anything strange over there, now that these Xy’phers are quite active? Have you dealt with an enemy such as this before?”
Gogeta bounced lightly on the mattress he was tossed onto, the narrowed eyes glaring down slightly. His eyes never once lifted, nor did he give any indication to Zenta that he had been listening. An intense focus seemed to hold his expression throughout, but the man laid quietly in his restraint; an apt change never known to last long with him until now.


The same firm, focused glare adorned Vegetto Black's expression; the black robed man standing with his arms firmly crossed on his chest. His eyes suddenly lifted, seemingly lifting from a trance as he grunted in sheer frustration, turning slightly towards the hooded attendant at his side.

"This is getting annoying. How did you ever work with this blasted fool?"

The robed attendant responded with a curt voice; a flat tone in her speech.

"I didn't."

Vegetto Black scoffed lightly, facing back forward.

"He keeps trying to jump right into the fight. Even with the power up, he can't take down the witch and the lich together at once. Now with all of this mess with this Diamond King and the Detectives getting involved...unngh...I-"

"Just give him the full power then."

Vegetto Black cocked an eyebrow, lightly glancing back as the attendant spoke with a firm, flat tone.

"Everything else is a distraction and the longer you wait for this nonsense to simmer down, the more time they have to put up their defenses. The witch already has her guard up...but she lacked the will to kill him. If you don't give him the power to finish her now, she may find it before you get your perfect moment. Set the dog loose and finish it."

Vegetto Black lowered his eyebrow, exhaling deeply through his nose.

"Fine. One is better than nothing..."

A small, dark smirk rose on his face in staring down the hooded attendant, stifling a small chuckle.

"You've really come into your own; the confidence suits you. Well done."
Berserk paused before she laughed loudly, giving Avalon a large grin. "Nice try, sneaky! But I'm not scared of the dark or nothin'! Plus, your clone might prank me as soon as I wake up-- my hair is a nightmare to dry once it gets wet," she grabbed a set of granola bars and water before sauntering off to her room with a wave of her hand. "W-well, I'm beat, so let's get some shuteye before Mr. Goku comes back! Night everybody." Closing the door behind her, Berserk laid down on her bed and took out some photos of herself with her sisters from under the pillow.

"I wish you guys weren't so far away... But I won't let that Diamond King get you-- Sister's promise." Settling into bed, Berserk drifted off to sleep.
Bernkastel watched her familiar wiggle and purr under Zenta's playfully gentle demeanor. It couldn't help but let out giggling mewls from being tickled; Bern could tell her cat was enjoying the treatment quite a lot. She mused about what kind of animal the faunus was based off his affectionate behaviors with a creature so small.

As she listened intently to Zenta's explanation, she tucked part of her face behind her knees looking surprised at what Cuki thought of her. But she was correct in her perceptions-- Bernkastel was lonely. After Doom's battle, she spent much of her time locked away in her room with only her cats to talked to. It was difficult to be with the others who were mostly Saiyans that live by a different lifestyle and code; Bern didn't train, nor did she really understand why they liked it. Until recent events made her start changing her mind, she thought those pastimes weren't worth much attention. Her relationship with Gogeta was currently difficult to even describe; something had driven a wedge between them but Bern hadn't been able to pin down what it was.

Of course, she was stubborn and secretive, she wouldn't outright confirm this herself. And judging from how certain Zenta sounded saying these things, her silence would be a sufficient answer to him on its own.

Cuki felt sorry for me... but I never gave her behavior a second thought. Is that why there's only a pittance worth of treasured things in this room? Bernkastel bit her lip, feeling a sense of shame mixed in with a feeling of guilt.

Her cheeks turned red at the word 'child'-- she did not like being pitied, nor did she like having her maturity questioned. As far as Bern could see, she was an adult just like everyone else! Her age was certainly not that of a child's, even if her frame was petite like one. Bernkastel's inner fit subsided as Zenta changed the subject, the meowing of her familiar batting at Zenta's tails causing her to even chuckle a bit at it.

"I suppose I am. He seems to like you a lot."

Her smile faltered when Zenta began to speak about the tragic fate that took away his family. He had one before even meeting Cuki, and it sounded like a very old time span... even though he described happier things, his voice sounded like it made him sad. Bern wondered if he was at least a little sad Cuki had gone off on her own without him. "Family..." Bernkastel's memories of a human world were foggy at best-- the positive ones, anyway. She wanted to inquire about what he meant by being punished, but figured it was best not to if his blindness had anything to do with it.

"That's true, I am pretty tired after all that happened today. My kitty likes you, so I don't mind if he sleeps on your tail. It's softer than I am." Bern patted her torn-up dress to magically replace it with a nightgown, tucking herself into the bed before realizing there wasn't one for Zenta to sleep in. "Good night... are you okay sleeping on the floor? It's not very comfortable."
"To be honest with you, I don't think I've seen anything like these... Xy'pher soldier things." Bage replied to Lucifer, pulling out the crystalized coin that was collected. "I can't say I've noticed anything other than the few kidnappings here and there before. But now, who knows what place they haven't reached. Especially since the little coin collector gremlins have been everywhere. You're right though, the way the King can just crystalize vortex coins so easily, and the steadily increasing numbers of this army... It's worrisome."

Bage began to think back to his first experience with this investigation, staring down at the glove that held the crystal coin. There was a trail of evidence that would explain all of this, it was all so overwhelmingly exciting. Not in a million years did the detective think he would be roped into some mysterious hunt. Not that he was complaining, it was a good way to keep him focused.

"We can only hope it's not to wage a war on the city. It would honestly be a relief if the king was just... Curious about us beings. But i guess that's wishful thinking, huh?" Bage smiled down at Lucifer.
Cross says as he finishing some paper work "Its true we shod confirm what the diamond king wants but with what we know so far dos indicate that that is indeed wishful thinking Bage."
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