"Clean up? Well... if it'll get Detective Goku off our backs for a while..." Avalon carefully tended to Berserk's wound and cleaned it out with his water techniques. He made sure not to get her clothes wet and be gentle while he wrapped up her wounds. "And why do we gotta clean up after his mess? That doesn't sound fair. I mean, I wasn't even involved with that crap..."
As Avalon finished patching up Berserk, he left the extra bandages as a bow on her back. He tried his best to make it match her wild ribbons but failed miserably. At least he attempted.
"My, my, more dirty work," Zenta said as he glanced down at Bernkastel's Kitty friend. He seemed distracted by the cat, barely noticing Bernkastel cleaning the blood off his fur. It was odd to see him so focused on something like Bernkastel's kitty. Even his voice shifted, lowering itself to a near trace-like whisper. It almost sounded mournful. "Your little friend... I... It reminds me of...my..." There was a short pause and a hint of hesitation. Zenta shook his head and cleared his throat. "My apologies, I do not mean to stutter. Thank you for cleaning a humble servant such as I, Lady Bernkastel. I will be sure to return the kindness, my Lady."
He then pointed at Gogeta yet his gaze remained on the kitty.
"I recommend we free him, we cannot keep him restrained forever. However, I suggest you two sleeping in separate rooms. He has already attacked you once, I rather not risk a second attack while you sleep, My Lady. At least for tonight, you should sleep in Cuki's room, where I reside. I will keep watch as you and your kitty sleep." He smiled at the Witch. "Of course, the choice is yours, my Lady."
As the bottle opened up, the contents spilled out for all to hear.
"Xy--what?" Avalon tilted his head at the new information. "So they're called Xy'phers? Huh, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. Sounds like that King is responsible for the weird crystalized coins we've found."
"It appears so," Zenta said, "But for what purpose is he turning these Coins into crystals?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to be lonely? I think he's giving these Coins a new body or something. Could also be instinct. But... why would they attack? And what about the whole 'Traitor' thing he mentioned? Do you think they found a bad apple in those Coins? Like a bad guy?"
"My, my... it seems that we have more questions than answers. Perhaps we should continue to search for these bottles, the mystery thickens."
As Avalon finished patching up Berserk, he left the extra bandages as a bow on her back. He tried his best to make it match her wild ribbons but failed miserably. At least he attempted.
"My, my, more dirty work," Zenta said as he glanced down at Bernkastel's Kitty friend. He seemed distracted by the cat, barely noticing Bernkastel cleaning the blood off his fur. It was odd to see him so focused on something like Bernkastel's kitty. Even his voice shifted, lowering itself to a near trace-like whisper. It almost sounded mournful. "Your little friend... I... It reminds me of...my..." There was a short pause and a hint of hesitation. Zenta shook his head and cleared his throat. "My apologies, I do not mean to stutter. Thank you for cleaning a humble servant such as I, Lady Bernkastel. I will be sure to return the kindness, my Lady."
He then pointed at Gogeta yet his gaze remained on the kitty.
"I recommend we free him, we cannot keep him restrained forever. However, I suggest you two sleeping in separate rooms. He has already attacked you once, I rather not risk a second attack while you sleep, My Lady. At least for tonight, you should sleep in Cuki's room, where I reside. I will keep watch as you and your kitty sleep." He smiled at the Witch. "Of course, the choice is yours, my Lady."
As the bottle opened up, the contents spilled out for all to hear.
As I study the Diamond King some more, I noticed it found a coin-like object while it roamed the outer perimeters of the castle. The coin was encased in the same crystals that decorated the castle and no more than a few hours later, it turned into a being! A... a living being! It appears to be connected to the Coin somehow... The King seemed to be amused and quickly established dominance in its newfound child. I shake with excitement as I write my findings. The new bring, who I dub 'Diamond Child', obeys every command of its creator. They mostly communicate in a language I am unfamiliar with but it seems that the Diamond King is very interested in these Coins. Not long after the Diamond Child was born, it was sent off into Reality Vortex. In its time alone, the Diamond King created a new creature entirely made of small pieces of crystals. They are tiny creatures, no bigger than my palm, that look like ants or... gremlins. They seem to obey the King as diligently as the Child did. And just like the Diamond Child, they were quickly sent off into the world. I have no idea where either went...
After a little over two weeks of studying the Diamond King and Child, I begin to notice their numbers increase dramatically! They are made the same way as the first one--with a Coin encased in the crystals made by the King. From the one Child born a few days ago, I count over a hundred more. The Diamond King appears to demand more of these Coins. Where do these Coins come from..? One Child in particular has caught the attention of the King, an electricity wielder. I don't know how it obtained this power but I suspect it might be the Coins. Every hour, the King continues to add more until I can no longer count. I estimate over 200 in a span of just 2 days. One thing that intrigues me is that in the two weeks I spend studying the Diamond King and his children, they never once ate any substance or slept a night...
I woke up late in the night to hear some chanting... The Diamond Children all speaking in unison just outside the main hall of the castle. I hurriedly write down this entry as I hear their chants. I hide within the walls and peek through a hole to see the Children surround one of their own, beating him violently in front of the King. Their numbers have increased in just a few hours. The word 'Traitor' kept being chanted by each Child until the King approached the victim. Using its psychic powers, it twisted every part of its body, breaking literally every bone in its body, turning it back into Crystalized Coin. During this time, I found out that the King was beginning to speak in a language I can understand, and as the King spoke to his Children, I only managed to understand one sentence:
"We are the Xy'phers..." (Pronounced: Sigh-furs.)
With this new information, I can properly address the creatures. From now on, they are known, according to their King, as the Xy'phers. I will continue my research on the Xy'phers and the Xy'pher King...
After a little over two weeks of studying the Diamond King and Child, I begin to notice their numbers increase dramatically! They are made the same way as the first one--with a Coin encased in the crystals made by the King. From the one Child born a few days ago, I count over a hundred more. The Diamond King appears to demand more of these Coins. Where do these Coins come from..? One Child in particular has caught the attention of the King, an electricity wielder. I don't know how it obtained this power but I suspect it might be the Coins. Every hour, the King continues to add more until I can no longer count. I estimate over 200 in a span of just 2 days. One thing that intrigues me is that in the two weeks I spend studying the Diamond King and his children, they never once ate any substance or slept a night...
I woke up late in the night to hear some chanting... The Diamond Children all speaking in unison just outside the main hall of the castle. I hurriedly write down this entry as I hear their chants. I hide within the walls and peek through a hole to see the Children surround one of their own, beating him violently in front of the King. Their numbers have increased in just a few hours. The word 'Traitor' kept being chanted by each Child until the King approached the victim. Using its psychic powers, it twisted every part of its body, breaking literally every bone in its body, turning it back into Crystalized Coin. During this time, I found out that the King was beginning to speak in a language I can understand, and as the King spoke to his Children, I only managed to understand one sentence:
"We are the Xy'phers..." (Pronounced: Sigh-furs.)
With this new information, I can properly address the creatures. From now on, they are known, according to their King, as the Xy'phers. I will continue my research on the Xy'phers and the Xy'pher King...
"Xy--what?" Avalon tilted his head at the new information. "So they're called Xy'phers? Huh, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. Sounds like that King is responsible for the weird crystalized coins we've found."
"It appears so," Zenta said, "But for what purpose is he turning these Coins into crystals?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to be lonely? I think he's giving these Coins a new body or something. Could also be instinct. But... why would they attack? And what about the whole 'Traitor' thing he mentioned? Do you think they found a bad apple in those Coins? Like a bad guy?"
"My, my... it seems that we have more questions than answers. Perhaps we should continue to search for these bottles, the mystery thickens."