The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Clean up? Well... if it'll get Detective Goku off our backs for a while..." Avalon carefully tended to Berserk's wound and cleaned it out with his water techniques. He made sure not to get her clothes wet and be gentle while he wrapped up her wounds. "And why do we gotta clean up after his mess? That doesn't sound fair. I mean, I wasn't even involved with that crap..."

As Avalon finished patching up Berserk, he left the extra bandages as a bow on her back. He tried his best to make it match her wild ribbons but failed miserably. At least he attempted.

"My, my, more dirty work," Zenta said as he glanced down at Bernkastel's Kitty friend. He seemed distracted by the cat, barely noticing Bernkastel cleaning the blood off his fur. It was odd to see him so focused on something like Bernkastel's kitty. Even his voice shifted, lowering itself to a near trace-like whisper. It almost sounded mournful. "Your little friend... I... It reminds me" There was a short pause and a hint of hesitation. Zenta shook his head and cleared his throat. "My apologies, I do not mean to stutter. Thank you for cleaning a humble servant such as I, Lady Bernkastel. I will be sure to return the kindness, my Lady."

He then pointed at Gogeta yet his gaze remained on the kitty.

"I recommend we free him, we cannot keep him restrained forever. However, I suggest you two sleeping in separate rooms. He has already attacked you once, I rather not risk a second attack while you sleep, My Lady. At least for tonight, you should sleep in Cuki's room, where I reside. I will keep watch as you and your kitty sleep." He smiled at the Witch. "Of course, the choice is yours, my Lady."

As the bottle opened up, the contents spilled out for all to hear.

As I study the Diamond King some more, I noticed it found a coin-like object while it roamed the outer perimeters of the castle. The coin was encased in the same crystals that decorated the castle and no more than a few hours later, it turned into a being! A... a living being! It appears to be connected to the Coin somehow... The King seemed to be amused and quickly established dominance in its newfound child. I shake with excitement as I write my findings. The new bring, who I dub 'Diamond Child', obeys every command of its creator. They mostly communicate in a language I am unfamiliar with but it seems that the Diamond King is very interested in these Coins. Not long after the Diamond Child was born, it was sent off into Reality Vortex.  In its time alone, the Diamond King created a new creature entirely made of small pieces of crystals. They are tiny creatures, no bigger than my palm, that look like ants or... gremlins. They seem to obey the King as diligently as the Child did. And just like the Diamond Child, they were quickly sent off into the world. I have no idea where either went...

After a little over two weeks of studying the Diamond King and Child, I begin to notice their numbers increase dramatically! They are made the same way as the first one--with a Coin encased in the crystals made by the King. From the one Child born a few days ago, I count over a hundred more. The Diamond King appears to demand more of these Coins. Where do these Coins come from..? One Child in particular has caught the attention of the King, an electricity wielder. I don't know how it obtained this power but I suspect it might be the Coins. Every hour, the King continues to add more until I can no longer count. I estimate over 200 in a span of just 2 days. One thing that intrigues me is that in the two weeks I spend studying the Diamond King and his children, they never once ate any substance or slept a night...

I woke up late in the night to hear some chanting... The Diamond Children all speaking in unison just outside the main hall of the castle. I hurriedly write down this entry as I hear their chants. I hide within the walls and peek through a hole to see the Children surround one of their own, beating him violently in front of the King. Their numbers have increased in just a few hours. The word 'Traitor' kept being chanted by each Child until the King approached the victim. Using its psychic powers, it twisted every part of its body, breaking literally every bone in its body, turning it back into Crystalized Coin. During this time, I found out that the King was beginning to speak in a language I can understand, and as the King spoke to his Children, I only managed to understand one sentence:

"We are the Xy'phers..." (Pronounced: Sigh-furs.)

With this new information, I can properly address the creatures. From now on, they are known, according to their King, as the Xy'phers. I will continue my research on the Xy'phers and the Xy'pher King...

"Xy--what?" Avalon tilted his head at the new information. "So they're called Xy'phers? Huh, sounds pretty cool if you ask me. Sounds like that King is responsible for the weird crystalized coins we've found."

"It appears so," Zenta said, "But for what purpose is he turning these Coins into crystals?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to be lonely? I think he's giving these Coins a new body or something. Could also be instinct. But... why would they attack? And what about the whole 'Traitor' thing he mentioned? Do you think they found a bad apple in those Coins? Like a bad guy?"

"My, my... it seems that we have more questions than answers. Perhaps we should continue to search for these bottles, the mystery thickens."
Cross says "This dos give useful insight on the psychology on the Hive we dealing with and a name." Cross says to Zenta "I think its to make cerebritis/nodes for a command and control network."
“If you want Gogeta to be free, you need to take it up to Lilith and convince her. She’s a bit stubborn, though.” Lucifer closed his eyes after hearing the passage of the Diamond King, once Bage explained the concept behind the bottles. He turned to Spina, the old Saiyan’s eyes drawn to the vivid colors that resides in the bottle. 

“I assumed that those little things were the Vortex’s clean-up crew, but the passage seems to be implied the straight opposite. So they aren’t zombies nor ghouls, but this Diamond King is capable of creating “life” by using Vortex Coins as the base. Similar to that of the Coin Hunter, there’s a possibility that they also able to wield their powers and its content.” Placing his hand on his chin, the encounter with the officers was bothering him. “Yet, if the Diamond King was behind this, how did those officers become a crystal beast that quickly? I didn’t sense anything of an orderly being nearby. Did you, Lilith?”

Lilith shook her head. “I didn’t sense anything. Strangely, I couldn’t sense those beasts’ energy as well. It seems that whatever they were made of, prevents their energies from detected by any means.”

“Spina, did you notice anything strange when you fought the leader?” Lucifer asked the old Saiyan, but it seems that he was out of it. “Spina?”

Spina’s eyes narrowed, snapping out of the trance he was in for a second. “Oh, uh, no. It was tougher than the smaller ones, but not enough to dealt significant damage. Even the shot to my leg wasn’t all that.” Spina turned to Bage after hearing the contents. “Xy’phers, huh… so those gremlins picking up the Vortex Coins… they weren’t taking them to secure place. They were taking to this guy, and one thing or another, they become that huh. Sounds like they’re building something gigantic if you ask me. I guess that’s why there’s in the forest… they’re looking for more people to drag back to their lair… I guess.”

"Hmm, I see. I'm not sure if we can consider this a problem, but it might be something to inform the Detective when he turns tomorrow." Lucifer said. "Have you see anything like this from your investigations, Detective Bage?"
Cross says as a matter of fact "Odds are some of hivemind constructs because I should since them if they were living."
Bernkastel looked up at Zenta with a mildly perplexed expression at the trance he was in, pursing her lips at why he seemed so fixated on her familiar. "Oh... I see."

Briefly glancing over to Gogeta, still in his bindings, she stared off into space considering Zenta's words. Bern almost bristled at the notion of entering Cuki's living quarters, knowing they left on bad-- and to her, very confusing-- terms. Even though the letter Cuki left her didn't contain evident malice, Bern had felt something strange and unrecognizable at the back of her mind since reading it. Actually, it was a bit odd to consider entering anyone's room for her. Bern remembered being quite annoyed with Demi-Fiend for making a mess ransacking the place, with her books everywhere.

If she chose to stay in the same room as Gogeta, it would probably result in a similar outcome to the night before-- except this time, he wouldn't hesitate attacking her again. Bernkastel involuntarily flinched at what happened the last time Gogeta was left alone-- throwing a building just after having picked a fight with Detective Broly pretty much cemented Goku's distrust of the Breakers. However, more trouble might be avoided if Lilith's restraints stayed active.

"I think... it might be best if he stays that way in our room tonight. Alone. If he cools off by the morning, then we can consider getting Lilith to release him." Bern fidgeted with her hair, initially sounding hesitant before noting nobody was going to really agree with letting the fusion go. "At this point, keeping Detective Goku from obliterating us outweighs one person's comfort. It's only for one night anyway."

"My sisters definitely would've just threw the building back and forth like a game of ping pong if they intercepted it," Berserk said aloud. "Actually, Brute would've used it to show off how much she can benchpress something."

Looking over her shoulder at the bandages, she tested it by moving her arm around before smiling in satisfaction. "Huh, that's pretty good! You're not too shabby at this.." she paused. "...For a ninja nerd. As thanks, I won't give you a wedgie for a whole week!"

Once everyone gathered to watch the contents of the bottle, Bernkastel's eyes widened in realization.

"That explains why the coin gremlins were so adamant on us putting the shard on that crystal. They aren't really safeguarding them; they're taking it to their King..." She turned to look at the others. "It's impossible to know when these were written, but the first time we fought Ultraman in that section of the city, we ended up turning probably hundreds into Coins! Those gremlins came and took them all." Bern's eyebrows furrowed with concern at the gravity of the situation. "If he had a small platoon before, we practically gifted him an entire army for free. And we didn't even know it until now."

Berserk tugged at her ribbons in alarm. "Whoa-- no wonder they wanted my old man's coin so badly! Do you think any of them might ever go back to normal? All the ones we saw didn't even bleed, they just broke like stone. At any rate, that King guy is an enemy the second his goons picked a fight with us!"
after the bottle's contents were revealed, Bage took his notepad and wrote down more notes. It was all making sense, the crystalized coins, the gremlins, everything he had been studying. The pieces were all coming together, but now there was the motive behind this creation of beings. Why kill people only to turn them into crystal beasts...? Was there a plan for an army of some kind? Why would the Diamond King, or Xy'pher King more like, be interested in something like that?! So many questions filled the junior detective's mind before he turned to Lucifer and Spina.

"I'm just finding out the same as you. But... Spina's idea doesn't seem too far off. But what would it need with an army for? It came into existence alone, what motive would he have to create these... crystal warriors?" Bage pondered, then looked to all the Breakers together. "I will let Detective Goku know what we've found out. But one thing for sure. If we come across any more coins, you do not let those little gremlins get their hands on them. Got it?"
Cross sends to his people active and in actives "Do not hand any coin to the coin goblins and pass that world on. there will be a memory crystal sent soon to pass this information to all trusted places." Cross makes a Memory crystal and sends it to to his people.

Cross thinks "It be better if they think they cant win agencies the war criminal but using it for justification for letting Gogeta out his binds."  Cross says "I would say only let him go wend wend there fighting to be had and other wise keeping like this. Until we can resolve that V thing going on satisfactory to every one, if we don't it would be counterintuitive to what the Breakers wish to be." There is a since that Cross is not afraid of Goku.
“That is a good question.” Lucifer responded to Detective Bage. “A king is essentially building an army of subjects for his own doing, but for what purpose? A war? Is there a conflict between neighboring cities?” The small angel placed two fingers on his lips, tapping a few times as he thought about the issue.

“I never thought to see something like occurred in this world, and the fact that a being is capable of doing such a case.” Lucifer was genuinely curious on the process, and the usage of the Vortex Coins as the base for such creation. Do they draw the powers from the Coins, or they gained psychic abilities as described in the passage? He nodded once when Bage warned them to avoid having the Coin Gremlins take anymore—its clear that they were not the defenses placed by the world like the Black Crystals.

Spina narrowed his eyes when Bernkastel uttered the time where they were inches away from placing the missing shard back to the main one. As the child said earlier, it would’ve engulfed from the blast or worst, pinned them in a situation where they would had been jumped by these Xy’phers. Furthermore, the sheer amount of damage done by Gogeta during his destructive antics few weeks ago seemingly contributed to the growth of such armies.

Lucifer chuckled. “So even Gogeta’s antics still lingers behind the Breakers’ name. These… Xy’phers made have quadrable in size thanks to his actions, depending if the letters was done before all of that. So great leader, what would you do now?”

Spina’s eyes darted back and forth as the realization dawned on him. He clenched his right hand until veins became apparent around his arm, but then he snapped out of it by shaking his head. “We just have to move forward. Most people have seemingly left the city except for a handful, so I doubt we’ll be contributing to them for a while…” His confidence sank just before he ended the sentence. He furrowed his eyebrows, mostly angering himself of how foolish he was for nearly putting everyone in danger over his careless actions.

The old Saiyan nodded in response to Bage’s order to not live the coin gremlins take anymore coins until they figure out the motivation behind the Diamond King. He looks up seeing through the windows that the sun was setting, and the sky slowly became dark. “Yeah… do as you please with that clown.” Spina said as he walked away. He turned to Bernkastel, both of their eyes making contact from across. “We did something competent for once, so let’s try to keep being consistent. Besides… King or not, as that short brat said, picking a fight with us… I’ll crush it.” He headed towards the backyard of the complex as he smiled, which was seemingly contradictory of his body language. “I’ll find that King… and get a real fight out of it.”

Lucifer watched Spina leave the area. “Xy’phers… I wonder if I can find any information on these things. Detective Bage, I would love to burrow you for all kind of information you have.” 

Lilith turned to everyone else, seeing the possibility on keeping Gogeta in constraints. “If you want him restrained until the next day, then so be it. As the one called Cross said, Gogeta has deem himself to be incapable with the group efforts. If he doesn’t let go of this behavior, I’ll personally attend to do the deed myself.” A vague statement she made towards the witch regarding the fusion. “Influx of darkness is already too damaging already... we don’t need another.” A claim she made but didn’t go any further on the subject. “The binds will disappear the next day.”
"But maybe this was written very recently! If so, I think all of our power combined can easily rid about a million of them, right?" Avalon questions in hopes to find a positive side to the situation. "They aren't that strong from the looks of it. They seem to be about as strong as normal people. Hell, even the big guy wasn't much of a problem to Leader Spina. They may have a tough shell but it can still be broken with fists and energy. Maybe this King isn't all that strong if he has to build an army."

"Avalon certainly has a point. Perhaps this Xy'pher King is not strong in terms of strength and relies purely on numbers for protection," Zenta said. "The opponent is very weak, even in their large numbers, I could have handled a significant majority. I assume the same for the others we all, even more so Lady Bernkastel. Her magical capabilities will no doubt leave a large dent in their numbers."

"Yeah, Detective Bage is right! We just need to worry about those pesky gremlins taking more Coins. But hold on... The message also said that the King has the power to turn Coins into people. According to the journal, it said it takes the King a few hours to create one being. Petrovic was turned within a few short hours... Hey! Wouldn't that mean that the King could be nearby?!"

"Perhaps so, but we cannot jump to conclusions just yet, young Avalon. We should continue to search for the bottles and yield more clues. Now then, I believe we should rest for now. Detective Goku said he will be here early morning." Zenta casually strolled over to Gogeta and lifted him again by the restraints. "We will no doubt be on our best behavior tomorrow, yes?"

With a quick turn of his heel, the beast made his way to Bernkastel and Gogeta's shared room. He placed the fusion on the bed and even decided to place the covers on him. Even with the insults, threats, and mishaps of Gogeta, the beast seemed to care about him and tried to make him comfortable for the night. His fingers traced along the desk where Bern read, trying to search for a lamp. He looked so... helpless. Like a typical blind person. Finally, after switching all the lights off he stood by the door for a brief moment and spoke calmly to Gogeta. "If it helps you sleep easier, Gogeta, I sense incredible potential from you. Should you learn to quiet the storm in your mind, you will achieve a talent that will impress even Whis. I have faith you can conquer the summit of the mountain before you..."

Zenta closed the door behind him and noticed Avalon getting comfortable on the sofa. "Do you not have a room, Avalon?"

"I'm not sure... I don't mind sleeping on the sofa."

"Why not sleep in the same room as Miss Berserk? You two seem to get along great."

"W-What?! N-No way! She's a girl! I can't just... y'know, sleep on the same bed with a girl..! It's, I'unno, weird! Besides, I don't wanna see anything... inappropriate. She's a lady, and as a man, I should look away from any... parts."

"My, my, and here I thought chivalry was dead." Zenta chuckled as he strolled past Berserk. "Quite the gentleman you have there, Miss Berserk."

As soon as he made his way back to Bernkastel's side, the beast quickly faced the small cat close to Bernkastel. He seemed to return back to the trace and slowly leaned down to stare down the kitty. Ever so carefully, he placed his hands underneath the feline and lifted it up into the air to examine it before pressing it against his chest, cradling it like a child. Shaking his head free of any thoughts, he turned to Cuki's room and opened the door to head inside. The room was almost entirely empty aside from a bed, a dirty whiteboard, a few books, and a desk. No painted walls, no window, absolutely nothing. It was depressing.

"Cuki told me that her room is full of vibrant colors and walls full of everything she cherishes most. She said this room is packed with her most treasured items. Ah, I wish I could see such relics. Tell me, Lady Bernkastel, is it beautiful..?"

The whiteboard had the names of the Breakers as well as their likes and dislikes. The only thing on the wall aside from the whiteboard were photos of the Breakers either laughing or smiling. They all were located by her bed as if to help her sleep easier. Every person to have been apart of the Breakers was there, except Berserk and Avalon since they were brand new.
Cross says nicely "I would offer mine bed but I don't think it even exists because of the fact I don't need too sleep." Cross did open a book as he started to have a meeting with his people.
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