The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says to Spian as a matter of fact "I don't think we did this for a war criminal(Goku) approval."

Cross says to Goku with the same tone Goku used with Spina "Despite how fare that statement is; the way you chose in contacting us did add a count of Braking and Entering." 

Cross thinks as he keep doing his paper work "I not going point out that Brge was right there."
Berserk stared back at Avalon with a confused expression on her face due to his sudden silence. "Avalon, you don't look so good. You okay?" After he placed his hands on her shoulders, she asked again but this time had a bit more concern in her voice. "Wh, what? ... Uh. Hello...? That kinda hurts, y'know..." she winced.

Once he abruptly stopped and seemingly bounced back from a very awkward moment of unknown tension, Berserk just looked at him with the same confused look from before. Rubbing her shoulders uncomfortably, she waited for him to leave before going through herself. "What a weird guy."


Bernkastel's stern gaze didn't change, having expected Gogeta to give her some kind of contemptuous answer.

"Well, I shouldn't be surprised; he knows more about the goings-on of the world than we have in the last 3 years. An impatient fusion falls quite low on that list of priorities, wouldn't you say?" Bern said with a chuckle and half-lidded eyes. "Whis didn't even object when I told him I'd look after you, remember? Though he really should have warned me about your attitude problem beforehand."

"But that's okay-- with all that you've said just now, I'm feeling better already." A knowing smile spread across her bloodstained features, looking evidently satisfied about something despite Gogeta's obvious attempts to anger her. Bern gave him a good-bye wave as Zenta effectively threw the fusion through the portal.

"There's definitely something off here," she told the beast. "Whis won't bother teaching him a technique like Ultra Instinct for the same reason I'm grappling with; he won't control that stubborn impulsivity. No doubt that was why he looked so upset the day of our return." Bern put a hand on her chin, having recalled his faceoff against Spina being fueled entirely by delusions of a Vegetto that wasn't there. "Underneath the venom of his words, it feels like there's something hidden in them... to know what exactly it is we're dealing with here, I need to pick his brains more."

Following Zenta's gesture, she nodded once to him and stepped through the portal after the rest left. "Until then, I'll just have to endure his egoistic rambling. This ought to be easy to clean I hope." Seeing Detective Goku there holding boxes, Bernkastel blinked in alarm as she listened in on the conversations going on. "Office? You mean, you're having Bage stay here? And what about the child?"

"Man, your boss must really have it out for you, Detective," Berserk told Bage. "And I'm hanging out here voluntarily."
"Oh! Well it'll be easier than having to stop by the agency before coming here everyday. Thank you kindly sir!" He replied to the Detective with an optimistic smile before turning to Berserk and rolling his eyes with a smirk. "Yeah yeah, the Breakers are terrible. But they showed real potential today! Well... Some of them."

Bage glanced back at the restrained Gogeta then back to Berserk. "But it'll be fine." 

At least hopefully. The junior detective turned back to Detective Goku once more. "And I'm sure we can entrust the boy to you, Sir?" Then in a moment of hesitation he turned back to the child. "... I'm sorry, I forgot to ask your name." Bage Kneeled down to the boy. "Im Detective Bage and this is my boss, Detective Goku. You were real brave out there today! I bet you're ready to head home now."
"The name's Mikey!" The child jabbed a thumb on his chest as he appeared to show off to Bage. "And yeah, I'm worried about mom. I know she's been looking for me but I couldn't lead those nasty crystal zombies back to her. But I wonder how Billy's mom is gonna react knowing he's... well, gone."

Mikey bit his lips before shaking the memory of his friend's demise from his mind. As Goku asked him about the bottle, he glanced at the bottle on the table.

"I wanted to keep 'cuz it's super cool looking and it helped me against those monsters. I think you guys need it more, huh?" The boy took the bottle from the table and handed it to Bage. "I'll let you have it since you saved me. But you gotta promise to keep those nasty creatures away from us. ...I have a feeling they'll be back. I... I just wanna go home now."

Avalon entered the home and let out a sigh of relief, feeling he finally got the worst of the day out. Unhooking the bright scroll from his hip, he rolled it out on the floor and squatted before the empty paper before him. A brush appeared in his hand as he began to write down everything he experienced in a different language, entirely concentrated on filling the scroll. He occasionally whispered to himself before jotting down more notes, being very careful and punctual with his scroll. All he thought about was Berserk's wound.

"Still not strong enough, Avalon..." He said to himself as he rolled the scroll back to normal and baring his teeth. "You can't protect anyone in this state..!" He took a sharp breath before rising up to his feet and exhaling out his negativity. One look at Berserk and he instantly felt his body ease up and relax. "Right... I got something to do."

The ninja slowly approached Berserk with a large smile and stared down at her arm as he held out his scroll.

"Man, we should fix that, huh? I ain't the best with healing but I got just enough experience to help flesh wounds." Avalon smiled brightly as he tossed the scroll in the air and it changed to bandages. "Don't worry, I'll be careful!"

As Bernkastel entered the portal, Zenta was the last to arrive in the apartment. He overheard everything Lucifer and Goku were talking about and seemed to be happy that the child would finally be heading home. Yet, despite the success of the mission, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken about how many people he sensed within the forest. The fact that even the child was scared of the creatures' return gave him some concern.

The beast then turned to Bernkastel as her comment about picking Gogeta's brain rang in his head. He remained quiet for the most part, allowing everyone to say their piece.

"Now that Bage will be staying nearby, I believe it will be harder to misbehave, ohoho~!" Zenta joked before turning to Goku. "Will you be taking the child back home? After all, we did complete both missions our leader gave us," The beast nodded to Spina. "Our original mission of finding the child as well as solving the mystery of the missing Officers, in turn, proving our innocence. His leadership skills are refined enough to guide even the most chaotic member."

Zenta grinned at Goku.

"I am not here to persuade you in any way but I will remind you that we are not all brutes, ohoho~!" He said as he made his way back to Bernkastel's side. "As for you, Lady Bernkastel, I recommend using some magic to heal that nose of yours. I will be here to aid you in every step I can. I guess you can say I am at your service, my Lady."
“Please. You are in no position to make any sort of claims nor cited any sort of law. Your threats have no weight, you have no power, and have limited mobility to make any negotiation here. The only reason you brutes are still standing is because I’m willing to see past the idiocy, the sloppiness, and the overall incompetency, mainly thanks to outsiders willing to vouch for you. Now shut up and keep your words to yourself, Mage.” Detective Goku’s glasses flare up and glow brightly for a couple of seconds before fading. “Understood? Understood.”

Spina sweated a bit, though, he noticed a strange coloration of his eyes. A shift of blue and red, flare at once in each pipuls. Mumbling under his breath. “What was that?”

Detective Goku turned to Detective Bage, Bernkastel and Zenta, questioning about the fate of the child. “Rest assure, I’ll return, Mikey, to his loving family. Your love ones must be worried sick about you.” Turning to Bernkastel, the detective nodded once again. “Yes, Detective Bage is a talented warrior, and an equally talented detective. I have confident that he’ll figure something out—and watch over you lot from doing something extremes. And judging from the injury on your nose, and Gogeta being wrapped up like a rice ball, putting Bage the job is fitting for such. So forgive, beast, but I’ll see it when you lot become consistent after this.”

Spina and Detective Goku made eye contact for a brief second before the latter grabbed the child’s hand. “If the leadership is that impressive, then continue such. Thanks for the information about these crystal beasts, however. Bage, you have a lot of work to do, but I’m sure you get it done. I’ll look forward to your progress.”

“Hmph.” Spina crossed his arms. Based on the eye contact, the old Saiyan noticed the Detective’s concern over Gogeta, but remained silent, remembering his advice from earlier.

“Since you are all here. You have another task about the building that Gogeta tossed over. I can’t arrest you since no one died. And you guys don’t have any financials mobility to pay for the damages cause by such. So I’ll be forcing you lot to clean up the mess he did. I’ll be here tomorrow to give you the details on what to do on your next mission.” Detective Goku said.

Spina raised a brow in confusion. “Huh? Tomorrow? What time---”

“Goodbye.” Detective Goku and Mikey disappeared instantly.

“….Great.” Spina said.

“At least he has some confident to even consider our group for clean up.” Lucifer said. “I supposed we’ll be seeing a lot more of him for now on. At least we have some success in this little chore you guys did. No problem, no drama, no nothing. Well, except for Bernkastel's bloody nose, and Gogeta right on time with his usual antics.” The small angel chuckled a bit. "I do hope this doesn't soured that relationship you two had been going on and on about." Lucifer turned to the bottle, seemingly interested in the colors. “What is this, by the way?”
The confident smirk vanished instantly from Gogeta's face, his glare and contempt raising in the face of Bernkastel's successful navigation in avoiding the very simplistic warfare he wielded upon her. A clear novice of mental warfare, Gogeta's annoyance rose on his face without any attempt to hide it in watching Bernkastel's satisfaction at the small response and he barely realized what had happened after being thrown through the portal; having mostly ignored Zenta's comments in his singular focus on Bernkastel.

Emerging through the portal with a heavy thud on the floor, Gogeta grimaced and glared down at the floor. His eyes diluted a bit, zoning out during the conversation with Detective Goku while he stared at the floor in hearing a familiar voice.

"There, your arm is healed. Don't get yourself injured so easily again."

"Then give me the power you promised, and I won't be hurt by little trees."

"You insolent child, I'm giving you the means to finish off all of them. Stop being a reckless fool and wait; there is a time for this. It isn't now."

"It is now, and you better deliver it!! Or get the hell out of my mind!"

Gogeta's glare sharpened a bit, and his forehead twitched a little bit in a frustrated grunt. The black marking of the V on his forehead suddenly cracked at the middle; a very small separation of the line that was barely noticeable.
Cross says an annoyed but completely expected tone since Gouk was gone before he could respond "so war criminal Goku left before I could respond. Typical for the self righteous types wend some one calls them out they resort to violence and/or running away."

Cross says finishing up some paper work "We have more pressing things than "detective" Goku." Indicating torts the bottle that they just reserved.
"Aw what? Now we're on cleanup duty?" Berserk resigned herself to sitting on the couch and turning her back toward Avalon for him to help clean the wounds on her back she couldn't reach. "How lame, that isn't fun at all!" She pouted. "Better than getting eaten by crystal zombie things I guess..."

Bernkastel's gaze didn't meet anyone's face directly, briefly clenching her hand into a fist by her waist. Her expression hardened briefly before she forced herself to relax. "Hmph... It's nothing worth getting distracted over at the moment. Keeping Goku off our backs is our primary objective; we don't have a choice here and I believe we're all in agreement that none of us have a death wish... mostly." Cupping a hand over her nose, Bern made her way to the kitchen sink to wet a rag to wipe off blood, and to cool her face.

"I'll see to it there won't be a second time," Bernkastel muttered to herself bitterly. A small purring sound by her feet caught her attention, looking down with a softened gaze at a small black cat wearing a red bowtie on its neck. "Oh, hello... Don't worry, the Coin Hunter won't come to bother you again." The witch figured that the scent of her blood must have alerted her familiars enough to send a scout. Pulling out a hand mirror, Bern let the cat observe the surroundings as she cleaned and healed her wound by pinching the bridge of her nose. The cat looked up at Zenta mainly for the fact he had her blood on his fur. Noticing this, she began to pat away the blood off the beast considering he was blind, judging from her cat's suspicious look.

"Don't get the wrong impression, Kitty, he isn't the one tied up on the floor. Now, let's see the contents of the bottle now that we don't have any distractions," Bernkastel asked Bage as her familiar circled around them in assessment. "Hopefully this one has more information we can use while we're out and about."
"Yessir! I won't disappoint you. And be safe Mikey!" Bage nodded to his boss watching him disappear in seconds before hearing all the Breakers concerns and complaints about the new assignment they were giving. He turned to Lucifer and Bernkastel as they asked about the bottle. 

"This is the key to learning more information about the Diamond king! So Let's open this thing up and get a move on. The city's not gonna clean itself up." The Saiyan then raised his hand to the bottle to open it up and reveal the information to the group.
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