The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Berserk's wide-eyed look of shock shifted to evident horror at having watched the giant creature pulverize Avalon until he was nothing more than a flattened corpse, instinctively covering her mouth to hold back any noise of terror she'd let out. With Spina tossed aside and the creature turning its sights onto her, she visibly recoiled like she was trying to disappear as she tried backing away. However, there was only a massive horde of the other people surrounding everybody. Her eyes began to water feeling hopelessness set in.

"E-eeek! No!" Berserk covered her arms tightly over her head the moment she saw it move to attack her, squeezing her eyes shut in anticipating what might happen next. "I'm too pretty to die!"

Frozen in her spot, Berserk next felt a gust of air and opened her eyes to see their attackers running away and the giant ultimately gone. Looking around, she took several tiptoed steps toward Avalon's body once the coast was clear. Giving a confused expression at it suddenly dissolving, she heard Avalon from behind her. 

"Huh? B-but weren't you just..." Berserk cut herself off and wiped her tears off with her sleeve before turning around to face the elf with her hands on her hips and a haughty grin in place of her distraught look.

"Wahaha! That was a good trick, and it was super lucky I caught on! If that creepy thing knew you were faking, we woulda been in serious trouble." Berserk played it off with a cavalier attitude. "I wasn't worried one bit yanno? Just be a little more careful next time about rushing in by yourself, dweeb! You just got lucky I covered for you." Crossing her arms she stuck her nose in the air and stuck her chest out. "So appreciate your good fortune nerd."


Bernkastel cautiously eyed the clearing, looking rather confused that all it took to drive their ambushers away was to get rid of the giant one. Still, even at a distance, something that large looked very threatening. She shuddered to think what could happen if there were more than one just now.

"Me...? Uh..." She struggled to place an answer to Zenta's question, raising a hand carefully to check her injury without touching her nose; she was able to calm down to coherent speech with his assistance. "I think the... blood, will stop soon. I didn't mean to get your fur dirty with so much of it." Physically she was fine aside from the broken nose but for some reason, she felt a heavy pressure in her chest and it gave Bern an aching sensation. However, she was sure nothing had actually pierced her; Bern poked her sternum with a blank stare in perplexed curiosity but found no physical pain resulting from prodding the area. "My face really hurts still, but it hurts here too. That's strange. Nothing hit me there..."

When Spina approached her, Bernkastel visibly flinched when he came near her. She narrowed her eyes and uncomfortably crossed her arms, bitterly expecting him to give her an 'I told you so' lecture. "Fine, you were right, okay?" She said in a low tone as she looked away from him toward her bloodied attire. "Clearly, this 'buddy' thing is completely meaningless to him now. No need to entertain this 'buddyness' anymore." However, since she couldn't feel the presence of the person Spina referred to as Black, it made her feel even worse. Her pained expression changed to a smoldering look of anger. "Gogeta made his choice to stand against me. He'll know well and proper what a mistake that was soon enough. Understand, brute?!" Bern turned to glare over at Gogeta before she became somewhat confused at the sight of the strange black energy coiled around him. She didn't remember casting that in her attempts to use magic on Gogeta; not that it mattered given how much upset she felt about him at the moment. "...Hmph."
Gogeta grimaced heavily under the constriction of the bonds, the only manner that reduced his frenzied actions. His wild rage stare danced around, but as soon as his eyes found Bernkastel and Spina, his body went still.

The heavy rage did not subside, only shifted from a wild inferno to a cold, hateful stare. Gogeta kept his grey pupils trained on Bernkastel throughout, his dual voice firm and heavy while he stabilized his breathing.

“The only mistake is you...witch. You’ll never control me...none of you will. And when I get free, I’ll start by destroying your pet dog. I swear it.”
"Why are you in-fighting so much?" Bara then asked, clearly annoyed by the argument she had overheard between Gogeta, Spina and Bernkastel, "stop that nonsense and just focus on the true problem; that giant creature and those crystallzied coins! How do you expect us to work together as a full team and co-ordinate each other's actions if we fly at each other's throats at any opportunity?! Stop acting like a bunch of babies and man up for Kami's sake!"

Brachi on her turn blinked at the sudden outburst of her Majin friend and even Jize was surprised.
Bage scanned the area, trying to see if there was any of the crystal beast left before powering down to his base form with a sigh of relief. As he descended toward the ground he listened to the child, smiling as he offered his cooperation. 

"That's very considerate of you, but let's get you somewhere safe first before we get to the questioning. You've been through a lot, I'm sure." 

The detective's demeanor was soft and kind, as to keep the child's mind at ease. He glanced over and caught the one and only remaining coin of the crystalized leader's coin, placing it into his pocket. His tone switching to something much more firm as he addressed the breakers. "While that is true, Our job isn't done here. So whatever this is..."

Bage gestured to Gogeta, "figure it out. We're heading back to the apartments."
Cross says as a matter of fact "I wanted to put that brat(Gogeta) in his place but bout you(Spina) and Bernkestel have a grater right too it." Cross says "this is to bout Gogeta and the thing that gave him that V thing your luck just ran out." Cross is willing to let the Spina and Bernkestel take care of it but he was willing to help those two if needed.

Cross says nicely and as a matter of fact "Bere its far more we sick of his lack of respect for the social contract that the majority of us agreed too. Any farther on this topic can be don at the apartment."
Once the group was finally safe from the danger, the forest's eerie sensation lifted and the tension pressing down upon them vanished. Zenta let out a sigh of relief before finally lowing his ears to their placid state, no longer sensing or hearing the enemy anywhere near them. The chirping birds were music to his ears.

Although he enjoyed the serenity of the forest, his attention focused back to that of Gogeta who laid helpless on the floor then to Bernkastel.

"Now, now, Lady Bernkastel, such harsh words should only be reserved for your enemies. Your nose will heal in due time but for now, we need to focus on what has transpired as well as what information the child can offer us." He paused briefly before commenting on Bernkastel's 'chest pains'. He cupped his chin within his hand and tilted his head. "As for your other pain, it sounds like a heartache. Through experience, I know the side effects can lead to grief, despair, agony, and abandonment, just to name a few. Oh, but someone of your caliber and status should have no problem overcoming such simple and trivial things, yes? After all, you have your friends by your side. Though, prolonged exposure to this pain is never any good either. A few years is more than enough to shatter anyone's will to pieces, rending them an empty husk. ...Luckily you will never have to suffer that cruel demise with so many people to your aid, ohoho~!"

As he smiled gingerly to Bernkastel, Gogeta's comment forced a chuckle out of him. He approached the fusion and squatted down before him, staring him down with the same innocent smile he gave Bernkastel. His hand reached out to pet the top of his head reassuringly.

"I had no idea Lady Bernkastel had a pet dog, I always assumed she preferred cats... Though, if I remember correctly, dogs are often sniffing the backsides of those superior to them. I heard that insecure dogs sleep on the same bed as their masters for protection. I think it is rather adorable... Anywho, on to more important matters such as the child."

Zenta rose himself upwards and took a large step over Gogeta's body, walking over him.

"Huh? Cocky?" Avalon scratched his head at Spina's remark. "But I'm a ninja, remember? I have to be sneaky and confuse the enemy. Not everything revolves around brute force y'know." He nodded before smiling brightly to the older Saiyan then turning to Berserk. "Aww, you knew it was a trick? Darn it! I was hoping that I'd pull a fast one on you to see your reaction. Oh well, I guess I need to work on my technique then, huh? I still got more up my sleeve, so you better keep your eyes sharp, Berserk! I'll get you next time for sure."

His ears twitched when he overheard Cross talk about ghouls and zombies and instantly remembered Berserk's wound.

"Zombies? Ghouls?!" Avalon turned pale. "E-Ehh... We can't be too sure about that, we have no proof about that yet, right? ...Right?!"

"No! They aren't zombies, dummy!" The child in Bage's arms shouted. "You need to leave the city! I saw it! I saw what happened to that Officer! It's the same thing that happened to my friend!"
Seeing Bernkastel’s demeanor towards Gogeta had changed somewhat, Spina crossed his arms. “Is that so? Let’s see you stick to that then, Witch.” He raised a brow at Bernkastel’s expression when bringing up the black energy that’s constricting Gogeta. “This isn’t… your work?” He turned to see Zenta walking towards the fusion, after the latter threatened him with violence.  “Then who did this to him? Cross?”
“My apologies. Lilith have a nasty habit whenever it comes to these things, especially seeing a woman of high standards lower hers for someone’s appeasement.” Lucifer said from the distance.

“Lilith?” Spina raised his brow as he turned around to see Lucifer—the angel in the middle of crystalized encased vortex coins. His eyes softened as the blue glow receded and the golden hue around his body evaporated. There were no noise from when Lucifer unleashed his attack on the horde that attacked him—as if it vanished instantaneously.

“The heart aches watching those destroyed themselves for others. That’s the feeling Lilith sees.” Lucifer said. “Though, it also a good thing too—we managed to have minor damages, well, compared to the usual ones anyways. It’s a good thing that Lilith stopped him before he went out of control. That way, we can actually focus on gathering data.” Lucifer picked up the crystal with the coin inside of it. “Ghouls… Zombies… perhaps so, or perhaps not. If this was the mission you were taking, I should’ve gone with you earlier… this piques my interest.”

Spina narrowed his eyes as Lilith, the name of the caretaker, appeared in front of Bernkastel. Although her veil was covering her eyes, her mouth opened to speak to the witch.

“Don’t let no man pull the strings of your heart.” Her tone was harsh, but masculine, in contrast to Lucifer’s soft and feminine tone. She stood up afterwards and went towards the angel, picking him up from the ground. “Are you going to constrain him? If I let him go, he’ll simply go out of control, considering he threatened the one called Zenta.” She asked Bernkastel.

“Yes. Constraining him for now until we get back. The kid said something interesting. I would like to know until before the jester makes a choice.” Lucifer smile. He didn’t like being on the ground. “I’m assuming we’re taking the kid back to the apartment?”

“Yeah, last thing we need this guy’s boss coming down on us.” Spina said, turning to Gogeta. “No matter what you or that freak do. You can never beat me—you aren’t even worth the satisfaction for a fulfilling fight. I'll focus on something far more than waste anymore time. With Bernkastel with her senses, I have all the need to wipe your mug off this place. For now, laid there.” The Saiyan walked over to Bage with the child. “So, you little monster, are there more of them in the city? What happen to the officers and your friend?”
Cross says "Both zombies and Ghouls seem the best to fit those creatures behavior Avalon. I would strongly advise any wounds were inflected by those crystals things to be checked out just incase." As he confirmed that those creatures only hit his wards.

Cross says as a matter of fact "We can assume that this "diamond king" person may be a strong contender for the one that did this. "

Cross says to Lucifer in a tone that shoes that he is speaking form experience "Good to reaffirm that trait is common in archdemons of Lust."
Bernkastel raised a clenched hand as Gogeta further insulted her, looking like she was about to snap at him again before those around her cut in. Letting out an annoyed huff, she put her arm down by her side while Zenta talked to her. Initially, she quirked a brow looking like she wasn't quite fully understanding what he or Lucifer had meant by the emotional meaning of the heart. But what's making it hurt in the first place? Bern thought, failing to picture anything other than an anatomical heart. Her expression quickly flattened out into a blank look as she stared off into space, in deep thoughts about the notion of what could happen about being exposed to a heartache for too long. Something flickered in her dull eyes in reaction to that, but for only a moment that anyone would miss if they weren't watching her closely. However her silence was not for long, as Bernkastel began to laugh it off despite her chuckles sounding disjointed and monotone.

"I am a witch after all, it's preposterous to be letting myself get tossed about by a mere organ. Whatever's making it hurt, it'd just better go away soon-- I think I've been distracted for long enough by trivial things like that. Nobody need fret over what's nothing more than a defective organ." 

Bern seemed to fidget a bit with her ribbon after Lilith said her piece, looking almost ashamed at her actions being seen in that way. "It's a bit silly indeed, isn't it. But I've concluded the same thing; Gogeta will have to stay in constraints until the most pressing matters are done with. If he won't cooperate, then he's better off doing nothing."

She briefly glanced down at him on the ground before her eyes narrowed, the change in how he addressed her having caught her attention. Goku and Spina's words echoed in her mind; Bern figured that she needed to find out for herself the true extent to the change in Gogeta. An eerily placid smile formed on her face, seeing an opportunity in him being limited to speaking for the time being. "Let him say whatever comes to mind. It's the least we can give him considering he's all tied up." She said to Spina.

"Leave the city? But it's practically empty!" Berserk stopped herself and thought about all the people that tried to jump them. "Unless... it's only empty now because someone hunted down all those people and did weird brainwashy stuff to them! How'd that happen?" She asked the boy as Bernkastel cast a portal back to the apartment. "Can you really turn people into moving statues with weird rock parts?"
Gogeta grimaced, his glare trained and the shadowed lines under his eyes growing slightly. His hateful glare, however, suddenly softened a bit at noticing the other Breakers stepping in to stop Bernkastel. The move had challenged the twisted image he had clung too about Bernkastel, and for a brief moment, the fire had diminished in his eyes.

His eyes followed Bernkastel and upon seeing her raise a fist, Gogeta’s eyebrows twitched in clear confusion to the threat. Yet all confusion and conflict within ignited up into smoke and flames as Zenta pet the fusion’s head like a dog, Gogeta’s glare snapping up in a heavy wide eyed glare. The fury smoldered slightly, however, as Gogeta chuckled darkly in reply.

“Ha...cats. Weak little creatures, don’t they run away too much?”

He shifted a bit on the ground, his white teeth grinning a bit.

“You trained yours well, teaching her to run away from her betters like that. I’ll destroy my problems, like mine taught me!”
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