The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross asks as any those that even tried to mess with cross or his robe were killed and being used as weapons on more creatures "I can make erect a barrier if we can't simple take out the leader." 

The golden skeletons started too join in too other fights aiding the others. A good number of the golden skeletons are using the creatures as weapons on other creatures.
Bara nodded as she moved towards Gogeta's location, seeing him being practically overwhelmed by the creatures and the body builder, with Brachi and Jize noting her current direction and moving in to assist her. With her current state as a Super Saiyan Blue, Brachi then fired a Big Bang Attack towards the creatures which had engulfed Gogeta to liberate him, before she fired a Destructo disc towards the creature to stop his approach. 

On her turn, Jize then formed energized projections of her trident and fired them towards any of the other creatures, most of them striking their mark to give Gogeta some breathing room.
Bernkastel did not catch sight of the strange black whirlwind that swirled out around her, spiralling from the pain to even realize what was going on. If it weren't for Zenta having to step in on time, the Witch would have been easily defeated by an opportunistic attack by their strange assailants. Bern's laugh died down to choked-back sobs of pain, as even the mere movement injured her.

"The pain... it really hurts... I can't take it..." she hiccuped to him, turning her head so that touching Zenta's chest with her face wouldn't incite any more sharp stings from her broken nose. Bernkastel's inflamed airways were going to fill with even more blood if she tried to breathe normally, face already bright red and tender to the touch. Even so, she forced herself to give a stiff nod of the head at Zenta's words. "O-okay... it's hard, but I'll try," came Bern's congested-sounded reply.

Attempting to drown out the panicked thoughts among the ruckus, Bernkastel forced herself to think of something to focus on while Zenta helped her evade attacks. Anything about Gogeta or the indecipherable emotions swirling in her mind had to be blocked out. If she took the ache one step further, the adrenaline should kick in for her to concentrate enough. "Okay... I know what to do. Just don't let go--" Bern raised both of her trembling hands up to her tender face, hyperventilating before holding her breath as she assessed where her nose had broken.

Now! Before the pain makes me remember--!

Straining to contain her pained scream between gritted teeth, Bern gripped and moved her hands in a swift and hard motion, a loud crack resounding as more blood spurted out with a shrill yelp as the sharp pain radiated throughout her head. Panting and wrenching her eyes back open, Bernkastel looked back up at Zenta to focus her staticky eyesight. "R-ready now. We're outnumbered here... aren't we? If we can get a clear shot for all the minions, maybe I can even out the playing field."


Berserk flew into the air on cue with Avalon's, although she initially displayed a grimace at being called names by the same person giving her the orders. "Okay-- I'm taking lucky left!" Using her speedy flight to remain out of reach from below, Berserk watched what Spina and Avalon did for their attacks. Her eyes focused on the growing crack on the giant's abdomen-- she felt instinctively that it would be the best weak point to exploit. "Alright, my turn!!" The girl reeled her arms back as her eyes glowed bright red, the same energy encasing her hands. 

"Let's go for a triple punisher!" With a battle cry, she fired the eye beams in tandem with throwing her hands out in front of herself for a combined plasma energy beam, hot enough to scorch the plant life it passed on its way to the being's cracked abdomen.
As the chaotic battle rages on, Lucifer became fixated on the movement on Detective Bage—he was similar to that of Gogeta and the others, a Saiyan. “Another Saiyan… perhaps I should look more into these species.” The small angel’s eyes sharpened upon hearing multiple footsteps come to his direction. “Hmm?” Lucifer noticed that he was completely surrounded by the gremlins from every side, several of them taking those crystallized coins. “Well, this is quite unfortunate. I don’t like being put in this kind of position—you know well to control yourself and let things played out.” The small angel said, as his eyes lightened up. “Now, strange creatures. You pique my curiosity…” A warm smile lifted the corners of Lucifer’s mouth—a smile that contains a sinister element that spells disaster before the horde around him.

The chaotic battle being unfolded by the horde of enemies that spurred out; Spina took note of the cracked wound increasing in size on its abdomen. As Avalon and Berserk coordinated their attack, Spina slammed his right foot forward. Seeing that the others—not Gogeta—actually taking their place and displacing these creatures was signs that the mission was going to be successful. “Tsk, finally, someone that isn’t a useless sack of shit for once.” The old Saiyan let out a battle cry. “Rising Blast…!” Providing more firepower, an energy of vivid colors formed around the palm of his right hand, blasting towards the giant crystal beast.
Upon the surge of black energy encasing his body, Gogeta's confident and dark grin vanished once again in being surprised in the sudden move, crashing hard onto the floor with a yelp. His crazed stare turned down, and immediately, the man's energy flourished in his wild and drastic attempt to squirm out against the strange force covering his body.

"No!! I was free!!"

The creatures swarming Gogeta did little to phase him: the dramatic surge in his energy covering his body protecting his face from any lasting harm in his singular focus to try and break free, almost even as if he worked alongside the creatures to break the black energy coverng him. In tandem, it grew to be a dangerous force of its own; the staggering level of power raising in his own attempt to get free and scorching any nearby attackers.

Gogeta's focus and wild stare went unchallenged from even Spina's taunt or Brachi and Bara's intervention; the pure anger and hatred from being restrained once more had driven him to a desperate frenzy to break a new target for him to channel his seeded frustration and rage. Inhaling deeply from the mouth and his cheeks expanding outwards like a mouth full of water, Gogeta suddenly launched his head down and unleashed a massive force of destructive telekinetic energy down towards his covered body in what angle he could to attack the black magic on his front.
The junior detective watched as the crystal beasts looked up at him, hesitating before coming together like ants to try and get to him and the young boy. He lifted one of his hands up, ki collecting into his hand before shooting it down at them to destroy them and collect any of the coins left behind once their bodies disappeared. 

"Let's end this quickly! The priority is this boy's safety!" Bage shouted out to the others in battle, keeping his priorities straight. Though he couldn't help but notice the completely crazed state that Gogeta had been transforming into. "Is that normal for him...!?" He turned his head toward Spina, very concerned at what he had been seeing.
The more the group fought, the more of the mysterious creatures came out. They were incredibly outnumbered and it appeared as if a tiny army surrounded them in the forest with hundreds staring down at them from every angle within the forest. The numbers were so vast that they began to chip away at Zenta's blockade and digging through the earth before them to try and get to the Beast and Bernkastel.

"Oh my, this is getting out of hand... I sense so many around us. Their numbers surpass the hundreds." Zenta said. "We need to end this quickly or we will need to put forth more effort in destroying these things."

As Zenta finished his sentence, all the Breakers were surrounded by what looked like hundreds of enemies. The forest trees hid their true numbers but there was no escape for the Breakers. Even if they decide to fly, the enemy would ambush them in the treetops. As the leader continued to let out battle cries, more and more continued to rush in. The space the Breakers had in order to fight was now getting limited.

As the giant creature took the mess of mini explosions from Avalon's attack followed by Berserk's plasma attack, he stumbled back with no indication of pain on his stone-like face. Yet, the damage on his body proved otherwise. The creature looked down at his growing crack on his abdomen and quickly stared back at Spina, rushing directly towards the blast. There was a large explosion upon the collision and smoke blew debris everywhere. As the smoke started to clear, loud stomping noises were heard. Hidden within the smoke was the monster who dashed to Spina and tackled him with his shoulder. The impact sent Spina flying back. The crack grew larger and larger until he looked as if his entire body would literally crack in two.

It turned its sights to Berserk and Avalon who returned to her side. Angry at the fact that these two managed to do a lot of damage to it, the creature let out a loud roar that echoed for miles across the forest. His body started to morph and bulk up, appearing larger and far more threatening and gross. The number of muscles it added blocked out its neck and forced it to stand on its knuckles. Two large spikes sprouted from the side of its head, making it resemble a bull in both appearance and strength. Without warning, it instantly rushed on all fours towards Avalon and Berserk.

Instinctively, Avalon placed himself in front of Berserk in an attempt to protect her before being impaled in the chest by the monster. He was dragged on the floor before ripped off the horns of the creature before being slammed against the ground repeatedly and violently. He slammed his massive arms on top of the ninja's body, each time a sickening snap was heard over and over until finally, the elf laid motionless on the floor. The way the man pulverized Avalon's now mangled corpse was overkill to say the least. It turned to Berserk and exhaled loudly through its nose as he approached her and lifted one arm above his head.

"For the Red--"

Before it finished speaking, the crack that spread across its body quickly shot up towards its face and snapped its entire body in half vertically just like a piece of chiseled marble. Both halves of the creature turned into puffs of smoke before hitting the ground and left behind the crystalized Coin they all seem to leave behind. As soon as the leader perished all the other creatures stopped attacking almost instantaneously to stare at where their leader was last standing. There was a silence that lasted several seconds before the creatures stared at the Breakers. Suddenly, they all turned away and ran back to the forest in a frenzy, if not fear. With the leader gone, they lost all morale and retreated back to the safety of the forest.

All the Breakers were safe, at least for now. Every crystalized Coin (except the leader) also disappeared with the enemy, stolen, and gone from sight. In less than just a couple of seconds, everything was back to normal, as if nothing was ever there.

"They retreated?" Zenta pointed out as he carefully released Bernkastel. "Looks like you will not have to expend any energy on the enemy, Lady Bernkastel. Same for you, Sir Cross." He kept by Bernkastel's side as he erected his ears above his head. "They are still running away from us. Beating the leader appears to have scared them away. Well, I believe we can rest easy now, ohoho~"

Still, they were incredibly weak... I think Bernkastel's magic would have been overkill. Speaking of which...

Zenta bowed his head humbly to Bernkastel.

"Are you alright, my Lady? Your cries have me worried..."

As Avalon's corpse laid in a bloody mess, it started to melt into water before seeping into the ground and disappearing from sight. In a twist of events, a voice rang out from behind Berserk.

"Man, good thing I wasn't there to get that massive beating, I would've been toast!"

Standing upside down from a tree branch was Avalon who watched his water clone disappear, completely unharmed. He dropped from the tree and walked to where his clone was beaten to death and placed his hands behind his head.

"Yeesh, I'm happy my water clones don't feel any pain but I can't say it didn't hurt to watch myself get pulverized like that." Avalon fixed his scarf before turning to Berserk. "Anywho, we did great, huh Berserk?"

"T-They're gone..?" The child looked at the area the Breakers were fighting in. "Whoa... cool. Hey, we should check up on them. ...And I know you guys were looking for me and my friend. I'll explain everything to you guys if you want."
In the post combat the golden skeletons tossed the bodies they used a side (I assuming that those coins would remained) near the boss but not obstructing it.
As the golden skeletons vanished looking at Cross robes that many golden inlays of skeletons appeared on the robes. Looking at the robes one can tell there are a lot of gold and sliver skeletons on Cross' robes.

Cross says "So more ghoul like than zombielike." Cross starts too check the wards he had protected him. Cross says "I would check any wounds in case the crystals are act like some kind of infection as bage dos his job."
Brachi watched as the creatures retreates, powering down as she didn't bother to go after them, knowing they had won this battle.

Bara blinked at this however, while Jize remained rather neutral, looking around to see if there were any coins left behind.
Spina landed on the ground after being flung back from the creature’s shoulder tackle. “Tsk.” His eyes narrowed as his aura flourished around him in a malicious intent. Seeing Avalon being beaten repeatedly until he lay dead cause him to tighten his gripe. Not out of anger nor concern over the ninja, but rather, the strength of this creature, especially him morphing into something bigger, got him curious. “Persistent huh? I’ll show you no merc—” Before the old Saiyan can finished his sentence, the giant turned into a crystalized coin. 

Seeing the other diamond creatures disappearing into the forest after the fall of the supposed leader, Spina felt robbed of a potential fight to ease off his frustration. “Hmph.” He let out a disappointing muffled. “Don’t get cocky, you damn brat. Thankfully, you got huge ears to listen to simple directions. Next time you run off your own, I’ll kick you out of this group.” He walked over to the crystallized coin, outright passing by Gogeta, and ignoring his struggle and his seething rage, to pick it up.

“Nothing went wrong this time.” He turns to Bage and tossed him the crystallize encased coin. “That’s a good mark for us, right Detective.” Spina turned his head slightly downward, seeing Gogeta blasting some powerful force of energy as the black substances wrapped around more tightly the more, he struggled. He turned to Bernkastel, seeing the bloody smear on her face. “Finally decided to put him in his place. Took you long enough." Spina said with a disappointing glare towards the Witch.
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