The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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The caretaker griped her fingers, curling Lucifer’s small suit and causing it to wrinkle. “Hold on, let’s see what these… things do.” Lucifer calm the caretaker’s concerns. “There’s something visibly strange… about them.” He isn’t as well-verse about the situation compared to the other Breakers, and the erratic behavior of them blindly attacking seems fiendish in nature. “Zombies? I don’t think that’s possible in this world, but then again…” Lucifer rubbed his chin, taking a noticeable distance away from the battlefield.

Spina tumbled against the throw, grunting in pain as the deranged officer pierced his shoulder and slashed his chest repeatedly. He balled his hand into a fist and punched Petrovic across his face to forced him off him. Creating distance between himself and the officer, Spina took up and noticed the damage on his shoulder.

“Tsk, you were definitely not capable of doing this much damage.” Spina smirked, sensing that these officers weren’t up to spar. Feeling a bit excited of a battle, Spina attempted to hold back his intentions. “They have that some crystal thing we saw yesterday. What can we do Bage? Can we destroy them?” He said.
Gogeta had stood silently through Bernkastel's warning, his glare unchanged. As soon as the chain had split, Gogeta lifted his arm and smirked to himself once he was free. Like a child that clearly had not listened to a word his caretaker had tried to teach into him, Gogeta turned his back to Bernkastel without a word as he bolted forward with a sinister, dark pink fire radiating around his body.

He shot forward, blasting first through the three man confrontation with Zenta. The flare and size of his energy ignited as he passed; a definitive attempt from the fusion to intentionally knock back all three in the middle of their fight to simply cause issue if Zenta had spent too much focus on the other fighters to notice Gogeta's approach. The simple antic and childish display indicated Gogeta's true feelings; revealing that while he had spent time focusing his rage on Spina and ignoring the others during the apartment confrontation, he clearly felt strong animosity and wounded pride from Zenta's mannerisms at the apartment enough to warrant the action.

Black lightning surged violently around Gogeta's aura, a sudden spike in power forming as he blasted up to Spina and Petrovic's confrontation and landing next to his supposed teammate. His swift movements were quick as he arrived, his glare strongly trained on Spina as if his only intention was to fight the older Saiyan. However, Gogeta's smirk rose in a dark grin as he suddenly shot his arms out, gripping Spina's arm and suddenly swinging him around in a rapid spin. He spent little time in the motion, hurling the older Saiyan directly at Petrovic in a bid to slam the two together.

Gogeta quickly straightened out his body, an elegant pose with his right arm raised forming while Spina flew towards the officer from his throw. His outstretched hand with his thumb tucked into the palm rapidly formed a large, devastating pink sphere of energy; the ground and trees blasting backwards from the force of the energy that mounted.

"Big Bang Attack!!"

The sphere shot forward rapidly, tearing through the ground as it approached both Spina and Petrovic in its relentless charge forward.
Seeing this action, Brachi immediately bolted forward. In a rush of speed following the attack, she moved to push Spina out of the way of the attack's path, while locking her own guard in to at least block some of the attacks damage by surrounding herself with a barrier, placing herself in a position where Petrovic would receive the brunt of the attack. Brachi wanted to ensure Petrovic would snap out of his sudden berserker state, but also to be alive. 

On her turn, Bara moved towards Spina to see if he was okay.
"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned about the older Saiyan.
Bage had been completely caught off guard by this scene as he hurried into the clearing with the others. Seeing Officer Petrovic murder Officer Holmes, caused a pit of dread to fall into his stomach. He stood silently and examined the foes as the Breakers sprung into action. Avalon was certainly right. They weren't normal at all. But why?

The junior detective watched the fights drag on, the [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]mechanical movements of Petrovic and the other strange people [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]gave[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] him an uneasy feeling.[/font] Was this really some mind control? How would they subdue them without harming them severely? He thought to himself before noticing the gleaming color of a small coin in the back of the child's neck just above the spine as they tackled Cross next to him. It was only for a second, but it confirmed any suspicion he had about their physical form.

"I think we-...!" Bage turned to Spina at his sudden question but was interrupted by a gust that built a brief wall between him and the Breaker's leader. He opened his eye to see the fusion showing no mercy to these beings or even Spina himself. His narrowed eyes widened as the beam was fired into the forest, with seemingly no concern for any of the others.
Avalon shielded the child as Berserk fired her eye beams at the lady, making her fly through the area and slam the tree trunks. The ninja lifted his head to see Berserk giving him a helping hand and his worried expression instantly turned to joy. Without wasting time, Avalon performed some quick hand signs and clapped his hands together; his arms would behind to release a thin layer of water that ended up coating them entirely. As he opened his hands, he 'pulled' out a sword made of the same water now covering his body. He followed up after Berserk's attack and rushed to the lady who appeared to be stuck within the tree trunk and impaled her right in the abdomen.

The lady jolted slightly before slumping over Avalon's shoulder and turning into smoke, dropping only the odd crystal with her Coin inside. As Avalon leaned over to pick it up, two women fell from the top of the tree and piled up on Avalon. Luckily, the man was quick to evade them this time and backflip his way back to the child and Berserk's side.

"There's more of them?!" Avalon grunted.

"I told you there's a lot of them!" The child cried out. "You have to escape!"

"No can-do, kiddo. I don't run!" Avalon turned to Berserk. "Well, Berserk, I hope you don't mind playing rough!" The two ladies morphed their bodies so that their arms formed into the identical weapons that the others were using before rushing towards Avalon and Berserk. "I'll take the one on the left and stick close to the kid!"

One of the ladies sliced Berserk's arm and kicked her in her stomach before using her mouth to bite down hard on her shoulder. She shook her head in a futile attempt to rip Berserk apart but ended up just tearing her shirt. As she struggled to do major damage to Berserk, the woman ended up scratching Berserk's back with her sharp arm in an attempt to pull her to the floor.

As Avalon braced himself to fight another one of the mysterious creatures, he noticed the child run away in a hurry to Bernkastel and Bage. Well, at least I don't have to worry about the kid now...

The child attacking Cross flew off thanks to his wind and landed on the floor lifeless for a few seconds before rising back up to his feet. He did not show any signs of pain or damage as he stared blankly at Cross. The boy rushed at the Magic-user once again, but this time, slipped under him to appear behind him. In an instant, he jumped on Cross's back and grabbed on to him as he slashed and scratched at Cross's skull/head. The child growled and began to chew on his robe.

Petrovic flew to the side when Spina punched him and remained still for a moment before moving back to his feet. One of the Officer's arm shifted back to normal as he took aim at Spina with his hand. In the center of his palm, the tip of a diamond started to form until it took the shape of a thin and slender crystal. 


The crystal fired towards Spina, aiming and going right through his leg. Strangely enough, Petrovic was the only one that was able to use his form differently compared to the others. Since he was the only one who used a gun, his body seemed to imitate that somehow. Yet, it was short-lived thanks to Gogeta's interference. As Spina crashed on to Petrovic, the latter skidded on the floor. His attention shifted to Brachi for a brief moment, ready to attack her, until he saw the raging sphere of energy hurling towards him. He barely reacted on time as he was blasted away by Gogeta's Big Bang Attack, leaving behind a crystal with his Coin inside. It managed to bonk Brachi on the side of the head.

Meanwhile, as Zenta gathered as much knowledge as he could on the mysterious enemies, Gogeta's sudden rush flung back the two men attacking him. The beast flew back but landed on his feet in a very refined manner as if the push barely bothered him. The two men were right back to rush at the beast who seemed more distracted on Gogeta's antics and approach to the fight. Without even staring at the two beings attacking him, he swiftly dodged and redirected attacks as he did before, this time, paying attention to the Fusion. Once Gogeta unleashed his Big Bang Attack on both Spina and Petrovic, the intention became very clear.

I see, that is the game he wishes to play. Very well then...

In a nimble action, Zenta instantly gripped onto the arm of one of his attackers and forced it down against his knee, bending it backward from the elbow which ended up snapping the appendage clean off. The Beast now held on to the javelin-like arm of the man, surprised that it chipped off like a rock. Zenta hopped in the air and slammed both his feet against the man's chest, pinning him to the ground for a moment as he turned to face Gogeta.

He tossed the marble arm in the air before roundhouse kicking the sharp arm to Gogeta. It flew wildly through the forest at incredible speeds before slamming against Gogeta's stretched out arm, impaling him right through his bicep. Zenta turned away from the fusion to pay attention to his attackers, using the same leg to effortlessly kick the one on the floor towards the one running at him.

By the time the scared child arrived at Bernkastel and Bage's side, he seemed out of breath and clutching the mysterious Bottle tightly in his little hands. However, upon realizing Bernkastel and the reputation that followed her, he instantly backed away from the Witch.

"Gwaah! The Blue Devil is here?!" He held up the bottle towards Bernkastel like a sword as a means to defend himself. He walked closer to Bage. "S-Stay away from me! I got this bottle and I'm not afraid to use it on you, you monster! Back off!"
Some earth fell off form wear it would scratched the back of Cross' skill. Cross thinks "That another word I need to check on after this."  If the child had any self prestation instinct would kicked in if that thing had any. The skeleton on the robe start to glow gold and silver as a golden boney first punched the child off the robe and Cross. 

As a golden skeleton charges the the child with the intent to kill. Cross thinks "These people I don't think have a good enough concept of the zombies/ghouls and it take too long to explain." 
Brachi grunted as the crystal hit her in the side of the head, but otherwise bounced off due to the barrier she had raised up to protect herself at the time, with Jize checking on her.

"Are you okay?" Jize asked.

"I'm fine... I think... that crystal hurt a bit." Brachi said, rubbing the part of the head where the crystal had hit her, while Jize used telekinesis to lift the crystal up to examine it without touching it.
Spina’s eyes widened upon hearing the words bang uttered from Petrovic’s mouth. A sudden gunshot went through the old Saiyan’s leg. Due to Gogeta appearing right next to him, he didn’t had time to register the sudden wound nor properly react to the fusion once again free to do as he wished.

As event became to unfold rapidly as more deranged individuals starting to appear, jumping from the trees and the bushes around them. The old Saiyan felt he was being pulled in as his eyes locked onto Gogeta’s sinister smirk. “What are you—” Spina was toss around rapidly, messing with his senses before being hurled towards the officer.

As both of them tumbled against the ground, the Spina raise his head as his eyes narrowed upon the elegant pink energy ball heading to his direction. The old Saiyan tried to stand, but due to the wound to the leg, it caused him to struggle and not be able to stop it nor move out of the way in time. Luckily, Spina was pushed out of the way of the attack’s trajectory by Brachi, causing him to tumble over multiple times before a complete stop.

As the attack connected with Petrovic, it resulted an explosion that generated powerful wind pressure across the forest. Spina raise his head as his eyes darted back and forth in shock of what just transpired. He look at Gogeta, the mere apathetic look on his face that shows no regard. Then, he turns to Bernkastel, the Witch that was supposedly keeping an eye on him, yet immediately went for the most dangerous path. Veins appeared around his forehead, his body shaking with anger and furious eroded in his eyes. His aura flare around him slightly as hot streams erupted from his body due to the rapid increase of temperature. The ground beneath the Saiyan started to melt from the sheer heat he was emitting. His pipuls disappeared as his muscles grew by the second; his hair shifting from black to gold; and baring his teeth as he slowly begin to succumb into his anger.

Yet, the moment when Bara approached him and ask him a question—Spina’s pipuls reappeared. “No.” The old Saiyan slammed his head against the ground repeatedly until his forehead became bloody to calm himself down. Raising his head again, Spina turned to Bara and nodded. His muscles returned to normal, and the hot streams emitting around him cooled. “I’m fine. This is nothing.”

Spina stood up, seeing that the gunshot wound wasn’t too damaging. He took a deep breath and exhale as his senses returned to normal, well, his normal. He turned to the Petrovic coin, being levitated by Jize, seeing that despite the change of power and abilities, they aren’t that hard to defeat. “Thank to that fool, we can destroy them until we figure what the hell is going on with them. Bara, go assist Zenta and destroy them with high enough energy. Last thing we need is to get overwhelmed.”

The Saiyan rushed towards Berserk and Avalon that were seemingly in the tangle with two deranged women attacking them. In swift speeds, he grabbed one of them that was attacking Berserk from the back and slammed the woman against the ground. He raised his hands and fired an energy blast at point blank range. “Detective Bage! Seems that we got our answer. We have to destroy them and forced them to their default state—until we figure something out. I can say that won’t be bad in your eyes, eh?”

Lucifer’s eyes soften, then sharpened upon Gogeta and Spina’s actions. “Hmph. This looks like it'll become an absolute mess. I wonder how he'll respond to such incident."
Bara nodded at this before heading towards Zenta to assist him, firing a regular Vanishing Ball at the ones attacking him while running ninja style over the ground, zipping left and right to confuse the enemies in case they would come after her.
Gogeta’s smirk instantly vanished at the sight of Brachi knocking Spina out of the way, his hair and clothing whipping around his body under the destructive winds that his attack’s explosion left in its wake. Despite the intensity of the blast, his attention locked onto Brachi for a few seconds with the annoyed stare, yet soon turned down to Spina. The lack of recognition on Spina’s face did little to deter Gogeta’s attitude, and upon seeing the disinterested expression like Ultraman, Gogeta broke out back into a dark grin.

He lowered his arm a bit, but his grin faded away once more at the sudden sharp pain in his arm. He glanced down with a surprised stare, looking over the marbleized arm stuck in his bicep. His glare turned up, and despite cringing in pain a bit, Gogeta scoffed to himself in yanking out the arm and tossing it to the side. His arm drooped down, and his eyes dulled a bit in his thoughts to himself.

“You promised me strength above the Breakers, but they still hurt me. This weak form isn’t even as strong as my highest in Blue!”

“You don’t need more yet. I need more time to get your body ready; I need to repair the cells-

Gogeta’s eyebrows shot up in a rage, his eyes widening with a furious expression.


He stood still shortly after, glaring out at the ongoing fight while he let his bloodied arm dangle at his side.
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