The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Sound like a plan! there's no reason to hold back!" Bage nodded to Spina before calling out, "So let's take them down and secure the coins. Brachi! hang on to that one!" 

The Detective had readied himself to help the others take down the crystal beasts, but his attention was taken by the child practically screaming at Bernkastel with another of the message bottles in his grasp. He turned with a light chuckle, then walked over to the boy, hoisting him up and into his own arms. "Easy there, Bern's not gonna hurt you. We're here to protect you."
"And here I was sure you were carried away by the coin gremlins..." Bernkastel crossed her arms and grumbled at the child's remarks. "Well at any rate, it's for the better you stick with Detective Bage. I'm hardly qualified to look after an egg at this point," she paused to rub her temple with a free hand. "Speaking of which..." The witch opened her eyes and glared daggers over at Gogeta.

Berserk was practically wrestling with the woman on her back and couldn't land a punch at its usual strength since she was swinging one arm in an uncomfortable position to the other shoulder. Not to mention one arm was bleeding and bitten. The punches she did land felt like she was hitting something hardened like stone. "Hey, what gives?! It won't budge!"

Only when Spina intervened was she properly freed, cursing as she stood up to assess the damage to her shoulder. "Ow... man, this was my favorite shirt! Now I'm even more pissed off!" Holding up her good arm, Berserk charged a red energy bolt in her hand before hurling it in direction of the woman facing off Avalon. "This does way more of an effect than just hittin' em, huh?"

Just witnessing Gogeta's maliciously intended attacks was enough to set Bernkastel off-- there was next to no patience left in her to deal with the fusion and it was evident in her stone-cold glare of thinly-veiled fury. Setting off in an angry stride, she cast a magic blast at point blank rage towards the child attacking Cross as she passed by. Walking up to Gogeta who was seemingly focused on anything except what she ordered, Bernkastel's frustration practically radiated out of her body as the steps she took left behind dead grass for footprints.

"What part... of no problems... don't you understand?" The witch seethed with a tone of barely restrained anger, roughly grasping Gogeta's bloodied arm and digging her nails into the skin. "Why can't you just do as you're told for once?! Must I beat some sense into that overcooked noodle that you call a head?" Bernkastel shook the damaged arm violently as she berated him, pressure building up from her small frame as her pent-up frustration reached a boiling point with him. "Perhaps I will, considering how you screw up every lucky chance you get in the most humiliating manner possible! I've just about had it with this newly acquired attitude as well! It's absolutely maddening you don't even pretend to care that Goku's watching our every move!"
Weird... they seem to die when hit with energy blasts too, but mine took a hit to the gut. Maybe it's just fatal blows?

Avalon snapped out of his thoughts before noticing Berserk in trouble. Thanks to Spina pushing one of the attackers off Berserk and blasting it dead, Avalon focused more on the remaining one. The man rushed to Berserk's side and pointed to the lady with his hand, which imitated a gun.

"Water Style! Water Snipe!"

As Berserk launched her energy bolt to the energy, Avalon fired his own attack. A thin but powerful stream of water escaped his fingertips and circled around Berserk's attack, forming a double helix of red and blue. The attack slammed against the lady like a drill, piercing her through the chest and flinging her across the forest floor. The impact of it also sent her crashing through some trees, causing a few to tumble down to the ground in a heavy thud.

"And that's that! Looks like everyone handled these things pretty easily!"

Thanks to Bernkastel, the child attacking Cross was immediately taken care of and the last man bothering Zenta was quickly disposed of by Bara's attack before it had a chance to retaliate. Everything seemed to be settling down apart from the gradual rustling of the tree leaves overhead. As the rustling continued, the child in Bage's arms began to fidget uncomfortably and point up to the treetops with the bottle. He gripped on to Bage tightly as his eyes swelled with tears of absolute terror. 

"T-They're coming! Y-You gotta get out of here! The big one is gonna be here soon!"

The rustling grew louder and louder until it just suddenly stopped. The forest was deathly quiet until thumps were heard. Within the thicket of the forest, a glint of a large body was seen. A being, similar to the ones they've been fighting, slowly walked into the clearing. It looked like a bodybuilder with abnormally large arm muscles and sharp shoulders. Compared to the rest, he looked more 'diamond-like' and his Coin-Crystal was located directly on the center of his chest. He stared directly at the Breakers as he gripped on to a tree next to him. His arms pulsed before digging his fingers into the bark, lifting it out of the ground and pointing it towards the Breakers.


In that instant, the canopy above the Breakers rained down enemies! Every Breaker (Bage included) would have a small pile of vicious attackers gang upon them from above and force them to the floor. Each Breaker felt sharp stabs and scratches in various parts of their bodies as more and more fell from the treetops like wasps. By now, the Breakers were probably dealing with over 20 individuals, including what appears to be the leader holding a tree.

Berserk and Avalon were surrounded by what looked to be a group of teenagers. Avalon took the initiative and pulled Berserk close to shield her wounded arm from any more damage. He shoved the creatures off of him and Berserk and kicked a few of them away. At that moment, he noticed something odd. While they seem to outnumber them, the beings were not as dangerous as he thought. Despite the violent acts and senselessness of their attacks, they were still very weak strength and power-wise, the exception being the Leader attacking Bern and Gogeta. Without a second thought, he grabbed one of the boys attacking him and didn't hesitate to snap his neck before watching the boy limp in his arms and disappear into smoke, leaving only the crystal with his Coin behind.

Huh..? He's just like any other teenager..? Then maybe..!

"Heads up, Berserk!" Avalon spun around and tossed one of the smaller boys to Berserk. "Give 'im a good whack on the head with everything you got!" He then turned to Spina who also had a wild bunch of enemies stabbing and scratching him. "You too Spina! Give them a powerful punch!"

Spina felt his tail grabbed, his legs slashed, and even an enemy on his shoulders trying to pull his mouth open and stab him there. They all had to work hard to try to pull Spina down, but as they struggled, it became apparent that they were unable now that the Saiyan was ready for some action.

Cross found himself with more creatures surrounding him, each one pulling on his robe to keep him down while the others tried to pick apart his bones in an attempt to weaken him and his magical spells.

Brachi and Jize felt the weight of many enemies pile down on them, so much so that it breaks her barrier. Just like the rest, they mindlessly attacked Brachi and Jize by overwhelming them with numbers. While some of them rushed to Brachi from behind, others ran to her side and managed to jab on of their arms through her leg and another through her side. Jize was also hit on the side but one of the enemies was aiming for her head, trying to kill her along with Brachi. Yet, like Avalon and Berserk, despite being stabbed, the power behind the beings felt lacking.

Bara and Zenta would also have tons of creatures land on them. With Bara, they grabbed her head tentacle and yanked at it, pulling her to the ground and rushed on top of her to inflict damage on her face. A few of them decided to bite her, thinking she would be made of bubble gum or candy by her looks.

Bage had his pile of enemies try to pry the child away from him. Since Bage was so tall, they had to jump and slash at his arms in a feeble attempt to capture the child. The boy smacked at a few of the enemies with the bottle, knocking them away but they managed to slice at his legs. Finally, one critter managed to climb up Bage's back and hope on the kid, pulling him to the floor as he instantly was surrounded by the beings in a stabbing frenzy.

"Get 'em off! Get 'em off!" They're gonna eat me!" The boy cried. "Help meeee!"

Gogeta and Bernkastel were also attacked from above. Bernkastel got most of the pile, almost as if the creatures knew she was a bigger threat than Gogeta. While most of them were busy ripping her dress apart in a confused frenzy to stab her, some of them were practically weightless on top of her. They grabbed her hair, stretched her arms, and tossed her around as if she was a doll, yet, it felt more annoying than harmful, aside from the obvious stabs she received. Without hesitation, the leader lifted the tree overhead and aimed it down to Gogeta and Bernkastel with the intent to slam it on top of the two, even at the cost of attacking his own kind.
Brachi grunted at this, being pinned down and hissing in pain at feeling her leg and side being stabbed, before she recovered and instantly turned Super Saiyan Blue, using the force of the transformation to blow the creatures off of her, before she grabbed one by the neck during flight.

"You wanna play rough? Then let's play rough!" She said, before delivering a fierce punch to said creature, defeating it before firing a simple energy wave to defeat a few others in the process. 

Jize on the other hand avoided the strike aimed for her head, right as the force of Brachi's transformation blew the creatures off of her, giving Jize just enough time for her to stand up and grab her trident, proceeding to impale two of the creatures on it by herself, defeating it.

"Uncivilized!" She commented about the creatures, swinging her trident to smack several of them around.

On her turn, Bara used her Body Manipulation to harden her body so the creatures biting her would break their teeth on it after the first few tries, before using Eye Lasers to get rid of those attacking her face, getting up afterwards and floating up in the sky, firing a few regular ki-blasts at the creatures to gain momentum.
Cross says as like the child any them garbed at the robe or Cross a golden boney first did punch off any the creatures . "I will just let my robe take care of you lot." A group of golden skeletons appeared with the intent to kill those that tried to keep the robe's master (Cross) down or even pulled it. 

The first golden Skeleton had just finished killing it killing the child creature and plans on using that corpse as a weapon on another one those creatures.
Gogeta grimaced heavily, yelping loudly and dropping down to one knee once Bernkastel latched her fingers into his damaged arm. His face contorted heavily under the pain for a moment, his eyes shut while she berated and chastised him for the lack of control displayed in his behavior.

As soon as she finished, however, his eyes rapidly shot open and an ominous gleam of pink energy spilled off his pupils. Red veins adorned the edges of his white eyes that were wide to the brim, the focused and violent stare trained immediately on Bernkastel. The expression was unlike the fierce and confident stare of a warrior who committed full resolve to win  in pure offense like Gogeta normally displays. The rage and malice boiled over; the action of Bernkastel's punishment a clear reminder of the illusionary restraints the man felt in morphing the expression normally on his face.

Despite the intense, wild rage filled stare glaring her down as its own indication, it was clear in Gogeta's eyes that the fusion now saw Bernkastel as another reminder of his perceived plight with the Breakers. A desperate, rage driven animal demanding its freedom from the handler attempting to bring the creature to heel.

There was no thought or reasoning needed to justify his next move, his free arm raising immediately and his hand balling into a fist. With extensive, devastating energy, Gogeta hurled his fist forward and slammed it straight into the bridge of Bernkastel's nose; the size of his fist being enough to strike her entire face and propelling her backwards.

Gogeta paused, his eyes wide in shock at what he had just done. He stared down at his fist, surprised even at himself for the audacious move. Yet as he stared down, his open mouth slowly morphed into a crazy, happy grin as he flexed his fist.


Gogeta let out another series of crazed, dark chuckles as he suddenly shot up to his feet, the dark pink aura flourishing rapidly from under his boots and encasing his body in its shine. His pupils trembled, the white toothy grin raising in seeing the horde of small creatures come for both Bernkastel and him. His damaged arm raised, bending at the elbow as a bright pink aura within his own flourished around his arm; the energy empowering the damaged limb. His arms and legs rapidly shot outward, each strike unleashing monstrous power in an attempt to kill any of the onslaughting members of the strange army attacking them.

He shot forward in a dash, closing to the horde attacking Bernkastel. Laughing manically, Gogeta rapidly pummel and whirlled his fists around in attempting to outright murder each and every attacker lunging for Bernkastel. His eyes shot up in time for the leader to hurl the tree down towards the two. His undamaged arm shot up, punching the tree cleanly in half and unleashing enough force to send the severed halves flying high into the sky.

In a concise follow up, Gogeta's energy covered arm that hadn't punched the tree then shot forward, attempting to punch the leader square in the stomach with a heavy blow.
Resolutely staring back sternly at Gogeta, Bernkastel didn't release her grip on his arm until she saw the change that replaced his previously pained expression; bloodshot eyes with a killer look only a wild beast would have. The person she was looking at now was almost unrecognizable; no trace remained of the easygoing goofball nor the focused warrior beneath that extroverted exterior.

Immediately realizing something was terribly wrong, witch's eyes widened upon seeing Gogeta raise his arm back, too caught off-guard to realize in time she needed to evade. In an instant, she only saw his fist just before it slammed her face and sent her flying far across. Only when her back collided with a tree trunk did she finally open her eyes, blinking away the bright stars clouding her field of vision. Aside from the initial impact, Bernkastel was stunned from the disorientation and ringing of her ears.

There was then a distinct taste of iron, and glancing down toward her peripheral vision, she saw various splotches of bright red staining her bow and dress. Something was causing more to drip down off her face. "Blood...?" Wiping at it caused her face to scrunch up, her eyes gradually widening in horror at the amount that got on her hands.

"It's... blood..." slowly hunching over, still wide-eyed, Bernkastel realized her nose was gushing with it. Unlike when Ultraman had struck her in the cheek, that pain was instant and over with thanks to adrenaline already in her system. This time was different; it came with no anticipation, much less having been dealt out by her 'buddy'.

"Ouch... it hurts...! It hurts it hurts it hurts!" Her panicked voice raised to a high pitch, legs buckling as the visceral sensation made itself known to her again. Bernkastel didn't even register what happened next as the Breakers found themselves surrounded by entire groups of assailants.

Berserk jerked her head around in confused astonishment at the sheer numbers having appeared from nowhere. It was like they were expecting the Breakers to return. Was this a setup?

"Where'd they all come from?!" She huddled close to Avalon at the disturbing way more of these strange people moved out from their hiding spots, especially fearing the giant who seemed to be the leader of the pack. "There's nowhere to run either! They cut us off!" Thinking they were going to get piled on, she peeked an eye open to see Avalon managing to fend the teenagers off. Observing what he did Berserk nodded. "A fatal hit... alright!" The ribbons on her head quickly lashed out to hook onto one teen around the head and shoulders before twisting for a quick snap of the neck.

Bernkastel found herself swarmed by the creatures, but she only writhed beneath them in pain before pushing them off with an explosive gust of air and a pained scream. She clutched at her face like a wounded animal while Gogeta's crazed laughter rang out all around her. 

"Gogetaaaaaa!!!" Bernkastel howled at a shrill pitch, blasting the remaining stragglers around her and Gogeta with no scruples as her face turned bright red. "Why?! I work myself RAGGED over your disgustingly sentimental wishes, and you repay me like this?! All these stupid promises you can't even adhere to were your ideas all along! And still... still, you dare call me a weakling! WE'LL SEE WHO THE WEAKLING IS, INGRATE!" Bernkastel thrust her arms out, aiming right for Gogeta's back since he now was fixated on defeating the giant being before them. "A terrible, no-good jerk like you is no buddy of mine! I'll discipline you the way I should have from the start!" She seethed, readying her attack.

But nothing happened. With a growing sense of frustration, the witch attempted to force a magical attack out again and again. Not even her arms would move a muscle. Tears rolled down Bern's cheeks as she let out a humorless choked laugh-- her own body was betraying her by refusing to carry out her commands of blind fury. She couldn't do it.

"Hahaha... To let you poison my mind and fill it with absurd sentimentalities..." She buried her face in her hand to attempt to stifle her broken laugh as her chest felt like it was being constricted by an invisible weight. It hurt worse than all the injuries she'd sustained physically, yet nothing had pierced it. "I really am a proper fool."
Seeing the woman turned into a coin after being engulfed from his  Ki blast confirmed Spina’s suspicion. “They aren’t that strong. This will be eas—” The old Saiyan turned his head to the appearance of the giant crystal man. Seeing it easily lift the tree and ordered multiple diamond creatures to attack, Spina smirked with pride. “So that’s the leader… I can finally put a little more effort.”

As the diamond creatures rushed at him and trying to bring him down, Spina flung his right arm around and knocking them back in the air at once, noting what Avalon stated. “Blasted creatures. Unleashing fatal blows shouldn’t be a problem to deliver.” He hurled several energy blasts at their direction, engulfing them whole before exploding.

Spina’s ears picked up sounds of Bernkastel crying out in pain. His eyes narrowed, in the plight of a horde of enemies rushing at them with intense to kill, and a gigantic leader had presented itself as an obstacle to protecting the child—another problem once again arise. Bernkastel and Gogeta was at a crossroads. He didn’t see the punch—but he had never heard Bernkastel scream at such level of agony before. Not since the Doom battle, but only in the context that she had lost her beloved. Turning to their direction, seeing Bernkastel shouting at him in anger, a flicker of blood spiral out of her face. The creatures themselves couldn’t possibly be able to do such damage, but the way how Gogeta laugh like a manic didn’t leave him much to think about. Bernkastel was hurt.

Grinning his teeth at the total dismay, at the time like this, Spina realized that the more things let on, the more trouble it’ll become. Last thing needed was another reason for Detective Goku to haul them, especially with Detective Bage watching their every move.

He turn to Berserk and Avalon—two people that he barely knows, but considering the circumstances, there were no time to hesitated, he had to rely some form of trust into these two. Like an old veteran stepping into the light of commanding a squadron, Spina called the two. “Berserk, Avalon, on me. The leader is clearly controlling these things, so we have to take him out before it causes anymore damage. Both of you fools, take the right and left respectively, while I handle the front.” 

Spina ran towards the leader. His hair shifted from black to a golden flair, his eyes becoming cyan colored as his muscles mass increased significantly. A rare showcase of Spina using the form, a golden elegance, yet filled with malicious excitement for battle. Yet, the problem arise upon getting there—Gogeta and possibly Bernkastel needs to be removed before anything else blows up, and this mission becomes an actual disaster. Balling his fist tightly, Spina made the decision as the gap between himself and those two grew closer.

“Truly a fool. Allowing a man to tug your heart and disgrace your reverence at every turn.”

A twirl of black energy appeared behind Bernkastel, overflowing around her as it headed straight toward the fusion. It wrapped around the fusion and encased Gogeta until it nearly covered his entire body, leaving his face untouched. It weigh down his body dramatically, causing his joints to lock in place which lead to crashing against the ground before the giant diamond creatures.

“Oh? Isn’t that…” Lucifer looks at the ground, realizing that he was place there, and the caretaker no longer present nor holding him. “Ah.”

Spina’s eyes widened when Gogeta randomly slammed into the ground; the appearance of black energy was unknown to him, and didn't felt like any regular attack. Yet, this was a moment for the Saiyan to push forward. Went on the assumption that Bernkastel did the deed of this strange attack, Spina slid in front of the fusion. He turned his head to the fusion on the ground, leaving with a smirk at the sudden display of Gogeta, whom violent, resulted to this state. In a clear of disrespect, Spina chuckle and shouted as he launched a right hook against the giant’s stomach as hard as he could, pushing it back significantly. “Go for it!!” The old Saiyan shouted as he opened up his hand, reacting to the sheer hardness of the creature’s body.
"The big one?" Bage's eyes widened as he looked down at the boy in his arms. But before he could get an answer back, the downpour of the enemies began. The detective could barely see with the beasts tearing at his arms and face trying to get at the small boy. 

Bage tried to cover the small child with the whole of his body, but one of the crystal monster was able to pry him out of his arms before they all tried piling onto them. His eyes narrowed intensely as the child cried out for help, the aura around him growing.

"HA!" Bage shouted, shooting his arms out and used his energy as a wall to push all the others surrounding crystal beasts away from him. His hair now glowing a golden blond. Once he had some room, he began prying the beasts off, his grip on them hoping to cause damage as he ripped them away from the child. He quickly scooped the boy up and remained on the defense, countering any of the crystal foes that dared to come at him. "This is a mess!"

Bage scanned the area, seeing the absolute chaos brewing in every direction. He jumped up into the air, trying to avoid anymore conflict for the boy's sake. His eyes turned to Gogeta and Spina facing the giant head on. Seemingly working together almost. I have to get this kid out of here... He thought trying to think of something quickly.
As the creatures fell one by one to each lethal blow the Breakers did, more of them appeared from the treetops and bushes. Some watched from the side and others rushed in to offer some assistance. Though they were weak, their numbers were not to be taken lightly. Although, next to the Breakers, they were just pests compared to the larger one who posed a real threat. With their opening now blocked off by the creatures, the Breakers could no longer escape without having a pile of these annoying pests chase them. Every and any attack the Breakers did was enough to kill the small ones ganging up on them.

As Brachi, Bara, Jize, and Cross finish dealing with their enemies, more of them started to appear and it started to look as if the Breakers were in the center of a crowd. Zenta flung his tails to the side, slapping away the last of the creatures that piled on top of him only to sense more around them. Thanks to Bara's help, Zenta was able to study the creatures long enough to understand how they worked, at least on a surface level. The weaker ones stared at the Breakers, almost as if silently waiting for a cue.

What are they waiting for..? Zenta thought.

When the battle cry of the Leader echoed through the area, boosting their morale, the creatures took it as their signal to rush in and try to surround the Breakers. Zenta quickly slammed the back of his heel against the floor to lift the ground in front of him and Bara. The ground around his entire area of the forest rose, blocking off a small wave of enemies rushing from one side and wounded several others nearby. Those who were not blocked off or injured dashed towards the contained Gogeta, taking advantage of his situation.

"Miss Bara, I believe you and your friends should assist Gogeta. The poor man seems to have his hands tied at the moment. I am confident you can handle these weaker foes with Brachi and Jize, yes? Please defend Gogeta." Zenta smiled warmly to the pink lady before looking over to Bernkastel. "I will handle our Lady."

When punched in the stomach, the creature took a few steps back but was mostly unharmed by the blow from Gogeta, although, a small crack formed on his stomach. The bodybuilder soon walked back to Gogeta, witnessing the odd black energy/magic hold him down. He lifted his arm above his head, ready to impale the fusion right on his head until Spina came to the rescue.

As Gogeta was detained, he found himself immediately covered by a mass of the enemies, all biting, scratching, and jabbing at him and the mysterious black energy that encased him. Unaware of the effects this energy had, they began to attack it mercilessly in a desperate attempt to get at Gogeta's body somehow. There were still a few who were smart enough to attack his vulnerable areas, such as slashing at his face and jabbing him on the back of his head. As they continued to attack the Fusion, some of them pulled at his hair and even cut off some of his spiky bundles. There were so many enemies around Gogeta that he would no longer see his friends or even the light of day.

Zenta arrived by the distressed Bernkastel and stood in front of her extended arm, ready to take any force of her magic should she use it. Luckily it never came to that. Hearing the Witch cry in pain then switch between broken laughs made him frown. Despite the onslaught of enemies rushing in, Zenta took it upon himself to at least keep Bernkastel safe from any further harm while she tries to regain her composure. 

As more creatures surrounded Bernkastel, Zenta seemed to effortlessly keep them away from the Witch. One, in particular, rushed to Bernkastel from the front, ready to impale her chest. Suddenly, Bernkastel felt a warm and fuzzy sensation overwhelm her tiny body and completely unharmed by the charging opponent. Zenta shielded the girl from the attack by lashing out at the enemy with his tails, rendering them to a puff of smoke and a crystal. A hand gently pressed Bernkastel's head against his furry chest as it caressed her hair in an attempt to calm her down. As she bled on his fur, he spoke softly to the witch despite the mayhem around them.

"You are no fool, Lady Bernkastel," Zenta said as he swatted enemies with his tail and swayed with the Witch in his arms. It was graceful and felt almost as if they were dancing even though Zenta moved to evade some enemies. "Try to compose yourself, my Lady. You are allowing your emotions to cloud your judgment. I know it is difficult, but you are capable of performing many miracles. Take a deep breath and focus, the enemy will not hurt you while I am here, my Lady."

The beast turned his head to Cross for a moment.

"Pardon me Sir Cross, but the enemy is getting rather annoying. Do you have any barrier spells in your arsenal of magic? We could certainly use fewer enemies surrounding us though I sense that they could pose a problem if we do not take care of their leader quickly..."

Avalon listened to Spina's orders before turning to Berserk and nodded to her. "I'll handle the right side this time!" 

Avalon gave the girl a thumbs up before rushing up ahead as Spina ordered and watched him attack the bodybuilder. The massive man slid back with the crack on his abdomen getting slightly bigger. It was obvious that this enemy was going to be harder to kill compared to the others, especially when the weaker ones continued to get in the way. However, thanks to the opening Spina created, Avalon was quick to react and appear by the right side of the monster. He had his scroll in his hand before tossing it into the air above the enemy. It erupted into smoke before shooting down some ninja knives and rope to hold him in place, tangling him up in the process. Following right after were small black orbs that looked like smoke balls but once they hit the large man, they immediately blew up in a flurry of wild explosions.

"Bullseye! He's all yours, Berserk!"

Bage, despite being in the air with the child safely in his arms, the creatures would jump and try to grab him to no avail. When jumping and charging didn't work, they paused for a brief moment and began to form a circle under Bage. They started to climb up on one another and create a sort of 'human pyramid' to get at Bage. While weak, they certainly were not stupid. Once they were high enough, they managed to jump on to Bage's back and his claw at his legs, trying to pull him into the other Breakers.

As the Breakers continued to fight, the area would begin to litter with these odd crystalized Coins. Once the floor was covered with them, the infamous Coin-Gremlins appeared from the shrubs and grabbed as many crystals as they could, trying to drag them to safety. They scurried all over the place but seem to have an interest in Baby Lucifer and stared at the child with their large unblinking eyes. He was surrounded by the gremlins who all seem to think he was weak or alone, trying to force him to follow them by nipping at his feet, hands, and even tugging on his hair. They mumbled gibberish as they continued to bother the child.
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