The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Once everyone had entered the portal, Bage turned to Detective Goku as he wished him good luck and gave him a bright smile.

"Thank you kindly, Sir! i wont let you down!" 

The junior detective entered the portal and found himself out at the forest with the rest of the Breakers, but his face in a complete grimace. Why did Goku have to volunteer him as the Breaker babysitter? Just working with them for one day was enough to give him a headache. Bage shook his head to let his previous thought drop away, he couldn't let this bring his spirit down! But then his thoughts were interrupted by the mess of blood. It certainly made him uneasy.

First, he turned to address Cross. "I'm not sure it matters at this point... This place is an absolute mess."

Bage moved closer to the area where the explosion had likely occured. He examined the ground for anything that could've burt out. After taking note of the scene, he turned to the others, addressing Spina.

"Don't act so rashly. Just wait a second." He said before turning to Zenta, his head swiveling around to see if he could see anything among the trees as he spoke to the beast. "Do you think you could describe what you're feeling to us?" Do you think we could be in danger?"
Cross says as a matter of fact to Brag "It was largely too determined how strong the ones that did it are and too determine if were going to end up babysitting you wend we have to fight wend doing this task." Cross starts magic too gather the scattered papers and places them near Brag.
Wow,  he's gotta have the ability to hear colors with those huge ears. I got big ears too but all I hear is the wind... Avalon stared at Zenta as he fiddled with his pointy ears. I wonder what other cool things he can do...

"Danger is not the right word, more like... observing." Zenta began. "It is hard to make a solid conclusion... I do not sense any radical spikes in energy so I believe we are safe for the time being." There was a slight pause before Zenta turned to face the mayhem of what was the base and the trees around it. He appeared to focus on something and used his hand to follow an invisible trail before him until he pointed directly ahead of him. "It is faint, but I see a trail of energy heading that way. It is not of any threat to us power-wise, but there is more than one..."

Almost as soon as Zenta finished speaking, there was screaming heard from the direction of where he was pointing. Two screams, a man and a child followed by some gunshots. Birds flew out of the trees when the gunshots echoed throughout the forest. More yelling continued as it grew closer to the Breakers. Avalon perked his head up and instantly turned to face the direction of the yelling, his eyes widening with shock. He remained frozen until another gunshot popped his attention back to reality. 

"Don't just stand there, move!" Avalon shouted to the Breakers before rushing straight to the danger. "We gotta save them!"

As Avalon ran through the thicket, it wouldn't be long until he spotted the source of the screaming and the surprise that came with it. In a clearing, Holmes was on the ground, wounded and bleeding; he had stab wounds, bullets wounds, and many scratches. Near the Officer were two unknown individuals pinning him to the ground with their foot. Their faces had wide, glazed unblinking eyes that shined and glimmered like diamonds. Their skin appeared to be marble-like in texture and also have a similar glimmer. On one of the men pinning Holmes down has a familiar crystal with a Vortex Coin on the back of his neck.

Also in the scene was one of the missing kids who was struggling against what appeared to be the second kid. The second child had the same eyes and skin as the men holding Holmes but something stood out. The boy's arm morphed into a sharp javelin-like appendage as he tried to impale his friend. He showed no emotion as he attempted to kill his friend but failed when the normal child whacked him over the head with one of the bottles Bage was looking for.

Lastly, standing above Holmes was Petrovic, who was also similar in appearance as the two men and the child. The officer aimed his gun towards his partner as he pleaded for his life. Petrovic, along with the two men, instantly turned their heads when they noticed Avalon's presence.

"O-Officer Petrovic?! W-What are you doing?!" Avalon said, completely shook by what he was seeing. "Put the gun dow--"

"Run!!!" Holmes shouted. "Get the boy and leave before they find--"

A single gunshot cut off Holmes and within an instant, the Officer's body limped on the ground before forming a pool of blood around his head. It wasn't long until his body poofed into smoke leaving behind a Vortex Coin with his face and name on it. Avalon's eyes widen at what he just witnessed, forcing him to take a step back. Without ever turning away from Avalon, Officer Petrovic fired his gun right into his own partner. Petrovic then turned his attention and his gun to the struggling children, taking aim. In the meanwhile, the Coin Gremlins were all over the area, skittering about and taking Holmes's Coin into the safety of the bushes, never to be seen again.

"Hey!" Avalon shouted as he quickly tackled Petrovic to the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Have you lost your damn mind?!"

Almost out of instinct, the two mysterious men quickly turned their heads to Avalon and instantly rushed and piled upon him.
Cross says as black chains wrapped around and pulled off the men off of Avalon "Are they ferial or Zombies?" Cross says as another set of black chains wrapped around Petrovic as well "I more apt to think zombies or mind control because despite his(Potrovic) poor choice of employer(Goku)..." walking up to the seen.

Cross says "so my hunch was on the mark about being bodyguards but for the wrongs reasons. I gest we need to protect a child as well you Bage."
“As long its not a thread, then—” The sounds of a man and child screaming, followed by gunshot noises interrupted Spina’s thoughts, unable to finish his sentence. Turning to the direction of the noise, he noticed Avalon dashing off and leaving the group behind. “Damn brat…!” He rushed towards the same direction. Hearing another round of gunfire, Spina made haste to make it in time since a battle had clearly unfolded itself.

Arriving at the scene, the old Saiyan seen Avalon being tackled by a strange creature, followed by two more persons attacking them. Without hesitation, Spina dashed forward and slammed into the creature with a shoulder tackle to pushed him away from Avalon, thanks to Cross placing black chains around it. He turned his head, seeing another one trying to impale the child. Firing off a single Ki blast to send the other flying back towards the bushes.

Spina grabbed onto Avalon’s collar. “The fuck are you thinking, you bastard? Don’t run off like that—if you want to act like a hero, do it on your own term, but right now, if you want to be part of this group, you follow our direction.” He let him go, but still ensure that he was on his legs. “Now, what the hell are those things?! One of them looked oddly familiar.” He said, getting into offensive position.
"I-I..!" Avalon began to mumble to Spina as both he and Cross managed to get him out of a tough situation. He turned to Petrovic and the two men who were thrown across the ground by Spina. "I-I have no idea what they are but Petrovic just killed Holmes! He's out of his mind! Stay on your toes, Spina!"

Zenta was the next to arrive at the scene, carefully stepping over some of the shrubs in front of him. He turned to face the violent group before them and nodded his head in agreement to what he assumed earlier. Just like before, he followed the invisible energy trail with his hand and pointed at the mysterious energies in front of him.

"Well, it seems that we found the source of what happened in the base," Zenta commented. "They seem more vicious than what I initially thought..."

Petrovic and the two men were on the ground thanks to the shove from Spina and Cross's magic but they rose back to their feet, showing no signs of pain or damage on their marble skin. They gazed towards the Breakers with a deadpan stare. It was unnerving and seemed to match the sensation the whole forest gave out. Zenta's fur bristled once again as he locked his head upwards to the canopy as the treetops rustled with an unknown presence. Suddenly, a woman dropped from the leaves above them and landed on all fours with a thud. Her body matched Petrovic, the two men, and the child and, just like them, stared blankly at the Breakers.

"They aren't normal..." Avalon informed to Spina. "I think it might be mind control but why do they look like that?"

"You gotta run!" The child scrambled to Spina once he was saved. "T-They're the ones who killed my friend! Now they got that guy [Petrovic] too! We have to get out of here before more of them find us!"

The kid began tugging on Avalon's scarf in a desperate attempt to get them to leave, however, before he can convince them, the child, two men, Petrovic, and the woman rushed towards the Breakers. The kid let out another horrified scream before Avalon flung his arm towards the group, firing off some water shurikens at the closest one to him, that being the mysterious woman. She instantly dropped to the floor. The others rushed towards Spina, Cross, and Zenta, each of their arms turning into diamond-like javelins, ready to stab them.

"Look out Mr. Spina!" Avalon warned.

"That lady! She's not dead!" The child behind Avalon panicked as he pointed to the woman rising up to her feet.

Avalon gasped as he kept himself between the aggressive woman and the child. The lady gripped the shuriken embedded in her chest and crushed them in her hand, rending them to liquid.

Petrovic set his sights on Spina, slashing and cutting his way through trees effortlessly in order to attack the Saiyan. Near Petrovic's shoulder shined a crystal with his coin inside, similar to the one they were investigating yesterday. The Officer rushed Spina and did not seem to have any other technique other than diving head on to the target. He was quick to jump in the air and fall on top of Spina, impaling his shoulder and slicing at his chest while he did so.

The abnormal child rushed to Cross, both his tiny arms set like spears ready for impaling. Similar to Petrovic, the boy would only seem to rush straight ahead with little or no motive behind his actions other than to kill Cross. Also like Petrovic, the child had a crystal with his Coin inside it, this time on his left arm. (You cannot break the crystal or take it out.) The child tackled Cross to the floor as he violently slashed at his bones and robe.

The last two men sprinted at Zenta and approached him the same way as Petrovic and the child. Zenta would elegantly and effortlessly slip by every jab they attempted and gracefully guided their arms to just barely miss him. He used this chance to see their movement, feel their skin, and listen carefully to any specific noises they let out. Although it looked as if Zenta did not take the situation seriously, he was in fact studying the enemy very carefully since he has yet to encounter an enemy like this, all while mentally blocking off the horrified shrieks from the normal child.
Gogeta's narrowed eyes studied the development intently, watching on while the others were assaulted and thrown to the floor. A small sinister smirk grew on his face, the fusion stepping forward. However, the binding on his wrist instantly caused the smirk to vanish, his arm raising up and staring down at Bernkastel with a strong glare.

"Get this off me. I want to fight."
Arriving on the scene, Brachi and Bara blinked at seeing these new people attacking Cross, Spina and Zenta. Jize narrowed her eyes however, assessing the situation.

"What's going on here?!" Brachi asked, remaining on guard as she got ready to intercept anyone trying to attack her, while also being concerned for the child hiding behind Avalon.
Cross using wind magic pushed the abnormal child off him and got him self upright. Cross says "Like most our fights that matter assume that dyeing actually matters." Cross thinks "I should check my self to see if this thing got past my wards after this and if that mattered."

Cross says to Brachi "Long story short we may be dealing with what I can only be described as some kind of zombie or ghoul that have some kind diamond thing going on."
Bernkastel stood on her tiptoes staring up at Gogeta and meeting his glare with hers, her arm dangled in the air above her head.

"Why should I? This isn't some kind of game. A child's life is in danger..." she trailed off as more gunshots rang out from one of the officers she had seen before. Most of the group was already under attack. "And so will ours if we don't put an end to this now. Damn it. Fine--" Bern cursed begrudgingly as she made the chain dematerialize into separate cuffs. "But only so we can take down these freaks and get the job done. No. Problems. Understand?" Poking Gogeta's chest for emphasis, she crouched to watch how the attackers moved, particularly because she saw the child behind Avalon. "Don't make me regret this." 

Berserk arrived at the scene with little delay, immediately looking confused seeing Officer Petrovic attacking Spina among the strangers. Sensing that their appearance was quite off, she then set aside any hesitation once they'd began morphing their limbs to threaten the Breakers and readied herself to fight. 

"Eat this, ya freak!" Once her eyes locked onto the woman cornering Avalon and the child, Berserk hovered in the air as her eyes glowed crimson; firing eye beams directly at the woman to forcibly push her up against one of the tree trunks.

"It's like they're moving statues... what's happened to these people?" Bernkastel squinted, barely making out the coins inside the lumps of rock that stuck out on each individual's body. She was unsure what it meant, but it was too risky to get close given their characteristics. Once Cross had blown back the smallest attacker, Bernkastel raised one of her sleeves and launched a set of her magic snakes to bind the strange child's limbs in place. "Something isn't right,  but if we wonder about it, we're going to get chopped up like leeks!"
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