The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Ugh. Fine, whatever. Let's get this over with already," Berserk zipped upstairs to her room to get out of her pajamas since Detective Goku's visit evidently interrupted the morning routine.

As Zenta spoke to Bernkastel, she remained silent throughout with a frown as she crossed her arms, not looking directly at him  The last thing Bern wanted was to end up with more problems despite her attempts. But now that Detective Goku ended up stepping in, their options were becoming limited. Any more missteps and no amount of pleading would deter him from taking action. Knowing that, it wouldn't require much for Goku or Spina to take matters into their own hands, and it especially was a form of embarrassment to have had Gogeta openly admit what he did.

No problems, no nuisances, Bernkastel repeated Goku's warning in head. She briefly glanced over at the Detectives, looking at them before her expression hardened after her eyes passed over Gogeta.

"Very well. But first I'll need to make an adjustment." The Witch paused and walked towards Gogeta, reaching into her sleeve before pulling something out with a blue glow. In one swift movement, there was a sound of rattling metal and two loud clicks. 

Bernkastel turned around to reveal she had shackled one of her wrists to Gogeta's, giving him an emotionless side-eye. "There-- as long as I'm handcuffed to you, now you can't indulge in any more tomfoolery. No. Funny. Business." She emphasized with a curt warning tone she never used toward Gogeta before. The tension in her face cleared away to its usual one as she held her hand out to open the portal, entering it with him in tow before he could object. "Now then, let us get going."

Berserk floated down the stairs, crossing her arms with an angry 'humph' as she passed Avalon and into the portal.
Gogeta’s smirk vanished the second his eyes caught the sight of the handcuffs on his wrist. He met Bernkastel’s stare with fierce scowl of his own, yet the man begrudgingly followed after her as he was pulled. His eyebrows twitched a bit, a small glow of the V on his head shining but quickly fading.

“You said I’d be free.”

“Wait. This isn’t the time for it: you will wait.”

Gogeta kept his scowl as he emerged on the other side of the portal behind Bernkastel, glancing around in disgust.
Brachi, Bara and Jize also entered the portal, looking around to see where the portal would take them.

'This entire situation is getting aggravating... yet I must do what needs to be done. Who would even be after us right now?' Brachi thought to herself, sighing.
Bage remained at attention, his hands tucked behind his back as Detective Goku explained the situation to the Breakers. He nodded according to everything he mentioned, but his eyes widened a bit after the mention of him tagging along with them. He had... to stay with this trainwreck!?

"Sir, I-" He couldn't quite get his statement out as the senior detective continued to warn them about Bage keeping a close eye on them, and reluctantly decided against speaking against Goku's decision. He looked over the group one more time, grimacing slightly. "Guess I don't have a problem with that..."

after a small exhale through his nose, the junior detective's expression brightened once more. Now was the time to focus on the mission. "Alright, everyone! Let's get Officer Petrovic and Holmes back home safely!" He nearly chanted gesturing the other two enter before himself. What could go wrong?
Adjusting his glasses, Detective Goku outright dismissed Cross’ claims. “And when you take that path, you lot would be coins. Now take your nonsense and get moving.” 

Clenching his fist tightly, Spina became irritated at the notation that they need to be watch like a pack of children. However, when Zenta approached him with his own insight, the old Saiyan glare back at him, but quickly calm down. “Tsk…” Seeing that the others, including Lucifer and the caretaker, had left the area to go through the portal to the forest in question, he might as well try to mend things for the greater good. “Fine.”

Just before Spina enter the portal, Detective Goku placed his hand on the old Saiyan’s shoulders. “Hmm? What?”

“You clearly know, so I won’t be drowning you out with pointless details. When that comes out again, and become more apparent, you know what to do.” Detective Goku said. “Regardless of how the others feel.”

Spina stared at the Detective before turning his head. “I know.” He went inside the portal to the forest.

Detective Goku stared at Bage until he went inside the portal, seeing the concerns on his face after he announce that Bage would now handle the task of the Breakers. “Good luck, Bage. You’ll need it.”

Entering the other side of the portal, Lucifer looked around. "So this is the forest... I'm surprising that there are still a handful of people living in this city." 

"Nevermind that." Spina arrived. "Let's focus on finding those officers. We should be able to sense their energy if they're still around."
Avalon stared at the portal and caught Berserk's little angry motion before lowering his gaze to the floor. He still felt very ashamed about lashing out at her when there was no need. He pondered for a moment and gripped the horns on his head, yanking on them slightly. The struggle to do what is right and restrain his emotions for his sister conflicted with one another. In the end, one side had to give.

Arrrgh..! Things need to be fixed! But... I was such a-- No! No excuses! No more self-loathe! I can't keep putting myself down. You gotta make things right, Avalon! Can't make Berserk feel the wrong way because I was in a crabby mood. I gotta apologize to Berserk before she hates me forever!

Seemingly fired up from his internal pep talk, Avalon hopped off the sofa and clenched his fists, eager to put his idea into motion. He let out a small triumphant cry while watching the others slip through Bernkastel's portal. With a small moment of pause, he took a deep breath and rushed inside the portal, face full of determination. Zenta followed in tow after Avalon.

When the group arrived on the other side of the portal and entered the forest, the uneasy feeling from before returned. It felt like thousands of eyes were watching them and the air was suddenly heavy. Near where the investigation was being conducted were large slash marks, broken trunks, base destroyed, and papers flung all over, each one having notes of the investigation. The base where the officers stayed at appeared to have exploded from the inside, leaving debris and chaos everywhere. There were no coins in sight but the scene had a large amount of blood. Yet, the blood's splatter did not seem to be from the small explosion but rather, showered about, almost as if someone were attacked by blades or other sharp objects.

As Zenta and Avalon arrived in the forest, the Beast took a step forward, and nearly instantly, the fur on his tails bristled. He shivered slightly as the gentle winds of the forest swayed past them. Something in the forest made even the calm and self-contained Zenta fidget with uneasiness. It wasn't fear, but anticipation about something unknown.

"Whatever is in this forest, it is watching us. ...From every angle."

Avalon sheepishly made his way back to Berserk but before he had a moment to speak, the scenario of the trees and the Officer's base caught his attention. All the blood and mayhem made him assume the worst for the Officers.

"You... you don't think they..?" Avalon shook his head frantically. "Who could have done this?! The thieves?! Officer Holmes and Petrovic have gotta be around here somewhere!"
Cross dos not pay any mind to Goku's statement and simply Joined the others. Goku got the sence that Cross' last statement Cross thinks "I hope the first time he pisses off some one else truly powerful I not obligated to help because odds are Goku would be in the wrong given his track record with us." 


Cross asks as he looks around "Brge how capable in a fight do you think Homes and Petrovic are?" 

Cross thinks "I know better than to distrust a beastmans (Zente) senses." Cross is ready but dos not appear ready for anything.
“Quit your overreacting.” Spina said to Avalon, seeing significant damage compared to how it was yesterday. “Freaking out now won’t do any good. Though, considering the damage, this looks like a brutal bloodbath. I doubt they stood this much of a chance—and I hardly doubt it’s a bunch of thieves. They won’t return to the same place twice.”

Hearing from Zenta that there are people watching them in the forest, Spina smirked. “That means that bastard is still lurking around. Let’s go deep in the forest and forced them out.” The old Saiyan said. “I cannot sense their energy for some reason. Think you can use those big ears to track them down?”
"If it's the same person who'd ambushed the children, then we might have a serial killer on the loose. This forest is certainly big enough to act as a hiding place." Bernkastel squinted her eyes as she took the sight in, though her familiarity with brutal crime scenes didn't rouse any sort of emotional response. She did wrinkle her nose in disgust at the way it had been left behind.

"Finding their coins is all we'll find, but it's highly unlikely we'll find them anywhere in this mess. Sounds like our culprit, or culprits, aren't too keen on having anyone snoop around. We'd best stick together-- the damage here is quite extensive," the small Witch said. She seemed a bit apprehensive about the idea of going into an unmapped forest but how else could they find out who killed the officers?

"Be careful where you step... they might've planted bombs. Looks like something got blown up on top of an ambush," Berserk added her piece. Preemptively she placed a hand on the handle of the weapon strapped to her back. "If Fluffy's right, then there's no point trying to sneak... it could be the other way around. This place gives me the creeps."
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