The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Detective Goku remain silent for a couple of minutes. “I have no reason to distrust you, Bage. You aren’t the type to make up lies.” He released Spina’s arm and placed his hands in his pockets as he turned his face towards the Breakers at the whole. “Once again, saved by a technicality. Someone in this world is clearly looking out for you, otherwise, you’ll be nothing more than a Vortex Coin laid underneath my boots.”

“Well, Bage accounted everyone for those officers, but what about the building?” Lucifer had a devilish smile on his face, seeing how Bernkastel can somehow downplay this one. “Gogeta himself flat out admitted to such a crime.”

“Truthfully, I didn’t say anything about lives being lost. I specifically states that a building crash onto a nearby city—no lives actually had been lost.” Detective Goku said. “And the fact that this fool flat out stated that he did it—with the intention to destroy lives—confirmed his doing but states his initial intentions of doing so.” He turns to Bernkastel, his voice became much stronger. “Are you doing to claim this as some kind of illness? Or you simply do not understand what’s truly doing on, Witch of Miracles?”

The detective paused for a moment to think about Zenta’s statements. After several minutes, he turns to Bage. “Give me a moment. I need to speak with Detective Bage. Do not move.” The detective turned around and approached the junior detective.

As Detective Goku spoke with Bage, Spina shook his hand to remove any remaining heat searing from his wrist. His eyes darted back and forth in anger as he turned to Bernkastel. “You damn fool…have you forgotten?” The old Saiyan said to the Witch, trying to maintain his voice to a “reasonable” level, and avoiding the wrath of the Detective. “I thought that was just a pipedream when he first appeared again a while ago, but that form is all the need to confirm such.” In Spina’s perspective, Gogeta seems to be a vessel in his eyes for the man he fought before. “This bastard Black is sabotaging us every damn step in the way, and you’re continue to downplay his own damn actions and have an issue with me. An illness this time? What’s next? He breaks an ankle and level the city, and you’ll claim it's because of a superficial wound?” Furrowing his eyes, Spina turned to the two Detective talking amongst each other before turning back to the Witch. “Once we’re in the clear, again, you two are ought to stay here. Otherwise, you’ll continue to be deadweight.”

“Now, now.” Lucifer said. “I don’t think we have a choice in that matter, as much as it pains me to say.”

At the same time, Detective Goku gathered enough information about the case. “I see. It seems that the Breakers were innocence after all—for the most part. The issue with the building is clearly still a problem, but no reported deaths or coins have been confirmed.” He nodded his head. “You said that they were helping you out on an objective, right? I have two more objectives for you. Would you agree to those terms, Bage?”
Cross dos not even bother correcting Goku with the fact that Goku would be dead if not for the fact he sees use in the barkers. Cross says relizing that Gogeta actually did it "I was hoping to not let off that propaganda network(RNN) with the technicality about lack of people that know how to use magic."
Bage sighed a bit in relief as Goku released Spina's fist. It surely would have been a mess had the detective gone on with turning the whole team into coins. His expression turned to one of slight worry as Goku called him over to discuss the situation, only hoping he wasn't in the hot seat himself for this whole thing. But after explaining the situation to detective Goku, Bage walked back to the others with a bright smile on his face, ready to allow Goku to fill in the group about their two new missions. "Of course, Detective Goku, Sir! If you would do the honors."
Bernkastel furiously shook her head at Detective Goku. "I had no idea about the building throw until just now! That's news to me-- it would never happen under my watch, I can talk him down better than anyone else here." She crossed her arms with an indignant scowl. "He only fell ill last night, but he was in my sight all day. The building had to have been thrown without me being there to intervene; contrary to what you might think, the last thing I expected to see was your mug anytime soon. I don't have a death wish."

When Avalon snapped at Berserk, she stepped back with a look of shock. Blinking several times, her face slowly shifted; eyes narrowed and a deep scowl formed while he fumbled his words. Looking quite sour, her gaze seemed to look through him rather than at him.

"Don't tell me what to do," she warned in a low and stern tone before walking the other direction by Lucifer, grumbling obscenities to herself while she impatiently tapped her foot. "Nobody tells me what to do..."

"Accusing me of intentionally colluding with an enemy who served under Doom? Ridiculous." Bernkastel's cold glare met Spina's, squinting after Goku left to speak with Bage. "As much as I'd like to attribute our misfortunes to someone I've never seen before..." her gaze softened a bit and fell to the floor."I only feel Gogeta's spirit here. But I'm telling the truth-- he must have been so upset that it triggered some kind of episode in his body. It looked terrifyingly painful, I thought he dropped dead..." Bern fell silent as Spina turned away, contemplating about the drastic change in Gogeta's persona. "If only you'd just let me go with him instead that day of the robberies..." she muttered to herself.
Gogeta’s eyes remained forward, unwavering in the face of Zenta towering over him and being unresponsive in Brachi’s questioning. His grey pupils bored into his chest, the firm cocky stare strong. A small glint of light spilled off the man’s eyes for a brief moment; the grey momentarily shining like metal for a second before dulling once more. Unusually it resonated at the height of Gogeta’s rare concentration of discipline in avoiding the urge to fight anyone who introduced a modicum of perceived disrespect.

His eyes followed Spina and Bernkastel’s exchange once Zenta had moved out of the way, his eyes attempting to meet Spina’s. Upon the first glance, Gogeta winked with his right eye in a sinister smirk, his lips together in chuckling lowly to himself despite Detectives Bage and Goku returning to announce their plans.
Brachi remained silent as well, although she was happy that for once they were in any case proven innocent about the whole state of affairs as described. Besides, blatantly accusing someone of something they had no prior knowledge of even doing so in the first place was something she couldn't stand, especially if that individual wasn't given a proper chance to defend themselves.
As Bernkastel countered in kind while side eying Gogeta’s erratic behavior, Spina stared her down with an intense glare. “You’re right. That was my mistake.” He stated without any hesitation. He approached the Witch as his tone was venomous in nature and mean spirited—no indication of a battle, but rather, towering over her. “You’ve gone and control the bastard that you clearly have no idea what’s going on. That way, we would’ve done things without much of a splat without worthless trash around. Then again, considering what had transpired so far, you—"

“Hey.” Detective Goku interrupted Spina’s sentence. “Whatever squabbles you have going right now, put it to rest.” Nodding his head. “After Bage explained the situation, it seems that there was a misunderstanding going on here. So you won’t be arrest on those charges. With that said, since you gladly accepted Bage’s request to help his mission, I’ll be adding a few more on your plate. First, you will go to the forest again and find those officers. The people have already associated you on their disappearance, so this is the good chance to clear your name for that. Once you find them, and you cannot leave until you confirmed their whereabouts, you’ll report back here. I’ll give you your next objective regarding the building—you aren’t off the hook from that.”

He turns to Bage. “And just to make sure you fools don’t do anything reckless, I’m assigning Bage to join your pitiful group to keep watch. Just to make sure that all of you are contributing, isn’t causing problem, trying to leave and begin a damn nuisance. If I hear anything from Bage, I’ll come.” He turns to the clock on the wall. “Time’s ticking. Go. Now. You don’t have any say of the matter since I already decided it for you.”
Cross says to Goku "Your are getting very lucky war criminal Goku that the most of the group has not chosen a "darker path" but you do have a point we are on the clock." Goku dos get the since that Cross is underselling how lucky Goku has been in most Goku's dealings with the Breakers. Cross is waiting for the others at the door.

Cross says to the Breakers "once we resolved the case we shooed find some were isolated too resolve the interrail issues."
"Oh my, it seems Detective Bage will have the heavy task of keeping an eye on us," Zenta chuckle. "Perhaps it is what this group desperately needs, a babysitter. Well, I suppose we should head to the forest and find Officer Holmes and Petrovic, yes? The less time we waste, the better chances we have of finding them. Let us make haste."

Zenta turned to Spina before making his way to the older Saiyan and his confrontation with Bernkastel. Ever so gently, he pushed the two away from each other while his hand was placed on top of Spina's shoulder. He towered above Spina as he did to Bernkastel earlier, gazing down at the man silently. His visor would reflect Spina's expression as he spoke.

"Leader Spina, I suggest you focus on the mission at hand. I understand your situation, but remember, Lady Bernkastel claimed responsibility of Gogeta. Anything and everything he does will fall solely on her shoulders, so let her handle him. While it is upsetting that a small man can cause such trouble, our Lady wishes to handle it on her own. It is not our business, though, we often get the blame, ohoho! Even so, you must guide us through the worst of it, Leader Spina. I am confident in your ability and your capabilities to handle this mission."

Zenta nodded to the Saiyan stepping to the side and out of his way. He hoped that his little talk would help distract Spina away from Bernkastel and Gogeta. The Beast then turned to Bernkastel and looked down at her, mostly because she was very small compared to him.

"I only have a few words of advice, Lady Bernkastel," Zenta used his finger to make a circular motion in the air. "You might have heard the saying 'What goes around comes around', yes? Things will get dire if you continue to handle it the way you do. I do not wish ill fortune to befall on anyone, but please, do be mindful of the future ahead, my Lady." Zenta bowed his head before giving the Witch a smile. "Now then, I believe you are capable of making portals to faraway locations, Lady Bernkastel. Is it possible to make a portal to the forest now that you know the location? It would greatly reduce our time getting there."

"Yeah, the sooner we get there, the sooner we can find Officer Holmes and Petrovic!" Avalon said, trying to boost his spirits. "Maybe with a portal, the enemy won't know we're coming! We can sneak up on 'em and catch them off guard!"
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