The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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From the heaped crumpled mess he laid in, Gogeta slowly pushed himself off the floor. The veins along his muscular arms pulsed heavily in the motions; the muscles on his arms having expanded a bit. The lines surrounding his eyes were noticeably darker. His narrowed eyes glanced around, his eyes soon landing on the uneaten plate of food.

He kept a near emotionless yet stern stare, his hands gripping on a handful of the cold food and shoving it into his mouth. Gogeta stood still, eating the food quietly in silence and unresponsive to Detective Goku’s arrival.
In a meeting last night

A woman says "Overlord I got to ask is the investment in the breakers group worth the ill will they have with in there region add to the fact that our aid branch in stated region is pearlized thanks to a war criminal that you forgave." Cross says "Worst case we simple leave the region and make it known to other power players that the regain is opened and hopefully some recuts among the Breakers. I don't think we are at that point yet."

Just appears behind Goku and says with a chill after seeing the door "Explain war criminal what brings you hear because as far I know we chose to aid your detectives friends with there case."
On the sofa, still sleeping through the screaming crows, rested Avalon, snoring peacefully with drool seeping on the pillow. The sudden bursting of the front door was enough to spook him awake and cause him to fall off the sofa in a bewildered panic. He whipped his head back and forth from Spina to Lucifer, then finally, Detective Goku.

"W-Wha?! Huh..?! Who?!" Avalon scrambled to his feet before rushing to action. With no nearby weapon and brain running at minimum capacity, he quickly grabbed the soggy pillow he drooled on and rushed to Berserk's side and lifting the pillow above him, ready to strike. "What's going on here?! Who's breaking in?!"

"Oh my, it seems that Detective Goku is paying us an unexpected visit," Zenta said as he sipped his tea alongside Lucifer. He barely seems to bat an eye at Goku's tone or his warning voice. "I wonder what we did now..."

"What?! Who?!"

"I suppose you can look at Detective Goku as some sort of 'parole officer' for the Breakers, particularly with Lady Bernkastel and Mr. Gogeta." Zenta tilted his head and cupped his chin within his hand. "However, I am confused as to why he is here. Surely, something big has happened."

"Something big..?" Avalon lowered the pillow before looking towards Berserk for some sort of answer before turning to the TV. Without hesitation, he quickly turned it on and switched it to the Reality News Network. The news blasted across the living room.

"...Breaking News! Respected and beloved Officers of Metropolis, Officer Holmes, and Officer Petrovic, suddenly missing! They were last spotted in the Forest of Illusion with the Breakers, trying to solve the case of the missing children. So far there are no leads as to where they went but it is suspected that the Breakers are involved in their disappearance."

Avalon widens his eyes at the news, especially when they showed the faces of the Breakers, Cuki included despite not being with them when they were in the forest. The man leaned closer to the TV as they showed an aerial view of the forest, it being too thick to see inside of.

"I knew they were nothing but bad news!" One police officer said. "As soon as I saw the Blue Devils, I knew there was going to be trouble!"

"When I arrived at the scene, I saw Detective Bage handling one of the Blue Devils. I never saw him so serious!" Another officer spoke. "They were whining about fixing their name but I bet they used it to take advantage of two fellow officers! On top of that, some of our evidence is missing! They jeopardized this entire investigation!"

"First the kids, now Holmes and Petrovic... This has gone far enough! When will the Breakers stop hurting everyone?!"

The news continued to repeat the information mentioned before, detailing about the disappearance, the forest, and show pictures of each individual Breaker spotted with them. Avalon appeared shocked by the news, especially since the Officers were busy gathering evidence to get caught off guard. 

"They're missing?! What happened to them? They were fine when we last saw them!" Avalon said out loud. "We came straight home after we left! The Breakers had nothing to do with this!"
Spina nodded his head. “He’s the one that watches our move, and if we do something out of place.” A sweat drop dripped on the side of his forehead, yet he formed a smile as his body is gearing in excitement for battle. “We haven’t done anything—”

As the RNN came on and issued out their report of the scene, Spina narrowed his eyes at the revelation. Those officers they came in contact with had disappeared into the forest—an extremely bad coincidence.

“That’s one of the reasons.” Detective Goku answered all their question at the same time. “I told you. If I hear anything regarding your group that could lead into a problem, I’m coming for you. There’s a problem, and I’m here. Bring out those two. Now.” After adjusting his glasses, a rush of winds erupted around him, blowing everyone back.

As tea flung out of his cup and splashed Lucifer’s face, the small angel took out a towel to wipe his eyes. “How troublesome. What mess you guys gotten yourselves into?”

“Wait…” Spina said. “You got it wrong. We left after that, and those damn old bastards was still well and kicking!”

Detective Goku scanned the area around, looking for Bernkastel and Gogeta. Spotting them, he dashed forward, passing by all the Breakers instantly to their room and busted down their door. “Found you.” Not giving them time to react his appearance, the detective grabbed both Bernkastel and Gogeta, tossing them out of their room, hurling straight to the main area along with the rest. Bernkastel crashed onto Spina, as Gogeta crashed onto Avalon and Berserk.

The detective jumped down from the second story and landed safety. “The disappearance of the officers, taking evidences and tossing a building that crashed to a nearby city, and horrid amount of infighting according to one of my employees… I was wrong on giving you a second chance.”

The old Saiyan stood up after Bernkastel crashed onto him unexpected; although, he didn’t bother letting the Witch down gently. Since he stood up so fast, she just dropped from there. Spina’s eyes narrowed when he didn’t even see Detective Goku move in such speeds when he was in the middle of finding out what wrong. “Damn… Kakarotto is damn fast.” He mumbled to himself. However, he raised his brows in confusion when he mention a building crashing a nearby city. “Wait... tossing a building? None of us did that—” He stopped himself and turned to Gogeta, not noticing the “change” the latter went under. “God damnit…”

“No more talk.” Detective Goku said. “You are clearly too much trouble to worth to keep around. Your lack of leadership and these people proven to me that you’re too dangerous. Time for justice.” The detective’s energy flourished as he walk forward. “Any type resistance will result in injury.”
Brachi, Bara and Jize were startled awake by the sudden commotion and overheard their voices, with Bara using her antenna to eavesdrop on the situation. 

"It appears Detective Goku has returned." Jize said, sighing sadly.

"How do you know?" Bara asked.

"I recognize his voice." Jize simply replied.
Cross was only slightly moved by the wind but other wise unaffected(Cross was behind Goku). Cross says as a matter of fact "I have a felling the Dimond king token out the officers, The building thing innless you have evidence that one us did that it's a non factor, I don't think we did not take any evidence that the officers did not get right back that I was aware of, and lastly our lack of organization is hardly a crime."
"That's right, I don't remember anyone being handcuffed just for disagreeing over how to handle a glorified rock!" Bernkastel sat up off the floor in disbelief, taking a moment to collect the new information before standing up. "W-where's your proof any of us went out and attacked those officers?! And hiding stolen evidence? Detective Bage took us straight here after we handed over the materials. You can ask him, all of us were easily accounted for!"

"Ouch... damn, what did you eat? You're frickin' heavy!" Berserk squirmed from under Gogeta trying to free herself out. "That parole officer's totally freaky! He was so fast I couldn't see 'im," she whispered to Avalon.

"We all had perfect alibis right up until after Bage left... there's no way we could've done anything with him watching even if we wanted to." Bernkastel paused and looked at Spina, nervously glancing at Gogeta. "I slept in front of our door last night and it was locked, so neither of us could leave without me being awake. He was definitely asleep before I was."

"Shit... the only time frame where we'd be suspicious would be between dinnertime and til the early hours. Suspects can't make alibis for other suspects, it won't work," Berserk squinted her eyes towards Spina. It's especially bad since the only one we all saw leave for the night was Grandpa.

"Can't you reconsider?" Bernkastel pleaded Detective Goku, opting to use a more firm reasoning. "It's the devil's proof! No matter how coincidental this all is, there's no indisputable truth we were behind last night's attacks; but there's no evidence that can prove our innocence either. Detective Bage was set to meet with us today and continue helping him on the case, you know? If we help him solve this like we set out to do, surely that will clear us of suspicion. There's no other way."
“Right away, your statement fall apart by adhering that everyone is accounted for. Disregarding the increase in numbers, there’s someone missing from your group. Can you account for her whereabouts during this time? Based on the reports of those officers, there was significant damage that no one in the city could have done, and you’re the only one that fits the profile.”

Spina narrowed his eyes. “The witch is right. It all seems too coincidental right now. I’m sure there’s another reason—it looks bad, but we haven’t done anything.”

“Explain the tossed building then, which I have video footage, which showcase a man with bright blue hair doing the deed. I don’t need to look far to see who’s behind such.” The detective walked closer to the group. “No more chances.” Detective Goku immediately shot down Bernkastel’s plea.

“Damnit...” Spina grinned his teeth. “Where is that bastard, Detective Bage? He can explain the situation. Was this a set up by him to get us to fail? S-shit..!!"
"GOKU! STOP!"[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]And just after Spina's thought, the detective landed near the doorway rushing in in the knick of time. After seeing that crazy report, he knee Goku would have suspected them as the culprits. His attire was in disarray as if he had rushed right over with no time to prepare. 

"S-Sir! They didn't have anything to do with whatever that news station is spouting! They were with me the whole time!" 

Bage came forward, through the apartment's broken down door. His narrowed eyes tried to hide the panic underneath. It was clear he didn't have any time to process what had even happened to the two officers. They were gone... He was almost inclined to blame himself, maybe if they had stayed...

"You can't arrest them. Whatever they're saying... It's the truth. They weren't anywhere near the scene at the time of the officers... Disappearance."
Cross says moving out of Bage "Now I got to ask to watch that "video evidence" Goku."
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