The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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After Bage left the apartment complex, Spina lowered his head. After Zenta and Avalon exchanged words, the old Saiyan turned to both of them. Pointing his finger to the both of them, the old Saiyan’s expression didn’t showcase any hint of emotion aside from anger.

“We got another chance, and we won’t waste it here.” Spina said. “With that said, this will be a third time we attempt to do something that gives us a good start, and I don’t want either of you two getting in. That display you did earlier by taking the blame while I was there… I ain’t having that. We aren’t your students, and you ain’t our mentor. Let’s get that firmly established.” He turns to Avalon. “And don’t think because you gave out one idea makes you worthwhile. Until further notice, you ain’t one of us—just a damn parasite that’s in the way of your own personal reasons. Give me any reasons to distrust you, you’re gone. Same goes for that brat [Berserk] and that bastard [Jize].”

Without giving them a chance to response, the old Saiyan walked towards Bernkastel. “3 times and still you cannot control that damn fool. I’m letting you know now. If at any moment that Gogeta continues to get in the way, I’m ending him. Period. You or anyone one else is going to stop me.” Spina looked down on her with his cold stare. “Control him now, or I’ll take care of the problem myself, and personally, I think it’s a lot easier if we do the latter.” Hs energy poured out dramatically as he raised his hands towards Gogeta’s room. “In fact, it’ll be easier if we do it now.” As a ball of energy formed within his palms, growing massively with seconds as furniture was flying around the room. However, the energy disappear just as quickly, lowering his right arm. "Last chance."

Once again, not giving Bernkastel the chance to respond, Spina walked away and flew off towards the night sky, having no intention of eating dinner.


Lucifer came downstairs, as the caretaker held him close, with his devilish smile. “Oh? Back already? I thought I smell someone cooking. You work surprisingly fast saving those kids. I bet the city is in waves of praise for you lot.” He said, in a sarcastic tone considering he passed by Gogeta stomping his way to his room.
Cross says as he set the table and bring out the food "I gest some people are eager."

Cross says bringing out the last of the food and finished setting the table "your all free to eat."
Berserk yawned loudly. "Nah. Looks like those kids were toast long before we got there. All we found was some junk, a coin stuck in a rock, and a sparkly bottle," she said to Lucifer. "That Bage guy says we're gonna be in it for the long haul looking for this Diamond King. Which sounds really boring! I wanna get a good fight already." She crossed her arms and pouted. "But that old fart is so annoying! You just gonna let him push you around?"

"It's not like I want to..." Bernkastel's gaze had lowered to the floor as she stood in the center of the room, a grimace on her features at having Spina continuously scold her threaten to kill Gogeta-- she was trying but his one-track mind was hard to steer. "But it would be better if I could just keep Gogeta away from Spina. I don't know why but only Spina can make him that angry... Gogeta is blunt but it's not like him to act this way..." Bernkastel rubbed at her arm uncomfortably.

"Well, he wasn't wrong about somethings..." Berserk trailed off. "Anyway, that isn't gonna be likely. You guys want to at least pass off as a team, right?"

"I suppose. But we can barely get things done around here! Every outing is nothing but trouble," Bernkastel scowled as she made her way to the kitchen to gather food. She was annoyed how Spina wouldn't take the heat about his own actions so far as leader, but felt like any efforts she attempted were fruitless.

"Probably cause you're sweating it too much. You're not the leader anymore, so..." Berserk shrugged. "Don't try and think like one. No point if that isn't your job, so why be so high-strung all the time? Take it easy and chill like us!" She gestured toward herself, Avalon, and Zenta. "Just worry about the big stuff, shake off the little stuff."

"I suppose that makes sense...?" Bernkastel didn't like that concept since she often put her thoughts at the highest importance and wanted them executed first and foremost. I guess I could think more like a member... even though it sounds so servile. But I did promise to be nicer. After excusing herself momentarily, Bern took a plate piled high with whatever food she could fit on a large plate, standing in front of the closed door of her shared room. She gave a knock. "Gogeta, it's Bernkastel... I have food. I know you enjoy eating."
“Oh?” Lucifer said as he dive into the food using a fork and a knife. Slicing onto the meat cause the juices to drip along the edges. “Diamond King…? What a curious title…” As Berserk and Bernkastel bantered among themselves about Gogeta and Spina’s way of being leader, he couldn’t help by chuckle. “Well, it only been a week since he became leader. Give him some time, I’m sure he’ll lead an efficient team.” Lucifer took a bite out of the meat. “Or fail.”

He side-eye at Bernkastel’s conflicted state, seeing her ramble on the idea to keep her ideas to herself. Yet, to him, this seems to be more disappointed at the Witch. “I thought you were a bit stronger than that. Oh well, let’s see how that flair.” Lucifer took another bite of the steak and dip the potatoes in sauce. Seeing Bernkastel run up the stairs, it didn’t take much to figure out that there was some conflict that still lingers, even after Cuki left the team. “Well, at least you got a mission. Who knows, you might end up in a battle with this… Diamond King.”

He stopped chewing for a moment. The idea of a king being in Reality Vortex nearly made him gag when he sprouted out the word. “Perhaps the next time you guys go on a bout, I’ll accompany you.” The angel said, finishing his dinner in conjunction as he finished his thoughts. “Thank you for the meal, Cross." The angel turns to the rest that was still there. "I assumed this Bage left and will be returning shortly, right? Considering he’s hired you guys for work.” Lucifer chuckled. “I can’t wait to meet this man.”
Inside the dark space, Gogeta sat on the edge of the bed with his arms in his lap, hunched forward. His narrowed eyes were turned towards the door; his body having tensed up in anticipation for the spike in energy he felt from Spina.

The momentary move itself had triggered the fusion's instinctive, near primal response: adrenaline kicked in, muscles tensing in preparation for the fight. The extensive trigger of an impending battle was enough to bring the man into an unreturnable mindset. Yet as the overwhelming urge to battle and fight took hold, as soon as Gogeta committed to the resolve to rise and stand against Spina, the urge itself vanished. He glanced down towards his hands, staring at them for a moment before his face contorted into a stare of annoyance at the sound of a familiar voice within his head.

"Woah there, big guy. You haven't thought it all through; you're lucky I can make your body calm so you don't run off and do something stupid."

"I have thought it through. I won't live like this any longer: I'm going to kill him. Or die trying."

The amused voice of Vegetto Black continued after a small pause, his tone raised slightly in pitch.

"Yet you still haven't asked for my power. How do you plan to beat him without it?"

Gogeta grunted lightly.

"I don't care about that anymore. I'll just give it my all and rip him apart."

Vegetto Black audibly sighed, his tone falling into a condescending chide.

"You're just going to lose that way and you know it. Let go of your pride on this one: all you have to do to win, is take my power. It's what gave you enough to fight him on even ground last time, and if you use it can beat him."

Gogeta kept his eyes narrowed throughout, listening in silence as Vegetto Black continued.

"This is your chance to see that level beyond the gods...beyond anything you've ever felt-

His eyebrows perked, a genuine break in Gogeta's annoyed attitude resulting once Vegetto Black mentioned the name of the transformation that eluded him for so long.

"-the chance to tap into the real Ultra Instinct."

Gogeta's eyes turned back towards the door upon hearing Bernkastel knock and make the announcement about dinner. His eyes softened a bit, inhaling deeply through his nose. The man paused in the movement, seemingly preparing himself in deep thought for a brief second before slowly exhaling in a heavy breath out from his mouth. A stern stare took over his expression, his eyes turning back to the door and responding with a firm tone in reply to her kind gesture.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?"
"Bage talks kinda funny, like those fancy people on the TV," Berserk grabbed the closest thing on the table and began digging in. "Detective Agency... it sounds cool, but they all kinda dress like nerds in suits."

Bernkastel hesitated in her response at Gogeta's question, briefly wondering about the topic he was going to bring up. Self-conscious about her uninhibited outburst towards him from earlier, she steeled her composure in preparation for whatever the fusion wanted to discuss. After a sequence of exchanged verbal lashings, Bern at least wanted this one to not end so badly.

"... Alright."

Upon closing the door and entering the dark room, her eyes glinting were the only visible part of her body seen moving about the room. She placed the plate down close by before sitting next to Gogeta on his bed. Unlike when he practically dented the mattress, she barely caused it to move.

"I-I know I said some strange things earlier today, I don't know what came over me. Pay no mind to it, heehee..." she chuckled awkwardly before falling silent, not seeing his expression change much. "So, um... what is it?"
Cross says "I just lettings things play out at this point, Berserk." 

Cross responds to Lucifer "no problem."
Jize ignored the insult Spina threw at her offhandedly, while noting he was gone before she could even retort to it in the first place.

"So, what is your deal, Lucifer?" Brachi then asked, deciding it would be best to try and associate a bit more, "do you have any sort of advice or are you going to watch things unfold by themselves?"
Gogeta turned his head up, his eyes staring her down. The room was dark but his sight had adjusted enough to see some of Bernkastel’s face; his tone still firm.

“I’m going to kill Spina. You’re not going to get in my way, are you?”
For several moments Bernkastel couldn't immediately respond. Partlu from surprise, but given the evident tension Gogeta and Spina had between each other, it wasn't a shock. Not to mention Spina was fully willing to kill him already.

"I'd need my magic if I'd have any chance at stopping either of you but... W-well, why does killing him have to be the only choice?" She fidgeted under his gaze, clearly conflicted about the idea; of course part of her wanted Spina to be taught a lesson but in the back of her head it warned against the notion of killing. Which was strange since killing wasn't necessarily morally objectionable to her-- so she thought.

"But I don't want him to kill you either... and you nearly died last time." She nervously glanced up at him, starting to look uneasy. "Why not just rough him up a little, does killing have to be necessary? What would you gain doing that? Only negative consequences would come of it."
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