The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Spina remained silent throughout the entire walk to whatever Bage was taking them. He didn’t make it not noticeable of his anger. His aura was flourish, and the intensity of each step he took left searing footprints. To him, the entire walk felt like hours of shame, yet, when he finally lifted his head up, he noticed that they were back at the apartment complex when Cross announced that he’ll make dinner.

“Huh…?” Spina narrowed his eyes. “Why are we back here?” He turns to Detective Bage with confusion on his face. “I thought you said you were taking us to a new objective.”
"Settle down there! I didn't lie to you." Bage chuckled slightly, entering the apartment and waiting until the others settled in. The Saiyan made sure to lock the door behind once everyone had entered before silently walking back to the table, allowing the others to ponder his motive briefly. Once he was finally back at his position at the dining table, he revealed the hidden bottle from within his coat pocket. "Bottles like these are our new objective."

The small bottle was glowing colors of a galaxy in Bage's hands, the gleam shining almost a blinding light along with his glove. "What I'm going to share with you must stay between us... They may not seem like much, but when opened, these bottles have been guiding me to figuring out the truth of what's been going on here with the missing people. So if you ever see a similar bottle, you'll bring it to me."

The detective hovered his gloved hand above the top of the bottle, the cap seemed to shift as if some gears had been turning inside before opening up and revealing a holographic message and voice recording.

After a few days of study, I discovered something phenomenal about The Diamond King! It has the power to move things without touching them. I assume psychic powers! It lifts incredible pieces of rubble and grinds it to dust. I cannot make an exact estimate but the power behind it is massive. I will continue to watch it from afar. During my time here, I have noticed that The Diamond King is highly curious, and using its psychic abilities, it creates beautiful crystals and decorates the castle with it. I do not see the purpose of why it protects these crystals. Maybe it lost its family? I will keep my distance from them for now...

"From what I've seen from the other two bottles I've collected, they've been about this being known as the Diamond king. This is the being I believe is responsible for the shards you saw earlier. And that would mean that he's linked to the kidnappings. But why he would do it... Unfortunately, I still don't know."

He removed his hand from the top of the bottle, allowing it to seal itself back up. His eyes rose from the bottle and met the eyes of each of the Breakers. "As much as I don't trust you to help me, you're still some of the strongest beings in the Reality Vortex. If this situation is as big as I think, this is your chance to do something for the good of the Vortex. And if you fuck up, you won't have a reputation to worry about for very long."

His serious expression seemed to lighten after his tangent before he addressed them again. "So... Are there any questions?"
Having stood with his arms crossed, Gogeta watched on with a blatantly disrespectful and bored stare. The shining gleam and lights of the bottle, while clearly ominous in portrayal, did nothing to impress him; Gogeta nearly rolling his eyes at the presentation of the mysterious title: The Diamond King.

As soon as Bage asked the Breakers for questions, Gogeta simply turned on his heel and walked towards his shared bedroom with Bernkastel.

“Tsk...little people and their little problems. What a waste; I could’ve been sleeping through that boring speech.”

He wasted little time, slamming the door shut behind him to disappear into the room.
Spina’s eyes widened upon seeing the bottle in Bage’s hands glowing. The celestial bodies that flourish around it made the old Saiyan seemingly in a trance.


A voice that no one but him heard. There was no distinct tone that was familiar to him at all. A strangeness comment that chill his body, yet, intensify at the same time, as a single word erupted in his head for a brief second, but it was enough to take him out of the trance, allowing Spina to listen to Bage’s explanation of his objective.

Shaking his head to regain his composure, Spina’s eyes narrowed upon the name “Diamond King”. “Crystals…” He turned to Bernkastel for a second, remembering that the Witch’s tendency to create crystals before turning back to Bage, the latter asking for questions. “So that’s the gist of it, huh? Get us to go hunting for these bottles and solved that mystery of this king.” The old Saiyan remembered the crystal encased around the Vortex Coin, but if it was the purpose of protection, what led to the children being killed? Surely, they would’ve run into the King or sense its energy throughout the week. This was Spina’s thoughts in his head.

“As long it gives us some good… That’s fine. We'll tag along.” Spina said, seeing another opportunity to make something right for once. After Gogeta's comments before leaving, Spina grinned his teeth at the constant attitude display. "How long has this "king" been a problem?"
Bernkastel blinked at the strange message in a bottle with upturned curiosity. "Well, a King is not one without subjects... after how much trouble we had with the Coin Hunter, we'd be more foolish to ignore it." She found it strange since the City was rather deserted, so something this serious normally wouldn't go undetected. "Finding more is easy enough, but I wonder what could manage to crack the one crystal we found... Gogeta didn't even scratch it. And why a Coin inside?"

When she heard Gogeta's comment, she furrowed her eyebrows. "If it were a little problem, Bage wouldn't be here asking us to--" The sound of the door slamming made her flinch an eye, but it was nearly imperceptible to whoever had not watched her facial expressions. After she fell silent, Bern simply rested her eyes at their door down the hall. Not even the mention of dinner changed Gogeta's increasingly sour mood, which struck her as odd. 

"," she finished quietly. Her tail curled onto the floor in dismay.

Berserk cradled her chin in her hand, nodding repeatedly with a focused look on her face. "Yeah... uh-huh. So that means there's someone leavin' these bottles around for someone to find on purpose! But I didn't see no castle on the way here. What about you, Long-ears?" Berserk asked Avalon.
Cross says as mouth watering smell's came form the kitchen "I do agree we need to deal with this crystal king before he gets in his head to go after us much like Hart did. Odds are most fights we take part in will be those that Ultraman was too weak to take on and/or it did not help his PR." Cross keep cooking.
Bage simply ignored Gogeta's little rant, figuring he would ba all but interested in this. His attention then turned to the others, his annoyed expression shifting to a hopeful smile. 

"Well, there are no dates recorded in the messages... And I only just discovered them recently. So I don't really have any way of knowing myself if the Diamond King has been around for very long-."

But before the detective could finish brainstorming, the watch on his wrist began to beep repeatedly. He brought it closer to his gloved hand and dismissed whatever alarm had gone off. He then quickly stashed the bottle back into his coat before turning to the Breakers as he made his way to the door. "I'm sorry to cut this meeting short, but I'll be back soon! I've got a meeting at the agency right now and I can't be late." 

He unlocked the door and waved to the others one last time, his smile now brighter than before. "Remember! Keep an eye out for those bottles and don't get into any fights while I'm gone!" He warned them before he was off and on his way back to the detective agency.
As Zenta listened to the voice message left behind in the bottle, as well as Bage's comments on the topic, he tilted his head at the new information. He remained quiet, pondering to himself as the others spoke about theories and their ideas as to who this mysterious Diamond King might be. Avalon seemed confused and quickly opened his scroll to read some of the contents inside, trying to see if he could find any detail he put about a Diamond King or crystals with Coins inside them.

"Nope, can't say I've seen any castles around here," Avalon frowned as he tugged on the end of his scroll and released it, watching the scroll roll itself shut. "But then again, I never did stay in one place for too long. In all my time spent here, I haven't heard anyone mention anything about a Diamond King or a castle. Maybe this is in another city we don't know about?"

"How very perplexing," Zenta spoke. "if this Diamond King truly is responsible for creating those crystals, how did one end up in the forest?"

"Huh, good point..." Avalon bit his thumb, thinking deeper into the reason why the crystal was in the forest. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers, having an 'Aha!' moment. "What if it was stolen? Although they said it was a stretch, Holmes and Petrovic did mention they believe thieves were involved. Maybe the kids were playing and stumbled upon the loot of these thieves. That would at least give them a reason to hurt the kids. That crystal sure looked valuable if you ask me... Even that tiny shard we had looked like it was worth a lot"

"That crystal was unique, to say the least," Zenta guided his hand to Bernkastel's statement. "I believe I have an answer as to why Gogeta could not crush the crystal. It had a thin layer of energy around it, almost like a barrier of some sort. It must have been incredibly dense if Gogeta was unable to crush it. If that is the case, what was strong enough to crack it? It also does not explain why the little creatures were keen on having it fixed or their obsession with Miss Berserk."

"To be honest, those critters didn't look all that smart to me. They could have just been reacting to people in the forest and nabbing things they found on the floor. That could explain why they were showing us all that junk they brought out. As for why they bothered Berserk..." He shrugged. "Maybe they just liked her. Can't blame 'em, she's mighty cute!" Avalon grinned while heading to grab a plate to eat. "But Berserk's on to something! Whoever made those bottles probably wants us to find them."

"If we help Detective Bage find more of those bottles, it will no doubt help make things easier for us in solving this mystery," The beast quickly cleared his throat and lowered his voice to a shy and humble whisper. "...Unfortunately, I cannot see these bottles, so I will leave that to you Breakers."
"We'll do what we can to find those bottles." Brachi said.

"Easy for you to say," Jize said, "you can't just come up with something like the Dragon Radar or something to detect them." 

"You've got a point, but still, anything we can find can be useful in some way. And if it contributes to us getting our reputations fixed..." Brachi said, "although you shouldn't be concerned about that too much yourself, Jize..."

"I concede that point to you, considering our recent reunion..." Jize said, while Majin Bara was studying the bottles intently, as if she was trying to memorize their appearance so she could help in finding them in her own fashion.
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