The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Hmmm, with the right tools, perhaps I can help in trying to fix things, provided those creatures know what must be done..." Brachi offered, believing that Bulma's genius could be useful in figuring it out.
Spina’s eyes darted back and forth as more of these gremlins started to appear, their numbers increasing rapidly from the initial dozen. “Yeah, its clear that they’re after something. It’s not surprising that we can’t communicate. Considering the sheer volume of people in this world, I’m surprised we didn’t run into something that spoke a different language.” The old Saiyan said, forgetting that Mr. Sound and Demi-Fiend spoke in a different language. 

After Zenta suggested on fixing the crystal, which caught the attention of the gremlins, Spina’s eyes fixated on the shard they took from Bage. “Well, that got their attention. They want us to fix the crack on the top of the crystal. Maybe that’s the only way to get to it.”

“Bernkastel.” Spina called her on. “Place the fragment on the crystal. Maybe that’s the way to opened it up.” He said. “Otherwise, we probably just need to shatter it and find the answers.”
"Or we stop wasting time and finish this."

Gogeta's perturbed and frustrated dual voice cut in after Spina's orders, his hand shooting down at blistering speeds. Snatching up the main crystal from the little gremlins without a care if any clung to it, Gogeta practically snarled in curling his arm up with his hang gripping tightly onto the crystal.

"As fun as it is listening to all of you bluster about what you could do if you weren't so pathetic and soft, I'm tired of playing around. No more weak hearted excuses: I'm taking control of this operation."

Gogeta's eyes widened as he exerted extensive crushing force in a bid to shatter the crystal, the anger boiling over in nearly shouting in a furious rage.

"And for starters, I'm gonna smash this crystal to kingdom come!"
"Sense of what? The only 'sense' I got is common sense. And it's tellin' me I'm bored-- but since that annoys the old man, I'll stick around anyway to annoy him summore." Berserk picked at her ear with a pinky finger. "Still, I don't get what fixing the crystally part will do... the Coin's still inside and they kinda don't do anything from what I've seen." She seemed unsure about what the gremlins were trying to convey with all the seemingly random objects they piled up at Zenta's suggestion.

"It's not a Black Crystal so I guess it might not be dangerous to fix... But I'd rather not break it immediately." Bernkastel plucked the small piece from the gremlin and leaned down to see if it would perfectly fit into the crack. Just as she was about to follow Spina's command and see what would happen, someone else already snatched it out from under her. Her blank face vaguely expressed confusion, before Gogeta's angry tone made her stand back up.

"H-hey wait! What are you doing?!" Bernkastel demanded in shock. "What if it explodes and takes us with it? Give it!" The small Witch reached her arms up in an attempt to take the object back herself, but it was too far out of reach given his stature. "We had a deal! You said you weren't going to break things needlessly!"
Bage's eyes widened seeing all these items the little gremlins had brought to them, one in particular gaining the Saiyan's attention. He grasped the bottle lightly, smiling almost excitedly. This was what he had been looking for! But as Gogeta snatched up the crystal, however, his eyes narrowed into an intense glare, clenching onto the fusion's arm in a vice grip.

"I've had enough of this, it hasn't even been 30 minutes and you're already on the verge of ruining this investigation. You won't be breaking anything. That's evidence. Your leader may tolerate you, but I will not. You will not undermine my mission just so you can put on a tough guy act!" 

His gaze remained very serious as he stared down Gogeta, "Now let. It. Go."
Cross says in a chilling tone "Do what the detective says and do it nicely Gogeta."
As Bernkastel attempted to fix the crystal, each of the gremlins seemed to be relieved and calm but the moment Gogeta swiped the crystal, they all scattered about aimlessly in a panic. The crystal in Gogeta's hand was much harder and denser than the Fusion could anticipate. It was like a literal Diamond in terms of how tough it was and no amount of damage could even scratch it. It was odd given that it had a broken fragment. As Gogeta applied more force, the crystal started to dimly glow but nothing came out of it. 

Avalon stared into the trash the Coin-Gremlins left for them until the panicking critters and Gogeta's aggressive attitude caught his attention. He narrowed his eyes and seemed disgusted at how he treated the Breakers despite them trying their best to fix their name. While he ignored his tantrums, for the most part, he could not stand him talking down to the Breakers who were working hard.

"Dude, are you done?" Avalon rolled his eyes. "You keep yapping about how weak and pathetic we are yet you're the only one losing his cool! Can't you do anything else other than comparing yourself to others?" The man spoke in a mocking tone. "I get it... We're weak and pathetic. Total losers compared to someone as amazing and strong like you. Blah, blah, blah... I don't know what you're trying to prove but you're going to ruin it for the Breakers and this investigation. ...And that pisses me off."

I think I get why Cuki left now...

While Avalon finished, Zenta placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head when the man looked up at him.

"That is enough. Instigating him will not bode well for the Breakers," Zenta said calmly. "Let the others handle him."

Avalon shrugged his shoulders as he dug around the pile of junk. "I'unno why you defend him. He's clearly in the wrong but I guess friends got each others' backs, huh? I can respect that!" He quickly noticed Zenta turning his attention to some nearby shrubs, his ears flicking tirelessly. He peered through to see something large rustling within the leaves. 

"Damnit, give it back you little cretins!" A familiar voice shouted. "Hurry up Holmes!"

"I'm coming!" Holmes said while running after a Coin-Gremlin that carried a small bag labeled as 'Evidence.'

As the two finally came into view, they snatched the important bag and flicked the critter away. They noticed the odd opening in the middle of the forest as well as the Breakers and Detective Bage. Unaware of the situation at hand, they approached Detective Bage to see his grip on Gogeta's arm along with the Crystal and shard fragment. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Petrovic began. "I thought you Breakers would be under control! I knew this was a bad idea from the start!" The Officer pointed at Zenta. "You said you would keep things under control and keep an eye on them!"

"My sincerest apologies, Sir, Petrovic," Zenta bowed his head and flattened his ears to their normal state. "I take full responsibility for their behavior and actions. I am... deeply embarrassed."

"Hmph, I outta arrest you, you furry freak! I knew you Breakers were bad news."

"Hey, let's calm down, Petrovic!" Holmes stood in front of his partner. "Detective Bage is handling the situation right now so we should leave him to that!" He then turned to the officers that were helping them with the investigation. "Help Officer Petrovic take pictures and gather the evidence before things get out of hand."

On his command, a few officers followed Petrovic as he ordered certain areas to have their picture taken and certain items locked in an evidence bag. By this point, most of the Coin-Gremlins were gone, quickly vanishing into the deep thicket of the forest except for a few that continued to trail around Berserk, no doubt for the Coin she possessed.
Brachi was getting quite annoyed with Gogeta at this point.

"This ego of yours is not helping our case in the slightest," She said, now using Chi-Chi's voice, "are you really going to jeopardize our attempts to make things better by flying off the handle because we happen to do something that is below your standards? At least SOME of us are TRYING to do something else than destroying things." 

"You telling him off is not going to be of any help either. I have a feeling this is already messed up already, so why bother telling him this? Better let Spina deal with him if he feels like it." Jize then said to Brachi.

"Can't we just continue on and ignore him?" Bara then asked, showing her puppy eyes.

"I'm afraid that won't be of much use either, considering he likes to be in the spotlight..." Brachi muttered.
Seeing Bernkastel actually following command, Spina became slightly less tense. The start was rough, but they were going in the right direction, and give him some few fond memories of his younger days when he was in a command of a squadron. “If we keep this up, we’ll get out of this runt in no time flat.” The old Saiyan made a slight smirk. “And—”

Before he can finish his sentence, before Bernkastel managed can placed the broken shard on the crystal, Gogeta swipe it from her hand and, aggressively, demanded a change of pace while insulting everyone.

Spina slowly turned his head at the event as one after another step in and confronted the fusion on his attitude and his aggression actions so forth. When Bage grabbed Gogeta by the arm, and threatened him to let it go, Spina’s eyes narrowed. Before he can utter a single word in, the officers came into the scene and witnessed of what had transpired. The gremlins all ran off in different directions, and the officers already casting their doubts of their behavior due to the shown aggression taken place. The fact that Zenta abruptly had to come in and apologized on their behalf drove the old Saiyan into a state of anger. The slight hint of good coordination once again spoiled by him.

“Do what Bage said. Now.” Spina said as tone shifted to a more malicious tone. Marking the first time he spoke to Gogeta since the battle.
Gogeta's blue eyes met Bage's, the intense glare on his face unchanged. His anger rose slightly in seeing his arm apprehended, but he stood still in holding his scowl for a few moments.

"How dare you."

His scowl sharpened, his grip on the crystal unchanged and his stare seemingly dull for a brief second.

The confident and snarky voice of Vegetto Black rung out within Gogeta's mind, the amusement of the situation clearly resonating in his tone.

"Listen to them whine and whimper like dogs. Little people...with their little problems. Like those creatures, trying their best to make the most of their situation. The mutts wag their tails and play nice for their sheep masters...but try to bark and growl before someone superior to them."

Gogeta's firm, intense glare remained unchanged as a stark defiance to Vegetto Black's manipulative words, the latter's tone growing dark.

"Crush them...use my power and end this once and for all. Start with the one already under your boot."

Gogeta's scowl glanced amongst Cross and the other Breakers as they threatened him, his own energy beginning to rise like an animal backed into a corner. His eyes turned down, seeing Bernkastel plead in tandem with the others. His expression softened by only a minor, swift and quick twitch of his right eyebrow. To anyone not analyzing him closely, the entire display would've been missed, with Gogeta promptly pulling his arm and snapping it out of Bage's grasp with a frustrated "hmph."

The crystal dropped towards the floor, Gogeta turning on his heel with his back to the others and crossing his muscular arms across his chest.

"I won't. She has nothing to do with this."

Gogeta's mind had fallen silent in reply, leaving the man to stew in his anger alone while he maintained his stance.

The vast open plain of darkness stretched on and covered the land Vegetto Black stood on. The man's black attire fittingly matched the gloomy landscape, with no notable landmarks or distinctive additions than the sand beneath his boots.

The man's eyes were narrowed into a strong scowl, staring down at the floor with his arms crossed behind his back.

"This is taking too long. He should've already attacked them by now."

A curt, feminine voice rung out behind him, but the figure was shrouded from sight while she spoke.

"You're pushing him the wrong way. He won't attack the Witch like you want him to."

Vegetto Black's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, his gaze still forward.

"Then what am I supposed to do? The sooner we can turn that brat to a coin, the better."

There was barely a pause before the feminine voice spoke again, the curt and strong words firm in delivery.

"Focus him to another one. You won't get the Witch, but there's another he hates."

Vegetto Black raised his eyebrow, taking a moment to read Gogeta's mental state once more and feeling the rage boiling. His smirk soon rose in realization, nodding back to the figure cloaked in shadows.

"Ah...perfect. Well done...well done indeed. It won't be long now; and I'll get to finally see how far he's come since our last fight."
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