The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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“Someone that can change into a beast and lose control? What kind of nonsensical crap is that?” Spina said in a firm tone after hearing Cross explain the concept of were beasts. However, his attention shifted when the creatures came out of the bushes. “What the hell are those things?” Spina couldn’t recall, though have a vague familiarity with them.

The old Saiyan was seconds away from blast them when more of them started to appear, but due to Bage’s demand, he lowered his right arm. "Tsk... Fine. But there a lot of these creatures here. Could they be the reason behind the chaos, here?" He look at one of the creatures that latched onto his leg before tugging it to fling it off. "They look pathetically weak to do anything."

Realizing that the creatures took the crystal from Bage and started to run off. “That definitely ain’t no black crystal…” He turns to Bage. "Its your call, Detective." His eyes narrowed. "Those things are making way with your evidence."
The veins running through Gogeta’s head throbbed intensely as he stood with crossed arms, grunting in annoyance at the gremlins’ antics. He finally snapped in suddenly raising his right leg, bringing his foot crashing down on the closest gremlin near him. 

The fusion had watched the creatures begin to scurry off with the stolen prize from Bage, his hands balling up into fists and leaning into a brisk walk. His march after the gremlins indicated the man had no intention of being careful to spare the creatures. Gogeta’s harsh glare followed after the gremlins, his blue eyes scanning through the shrubbery and crushing it while he walked through it to try and take back the stolen item.
"Ew, they're small and creepy. Reminds me of bugs." Berserk wrinkled her nose at the tiny creatures in disdain before stepping down on the one scratching at her shoe with no care or remorse. To her they were no more significant than ants. "Nasty little things." She swung her leg to shake the rest off her.

"They aren't dangerous but I suppose they're very... driven to get Coins..." Bernkastel saw more of them make a beeline in another direction, gaining a smirk as she followed them to the next clearing. "I'll find what they're looking for first!"

Jumping over the bushes Gogeta trampled, she stopped her motion seeing more blood scattered around. "Look-- another one," she pointed at the Coin encased in the crystal. "Could it be the coin from the imprint? The creatures would have easily made off with it, but it looks like someone didn't want this one to be recovered. See the crack? It could be an entirely different person but why go through all that trouble for some children."

"Then if it's just Coins, I guess it's good as solved, right?" Berserk asked in evident boredom. "Can we go home now?"
Cross says "I will assume your don't know about the werewolf they are oddly a fairly common type of werebeast."

Cross says "Coin-Goblins are largely harmless and as far I know a mechanisms of this reality to make shore people respond safely."
Brachi and Bara too removed the gremliins from their feet whom scurried off after doing so, but unlike Gogeta, they didn't go the extra mile to crush one, instead following on to get the stolen item back on their turn, while Jize used her trident to gently prod one gremlin away, before following Bernkastel.
"Hang on now. Let's see where this goes." Bage watched as the little goblins snatched the crystal from his pocket, watching them scurry not too far off from where he was standing. Seeing the way they scattered along made the taller Saiyan chuckle. But his moment of peace was stomped on just like one of the little creatures under Gogeta's foot. Bage's eyes narrowed as he followed, refraining from saying anything as he remembered Zenta's words. He would certainly have to keep an eye on this one for sure. 

"They wont get too far with it. Come on, I'm sure their little mission is leading them somewhere."  He moved passed the shrubs and branches with care, unlike the fusion.
Spina’s eyes dulled the moment when Gogeta started stomping on the creatures in anger. He followed behind the fusion, and slowly extend his arm forward to the back of his neck. The act itself wasn’t an issue, but rather, they seemingly scattered right away instead of a game plan nor listening to Bage’s suggestion. Silent thoughts that invaded his mind—seeing how others made their own decision and movements without working as a team was aggravating him.

Yet, when Bage suggest following the creatures and understand their purpose, the old Saiyan snapped out of it instantly, and lowered his arm. Instead, he walked past the others to placed himself in the front, to check the area that Bernkastel commented on.

Upon seeing the pool of dried blood on the ground, the crystal with a coin encased within was there. In a firm tone. “We aren’t done yet. We’re here to find some leads to find those brats. If you’re bored, then leave. Don’t need deadweight dragging everyone down.” He said in a more aggressive tone. He put his attention on what Bernkastel pointed at, not giving the others the chance to response to his comments, to add his own thoughts on the matter. “Perhaps whatever that thing is too valuable. I wouldn’t be surprised if the children were killed because of this.” When Bernkastel pointed out the crack at the tip. “But what’s with the crystal? Is that another one of these “defense-mechanism” that this world created?”
Cross was unaffected by the goblins because he was floating.

Cross says as a matter of fact "Way do I get the felling those kids provoked the wrong thing and payed the price."
When Gogeta stepped on the critter, it let out a high pitched yelp before turning into a puff of smoke under his foot. It left behind a very tiny diamond-like crystal nearly identical to the larger one in the dried pool of blood. As the tiny Coin-Gremlins ran to the larger crystal, they surrounded it while the one holding the shard climbed up to the top and carefully examined the chipped part of the crystal and the shard. Avalon rushed behind the group to see the critters try and place the shard on top of the crystal where it matched. 

"No way it's solved now, Berserk! We still have to find the kids! C'mon, where's your sense of justice?" Avalon commented while pointing at the gremlins. "I think that tiny shard might be the missing piece. But... how does that connect to the kids and this coin is that stuck in the crystal?"

"Perhaps this is what the little creatures do to any missing coins," Zenta added. "Those who do not claim coins are encased in a crystal? It could also be instinct that these tiny creatures are just naturally attracted to Coins. It is very odd behavior, to say the least."

As the group continued to ponder, the bushes that surrounded the opening began to rustle. From them, at least a hundred of the tiny gremlins came running out, each one heading to the large crystal as they ran between the Breaker's feet. A few of them 'talked' to one another using the tiny feelers on their heads before jittering nonsense to themselves. It looked like ants working together to move a large load since the crystal was far larger and heavier than them. While it took the vast majority of them, they slowly dragged the crystal to the Breakers with the Gremlin at the top of the crystal trying to identify how to fix it. Nearly on demand, all the critters stared up at the Breakers with their large unblinking eyes.

"Whoa, there's a ton of them! You think if we feed them Berserk they'll grow crazy ribbon tentacles?" Avalon watched curiously as they worked together. "They're kinda cool when they work together like that. But... why are they looking at us like that..?"

The gremlin holding up the shard tapped it against the crystal, almost as if trying to tell them something. 

"Uhh... they want to break the crystal?" The elf tilted his head as he tried to understand.

"Maybe they want us to fix it?" Zenta chimed in.

As soon as Zenta mentioned his suggestion, the gremlins all immediately stared at him. Nearly on cue, the bushes rustled once again and even more critters came out holding what looked to be junk and placing it on top of the blood spatter on the ground. Random things like empty jars, spoiled food, books, and plastic bags were thrown in the center but a few things stood out in particular. A small shoe that no doubt belonged to one of the children with blood on it. The other was a unique looking purple bottle that appeared to have a 'nebula' swirling inside of it. He let out a soft lavender glow as it was tossed on top of the junk the creatures piled.

"Do they expect us to fix it with this stuff..? This is just a bunch of junk. Even if there was something useful in there, how can we fix the crystal?" Avalon sighed while messing his hair. "Man, I wish they can talk. Things would be a whole lot easier if they could..."
Cross says looking at the crystal "I was expecting the vertex would translate there language to something we would understand. It would be faster for them to spell out the in a language we can understand or once I finished looking at the crystal we can cast a translate spell."
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