The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Brachi heard Gogeta say that in that tone of his.

"Please, Gogeta, do try to contain yourself for the time being. It's no use to make things any worse than they already are. I know you must be itching for a fight, but that won't do us any good now. I know as much from my own experiences." She said to him.

Brachi's tone was different from Spina's... she was more polite and friendly... and her voice seemed to have a tone which Gogeta himself might recognize, being similar to that of a certain blue-haired female scientist.
"That was fairly easier than I thought. I'm glad you all see it our way." Bage relaxed a bit at the group's agreeance with the plan. He almost expected them to completely disregard him! Luckily they were actually taking this seriously, so he could work with this! He turned to Holmes and bent down to receive the whispered thought. He smiled back and nodded. "Great minds think alike Holmes. I will be entrusting you both with overseeing the other officers. I trust you both to report to me immediately if anything comes up." 

The detective turned to the two and gave them a soft two-fingered salute before he was off. "Keep in touch, and stay sharp."

As he walked along the path, he noticed the tension Spina's presence seemed to cause for some of his team members. He had heard of people hating their bosses, but it was painfully clear there was a clear disdain for him... Especially coming from Gogeta. But seeing Bernkastle calm him down was a relief. He stepped closer to the smaller group, near Bernkastel specifically.

"Exactly. Don't want to cause any unnecessary drama!" He seemed to address both Bern and Brachi's concerns with Gogeta casually.
The forest was thick with many trees that blocked most of the sun aside from the tiny trickles of light that passed through. Everything was still despite the wind blowing through the trees. The atmosphere was somewhat relaxing but there was a hint of unease within the leaves. Every step inside would feel as if someone was watching them despite no one being around, and even if there was, the foliage easily hid them from even the sharpest eye. As beautiful as the forest may be, something felt off about it, as if something unnatural disturbed it. 

The immediate area where the Breakers entered had a fallen tree with mysterious slashes on the wood, it almost looked like claw marks. The ground near the base of the tree indicated a struggle. There were multiple footprints, some large and some small, scattered throughout the area near the fallen tree. There was also a set of tiny patterns that looked like holes littered across the ground. They had no direction and appeared to scramble throughout the entire scene. Some disappeared behind bushes and others without a trace. Lastly, the nearby trees surrounding the one on the ground had holes in them, similar to that of stabbing. One hole had dried blood with the same tiny dot-like patterns at its base on the ground.

(I'll add more clues the more you guys investigate but feel free to dig around!)

Avalon was the first to reach the area of investigation. He released Berserk and took a deep breath, taking in the forest air as he looked around the treetops. There was not much light coming through and the time they had to search would only be a short while before the sun went down. "Smell that Berserk? Smells like justice! ...Or maybe I'm just sweaty."

"Alright, Officer Petrovic said we have until sundown, right? Let's not waste any time. We should start by that fallen tree," said Avalon. He unclipped his orange scroll and opened it up. A tuff of smoke appeared on the scroll before he pulled out a magnifying glass. "Now we're cooking! I'll stick with you Berserk since it's better to work in pairs. That, and, well..." He soon lowered his voice. "Between you and me, I don't wanna set any of them off... Things are still kinda tense between them after yesterday."

Zenta would arrive next and frown at the gentle wind coursing through his fur. It felt agitated and did not seem right to him. As much as he questioned the environment, he knew that he had to help the Breakers with the investigation as well as make sure they don't cross fists with each other. He immediately thought about Spina and his way of handling things. He knew that things could escalate with him and the other Breakers. The beast sighed softly to himself before muttering softly.

Please do not waste this chance, Breakers...

Zenta knew he could not see any physical evidence but he could certainly hear if something was rustling within the forest as they investigated. The large ears that usually rested on the side of his head perked up until they were entirely straight. It would be weird seeing his ears upright but it helped him hear things that were much farther away. His ears would twitch at every little noise within the forest, and it was his job to determine whether it was something natural to the forest or something else.

"Yes, sir! Do be careful!" Holmes salutes back to Bage, watching him walk off with the Breakers. He felt entirely relieved about the situation and turned to Petrovic. "You think... they're really going to help us out? If they do, this will help them out greatly. I don't know how to feel about this..."

"Neither do I. Well, as long as they help bring us one step closer to solving this mystery, then I guess they can't be all bad..." Petrovic said before turning to the side of the forest assigned to them. "Hmph, we'll see once this day is over. Anyway, we should hurry along and get to work."

"I wonder how people will see them if they do manage to solve this mystery..." Holmes shrugged before following Petrovic into the forest.
Gogeta's eyes turned slowly to Brachi, his steady scowl unchanged throughout her request. He crossed his arms slowly, pausing for a brief moment. The man did little to hide his frustrations, yet at the same time, he clearly struggled in blatantly avoiding an all out explosive response. He cringed heavily, shutting his eyes tightly while inhaling deeply and exhaling out a breath that nearly ignited the forest floor from its heat alone.

Seemingly regaining some control over his emotions, Gogeta slowly opened his eyes with a strong glare at Brachi. His dual voice rung out with a curt, venomous tone.

"Don't ever use that voice with me again."

Gogeta struggled a bit once more: the clear indication of his scowl and nature wanting him to maintain the death glare and assert dominance in the situation. But he suddenly shifted his weight and practically threw himself forward, striding after where Avalon, Zenta, and Beserk had gone in a desperate attempt to avoid escalating. He grimaced heavily glancing down and walking with crossed arms. Despite his attempts to conceal is nature, Gogeta spoke once more with a condescending, frustrated tone.

"This whole thing would be over with if it wasn't for you people worrying about me all the time. If you hadn't gotten in my way, a warrior like Hart would've been dead and none of this would be happening!"

He tightly shut his eyes, attempting to fight against his pride and nature.


Yet Gogeta continued on, his eyes opening with an intense scowl and grit teeth.

"And now here we are, prancing around this forest and wasting time looking for children, scratching your heads and wondering what comes next. When it should already be finished!"

Gogeta suddenly stopped in his tracks, his glare back on the others in his venomous voice rising once more.

"You're all pitiful: running around with those self-righteous looks on your faces. Those children we're looking for got captured because they're weaklings and those civilians died because they're worthless. They only respect people that are like them; pathetic."

His scowl sharpened further, his hands balling to fists.

"So if you want to be heroes in their eyes, then do what they do: cower in fear and stay out of my way. Unless you want to end up just like them."
Seeing that Bernkastel, Brachi and Bage reaffirmed his thoughts of keeping the fusion in check, Spina went ahead into the forest without much of an issue, ignoring Gogeta’s changed of tone when he answered Bernkastel’s question.

His mind focused on the investigation in his deep forest, he examined the nature of trees that appeared to be damage. “Claw marks, huh?” Spina pressed his fingers on the marks on the trees; the rigid patterns at least indicate that a possible battle took place here, or at least, someone had lost control. Seeing the footprints, his first thought was Cuki. “Was it her…? No, I would’ve sensed her wild nature by this point.” Considering the unusual patterns and the tracks going different direction, it couldn’t be her.

The old Saiyan stood up, thinking about the state definitely wouldn’t be common thieves, but then again, he thought about the group yesterday. “Was it those freaks?” Spina referred to Grey, Slate, Carnage and Mr. Sound; they did manage to escape under his watch, but once again, he doesn’t feel any presence of their energy anywhere. His thoughts was interrupted when Gogeta voiced his frustrations loudly, Spina turned his head toward him as if he were able to respond to his outbursts. Yet, just as quickly, he turned away as if Spina flat out dismissed him and put his attention on the actual investigation instead.

“Bage, right?” Spina said. “Those old bastards [the officers] speculated that common thieves were behind this, but judging from this state, this ain’t no robbery. Cleary those brats got into something much more troubling.”
Although disappointed at hearing Gogeta's remark, Brachi moved on to where the others were with Bara and Jize in tow, with Jize also taking a look at the hole which had dried blood on it.

"I suggest we investigate, yes," She said, taking out her trident to see if she can carefully poke her way around the hole to see of there is anything she could dig up that could likely help out with their search, "it's hard to tell who this belongs to, but if whatever left is here has been injured, it should have some kind of trail around the area or perhaps in the hole itself, so it would be something we should be able to trace and determine its origin."
Berserk crossed her arms with an incredulous look on her face. "Definitely sweat. And not just yours, I bet." Briefly looking back where the others dispersed around the scene, she gave a half-shrug. "But seeing as the vibes in this place are way off, I'd rather not get tangled up in their mess right now. You don't look like you're one second away from 'roid rage so I guess it's cool with me."

Crouching by the tree, Berserk observed the strange marks scattered around the ground. "Weird. These don't look like holes bugs like to dig. Can't think of an animal that would leave these everywhere... whatever passed through here ain't human," she said to Avalon.


The way Gogeta responded towards Brachi made Bernkastel instinctively pull her arms close to her torso, knowing well the threat that tone can carry. "H-hold on a second, let's just calm down a moment..." she trailed off when he started walking off in the other direction, the small Witch following behind him worried about what he'd do next before stopping with a vague look of shock on her features.

Through Gogeta's tirade, Bernkastel's face shifted between uncomfortable surprise to visible upset. She couldn't stand being berated, but it especially stung considering part of what he said was true. If it weren't for Hart getting away and using Ultraman as a red herring towards them, many current problems would have been evaded; she had suspected Hart rather early on, but many distractions and friction continuously led them off-course in confirming the Coin Hunter's identity. By the time Hart was properly dealt with, everything was in complete shambles. However, what he said about the children hit a nerve.

"That's how it boils down for you men, isn't it? Anyone who isn't a musclebound bloodhound like you is just weak and pathetic?" Since the others were off investigating, it was just Gogeta and herself in the clearing with Bage next to her. Her cheeks turned bright red in indignant anger as she raised her voice. "Do you have any idea how it feels to be trapped in a human child's body seemingly forever, never to grow up?! To have short skinny limbs and no magic or ki to defend yourself with? Hardly any control over that body knowing you'd die if you weren't rescued in time? I wasn't any different than those children long ago!"

Bern squeezed her eyes shut as if she were in physical pain; even though he tried to restrain himself, the words that came out cut her deeply.

"Maybe that does make me pitiful to you... perhaps it's more pitiful that I thought you'd be different than the other self-important Saiyan men," she said in a dejected tone before looking back at him with a determined yet teary-eyed glare.

"But I'm not a child anymore, so you can't boss me around! And I also hate wasting time-- in fact, I'll be the first to find those kids and you'll eat your words!" Without waiting for Gogeta to respond, Bern took off from the group running, her petite form quickly swallowed up by the forest foliage past the bushes in a bid to take the task on by herself. Since she was too agitated emotionally, she failed to pick up on the vaguely ominous atmosphere of the forest or even consider something may be threatening enough to attack her.

"Nobody'll keep up with me when it comes to mysteries... I'll show you!"
Bage remained quiet through Gogeta and Berkastel's rants, continuing to observe the group's actions as some ignored the outbursts and seemingly acted as if things were normal. "Hey! Don't just-" He seemed to panic a little as Bernkastel took off into the brush. He signed heavily and pondering just what he had gotten himself into with this group. It had only been a few minutes and some of them were already back at each other's throats. He continued walking his usual pace before locking glares with Gogeta briefly before continuing passed him. "Well if that's how you truly feel, then why stick around with us weaklings? You clearly have your mind made up." 

He made came up closer to Spina, his expression now showing slight concern at this leader's lack of... leading. 

"Officer Holmes and Petrovic..." He corrected the insult before continuing. "Yeah, Things seem way too crazy here to have been just a normal robbery or kidnapping. It's almost as if some wild magical animal did this... You know... Your members-" 

He stopped in thought as he noticed Zenta's head swiveling around and ears twitching around as if listening for something. He quickly strode over to the beast as his concern grew. "Is something the matter?" He asked.
Gogeta blinked in confusion, taken aback from Bernkastel's response to his tirade. It hadn't dawned him in the slightest that she would respond the way she did: his intentions clearly directed more at the Breakers who stopped him during the first encounter with Hart. He stared back, barely managing to understand that she had taken his venomous words to heart, and moved only a step to try and stop her from running deeper into the forest.

"But you're not...a kid...wait!"

He immediately frowned, the immense shame and regret of his actions instantly slamming into him. It stung him only for a moment, however, his eyes lifting at Detective Bage passing by with the scathing commentary. Gogeta scoffed at the man in reply, watching him pass while he stood with his head hanging down, his narrowed glare trained on the grass below.

Why...I didn't do anything wrong...why did she act like that...

Gogeta's head perked up slightly, the scowl deepening however at the sound of a familiar, confident voice ringing within his head.

"Because you were right. She is weak...weaker than you think."

Gogeta's glare sharpened again, falling silent. To the outside world, he was simply standing with a strong glare at the ground, but his dual voice spoke within his head in a curt, defensive tone.

"I told you to get out of my head. Don't insult my not-wife like that."

The amused chuckle of Vegetto Black soon followed the request, his tone dark.

"I'm your not-wife too, Gogeta. I was the one who helped you fight against that brute, remember? If it wasn't for me, that first battle would've ended up much like your last run in with him, don't you think?"

Gogeta instantly scoffed to himself in reply, Vegetto Black's amused voice continuing.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to make fun of you. In fact, quite the opposite: I know what it feels like to be humiliated by that joke of a Saiyan. It's why I want to help you again."

Gogeta's scowl remained undeterred, his glare lifting only slightly.

"No thanks. I'll beat him my own way."

Vegetto Black's tone shifted, growing more curt and serious.

"You don't understand this world, Gogeta. This brute...this...simpleton, didn't develop his power naturally. There are forces in play far beyond your reach...all of them working together to keep the strongest from ruling. They masquerade as 'heroes' and 'saviors', wanting to help and bring order to the world."

Gogeta remained still, Vegetto Black continuing with a ominous tone.

"But warriors like you and I...we are dangerous to them. The strongest deserve to survive and rule, but the weak of this world have found a way to shackle those who are normally far beyond their reach. Forcing us to live in their shadows when we deserve to be...legendary."

Gogeta kept a curt tone inside his head, the only sign of give in his stance the sheer notion of posing a question.

"Then who do I need to fight? Where can I find the people doing this?"

Vegetto Black's voice resumed a conniving tone, directing Gogeta's attention to Spina.

"You already know her well: the Witch. Think about it: when was the last time the 'strongest' Breaker taught you anything valuable, hmm?"

Gogeta kept his stare the same, but his eyes softened a bit in surprise as Vegetto Black continued.

"She even had the nerve to say exactly what she planned from the start: to control you. To restrain you; shackle you to her bidding. The brute she enhanced with her magic being right there...if you act up, he puts you down. Perhaps she feels pity on you for some reason...and that's why you're still alive because she steps in just in time to stop her beast from killing you. But in the end, brother...she is trying to turn you into her slave. She wants to make you like her: weak and fragile."

Gogeta kept his frown, quickly grabbing his skull with both hands and cringing heavily at the pained thought of betrayal slowly creeping into his mind.

"No! She wouldn't do that to're lying!"

Vegetto Black let out a low sigh, the amused tone returning.

"Then tell me: on every chance you've taken to fight with her...every time you've asked her to make you stronger...what was her answer?"

Gogeta kept his head down, falling silent. The air ruffled through the small forest clearing he found himself in alone, and Vegetto Black's confident voice rung out in his head shortly after once more.

"That's what I thought. I need you, Gogeta: I've been a slave far too long to these cretins too. Stay with them a bit longer, help them on this fool's errand and see how right I am. They loathe you because they're afraid of your potential...and they will eventually try to put you down like they did with me. But all you have to do to stand against ask. I can give you my power; the power to free yourself from these petty attachments. The reclaim your rightful place as the strongest Saiyan.

Gogeta lifted his head slowly, inhaling deeply through his nose. The blue energy coloring his eyes and hair faded away as he exhaled slowly, unfolding his arms and turning on his heel. The fusion strode into the clearing where the other Breakers had continued investigating, but stood back a few feet. His scowl had remained strong, simply watching on with tense arms as his stare glanced between each Breaker during their conversation.
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