The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"He's referring to me." Bage came forward matching Spina's height with a bright smile. He took a firm stance, backing up the officers that Spina had been intimidating. "Well, At least you asked! But unfortunately, from what I've heard since I've been back in the city, you all don't respond very well to teamwork or discipline. So much so that it seems like you've had some people abandon your group." The detective's face changed to a more serious expression, his eyes locking with Spina's, almost like a military sergeant to a private. "To tell you the blunt truth, even with no prior knowledge of any of you, I can tell you don't hold the best intentions. At least.... most of you. I think you all shouldn't be trusted with anyone's life. Especially you. So the fact that you've come all the way here in hopes of helping doesn't ease my mind in the slightest."

Bage turned away, his face twisting in thought as he paced over toward Petrovic and Holmes. "That being said... You guys are pretty powerful. Maybe with some coaching, you could prove to be assets to the agency. And even if I said no, you'd probably go and ruin things for us anyway! So what the hell, you can help! But we won't be handing any info as of right now. You can either come along and get your reputation fixed with a little guidance since that seems to be your focus, or you can keep running around making a mess of things like chickens with your head cut off. So what's the move?"
Cross thinks "As long he not a war criminal like the last one what ever. I need to keep a level head." 
"I have less air resistance, I suppose. But if you went faster, half the forest would have been gone by now. Maybe next time you'll win," Bernkastel said to Gogeta before listening to Spina and Zenta speak with the officers. Her face formed a sour grimace at the prospect of being relegated into being another person's subordinate, especially with how much experience she had in murder mysteries.

"The agency..." she squinted in thought. "It sounds like a pain but if we cooperate, we could get lucky and he might vouch for us to Goku. Don't forget he's watching us like a hawk..." Not even Whis's charisma could do much more than a dent in Detective Goku's judgement. "With my deductive reasoning skills, lack of information won't be a problem," Bern said confidently as she straightened her bow tie. "Teamwork might be though."

Berserk idly played with her hair and mostly tuned things out since her primary concern was what was in said forest. "Do we have to?" She pouted in evident distaste of having to play by grown-ups rules. "Well, it is Finder's Keepers so if it'll be fun I can't complain..."
Both Holmes and Petrovic shivered in fear upon seeing Spina's demonic smile and nearly fell down upon Gogeta's arrival. The more Spina talked to them and tried to be 'friendly', the more creeped out they got. In a way, they liked him a little better when he wasn't trying to be polite. At least they didn't have to see such a terrorizing smile.

"Even if we wanted you to help, the decision rests with Detective Bage," Holmes said to Spina. 

"Christ, quit smiling!" Petrovic blurted out. "You look like a demon when you do!"

When Bage finally arrived to give his view on what the Breakers should do, both Officers listened intently to what he had to say. When he finished speaking, Petrovic was about to argue against Bage's decision but Avalon's cheerful tone blocked him out.

"We'll take your offer!" Avalon pumped a fist in the air despite being shoved by Spina earlier. "I like this Detective! He's not such a sourpuss! Let's make sure not to ruin it, guys. I know you Breakers can do this. We even have a secret ace up our sleeve! With Bernkastel on our side, we'll bring new light to this mystery! Just you wait!"

"Indeed, we humbly accept the offer of helping with this investigation," Zenta bowed his head in gratitude. "We will make sure not to waste this valuable chance to prove ourselves."

Holmes and Petrovic both stared at Detective Bage, one content with his decision and the other not as happy. Regardless, they both believed that Bage knew what he was doing. With low whispered between themselves, they both muttered how having the Breakers around could work. With a few minutes of careful planning from both parts, Holmes and Petrovic nodded in agreement with one another before Holmes stepped forward to speak to the Breakers.

"Okay, fine, you can help. If Detective Bage is in agreement, then I guess having an extra pair of hands can't hurt in this investigation." Holmes said a bit more confidently than before. "As you know, we're investigating two missing kids missing in this forest."

"We found some pieces of evidence to suggest thieves might be involved," Petrovic added. "Some sort of small crystal shard unknown to anything in our databases. We believe that the children might have been caught in some scramble with thieves trying to steal whatever that shard came out of."

"So far, we don't have much evidence to conclude this but it's our only shot. Frankly put, we're shooting in the dark," Holmes sighed before clearing his throat. "But anywho, the more clues you find, the better, right? If you want to help, you should enter the forest over there." Holmes pointed just a bit away from the main sight of the investigation. "We plan to search that area later today but if you guys can scan it for anything suspicious we will appreciate it."

"Don't think for a second that we won't be watching you! The moment you spot something, you immediately report to either me or Holmes! The last thing we need is your group withholding evidence." Petrovic scoffed. "You're lucky Detective Bage is nice enough to give you a chance. If I were you, I'd be on my best behavior. Anyway, best get to work, we leave by sundown."

Avalon turned to the Breakers, his smile full of joy for the chance they got and once they got their orders, he got even more excited. In his glee, he placed an arm around Berserk's shoulders and pulled her close, smashing her face against his chest as he pointed to the area they were allowed to search in. 

"This is it, Breakers! Let's prove to them that you guys are capable of changing! Justice will triumph everything, right Berserk?!" Avalon cheered as he rushed to the forest with Berserk in tow. "Let's go go go!"

"Thank you for this opportunity Sir Petrovic and Sir Holmes, we will not let you down." Zenta bowed his head again. "I usually make sure they stay in line, but any other forms of discipline are most welcomed~! Ohoho~! We will be careful as to not disturb anything deemed as evidence." 

Zenta smiled to the two officers before turning on his heel to gracefully walk past the Breakers and the officials, casually trailing behind Avalon. As Zenta and Avalon disappeared into the thicket, Holmes looked up at Bage before whispering something in his ear.

"Do you think it's a good idea to leave them unsupervised? Maybe you should keep an eye on them, Detective Bage, you know, in case they start to act out. And don't you worry about me and Petrovic, we can handle this side of the investigation on our own!"
Spina frowned when the officers didn’t seem to like his smile. “Am I doing this wrong?” He thought to himself to see why anyone would be afraid of a simple grin. Nevertheless, seeing that the others had already forced the decision for the group to go along with Bage anyways, he’d follow suit. “Fine.” Spina agreed. “As long we get to help, that’s all it matters.” 

Bage is part of the Detective Agency, the one run by Detective Goku. If the Breakers managed to do some good, Detective Bage might put in a good word in for Goku and lessen his requirements overtime. Spina concluded in his head. He turned to Bernkastel and Gogeta, the latter nearly planted the forest into blistering flames just by arriving, and Bernkastel not giving nothing more than a hint of encouragement rather than scolding. “Keep him in line before he torched the forest.” He uttered loudly.

After Avalon rushed into the forest, dragging Berserk in kind, Spina wondered about the shards. “Black Crystals?” He thought to himself. The old Saiyan seen the effects it can cause in person, but he expressed some doubts that someone would be foolish enough to take one of them due to its destructive powers. He turned to Bage and waited for his command since he’s more informative on this mission compared to any of the Breakers. “Alright, lead the way.”
Cross says "if it was safe for them(Detectives) too torch would that not rule out Black Crystals? We don't know what kind of crystal bound that it's a Crystal." Cross thinks "If not for the fact I see worth in the Breakers you and that Gouk would dead minim, he commuted that war crime agency my self." 

group of on lookers

A young looking mage "Those detectives do get the vale of people that actually seen true death." A older looking mage asks "What do you mean before coming hear I was looking at dyeing because my falling health." Young looking mage says "Going to an after life, getting put back in a cycle, and hear being your simple revived after a time. They face the possibly of non those things being true."
"You say weird things. And you're hugging me..." was the most Berserk could get out verbally in the tone of a warning. Being dragged off by Avalon against her will, they left behind a trail from her heels digging into the dirt trying to get out from under his grip since she was sulking about having to go along with the agency's order. Even though she had no respect for authority she wasn't stupid enough to intentionally draw attention to herself.

At the sound of Spina's scolding, Bernkastel narrowed her eyes before crossing her arms with an audible scoff. "Oh please. You ought to worry more about how you're going to handle those children without making them cry. That smile of yours is simply nightmare-inducing," Bernkastel retorted haughtily. "And unlike you, Gogeta and I are perfectly capable of being ordinary. We won't need to use threatening auras and terrifying smiles to get what we want!"

Noting how Gogeta's current aura could present a problem to the forest life, she cleared her throat. "So for the time being, we shouldn't power up unless we encounter a threat to the children's safety. We need to make sure any clues leading us to the children stay undisturbed-- like that crystal piece." Bern looked up at Gogeta and stared directly into his eyes with a blank yet serious expression. "Can you do that? Remember, we can't endanger their well-being, otherwise it goes against trying to help."
Gogeta stood silent and still throughout the conversation. His attention span quickly flew out the window as soon as the detectives began explaining the situation, his blue eyes drifting along. His focus came back to reality upon seeing Avalon dragging Beserk off into the forest. Unaware of Beserk’s clear disdain for the situation, Gogeta happily waved as he watched them depart deeper in the forest.

“Have fun!”

His eyes turned forward once Zenta moved past him, Gogeta’s eyebrows instantly narrowing at Spina’s voice. The intense glare remained firm, his stare only momentarily breaking in hearing Bernkastel clear her throat. He paused for a moment, and after a few seconds, let out an annoyed grunt. The blue hair and eyes remained as his aura disappeared into air; but the fusion stared down Spina in a growing rage simply from the lack of recognition alone. The older Saiyan spoke no direct insults or possibly even intended it, but the decision to address Bernkastel over Gogeta himself about his behavior ignited his frustration.

Gogeta’s eyebrow twitched; his instinctive reaction to fire back at Spina’s command being held back from the result of the last confrontation. Yet his arms visibly trembled shortly after; the thought of the humiliating loss and lack of ability to fight back further amplifying Gogeta’s wounded pride.

The question posed by Bernkastel broke his rage fueled thoughts, the blue eyes turning down to meet hers. He let out an annoyed grunt, clearly indicating he had barely listened to a word that was spoken and glanced to the side with a tone in his dual voice that did little to reassure anyone.

“Yeah, sure.”
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