The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Gogeta grinned, nodding curtly at Bernkastel.

“You bet!”

He stepped out into the balcony first, staring out towards the horizon and sending the others making their way towards the forest. Gogeta turned his head down towards Bernkastel with an excited pump of his arms, gleefully preparing to dash up.

“Let’s practice having fun too: I’ll race ya to the forest! Ready...set-“

The blue flames erupted up underneath Gogeta’s boots, engulfing him the bright aura as he transformed into Super Saiyan Blue. With an gleeful yelp, Gogeta shot into the air without waiting for a response.

The tall detective dismissed the officers he had been talking to before turning around and greeting Holmes with a smile. He was dressed in a similar outfit to that of Detective Goku, only his coat had been draped over his shoulders. Hearing that they had finally found something was music to the man's ears.

"Excellent officer Holmes!" Detective Bage exclaimed, gently taking up the notes and evidence from Holmes. While the officer continued talking, Bage flipped through the detailed pages. He took a moment to examine the crystal through the evidence bag carefully by lifting it in the light. "Barely anything is better than nothing at all!"

The Saiyan placed a gloved hand on the officer's shoulder. "And, aside from it being my moral duty, my agency thinks this could possibly be tied to something we're investigating. The details are confidential, but regardless, it could only be a matter of time before another child is snatched from their family. So I figured we should work together to put an end to this quickly. Don't you think?"
"Hey, wait!! I'm going to be the last to arrive!" Bernkastel climbed over the balcony railing and sailed off across the sky to chase after Gogeta. "I'd have instantly won if I knew where to place my portal..."

Berserk had reached the forest and landed to a skidding halt that tore up the grass by a few feet. "Wahaha! Alright nerds, let's get to business--" she stopped in front of yellow caution tape and tugged at it with a confused look. "Hey, no fair! Someone beat us here?"

Bernkastel, the last to have left, descended as soon as the forest came into her view, narrowing her eyes at the commotion that had already been present. "They have been spending several days searching for them after all. As chance would have it..." She didn't seem to like the idea of having to 'share' the investigating with others, much less anyone affiliated with law enforcement given the Breakers' presence on Detective Goku's watchlist.
Upon Bernkastel being the last one to leave and chase after the others, the caretaker picked up Lucifer and headed outside, the garden. Lucifer’s eyes dulled a bit, feeling a bit unsatisfied that the main purpose of this group had shifted courses. “We’ll closely examine their progression and see forth of how these activities will shape their paths.”

“And if things rapidly changed course?” The caretaker once again spoke for a second time.

Lucifer smiles. “We’ll get there when we get there.” He turns to the garden after losing sight of Bernkastel into the skies. “And Spina? How’s he?”

The caretaker nodded. “He’s holding out. For how long…” As the caretaker and Lucifer stare out towards the garden, riddled with gigantic holes, and destroyed vegetations and plant-life.

Flying towards the direction of the forest, Spina’s expression was stern, and his aura was radiating with bloodlust. Upon Zenta mentioning the group, the old Saiyan landed on the group in his menacing ways. “This is the place? Good.” He sense the others nearby and coming to his direction rapidly. “Considering the size of this forest, it shouldn’t be hard for the others to know where we’re at.” He lowered his energy now and turned to Petrovic with a single question. “We’re here to find the missing children. Tell me what you know so far. It’ll makes things easier.”
Cross says "Do try to hide that bloodlust Spina, it is harder to convince people that your hear to do good wend you radiated that."
Brachi, Bara and Jize landed shortly after that, with Brachi noticing Petrovic and Spina right of the bat.

"Pardon me, sir, but would you kindly help us out, please?" Brachi asked politely, trying the friendliest and most polite way to get his attention, "we're here to help in looking for the missing children so we can reunite them with their loved ones, so can you please let us know any clues as to where in this forest they may have been taken to?"
"Excuse me, who are you..?" Petrovic said to Spina before eyeing him suspiciously. "You have no authority here. Please leave."

He looks very familiar... I think I've seen him somewhere before. ...Wait, those scars, his missing arm, that angry face..! H-He can't be..! If he's here then that means..!

As the group started to come together, Petrovic's eyes widen because he knew exactly who they were. Even if they tried to be nice or helpful, it would not change the fact that they are still Breakers. He took a step back, sweat instantly forming on his forehead as the other officials behind him froze in fear. Petrovic bit his lip before whispering to his men behind him.

"Go and alert the Detective and Officer Holmes about this! Tell them that the Breakers are here to make a mess!" Petrovic ordered his men, a few of which ran back to Holmes and the Detective.

"Now, now, Spina. First impressions mean a lot in fixing your image. Being too direct will hinder your progress," Zenta said before turning back to Petrovic. "And rest assured we are not here to cause any mess for you and your investigation. We truly do wish to help."

"Y-Yeah, right! I heard all about you Breakers! You guys are nothing but trouble! Why should I believe you? You guys only know destruction."

While Petrovic tried to keep the Breakers at bay, a puff of smoke appeared by Berserk with Avalon inside of it. The ninja seemed relieved to have made it on time with the others. His moment of relief was short-lived when he saw how nervous Petrovic acted around the Breakers like Spina and Brachi. So it looks like they need some help after all... Sheesh, sounds like they have a worse rep than I imagined...

A few of the officials that were with Petrovic ran towards Holmes and Bage, nearly out of breath. They gasped for air as one of them pointed towards Petrovic.

"Officer Holmes, Detective Bage! We have trouble!" a lesser officer spoke. "The Breakers..! They're here!"

"Breakers?!" Holmes shouted. "What are they doing here?! They'll mess up our entire investigation! Ugh, looks like we have to handle these crooks before we can do anything nice around here, huh? We should see what they want..." Holmes sighed before turning to Bage, almost embarrassed about having the Breakers bother them. "We should check to see what they want. I just hope this doesn't turn... violent."

"You have my word, we do not mean any harm to you or your investigation. We only wish to aid you in the simplest manner possible." Zenta said as calmly as possible despite Petrovic's retaliation.

"You Breakers will just mess things up!" Petrovic argued. "We finally have a lead, we don't need you Breakers to get in the way. Go bother someone else!"

"Hey man, that's not cool." Avalon butted in. "We just wanna help find those kids. So what if they're the Breakers, they're still going out of their way to help you out. I don't think you should complain, especially when there are two missing kids." He shrugged. "I mean, I would accept any bit of help I can get if it means accomplishing the bigger goal here."

While Avalon and Petrovic talked, Holmes finally appeared beside his partner. He glared down at the Breakers, obviously not find of their actions in the past. Unlike his partner, he was more cool-headed and thought about his words very carefully before he spoke. As Petrovic was about to blurt something out to the Breakers, the calmer officer placed a hand between him and his partner before properly addressing himself.

"My name is Officer Holmes, what business do you have here? This is a private investigation, you have no reason being here." Holmes said in his slightly British tone. "We do not want any trouble, so I believe it is best that you leave."

"They said they want to help find the kids," Petrovic said in a loud whisper. "I don't buy it..."

"We have the finest Detective in the Agency to help us with this investigation. I'm afraid your help is not required..." Holmes said to the Breakers. 

"Aww, c'mon! We didn't come all this way to leave y'know!" Avalon said slightly out of character. "You guys are so focused on 'Breakers this!' and 'Breakers that!' that you guys are missing a huge opportunity to have the strongest folk in the land help you guys! They came out of their way to help, so if I were you, I'd take the extra pair of hands. Time is of the essence, right? Every second counts! Just saying."

Holmes and Petrovic paused upon Avalon's outburst before staring at each other for guidance, none of which the other had. They had no argument to really counter Avalon but it is their distrust and bad reputation of the Breakers that keeps them from opening up. They both turned to Detective Bage and appeared to be interested in his thoughts on the matter. 

"...What do you think Detective Bage? We're a bit understaffed, so some extra hands could be beneficial. That weird purple thing has a point... time is of the essence. Should we accept the extra help?" Holmes asked before quickly interrupted by Petrovic.

"Or risk this entire investigation due to their destructive nature? Need I remind you that they destroyed an entire city in just mere minutes?! The Blue Devil is with them! What good can come out of it?!"
As soon as Petrovic finished uttering the title "Blue Devil", a sudden bright blue beam of light glinted high in the sky above the visible treeline. The wind blasted outwards in every direction; leaves and branches toppling over as Gogeta suddenly shot down to the forest floor near the other Breakers and the gathered detectives.

His impact slightly caved the ground, but despite the small shockwave of wind erupting outward that would knock normal bystanders off their feet, Gogeta landed on the ground without completely caving the entire immediate area. He held a small frown as he rose to his feet, straightening himself out and whining a bit with his dual voice.

"Awww, you're too fast Bern. I guess I can't beat you yet."

The blue fire surrounding his body threatened to ignite the foilage surrounding him as Gogeta stood still in his transformed state, blinking once with wide eyes in staring at the detectives and the officers gathered.

"Who are these guys?"
Brachi narrowed her eyes at Spina, shaking her head at him before turning towards Holmes.

"Look, we sincerely want to help in finding these children and bring them home safe and sound to their families." The amalgamate then said to Petrovic.

"My friend Brachi is right," Jize then said, "I am not associated with these 'Breakers' as you call them, but I can at least vouch for my friends Brachi and Bara here who do want to help you out with this. I pledge my word that these two are not like the ones you seem to be more, shall we say, 'familiar' with in terms of what you may have witnessed or otherwise seen in the news. It would be quite unfair to judge an entire group based on the prime actions of one or more individuals now, would it?"
“Tsk…” Spina became irritated after Jize attempt to separate Brachi and Bara from the rest of the group by declaring them as the “only suitable ones”. He walked forward, shoving the Kaioshin and the others out of the way, including Avalon, out of the way to approach the officer. “She’s right. She’s not one of us. She some stranger that decided to tag along, along with this kid. I'll repeat myself...” 

Towering over the officers, Spina took comments that Zenta and Cross into consideration, and tried to come off less strong. Remembering what Berserk said earlier, the old Saiyan tried to smile. His eyes glow bright red, as shadow covered his face from the perspective of the officers with a sinister smile to complete it. Clearing his throat, Spina spoke. “I am the leader of the Breakers. We’re just here to offer… some assistance. Let us help. Please. Now.”

As he tried to talk in the politest way possible, his ears flickered upon hearing the name “Detective Agency”. “What… Detective Agency…?!” Before Gogeta’s arrival interrupted his thoughts.
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