The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says as a matter of fact "I a lich, I am physical unable to smile. Did you for get I'm all but bone."
Gogeta stifled a small chuckle, leaning forward a bit and propping up his left arm ontop of his knee. He rested his chin on his palm, his eyes turning back towards Bernkastel.

"You know, a part of me was taught ti cut when I was a kid. So I know how to be royal and proper; I just never really had a reason to be."

He then stared away towards the door as well, shrugging his shoulders.

"You already know what to do: just don't be mean. It's hard...but that's the only way. Just gotta practice it any other thing you learn."

Gogeta grinned, facing his head towards Bernkastel.

"Let's shake on it, not wifey! You promise to be nice to people, and I'll promise to stop breaking everything and be proper! Deal?"

He sat upright, extending out the arm that was propping up his head moments earlier towards Bernkastel.
"Not to mention leaving on empty stomachs. I can't leave the eggs unattended. But unlike your friend, I don't got time or patience to be a personal chef. You guys are old enough to feed yourselves and you seem to eat a lot," Berserk stated before placing a mini omelette on the table for Lucifer. "I'm only makin' all these eggs today so we can get to business. Here you go little man, since you're not gonna reach the stove. Don't pick out the vegetables."

As the toaster was running, Berserk raised her voice as an announcement. "Come out and get yer breakfast nerds, we gotta job to do!"

Oh right-- the one named Vegeta must have been of royal blood in many worlds. So it wasn't entirely coincidence that those who had him in their world was referred to as a prince, she thought with a half-smile of her own. Imagining Gogeta in high-class garb gave her brief amusement.

"A promise to be nice..." Well, she could get some practice in with the new additions-- as much as she had reason to dislike both of them. After thinking about it she gave a firm nod, clasped her small hand around Gogeta's and gave it a shake. "Very well, I'll hold you to that..." Bern trailed off briefly wondering what word to use. "Not-husband? Accurate, but it doesn't quite roll off the tongue. I like buddy more; it's growing on me."

At the sound of Berserk calling them to the kitchen, the small Witch scooted off her bed and straightened herself out in a mirror. "I think I feel much better now."

Turning back to Gogeta, she bowed her head down in gratitude. "Thanks. Now let's eat-- you must be hungry. What kind of job have we got in store, I wonder..." she said in curiosity before opening their door.
"Alright! That's the spirit! So it's settled, we're going to go help those kids!" Avalon said while he jumped enthusiastically in the air. "Right, the RNN said that the investigation is going to be by the forest area. I believe that is on the other side of the city but it should be a short fly for you guys. Besides, saving two kids should be super easy for you guys. It's like Berserk said, people tend to get mushy-mushy when kids are involved! I don't see how you guys can mess this up!"

"Very well, we should make haste. The sooner we find those children, the better things will begin to unfold." Zenta's soothing voice chimed in. "It is as Avalon says, good deeds never go unnoticed."

While Avalon cheered about the right thing to do to and 'prep' the Breakers how to handle the situation, Zenta casually made his way to Bernkastel's room in order to give her the news. He paused just outside their room, perking up his ears as he listened to Bernkastel and Gogeta's conversation. A warm smile formed on his lips while they both talked about changing themselves. A piece of him thought it was ironic that this conclusion came after Cuki's departure but better late than never. Either way, he was glad both of them made an effort, even if it was a difficult path to follow. Taking his chance, he pressed his back against the wall, allowing the duo to walk past him to the kitchen. Bowing his head and extending his arm to the kitchen, he seemed like a butler to Bernkastel, highly respecting the Witch in both strength and persona. However, he stifled a chuckle upon hearing her last sentence and couldn't help himself.

"A job in which we save children, my Lady. Perhaps you and your 'not-husband' will see this as a potential honeymoon?" Zenta laughed to himself as he shook his head. "I jest, I jest! I believe Miss Berserk is making some breakfast but you better eat before the other Saiyans do. You know their appetite, yes? Best hurry, I believe we will be departing soon."

As Avalon prepared himself to the challenge ahead, he peered over Berserk's shoulder to see what she was cooking then saw Luciufer's omelet. A snort escaped his nose as he lifted the baby's plate to examine it. He tried not to laugh but his tone made it obvious.

"You can't feed a baby this! He's gotta have nutrients and stuff! It's so tiny, how's he gonna grow up big and strong? He needs a super meal full of protein and other enzymes things." Avalon lifted his bright orange scroll and opened it. He laid it out on the table until a poof a smoke came out. From the smoke, Avalon pulled out a large, green raw leg of an unknown creature. He slammed it on the table in front of Baby Lucifer with a big grin on his face. "Now this is a meal! Eat that up little guy and you'll grow up to be as strong and smart as me."

Avalon took a bite straight off the leg of meat before slowly shoving it to Lucifer.

"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about," He said with his mouth full before eating Lucifer's tiny omelet. "I grew up raisin' my 18 brothers and one sister on Targog meat. This one has been fermenting for about a week so it's extra healthy. But anywho, you guys should finish eating these tiny snacks Berserk is making, they taste great!"
Cross thinks "Its more amusing that they think Lucifer is a baby."  Cross says "Avion that statement about how people recall good deeds borderline true do keep in mind till recently my origination had been cleaning up the mess caused by Ultraman and till a war criminals caused an over reaction was helping the people." Cross origination was helping people be it in the background.

Cross being undead dos not need to eat and simple chose to drink some more ice tea.
Gogeta kept his strong grin, springing up off the bed after shaking Bernkastel's hand.

"You bet!! I'm starving!"

The fusion happily followed after Bernkastel in exiting their room, grinning widely and quickly rushing into the kitchen past Bernkastel and Zenta. The man wasted little time in snagging up a large plate stacked unnaturally high with eggs from Beserk's cooked assortment, Gogeta beaming back at her in a brief moment.


Dashing back out into the living room with the others, Gogeta licked his lips loudly and dropped into a cross legged sitting position on the couch in the room with the other Breakers gathered. His hands shot up, and in direct contrast to the goals he set with Bernkastel not even twenty seconds ago, Gogeta scarfed down handfuls of the scrambled eggs into his mouth; his throat and jaw expanding unnaturally to accommodate the vast quantities of eggs entering into his stomach.

His eyes widened, blinking once before quickly remembering the promise, his head turning a bit towards Bernkastel. Gogeta swallowed audibly, straightening his posture up and deftly raising both hands to grip on the sides of his vest. With a pompous 'hmph', he shut his eyes and lifted his chin after straightening his vest.

Gogeta twirled his fingers, and within an instant, two sticks of pure yellow energy formed in his hands in the form of chopsticks. The fusion's strange demeanor continued; his chin raised and his eyes lightly shut as he gently and gracefully lifted very small chunks of scrambled eggs up with the chopsticks. He slipped them into his mouth, his lips sealing in an instant and his jaw lightly chewing the food with a closed mouth in silence. He kept himself upright in his poised, grandiose position as he ate the small bits of egg.
Using the cooking skills she inherited from Chi-Chi, Brachi proceeded to make her own breakfast in a flash, while also handing over a bowl of candy to Majin Bara, whom gave Brachi a hug in gratitude for that, something which amused Jize.

"She really likes you, doesn't she?" The Supreme Kai asked Brachi.

"Yeah, she looks up to me like I'm an older sister to her. For some reason I like that prospect; it gives me someone to look after if needed, yet she can carry her own in battle if needed." Brachi said, patting Bara's head.
“You’re quite full of yourself, huh?” Lucifer said. “But nevertheless, this does look delicious.” Lucifer said. “But I had my fill today. I’ll let her devour such delicacy instead.” He cringed when Avalon took a bite of the food. “Plus, I don’t like to eat food that had been touched by others. Quite disgusting, actually.”

“Tsk, I’ll pass. I’ll be outside when you all done stuffing your faces in.” Spina headed out outside, clearly disinterested in eating. He passed by the caretaker, seeing that she’s no longer looking at him. “Hey, why can’t this one come with us? She’s clearly got the talent.”

“She doesn’t fight unless it's very, very critical, so no go.” Lucifer said. “Besides, it seems that she’s invested on the television, and once she interested in something, she’ll constantly be focused on that.”

Spina turned to her once more, remembering that she took a blast point blank. “Whatever…” The old Saiyan said, heading outside and waiting for the others.
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"Wha-- hey! I didn't make that for YOU, snotmuncher!" Berserk fumed at the audacity for Avalon to eat the food she delicately made for Lucifer. "Babies don't even have the teeth to eat that! You must be crazy to think I'll eat whatever you take outta your weird toilet paper, it's friggin' GREEN! Since you took it out, you eat it!" She ordered, hands on her hips as her ribbons wriggled like snakes.

Bernkastel furrowed her eyebrows before stuttering at Zenta's commentary, clearly flustered at the fact he overheard their conversation. "You're taking things out of context! I-it's rude to eavesdrop you know." With a 'hmph' she straightened her back with her head raised, making her way to the kitchen table in a hushed stride.

"About time!" Berserk reached over the counter and placed the plate Cuki left for Bernkastel on the table with a tall glass of milk. "Here's this thing I found for you. Eat up before the guys eat the rest of the eggs."

When Bernkastel cringed at the strange meat laying on the table in front of Lucifer, she waved her arms as if to signal she would pass up the offer. The sound of noisy eating made her look over towards Gogeta, narrowing her eyes with a firm frown in silent scolding of his bad table manners; upon observing his next movements, Bern's expression lightened up considerably before she nodded in approval. "...Much better," she spoke in amusement.

Snagging an egg for herself before the rest would be subsequently devoured by Gogeta's voracious appetite, she stared questioningly at the milk placed by her plate.


"Um... I drink coffee." The witch replied.

"Huh! No wonder you're so short and scrawny, you look like you hardly eat!" Berserk gave Bernkastel's petite physique a surprised once-over. "If you want to hit hard, milk and veggies are pretty important, not just meat. Makes your bones strong-- besides, you have a kitty tail, so shouldn't cats like milk?"

".... Fine." Bernkastel pouted childishly before sipping it and making a mental note to reacquaint herself with the coffeemaker for next time. "You mentioned children?" She asked Zenta, lifting the cover on the plate Cuki left out for her.

Bern seemed taken aback that children were stuck in the same anomalous realm as they were. Never to leave, never to grow. Eternal youth... The idea of being a child forever would be a dream for some, but Bern only needed 100 years of that to conclude it wasn't all that was cracked up to be. This was one of few things that she could have sympathy for. Unfortunate little things.

"So what's the situation on them?"
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